Chapter 2478

Looking at Chen Kangjie's closed door, Gao Jie looked dumbfounded.

Gao Jie really didn't understand where Chen Kangjie got the confidence to face the imminent revenge of a governor's son, but lightly uttered wild words, at worst he would beat him up again.

This is really a strange person, an unpredictable person. Although he doesn't know where Chen Kangjie's confidence comes from, Gao Jie knows that he doesn't have that kind of confidence. Faced with Leng Yong's possible revenge, Gao Jie can only deal with it carefully .

Gao Jie may not know that Chen Kangjie has actually helped him a lot.Before leaving the party, Chen Kangjie deliberately picked the two of them to fight against each other, and they were dissatisfied and angry with him together, which was actually tantamount to helping Gao Jie share the pressure.At least Leng Yong would put most of his anger and complaints on Chen Kangjie, but he, Gao Jie, became a secondary character instead.

For a yamen like Leng Yong, Chen Kangjie certainly didn't look down on him. If he wanted to deal with Leng Yong, he could have ten ways to deal with him, and he could make him feel bored.

It's better for Leng Yong to be sensible, otherwise, he will definitely regret it very much.

Keeping Jin Yingtong, Chen Kangjie was also worried that Leng Yong would not find him, and he vented his anger on Ye Wei. With Jin Yingtong's assistance, Chen Kangjie was relatively relieved.

When the summer vacation came, Chen Kangjie got his two master's degrees, but Chen Kangjie did not graduate like Gao Jie and the others. He had to study for another year. For the Ph.D., both supervisors kept him for one year.

For the master's degree, Chen Kangjie completed two papers of more than [-] words, and both papers were published in first-class journals.

For Chen Kangjie's two papers, the two supervisors gave a high evaluation. They can see that Chen Kangjie did not cheat, plagiarize or find someone to write for him. They are all written by Chen Kangjie based on domestic and foreign cases and theoretical knowledge. .

In the next year, Chen Kangjie will do his best to complete the doctoral dissertations assigned by the two supervisors, and they each require two papers. One can be freely used by Chen Kangjie according to his own focus, but the other is designated.

For example, the direction Professor Liu Yeping gave Chen Kangjie was to ask Chen Kangjie to discuss the current situation and future direction of China's democratic politics.The former part is the summary, and the latter part is the forecast.

The summary content is relatively still to be done, but it is not easy to predict the future. It not only involves the current political reality, but also needs to see the future social environment and trends, and it must be organically combined with our national conditions.Forecasts that are divorced from the actual national conditions and political structure are all nonsense. This point cannot be copied from the Western democratic road, but some parts can be used for reference.

After hurriedly attending the awarding ceremony of the master's degree, Chen Kangjie hurried back to the training ground.

The 2004 Athens Olympic Games will begin on August [-]th.As a national treasure athlete, it is impossible for Chen Kangjie to be absent. This may be one of the few opportunities for him to win glory for the country.

After the two started school and before leaving for Athens, Chen Kangjie met Guan Mengyu.

Guan Mengyu no longer served as the principal of the Technology and Business University, but transferred to the province to serve as the deputy secretary of the provincial party committee, the deputy governor, and the acting governor.

From the president of the university to the deputy secretary of the provincial party committee and vice governor, this is definitely a breakthrough promotion.

Guan Mengyu got this position after a lot of fighting.

Ever since He Baoguo went to the central government to serve as the Minister of Health, the position of governor has been vacant. Many people want this position, but Zhao Zhibang has always held back and made no arrangements.

Later, Zhao Zhibang should have reached a tacit agreement with Tan Changguo, and this position fell to Guan Mengyu's head.

Of course, one thing must be said objectively, if Guan Mengyu was the president of another university, it would be difficult for him to take this step.Judging from past historical experience, usually university presidents are usually deputy positions in the party committee and government. The presidents of key famous universities will be permanent, and the rest are not necessarily.

And like Guan Mengyu, it is extremely rare to directly become the top leader of the government after only half a year of interim.

The reason why it is Guan Mengyu is not only because he is from Tan Changguo, but also because he is very close to He Baoguo, and has a very good relationship with Chen Kangjie. To a certain extent, he can also be regarded as Zhao Zhibang's person, but not That's all.

Before Guan Mengyu was transferred, someone mentioned it to Chen Kangjie, and Chen Kangjie showed positive support.

For other places, Chen Kangjie is not qualified to express his opinion, but for the parents and officials in his hometown, Chen Kangjie thinks that he should still express his opinion. If another person like Liu Hongjun is arranged to come to Qianzhou, it will be good for the development of the local area and the happiness of the people. Simply a sin.

