rebirth of change

Chapter 2461 New York Concert

Chapter 2461 New York Concert

The implementation of the cooperation was not achieved overnight. After Chen Kangjie personally discussed the principles, Ouyang Zhenhua, Bob and Little Edward and John Whitney over there were responsible for the implementation of the rest. It took half a year. , funds, personnel and procedures were finally settled.

In order to complete this strategic cooperation, the federal government led by George Bush made great efforts. Chen Kangjie also asked Zhao Zhibang to accommodate him. In fact, there are many legal documents that need to be adjusted and replaced, and some even Go beyond the current regulatory framework.

Anyway, both parties have special influence in their own countries, so they have to deal with special matters, unlike other mergers and acquisitions, which are endlessly delayed.

In the autumn of 03, Chen Kangjie held a grand concert in New York. This concert was not only grand, but also very special.

It is special because this concert has a strong flavor of Chinese style. The musical instruments used by the accompaniment team are all classical traditional musical instruments, such as flute, Xiao, suona, guzheng, erhu, drum, gong and so on.

Although the instruments are traditional, the style it deduces is very modern, and the excitement of some parts is no less than that of a symphony orchestra, and even surpasses it.

This time is a bold attempt by Chen Kangjie. Of course, he also made common sense based on lessons learned and lessons learned.

And in the stage layout, it is also full of Chinese style, such as facial makeup, plum blossoms, Chinese knots, etc. suddenly everywhere.Among his supporting dancers, they are basically dressed in classical costumes, such as the powerful armored military uniform, the resolute and resolute martial arts costume, the elegant bachelor's costume, and even Chen Kangjie played an ancient emperor on stage.

When these things appear on the stage, they immediately give people a refreshing feeling.

In the West, exposure to Chinese culture is relatively limited, and Chen Kangjie almost presented important representatives of Chinese culture at once.

The most important thing is that Chen Kangjie did not follow suit in a rigid and general way. He knew that if that was the case, it would be difficult to be welcomed by young people.Still the same sentence, what belongs to the nation belongs to the world, Chen Kangjie disagrees with this statement.

The times are constantly advancing, and people's appreciation habits and judgmental thinking are also constantly changing.There are some classical things to keep, but some things have to keep pace with the times, otherwise, they can only be reduced to obsolete objects.

Some things in slave society or feudal society have the historical characteristics of that era, but they don't necessarily follow the pursuit of today's people.

Especially when performing in the city of New York, it is even more necessary to combine Chinese and Western styles.

If Chen Kangjie is simply doing sponsored charity performances to promote culture, that is another matter. The key is that Chen Kangjie is doing commercial performances. He must make the people at the scene feel wonderful, and let the 90.00% of those who failed to enter the venue feel wonderful. Nine is willing to spend money to buy, then it can be considered a success.

Practice is the only criterion for testing truth. If cultural promotion is not accepted and recognized, there is also a criterion, that is, whether others are willing to pay for it. If they are willing, it is a success. On the contrary, no matter how exquisite it is, it is futile because it has no effect.

For this concert, Chen Kangjie put in a lot of energy and time, and was as tired as a dog all day long.The exercises and rehearsals of those dance programs have been carried out countless times, and Su Jiaming has gradually changed from a dancer to the role of a dance director.

As for the adaptation of the song, Chen Kangjie and his team tried again and again.Chen Kangjie can have some tasks done for him, but as the protagonist, most of them still need to be done by himself.

Among all commercial performances, Chen Kangjie's concert is estimated to be the largest. He brought a team of more than 800 people from China to New York, and chartered three passenger planes and one cargo plane.Madison Square Garden was also booked for seven days, with the first five days being used for rehearsals.

Madison Square Garden (Madison Square Garden), often referred to as msg, was built in 1879. It is a famous stadium in New York, USA. It is located on the site of Pennsylvania Station. The venue is also the home of the nba New York Knicks and the National Hockey League (nhl) New York Rangers.Many well-known singers from the United States and other countries are proud to hold their personal concerts in Madison Square Garden, and the classic performances of many world superstars also take place here.

Chen Kangjie is not the first Chinese to hold a concert at Madison Square Garden. Before him, there are already two people, one is Luo Wen, and the other is the star of Chen Kangjie's latest movie, Song God Qizai.

But in terms of influence, of course, Chen Kangjie came the most shockingly this time. Since the announcement of his concert, the local media in New York and important media in the United States have paid attention to it. The "New York Times" and CNN even opened a column Come for publicity and Jie Shao.

Moreover, the ticket buying situation for this concert has also set a new record in history. In ten seconds, only ten seconds, all the tickets have been booked online, and the ticket price has been increased by 50.00%.

