rebirth of change

Chapter 2462 "Larry King Live"

Chapter 2462 "Larry King Live"

Chen Kangjie's New York concert was an unprecedented success. On the second day, all the local media reported on his grand performance on important pages and time slots.

"Long Whirlwind", "The Charm of Chinese Culture Brought by Long", "Mysterious Cultural and Mysterious People", "A Stunning Performance Full of Oriental Charm", "The Return of Long", "The Unsolved Mystery of Long" , "Sleepless in New York", "A Show with a Style"...

All the media headlines are positive and praiseworthy at first glance. The media reporters used all kinds of gorgeous rhetoric to describe his performance, and finally made those fans who couldn't enter the venue feel itchy. I strongly appeal to Feiyang Entertainment to make this record available for sale as soon as possible.

In addition to helping Chen Kangjie with publicity, the media unanimously handed over the application for interviews to Feiyang Entertainment and Miramax.They all hope to visit Chen Kangjie while she still has time in the United States.

With this limelight, Chen Kangjie is able to accept interviews, that is sales and ratings, no matter whether it is possible or not, every media will not miss this opportunity.

Faced with so many interview applications, it was impossible for Chen Kangjie to agree to all of them, but he did not refuse them all. In the end, he chose to go to CNN's "Larry King Live".

Larry King is one of the most famous hosts in the United States, and "Larry King Live" hosted by him is also one of the highest-rated talk shows in the United States.

Chen Kangjie is willing to go to the news media for the purpose of promoting his upcoming historical musical.

However, due to CNN's ideological tendency, there were some unpleasant episodes in this interview, but such episodes actually made the ratings of this program hit a new high.

"Long, thank you very much and welcome you to "Larry King Live". First of all, I would like to congratulate you on the success of your performance in New York. Although I did not come to the scene, every friend who came to see me told me , it was a show of a lifetime.”

"Thank you. I didn't expect such a result. The audience's reaction was indeed beyond my expectations." Chen Kangjie sat across from Larry King and said steadily.

The presenter seems to be in good spirits, but he is actually 70 years old.

In the United States, excellent and popular hosts are basically not young, they have profound experience and life accumulation, and rich experience, which may become one of the important conditions for their popularity.In China, not to mention 70-year-old hosts, 50-year-old hosts are also very rare. Basically every TV station focuses on handsome men and beautiful women.

It's not that handsome men and beautiful women are bad, they look seductive, but if they are all the main force, they will appear shallow from the side.

As a media, especially a TV media with outstanding dissemination power, the breadth of vision and the depth of culture still need to be discussed. If it is just relying on some brilliant gimmicks, although the ratings can be increased for a while, its social value will definitely be affected. kind of confinement.

"Long, you are focusing on Chinese culture in this concert. Even if there are some English songs, you also use Chinese culture as the background. Why is this? Although we know that Chinese culture has a history of thousands of years, in our intuitive impression , Chinese culture is conservative and out of date." Larry King's words were soft but sharp.

"No, Mr. Larry King, you may not know much about Chinese culture, or have not had any in-depth contact with it. In fact, Chinese culture is not conservative. A truly conservative thing, its vitality cannot last for thousands of years Not fading, the world's four ancient civilizations, why only the Chinese civilization has continued uninterrupted to this day, this can already explain the problem. In addition, my performance this time is also an example, you don't think the audience will Most of them are Chinese, right? Most of them are Americans, or to expand the range of Westerners. They can tell you that this performance will be unforgettable for a lifetime, which is the best argument. I did not use Western instruments in this performance. , costumes and dances are also based on elements with Chinese characteristics. Of course, in order to adapt to young people and the aesthetics of Westerners, I have made some processing and changes, but the core still has Chinese cultural genes." Chen Kangjie is confident made a comprehensive response.

"Then do you want to use this method to promote Chinese culture, or promote your soft power?" Larry King's question sounds ordinary and not offensive, but if you think about it carefully, you will find that there are traps in it , especially the three words "soft power" mentioned.

