rebirth of change

Chapter 2477 Give a Chance

Chapter 2477 Give a Chance

"Then what are you going to do to let me go? Or what are you going to do with me?" Jin Yingtong didn't take any chances, so she fought freely.

"Why did you think of persuading me to go to today's party? Why did you encourage Ye Wei to go too? This makes me a little confused. If you are asking for forgiveness, then playing those tricks is simply not acceptable. And that Gao Jie, why did you get involved with that kid?" Chen Kangjie didn't answer Jin Yingtong's question, but asked a series of questions instead.

To be honest, Chen Kangjie really didn't think about it or made up his mind how to treat Jin Yingtong.

It is impossible to say that it is not serious at all. For his opponents, especially those who may hurt him, Chen Kangjie will not let him go so easily, otherwise, he will not give up the person who is connected with Ye Wei. kill.

However, Chen Kangjie was not the kind of cruel and brutal person.Especially when Jin Yingtong and him were still acquainted, Chen Kangjie seemed to be unable to harden his heart and order Jin Yingtong to be executed without frowning.

A girl, a girl who has not caused any real harm to herself, and who is also a little innocent and beautiful girl, that determination is actually not easy to make.

Judging from Jin Yingtong's own description, she was passively forced by others. From this perspective, he is really innocent, and he was put on this boat.

"Think of a way to get you to attend today's party. In fact, I don't have any malicious intentions. Even if I encourage Ye Wei to participate, it's the same... In fact, I only have two purposes."

"What? And there are only two goals at once, hehehe." Chen Kangjie seemed very teasing.

"You don't have to laugh at me like this. I do have two purposes. One is to intuitively test what kind of person you are, and the other is to get closer to you. I hope you can see it in some In terms of friendship and face, let me go."

"Then you should now see what kind of person I am."

"Yes, you are hiding your secrets, but you are resolute and courageous at critical moments, so now I am sitting opposite you." Jin Yingtong said convincingly.

"What kind of training did you receive from them before? It's impossible for them to send you here without some training." Chen Kangjie asked.

"Yes, I have received some fighting, camouflage and psychological training, but the time is not long." Jin Yingtong nodded.

"It hasn't been long, but you have learned well, especially in disguise performances. Not only did you set up a campus organization drama club, but you almost fooled me. I want to let you go now, what are you going to do?" Do, go to the United States? Or go to the other side of the strait?"

"I haven't made up my mind yet...I probably won't go to the United States. I didn't serve them voluntarily..." Regarding his future, Jin Yingtong didn't know what to do. He didn't have a clear idea. sense of direction.

To be honest, the training that Jin Yingtong received should indeed be relatively limited. If she was a professional agent, she would not be able to come to Chen Kangjie to beg for mercy. She would either flee or continue to hide in another environment.It is very dangerous to run to the enemy to beg for mercy.

Moreover, a professional agent would not be so uncertain about his future, not even knowing where he was going in the future.

"I can let you go, but you have to agree to one condition." Chen Kangjie looked Jin Yingtong up and down and said.

Chen Kangjie's sizing eyes made Jin Yingtong a little uncomfortable, a little shy, a little excited, and even a little looking forward to it.

"Tell me, I will agree to any conditions." Jin Yingtong lowered her head shyly and said.

"Maybe you're thinking wrong, I'm not that kind of person..." Looking at Jin Yingtong's reaction, Chen Kangjie could sense that this girl might regard herself as a pervert who took advantage of others, "My condition is that you continue to stay In school, continue to complete your studies, and continue to be good friends with Ye Wei, but you are responsible for her safety, to ensure that she will not suffer any harm, this is considered... You should make up for it."

"Just such a condition?" Jin Yingtong obviously did not expect such a condition from Chen Kangjie, she was really surprised.

"Yes, but I'm putting my ugly words in front of me. After you get this opportunity, I hope you don't use your brains anymore. Your good luck can't happen often, and my compassion can't happen frequently. If you have I will not be merciful to other schemes or changes, even if you are a girl." Chen Kangjie warned beforehand.

"I know, you can't be as simple as a star you see on the surface, otherwise, cia won't get me here. I will know how to do it in the future, and I will be cautious." Jin Yingtong is not stupid, and there are problems his own sensitivity.

"Just know, you go back." Chen Kangjie sat there and waved his hand.

Jin Yingtong stood up, didn't say a word, just looked at Chen Kangjie with deep meaning, nodded and turned to leave.

As soon as Jin Yingtong left, Xiong Ziqiang, Tan Jun and Wang Wei came out of the shadows.