As the largest metropolis in the world, it has completely different potential and strength. Moreover, there is only one concert of Chen Kangjie in New York, or only one on the east coast of the United States. This will naturally attract countless people, almost It is equivalent to hundreds of thousands of people grabbing a ticket. Of course, no matter how high the price is, no matter how many tickets there are, it will not be able to withstand the crowd.

Due to the previous 9.11 terrorist attacks, and the fact that Chen Kangjie has reached a strategic cooperation with Skull and Bones, for the safety and smoothness of Chen Kangjie’s New York trip this time, both the New York City Police Department and the security departments of federal agencies have given high standards. treat.

I don't know which link caused the news to leak. When Chen Kangjie and his plane arrived at JFK International Airport, tens of thousands of fans flocked to the airport to greet him.

There were too many people, and the entrance and exit passages of the airport were blocked by people. Those sticky people not only displayed flags and banners, but even brought their own speakers, which made the whole scene chaotic. The airport guards alone were not enough response.

After Chen Kangjie heard the news on the plane, he hurriedly called George Bush. He worried that the local police did not pay enough attention to it. If he arrived in New York but was stuck at the airport, it would be troublesome.What's more, Chen Kangjie is not alone, but a large group of people.

Taking over the New York City Police Department not only dispatched a large number of police forces, but also the FBI and the National Guard also sent corresponding teams to help. Even so, Chen Kangjie and the others were delayed a lot of time under the tight guard We were able to leave from Kennedy Airport.

There is no way. After knowing that Chen Kangjie will leave the showbiz, many of his loyal fans became crazy. Perhaps for them, this is the only chance to meet their idols.

Facing the riot police, the young people were not only not afraid, but even tried to break through the police isolation belt.Everyone's demeanor is very passionate.

Sitting in the car, looking through the glass at the excited young faces, especially seeing them clashing with the police, Chen Kangjie couldn't be happier.From the point of view of conscience, these young people are his consumer goods. Of course, in the eyes of some people, Chen Kangjie will be their consumer goods in turn. However, one thing cannot be ignored, that is, from the beginning to the end, the initiative is in Chen Kangjie's hands. hand.

Under the protection of the police car, after the convoy drove away, those young people did not give up. Instead, they ran in two files and followed the vehicle. For the sight in their hearts, their persistence exceeded ordinary people's imagination.

The arrival of Chen Kangjie not only brought excitement to the city of New York, but also brought a lot of troubles. First of all, many flights were delayed at Kennedy Airport, and many people's itineraries were affected.The second is that near the hotel where Chen Kangjie stayed, the security guard has been strengthened, which has caused troubles for many locals.

However, most people would not think that it was Chen Kangjie's fault. Instead, they were very happy that Chen Kangjie could come to New York to perform.This point can be seen from the reporter's street interview footage. What's more, Chen Kangjie also specially apologized to those who were affected by him at the concert.

Later, Chen Kangjie learned that more than 300 people were arrested by the police at the airport. For this reason, Chen Kangjie specially entrusted a lawyer to release them on bail, and Chen Kangjie paid the bail on his behalf.This behavior of Chen Kangjie undoubtedly became the focus of the media again, and the media overwhelmingly praised Chen Kangjie's love and love for young people, which made his fans even more emotional.

Chen Kangjie's concert this time has an obvious purpose, which is to test the water temperature for the historical musical "Kaitiankaidi", which can also be said to build momentum for the launch of the musical "Kaitiankaidi".

Before the start of the concert, many people were worried about his adoption of so many Chinese cultural elements. Before that, no one had ever tried it in such a large-scale commercial performance. Even Chen Kangjie’s own team members had some doubts. .

They are not worried that the tickets will not be sold. It can be said that even if Chen Kangjie does not perform a single show, the tickets can still be sold. The key is how the response will be. This is an unknown.

However, it turns out that Chen Kangjie’s choice was right. From the time he appeared wearing the emperor’s costume from the Qin Dynasty to the end of the performance, within three hours, the entire Madison Square Garden was in a state of excitement, especially Chen Kangjie. In the end, he rode a steed and volleyed above the auditorium, dressed in an ancient general uniform, holding a long sword, and sang a song "Hero of the King" composed by him, which pushed the atmosphere of the audience to a climax.

People know that Chen Kangjie's team must have adopted special technical processing to achieve this, but they couldn't understand it for a while, they couldn't understand it, it was easy to do it alone, the key is that there is a horse, the difficulty is quite It's quite big, and at the end, Chen Kangjie can still gallop on the stage on this horse, which is even more jaw-dropping.

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