rebirth of change

Chapter 2448 is my good friend

Chapter 2448 is my good friend

The first event of Chen Kangjie's campaign was arranged in Sacramento.

Sacramento is the capital of California. Its urban population is only 50 million, but the population of its entire metropolitan area exceeds 200 million. Coupled with its political location as the capital, it has special significance.

Choosing such a place with a strong political atmosphere to open the show for Chen Kangjie really deviates from the original intention.

But Chen Kangjie is here, can he still retreat?Anyway, in Chen Kangjie's memory, Schwarzenegger was elected governor.

The event location is specifically in the gymnasium of the University of California.

Schwarzenegger himself has a certain appeal, otherwise he would not dare to run for the election, but with the addition of Chen Kangjie, this event has become even more different.

The gymnasium of the University of California, which can accommodate 5000 people, is almost overcrowded. Not only the students and citizens are scrambling to come, but even the media are overcrowded.

In the crowd, Schwarzenegger first delivered a campaign speech, mainly to announce some of his political views, such as reducing the license tax, such as reducing the budget as much as possible, reducing the fiscal deficit, encouraging high-tech innovation, and continuing to attract high-quality Immigration and more.

After the speech, Schwarzenegger invited Chen Kangjie to the stage.

"Ladies and gentlemen, I know that many of you are not here for me today, so now I dedicate your expectations to you, long, he is my best friend, a man of extraordinary wisdom, I am very happy I thank him for taking time out of his busy schedule to come to my campaign site, next, please extend your hands, and let us welcome Long with warm applause."

Schwarzenegger said that many people are not coming for him, that is not modest, it is just a joke, which cannot be taken seriously.

As soon as Schwarzenegger's words fell, the enthusiastic applause from the audience almost toppled the roof of the gymnasium. Whether they were young or middle-aged, black or white, they were all applauding enthusiastically. The applause was indeed Even more violent than Schwarzenegger coming to power.

Before the event, Schwarzenegger's campaign team put up posters in Sacramento and the University of California. Not only did Schwarzenegger's muscular portraits appear on the posters, but they also quoted Chen Kangjie's surrender, using quotation marks Quoted a sentence: "You are my good friend."

This sentence seems to have nothing to do with politics, but if it really has nothing to do with it, those people wouldn't bother so much.

That sentence seemed to be said by Chen Kangjie to Schwarzenegger, so it was naturally endowed with another layer of meaning.

It is tantamount to telling the locals implicitly that since Schwarzenegger is my good friend, if you like me and support me, just vote for Schwarzenegger in your hands, especially for young people As far as he is concerned, his words are more appealing than many slogans.

Among Chen Kangjie's "lobster" organizations in the United States, the largest one is in California.This kind of non-governmental organization may have greater influence among young people than some political organizations.As long as the upper echelons of that organization understand what Chen Kangjie means, they will play their leading role in the organization.Today, Schwarzenegger just invited these people, some of them were originally students of the University of California.

"Ladies and gentlemen, hello everyone. It's a great pleasure to meet you at the University of California, Sacramento..." Chen Kangjie stood in the lecture hall, seeing the continuous applause, he could only extend his hands to greet everyone to be quiet down.

"I am very happy, very excited, and very excited to see your enthusiasm, thank you, thank you all..."

"I want to declare first that I am not here because of politics. I am a layman and know nothing about politics. I am here just because Schwarzenegger is my good friend, so I come to join in the fun. I am not the United States. Citizens, not to mention Republicans or Democrats, so I don't have any preference. Although I go to California every time I come to the United States, to be honest, I am still not familiar with California, and I have no way to understand Schwarzenegger's political views. Give comments and opinions... Dude, I'm sorry..." Chen Kangjie turned his head to face Schwarzenegger, pretending to be helpless.

And Schwarzenegger also touched his forehead very cooperatively, looking frustrated and inhumane.

Of course, this is all a form of humor, which is ubiquitous in American culture, even in very serious political situations.

Chen Kangjie and Schwarzenegger's cooperative performances caused bursts of laughter in an instant.

At the beginning, it was in his best interest for Chen Kangjie to show that he would not participate directly and not take sides.