After all these years of getting along with each other, Chen Kangjie knew Guan Mengyu quite well. He has certain ambitions, but he is still honest and behaves well.Every time there are some small problems in the audit of the funds of the Industrial and Commercial University, but Guan Mengyu has never reached out.If Guan Mengyu is willing, it will be easy to make hundreds of millions every year, and he can still do it without showing the mountains or leaking water.

After Guan Mengyu left, the person who came to replace him as the principal was Chen Kangjie's old acquaintance, Yao Zhe, secretary of the Jiebi Municipal Party Committee.

It stands to reason that Yao Zhe is not qualified to be the president of the university. His education is only a part-time graduate student, not a professor, nor a senior engineer. It is somewhat lacking for a position that should be held by a scholar, but it is not impossible.

We know that some principals in the United States do not necessarily have to be university students, as long as they know how to manage, there are special committees and special vice presidents for the real academic part.

Because of Chen Kangjie's relationship, the recent presidents of Gongshang University, especially Guan Mengyu and Yao Zhe, took a different route from other universities. However, the development of the school has not been affected, and it still maintains a momentum of prosperity. .

Academically, they may be a bit of a layman, but as far as administration is concerned, they can all be regarded as experts.Perhaps sometimes the layman's leadership will allow the people below to have better room to play.

In addition, the Gongshang University where Chen Kangjie studied and the Southern University he invested in and established have become brothers and partners. The Gongshang University has also established many committees like those in Southern University, especially for academic and scientific research. Respect the opinion of the committee below.

This route is a bit like the evolution of the school from the principal to the professor, and the students also play a big role in it.

Moreover, those in the know understand that Yao Zhe's tenure as the principal is a transition, a real transition. The longest term of his term is one and a half years, and the shortest may be one year.

There are two advantages of Yao Zhe being the principal. One is to escort Chen Kangjie in his last year, and the other is to raise the level.After Chen Kangjie finally graduated with a Ph.D., it was time for Yao Zhe to find another job.

Although Gongshang University is a public university, don’t forget that 90.00% of its full funding is from external donations. Therefore, the president of this place, Chen Kangjie, has the most important voice and the voice of the province. The opinion of the Ministry of Education becomes dispensable.

"Secretary Guan, I think you've become much more energetic after you left school." In Guan Mengyu's single building located in the dormitory area of ​​the Provincial Party Committee, Guan Mengyu and Chen Kangjie, who were wearing white shirts, were sitting in the yard drinking tea. Chen Kangjie joked.

"What's so high-spirited? It's the same wherever you work, and the positions are different, but they all serve the people. On the contrary, the current job makes me Alexander. To be honest, I am far more tired than the principal." Guan Mengyu said Modesty, but from his radiant smile, it can be seen that he is in pain and happiness.

"Of course, a headmaster, faculty and staff add up to only about 2 people. However, you are now responsible for the happiness and livelihood of tens of millions of people. Secretary Guan, you don't want to go back to being the headmaster, right? If that's the case, I'll welcome it with all my hands." Chen Kangjie teased.

"That's pretty good. I'm honored to serve teachers and students, and you. Speaking of which, I should wait for you to graduate before leaving. The same is true for the tasks given to me by the organization."

"Secretary Guan, if that's the case, this position will belong to someone else. It's rare to have a good position with one carrot and one hole. In fact, I understand your choice very well, so I strongly supported it at the beginning. To be honest, At your current age, if you don’t try again, maybe you can only enjoy a provincial and ministerial treatment to retire.”

"Hahaha, understand Long Live, understand Long Live, you can understand, and I feel more at ease and at ease in my heart." Guan Mengyu smiled happily.

Guan Mengyu knew that his acting governor would not be easy to do. If he didn't get Chen Kangjie's strong support, he would be unable to move forward.The Chen family and the He family have been operating in Qianzhou for so long, even if He Baoguo and Chen Qigang were transferred outside, their influence is still huge.

In addition, those highly influential large enterprises are also inextricably linked with them, which is definitely a force to rely on for a provincial government leader whose goal is to develop the economy.

And Chen Kangjie's attitude can represent He Baoguo and Chen Qigang to a certain extent. With Chen Kangjie's support, not only will there be no suspense for him, the acting governor, to remove the word "generation", but his governance effect will become much easier.

"Secretary Guan, what you said is a bit serious. You are my parent officer and once my teacher. I don't understand you. Who do I understand? If I don't support you, who do I support? I believe that under your leadership , our inland province can definitely continue to maintain the momentum of rapid development, and more people can get rich faster." Chen Kangjie's words sound like a kind of politeness from acquaintances, but in fact, it contains Chen Kangjie's sustenance .

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