"Jie Shao, do you just let her go? This kind of person is very dangerous. After all, she has been trained by the CIA." Xiong Ziqiang asked cautiously.

"Forget it, she is at most a peripheral member of the CIA, and she is a member of the Chinese nation. If you can stay in the front line, you can stay in the front line. It is easy to be her, but so what? We are not cruel people." Chen Kangjie Sighed.

"Subjectively, he may not have much malice towards Young Master Jie, and he may even have some affection for him. Otherwise, she could have done it unexpectedly just now." Tan Jun interjected.

"She may have noticed that we are nearby, but if she really did something just now, she would be a corpse now." Wang Wei said.

"No matter what it is, since I promised him, I have to keep my word. As long as she doesn't have other distracting thoughts, I won't touch her. By the way, the only one who has anything to do with her is the dead one People?" Chen Kangjie asked, changing the subject.

"There should be another person, but that guy sensed something was wrong and slipped away early." Tan Jun said.

"Do you know who that person is?" Chen Kangjie asked.

"I'm not sure now. It may be someone from the consulate in China, who used his diplomatic identity as a cover, or it may be a staff member of a foreign-funded enterprise who came to invest. That guy should be professional, so it is not easy to be caught. Jie Shao, you Don't worry, we will definitely pay attention to any possibility, if he shows up again, we can definitely keep him." Xiong Ziqiang said.

"Well, I have to let them know that the country of China is not something they come and leave as soon as they say it. This land will be the grave of their people with ulterior motives. But don't be too deliberate. If that person slips away It is very likely that they will not appear again, after all, I have become a partner with George Bush and they have no reason to deal with me at this time." Chen Kangjie did not want the people around him to be in a panic.

Furthermore, Chen Kangjie's analysis is not without reason. If CIA is really under the control of Skull and Bones, then they will indeed not deal with Chen Kangjie now.The reason why Jin Yingtong and the others were arranged here in the past may have something to do with the KLD of the party and government. That old pervert had a violent conflict with Chen Kangjie, and he had every reason to be unfavorable to Chen Kangjie.

"Americans can't be trusted," Xiong Ziqiang said.

"Of course I know this, but Americans also care about their interests the most. They can't do things that don't benefit them. Okay, you guys go back to rest, and I'll go back to the dormitory too." Chen Kangjie stood up with his legs stretched.

When Jin Yingtong left, Chen Kangjie did not tell her to keep her identity a secret. This was Chen Kangjie's deliberate action.

If Jin Yingtong was smart enough, she would keep her mouth shut and rot in her stomach what she shouldn't say.Of course, that was also an assessment and observation of her. If she talked nonsense, then Chen Kangjie might adjust his attitude towards her.

For some things, leaving a little room for imagination is not a bad thing.

When Chen Kangjie returned to the dormitory, that boy Gao Jie was still awake, sitting on the sofa alone in a daze.

Hearing the sound of the door, Gao Jie hurriedly stood up from the sofa.

"Chen Wen, you're back. Didn't you guys leave a long time ago? Why are you coming back now? I thought something happened to you?"

"You are so kind? Will you care about me so much?" Chen Kangjie cast a deep glance at Gao Jie.

"Look at what you said, I'm not bad at all." Gao Jie scratched his head.

"But you are not a good bird, are you afraid that Leng Yong will find me? Or think that I was ambushed by someone halfway?" Chen Kangjie sat down on the sofa next to Gao Jie.

"I don't think he can ambush you halfway, but when it comes to him, I still have to remind you, that kid is very sinister, you have to be careful, you made him embarrassed like that today, and he lost all face. I will never let it go." Gao Jie sat down next to Chen Kangjie.

"This is understandable. Isn't it the same if it's you or me? But, you should be more careful, right? I don't have much leverage and opportunities for him, but you are different. Looking for He will make you sad first before I trouble you. Don’t forget, I’m not the only one who clashed with him today... Hey, the slap mark on your face has faded, if you don’t pay attention, it will be fast I can't see it anymore."

Which pot is Chen Kangjie not opening and which pot is being lifted? If he said this, can Gao Jie still hold on?I saw Gao Jie raised his hand to touch his slapped face, his expression changed a lot, anyway, he was a little embarrassed, and his gentle face became a little livid.

"If there is a chance, I will not let him go." Gao Jie said with gritted teeth.

"Then we have to wait for you to bear his revenge. I don't care. The soldiers come to cover up the water and the earth. At worst, I'll beat him up again." Chen Kangjie stood up and patted Gao Jie on the shoulder, "Go to bed early and rest well, Only when you are in good spirits can you face the storm."

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