Mentioning these three words deliberately made it seem like what Chen Kangjie did was an offensive act. Even if Chen Kangjie's purpose was that, he would not publicly admit it in the media like this.

"I don't know why you have such an understanding. Cultural exchange is the foundation and core of all exchanges in the world. I am Chinese, and the blood of Yan and Huang is flowing in my veins. I just use my innate cultural heritage The content is only shown to my fans and fans. From the past to the present, I absorb and promote Western culture, which can be felt from my movies, music, and books. On the other hand, I also want to let people who like me To know more about my living environment and the historical and cultural context I have inherited, I think this is a matter of course. I even think that I am promoting mutual understanding and understanding between Chinese and Western people. The harmony and peace of the world does not only exist in Among politicians, in fact, it exists in each of us. With such an identity, even if I promote Chinese culture, it is my due responsibility, just like I let many Eastern people know and understand Western culture. "Chen Kangjie's explanation or rebuttal was neither soft nor hard, justified and beneficial.

"Isn't culture part of soft power? Or the carrier of soft power? Long, don't you think so?" Larry King continued to ask with a smile.

"Yes, of course, but our focus is different, just like my ancestors invented gunpowder, we mainly used it in celebrations at that time, but after learning from the West, we used it in weapons, making it a mass murder We invented the compass just to allow us to find our way home, but the West used it as a skill of aggression. Strictly speaking, there is no distinction between strength and strength, strength is hard, economic strength, Political strength, military strength, and even cultural strength, none of these things have the same purpose to shrink oneself, but there are differences in the methods and thinking of using them. 2000 years ago, my ancestors developed silk The road is about fair trade, absorption and integration, but no matter whether Columbus discovered the New World or later opened the door to trade in China, there is no one time that is not full of killings and threats. Mr. Larry King, I suggest you learn more about And learn about Chinese culture and Chinese history, maybe you can look at the world from a different perspective and thinking." Chen Kangjie's rebuttal tone and attitude this time are much harder.

"If there is a chance, I will definitely, but I am already 70 years old. I am afraid that even if I am interested, I can only scratch the surface." Larry King said with a chuckle.

"Live and learn, don't you think that your time is running out? You can still sit here and work. If you have the heart, I believe it will be fine. Even if you only know a little bit, then It's better than not knowing anything, at least part of my spirit has been sublimated."

The words Chen Kangjie answered made Larry King very uncomfortable, and his face immediately became gloomy.

Because he was facing the media and being an old man, Chen Kangjie restrained a lot. If it was in private, Chen Kangjie's words might be even more unpleasant.

"Long, it is said that you are filming a musical about Chinese history and culture. Did you deliberately adopt this method in your concert in New York this time to pave the way for your musical and promote it?" Larry King held back Unhappy, I changed the subject and asked.

"Does my work still need to be paved and publicized?" Chen Kangjie's words are very domineering, "Since my debut, all my works have not been trashed. In fact, whether fans like it or not depends on the quality. You should know that I am a little different from other artists, that is, I rarely appear in interview programs, and I never participate in catwalks. This actually shows that I am a person who does not like or is not good at hype and publicity. Speaking of I believe that those who are interested in my musical works will soon be able to see the first "Creation of Heaven and Earth". This step is mainly about the origin of Chinese culture. I know that many people are interested in me, but let me be more direct. , they don’t know me very well, the reason is that they don’t understand Chinese culture. I do this mainly to open a window, a window for people who like me to understand me from a cultural perspective. My new work is not a commercial film Now, it’s a musical literary film, in the new work, you will see a completely different me, a completely different long, I hope to take you on a meaningful journey of Chinese culture, that’s it.”

Facing the eloquent Chen Kangjie, even the experienced Larry King felt a little hard to resist.

The biggest difference between the young man sitting in front of him and other politicians and celebrities he interviewed is that he is too confident, but he is also domineering and confident.

Moreover, there are not many points and topics for Chen Kangjie to attack. In the eyes of countless people, he is a perfect person, a person whose flaws are difficult to find.Facing such a person, neither soft nor hard will do. The host seems to have the initiative, but Chen Kangjie won't let him go.

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