rebirth of change

Chapter 2449 Encourage Chinese to participate in politics

Chapter 2449 Encourage Chinese to participate in politics

In addition to campaigning in Sacramento, Chen Kangjie also participated in a rally in San Francisco.

Since it has just been announced that shocking news about the entertainment industry will be launched in a certain period of time, no matter where Chen Kangjie goes, there will be a large number of reporters following him, and this is exactly what Schwarzenegger needs.

In election campaigns, the exposure of candidates is very important. Only with high exposure can they be easily remembered by voters.If it is the other way around, then your best policy is useless.

The media reporters followed, as long as Chen Kangjie appeared in the media, it would be the ratings or sales. As for what Chen Kangjie did, it became a little unimportant.Of course, it would be best if we could get some further news from him.

Since he was helping Schwarzenegger in his campaign, Chen Kangjie did not highlight himself too much, and he did not accept private interviews from any media reporters.

San Francisco is the second largest city in California, second only to Los Angeles, but the Los Angeles Bay Area, as one of the three major bay areas in the world, has a great influence.Silicon Valley is in this area, and it also has prestigious schools including Stanford University.

Schwarzenegger also had special considerations in choosing to invite Chen Kangjie to participate in the campaign in this region.This place not only has a lot of young people, but also has a lot of immigrants, such as Chinese, Japanese, Filipino, Latino, Korean, etc. The proportion of foreign population in this area is among the highest in the United States.The entire population of East Asians in this region should have several 10 people.

Although these people are immigrants, most of them are already citizens of the Republic of China and have the right to vote. If they can get this source of votes, it will be of great benefit to Schwarzenegger.

As an Asian, Chen Kangjie has special influence on East Asian descendants, Latinos, and even South Asian descendants.There are also young people. By participating in activities in San Francisco, if their influence covers and penetrates the San Francisco Bay Area, then Schwarzenegger's success will be almost half.Of course, all of this requires the role of the media. Chen Kangjie can only directly face a few thousand people at most, and there are 800 million people in the San Francisco Bay Area.

After participating in the campaign rally, Chen Kangjie was interviewed by a local Chinese TV station.

Why not accept interviews with English media? Logically speaking, wouldn't the influence of interviews with English media be much greater?

In fact, Chen Kangjie does not consider influence at all. What he has to do is to help increase the influence and cohesion of local Chinese and overseas Chinese, and at the same time strengthen their emotional connection with the country.If other media are interested, they will quote themselves.

These wanderers who are wandering outside, they are actually rich and fragile psychologically and culturally.What is strong is the kind of Chinese tradition and thinking in their bones. They will feel close to everything about China, and if they are vulnerable, that is of course when they face the locals, especially the whites.

At the beginning, the local Chinese-language media did not feel that their interview needs would be responded to. Compared with other TV stations or newspapers, the influence of this Chinese-language TV station was really limited.In the local area, there are not many people who can understand Chinese.

"Mr. Chen, thank you very much for accepting our interview invitation. We really did not expect you to accept it." Naturally, the person who interviewed Chen Kangjie was also a Chinese, so they did not use English.

The hostess, surnamed Cai, is in her thirties and is very beautiful and capable. She came to the United States to study abroad more than ten years ago, so she stayed after her master's degree.

"Hehe, Ms. Cai, what's unexpected about this? Many seemingly impossible things are actually opportunities as long as you do them." Chen Kangjie smiled gentlemanly.

"Yes, that sentence does make sense, just like you. Before, no one would believe that a Chinese could become the fastest person on earth, but you did. But I still want to know, what motivates You are willing to participate in the program of a small TV station like ours. In our impression, those big international media want to interview you, but they are not allowed to enter, what is the reason?"

"The reason is very simple. What you and I speak are words. We share a common mother tongue and cultural genes." Chen Kangjie said succinctly.

"Is it that simple?" Miss Cai asked in surprise.

"Of course, although you are already Americans and part of this country, in my opinion, we have the same culture and the same race, and we are still a family psychologically. Since we are a family, it is normal for us to visit each other. Even though you live in a foreign country, I believe that your hearts have not gone far. You are still concerned about the development of the motherland and every bit of it. We know that in addition to your role in promoting the friendship between China and the United States, You also care about me, and for that, I also want to express my gratitude.”

