rebirth of change

Chapter 2450 Views on the War on Terrorism

Chapter 2450 Views on the War on Terrorism

"I understand what you mean. We have actually been making appeals. However, we Chinese are introverted and conservative. These years have not had much effect. Only one compatriot has served the citizens in the city council." Ms. Cai said.

"I don't think this is our national character. In our history, the Chinese nation has never been conservative. We are inclusive. We not only tolerate it, but also actively go out. Many Chinese on the West Coast, their ancestors are more than 100 years old. They may have traveled across the ocean to come here before. I remember that at that time they actively established organizations to protect their own rights, and President Roosevelt once served as their legal adviser for ten years. Perhaps modern history has caused us I'm not confident, but I believe that the current environment is much better than it was at the end of the Qing Dynasty."

Chen Kangjie was talking about Zhigongtang. When Situ Meitang was the chief supervisor, they hired Roosevelt Jr. as their legal adviser.Later, when Roosevelt entered the White House, if Zhigongtang encountered any unfair treatment, Situ Meitang could call President Roosevelt to report. Under normal circumstances, Roosevelt would assist and help.

Later, this organization not only actively supported the Anti-Japanese War, but also had inextricable connections with a large number of early revolutionaries such as Sun Wen. After the founding of the People's Republic of China, Situ Meitang settled in the capital and was buried in Babaoshan after his death in 55 years.

"Some people say that we Chinese are very similar to Jews. To a certain extent, I think they are very similar. They are tenacious, good at management, and always follow their own national culture. However, there are many things we can learn from the Jews. Locality. In the United States, the proportion of Jews is actually not high, but their influence is everywhere, and we overseas Chinese need to learn and learn from this.” After a little hesitation, Chen Kangjie added.

Domestic politicians cannot say the above words, but Chen Kangjie needn’t be shy. He is a member of society and can say what he thinks of. If someone uses political thinking to interpret it, it may only attract criticism from many supporters.

What Chen Kangjie said shocked Ms. Cai a lot. She really didn't know that one of the greatest presidents of the United States actually worked for the Chinese.In addition, she was also lost in thought.

Over the years, as more and more Chinese have gone to the United States, the chances of the rights of the Chinese being damaged or discriminated against have also increased. However, every time the treatment can only be handled by the government or the media. Pay attention, otherwise, you can only ask for blessings.

However, if the Chinese form a united and powerful organization, they can come forward to put pressure on the government and help the victims.

The number of Chinese in the entire American population is not too high. However, once they form a joint force, they cannot be underestimated. Not only can they nominate candidates for congress, but they can also compete for key public offices, such as mayor.Even if there are none of these, it will make people who want to run for the Senate, the House of Representatives, the mayor, the governor, or even the president take a high look. In any case, they also mean hundreds of thousands of millions of votes. At critical moments, they can play a role The role of turning things around.

"To be honest, based on my observations in the United States for so many years, the turnout rate of Chinese people in every general election is not high. They seem to only care about their own affairs. Many people have lived in the United States for 20 years and have never voted once. "Miss Cai said.

"That's why I think it should be changed. People of insight should stand up and unite everyone. The right to vote and be elected is a citizen's right and obligation. Living in such a country, if you don't fulfill your obligations and don't maintain your own Rights, in my opinion, are not qualified." Chen Kangjie's tone was aggravated.

"Mr. Chen, let's talk about other things. It's only a little more than a year away from next year's Olympic Games. Are you preparing now? Are you still confident of winning the championship?"

"The real comprehensive training has not yet started. I usually only increase the amount of training on the eve of the competition. But I usually pay attention to exercise. As for whether I can win the championship, I can't say. I can say Yes, I will do my best, whether it is for the country or for myself." Chen Kangjie said a little conservatively.

Regardless of whether he will really win the championship, Chen Kangjie can't talk too much.The quality of humility must be maintained no matter what, it will only benefit him and not harm him.Could it be that if he can't say it, the result will change?Will others expect and judge him differently?I believe it will be difficult.

In the eyes of countless people, Chen Kangjie is already invincible.

"Speaking of this, I'm curious about one question. Some media in the United States once reported that you might not be able to participate in the Beijing Olympic Games in [-], even though you were not too old at that time. Their reasons Yes, you will definitely be the chief director of the opening ceremony, because in China, no one is more suitable for you, and other directors are far inferior to you in terms of ability and vision. However, the chief director of the opening ceremony has a very heavy workload , when the time comes, you won’t have time to get involved in other things. One is the chief director of the opening and closing ceremonies, and the other is fighting on your own country’s soil. If you had to choose, which one would you choose?”