In the United States, not everyone will like him, and no one can do it [-]%.By expressing his position in this way, at least some people's mouths were blocked, so as not to bear the reputation of affecting other countries' internal affairs.

Although it would seem reluctant to do the above, his presence in such campaign rallies is in itself a practical manifestation of taking sides, but it is better to have that kind of objectivity and non-participation attitude than nothing.

On the other hand, Chen Kangjie is also laying the groundwork for saving his own reputation.

Chen Kangjie knew that Schwarzenegger would be elected, and even re-elected, but in the later stage, his support continued to drop.After he stepped down as governor, the general evaluation of him was that he did nothing, did nothing, and did not substantially change the environment in California.

That's why Chen Kangjie said that he didn't understand California and would not express any opinion on Schwarzenegger's political views.I just don’t want to be dragged down by it in the future.

Of course, because of his own intervention, whether Schwarzenegger's political performance will be so bad is still unknown for the time being.Some things can be changed, and there are some things that even Chen Kangjie can't do anything about.

From another point of view, will Chen Kangjie's separation of relationships have no substantial promotion effect on Schwarzenegger?That is absolutely not.

In any case, Chen Kangjie said the sentence "You are my good friend" and appeared in the campaign rally in Sacramento in person, which has already formed a huge boost for Schwarzenegger and can definitely help him lift polls and boost support.

"...In the movies, Arnold always appears as a tough guy. He is kind, brave, persistent and strong. His character traits determine his commitment to you and me. , He will definitely fulfill it, I am convinced of this... The most attractive thing about the country and society of the United States is that everyone can have a fair chance to realize their American dream. I once gave Ah Nuo was joking, he didn’t speak out in the United States. If he was born in the United States, he might not be the governor of California, but the White House. This macho man who speaks out in Austria must have his own American dream. I believe he must will come true..."

"...More than 20 years ago, Reagan, as an actor, could live in the White House and lead a country. Today, Arnold seems to follow in his footsteps, stepping out of the movie and serving everyone here.. ...."

"... To be honest, I don't want him to come to Saac Carmento to work in the future. If he comes, then I will make a movie in the future. Maybe I will lose a partner who can cooperate, and we will lose Some opportunities to become happy and exciting, relatively speaking, I prefer Schwarzenegger in the movie, not the future governor..." Chen Kangjie made another joke, which attracted people including Si Everyone, including Wassinger, roared with laughter.

It seems that Chen Kangjie is regretting the talent, but in fact, he is implying that Schwarzenegger's chances of winning will be great.He is also telling his supporters at the same time, the people I value, don't you still think less of them?

After talking with Maria that day, Chen Kangjie recalled why Maria asked Schwarzenegger to invite him.

In most political elections around the world, the proportion of young people who stand up and vote is not high. Many young people think that queuing up to the polling station to vote is better than going to a party or going to a movie with a couple.

In a word, young people's participation in politics is relatively low.They are different from middle-aged people. They care about economic policies, taxes, deficits and prices, equal rights, the future of their homes, and so on.Young people only care about whether they can be happy at the moment.Moreover, the thinking of middle-aged people is relatively mature and stable, and it is not easy to change their attitudes and views.

Schwarzenegger's gap with his rivals in current polls ranges from [-] to [-] points.Even if the margin of error of three points is set aside, he still loses the situation.

But to increase your support and increase your chances of winning, you can only start from the perspective of young people.It is of course easier to attract young people than to attract young people to participate and change those middle-aged people's inherent ideas.

No one can match Chen Kangjie's appeal among young people.

Schwarzenegger is also a big Hollywood star, and it stands to reason that he should be able to.In fact, he has also won the support of some young people, but due to his age, he still has a certain psychological distance from some young people today.

What should we do at this time?It's time for Chen Kangjie to exert his influence.As long as Chen Kangjie stands up to support Schwarzenegger, Maria believes that it will definitely attract a large number of young people willing to stand up.They care about this election, and they can actually care about Chen Kangjie, or they will be brought into this environment by Chen Kangjie.

And Chen Kangjie said to Schwarzenegger, you are my good friend. Faced with such a sentence, does the young man still need to think carefully about who should be chosen for those policies?It's no longer necessary, Chen Kangjie used practical actions to help them make a choice.

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