Chen Kangjie's words made the nose of Ms. Cai who interviewed him sour.

A person who has not lived overseas all the year round cannot experience that close feeling and psychology. In fact, the national sentiment in their bones is like a pile of gunpowder, which will burn with a little spark.

"This is what we should do. From the beginning of our establishment, in addition to uniting and uniting the local Chinese and disseminating diverse voices, we also hope to introduce some domestic situations to the people here, and introduce Chinese culture. Spread wider and wider. Since you emerged internationally, we have been very concerned about your care. Your appearance has actually improved the image of our Chinese, and enhanced our self-confidence and pride. Positive and positive. With your appearance, many people can proudly say that we are Chinese, and we are brothers and sisters with the same heart as you." Ms. Cai said emotionally.

"Although you say this, we have to look at it rationally. I alone cannot fundamentally improve the confidence and image of the Chinese. This requires a foundation, that is, the country of China becomes stronger and more prosperous. You are now living in the United States , but your root is still in that piece of land in the east. Only when that piece of land becomes a piece of fertile soil, and China becomes a first-class power in the world, can it be possible for Chinese people to fundamentally establish their own confidence and positive attitude in the world. To achieve this, none of our descendants of the Yellow Emperor needs to make active efforts. I hope that the local Chinese and overseas Chinese should pay more attention to the development and progress of the motherland when they are able and possible, and pay more attention to the development of the motherland. People from other countries and other ethnic groups come to Jie and promote our Chinese culture." Since Chen Kangjie is going to accept interviews with Chinese media, it is naturally impossible to be unprepared. dizzy.

Objectively speaking, the appearance of Chen Kangjie has a very strong leading and impact effect on the nation's external soft power and the spread of the Chinese spirit of Chinese culture. However, this can only exist if Chen Kangjie remains in this circle and often Based on excellent results.

When Chen Kangjie leaves the circle one day, his influence will gradually fade, and his position in the circle will be shared by others.

Only when a country or a nation truly stands up can that kind of influence be sustainable and eternal, and that kind of attraction and impact be unstoppable.

Chen Kangjie can only make others have a good impression and curiosity about Chinese people and Chinese culture, but it cannot change their fundamental attitude towards China.People will not think that China is rich, advanced, has human rights and so on just because of Chen Kangjie.In their eyes, China is still that underdeveloped and backward country, which can only be reduced subjectively.

"That is indeed the case. We also know that the progress of the motherland has been changing with each passing day these years. The economic growth is very fast, and the country is rising day by day. We know that you were interviewed by CBS some time ago. You said that you After a while, you will quit the showbiz. To be honest, we overseas Chinese are very reluctant and unwilling to believe the result. Do you have a clear plan for the future? Do you still have the possibility of changing your mind?" Miss Cai asked.

"I can't talk about a clear plan, but one thing is for sure, I can't stay in the showbiz forever. In every stage of our life, there are tasks and things to do at each stage. At this stage , to turn my talents into works and bring them to everyone. I think this is what I want to do at this stage, and what I like to do, but it may not be the case in the future. Now it is difficult for me to say when I will quit, after all I still have a lot of things to do. However, even if I leave the showbiz one day, it doesn’t mean that I will be cut off from everyone. There are some necessary activities, and I may still participate, such as the Olympic Games. If possible, I will not be absent." Chen Kangjie still left a certain amount of space in his answer, and did not answer all the questions to death.

"You came to help Mr. Schwarzenegger in the election this time. What do you think of American politics?"

"It's hard for me to answer this, because I don't know much about American politics. I accepted Schwarzenegger's invitation purely out of friendship to participate in some activities. The purpose is relatively pure. But there is one thing I do Suggestion to the local Chinese and overseas Chinese, can everyone actively participate in social services in the United States. Since you have already lived in this land, then I think you should make some corresponding contributions to this land, and at the same time It is also conducive to the unity of the Chinese and the maintenance of common interests. I do not suggest that Chinese and overseas Chinese only care about making money, and I do not want their thinking to continue to be conservative, whether it is for themselves, for this land, or for the nation they carry Culture and spirit should be actively integrated into all aspects of the local area..." Having said so much, in fact, it can be summed up in one sentence, Chen Kangjie is encouraging local Chinese people of insight to actively participate in politics.

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