"Those people just want to say that you can't have your cake and eat it too. However, their assumptions don't make sense. First of all, so far, no one has said that I will be the director of the opening and closing ceremonies, so which assumption The premise does not exist at all. On the other hand, there are many excellent directors in China, especially the young and middle-aged directors who emerged after the opening up. They also have vision and cultural depth, but Westerners don't know much about it. In the end, back to me, I never thought I was better than them. They always have a lot to learn and work hard for. It’s just that I’ve been lucky in recent years, and my reputation abroad is a little bigger than them. "Chen Kangjie went back and forth, which actually avoided the question of choosing one or the other. Chen Kangjie didn't clearly say what he would choose.

In fact, Chen Kangjie has been hearing the voice asking him to lead the opening and closing ceremonies, but he has not made up his mind whether to accept it.If Chen Kangjie is willing, then it is conceivable that the position really belongs to him.

For the [-] competition, Chen Kangjie must participate, but whether he needs to be the chief director at the same time is really a difficult choice.

"Then let's go back to the field of culture. We know that you are proficient in multiple languages. Can you tell us which languages ​​you are proficient in now? How did you learn and do it? Of course, Chinese and English are excluded, hehe. …”

"In addition to Chinese and English, I can also use Japanese, Korean, Russian, French, Arabic, Latin, Spanish, etc. to communicate and write to a certain extent..."

"Wow, you have mastered almost all the major languages ​​in the world. How did you do it? You are still so young. If you wanted, wouldn't you be able to learn all the languages ​​in the world?" Ms. Cai expressed amazement road.

"Haha, that's an exaggeration. It's absolutely impossible for me to have that ability, and it's unrealistic. There are thousands of languages ​​in the world. Even if I learn one language a month, it's absolutely impossible. What's more, who can learn it in a month?" A language? No one can do it. It will be very difficult to obtain learning materials for those languages. As for learning methods, everyone is different. Compared with others, I may just have a better memory." Chen Kangjie laughed.

There is no way for him to explain Chen Kangjie's learning method clearly. He can't tell people that he can completely remember the books he has read and the textbooks he has heard in one pass.In learning a language, besides flexibility, memory is very important.Just like learning English, it is difficult for some people to remember a thousand words a year, but if they can remember a thousand words a month, the concept will be completely different.

"Nowadays, many people are keen to continue their studies after graduating from university, but you, it has been more than a year since you graduated from your undergraduate degree. Are you still studying?"

"Of course, the competition in the future is the competition of knowledge and talents. I can't slack off, or I will fall behind. I studied economics as an undergraduate, but now I am studying law and political science..."

"It means that you are studying for a double master's degree? Is it at a domestic university? Or is it at the business university where you are studying as an undergraduate?"

"It should be a double master's degree. As for which school I am in and which scholars I study under, I really have to keep it a secret. Otherwise, it will be a problem for me, and it will also be a problem for my teacher."

"Since you don't tell me, even though I'm curious, I can't break through your privacy."

"Thank you for your understanding, thank you." Chen Kangjie nodded and smiled.

"Then let me ask you another question about international affairs. What do you think of the ongoing war on terrorism?" Ms. Cai didn't entangle Chen Kangjie on issues that Chen Kangjie didn't want to answer. It doesn't make sense.

"Wow, this question is really too international. For such a question, you should ask those experts on international issues or politicians."

"No way, who told you that you have anything to do with this war on terrorism? The source is the 911/[-] terrorist attack, and you personally witnessed and participated in the rescue operation of that tragedy. So you have the right to speak."

"This can be related, hehe... I don't care who is the righteous side in this war. What I care about is the result, who will win. At present, the balance in the province belongs to the US military. Fang’s side, but in the long run, it’s hard to predict, unless the U.S. military continues to recruit troops on the front line, and it depends on who can get the support of the whole world.”

Chen Kangjie's conservatism is actually encouraging the US military to continue to recruit troops on the front line.The longer the U.S. military is mired in the war on terror, the better it will be for China.

In addition, Chen Kangjie also vaguely pointed out that the US military is waging an unjust war.It is because of injustice that it is difficult for them to win the final victory.

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