rebirth of change

Chapter 2489 Interference

Chapter 2489 Interference

Others may wait for a long time, but for Chen Kangjie, he feels that the time for practicing is very short. After entering the meditation state, there is no significant difference between two hours and ten minutes.

When Chen Kangjie wiped off the sweat from his head and walked out of the room, Niu Qihua and the others immediately felt that Chen Kangjie was radiant and full of energy.

Niu Qihua and the others didn't know how Chen Kangjie rested and recovered. They only knew that Chen Kangjie's condition seemed to be a good thing.

The men's 100-meter trapeze competition is one of the most attractive and appealing events in the Olympic Games. It has attracted a lot of attention, especially with Chen Kangjie's blessing, it will become the center of the center.

The trapeze battle coming later today has attracted the attention of the whole world.Of the thousands of journalists covering the Olympics, probably most of them turned their attention to track and field.

"long, long, long..."

"Must win, must win, must win..."

When Chen Kangjie came to the starting point of the game surrounded by Niu Qihua and the others, the stadium full of more than 7 people was boiling.Seeing everyone's jumping and cheering, Chen Kangjie was really worried that the stands of the stadium would collapse.Not only because of their beating, but also because of the sonic vibrations produced by that deafening sound.

I have to say that Chen Kangjie's worries are a bit superfluous. As the main stadium of the Olympic Games, its quality requirements are naturally strict and strict. If it collapses like this, it would be too slippery.

"Jie Shao, it feels like this is your home court, and everyone else has become a foil." Niu Qihua said to Chen Kangjie with a smile.

Niu Qihua enjoys such a warm atmosphere more than Chen Kangjie. The cheers and encouragement of the audience are also a source of motivation for athletes, which should not be underestimated.

Home field advantage, home field advantage, these four words are not just talking about it for nothing.No matter what kind of game it is, playing at home is indeed more advantageous, there is no doubt about it.

Although this is Athens, the enthusiasm of the audience is as if putting this stadium in China.Almost all the audience were cheering for Chen Kangjie, which showed that they hoped that Chen Kangjie would win.This includes many of their compatriots from the United States who should cheer for Gatlin and Green.

"The higher the expectation, the greater the pressure on me. It seems that I can't do well if I don't want to run well." Chen Kangjie said with a light smile and relaxed.

"Jie Shao, you will be under pressure? I don't believe it." Niu Qihua said.

In fact, Niu Qihua didn't doubt Chen Kangjie, on the contrary, he was counterattacking Chen Kangjie.In other words, he hoped that Chen Kangjie could give the answer he needed.

"Hehe, why don't I feel pressured, Mr. Niu, you trust me too much."

Although Chen Kangjie didn't say what Niu Qihua needed, Chen Kangjie's laughter had already achieved what he needed.Chen Kangjie can laugh, and laugh so easily, that already explains everything.

Chen Kangjie and the others were indeed comfortable and relaxed, but that was not the case with other competitors.

The audience's cheers and cheers for Chen Kangjie were equivalent to booing them.They are regarded as dispensable air, no matter who they put on, they will not feel comfortable.

It is equivalent to encouraging Chen Kangjie, which has become a blow to them, which shows that the world is only optimistic about Chen Kangjie, which has a negative effect on boosting their morale and confidence.

It seems that the ending has been determined by the audience before the official match.

After a simple warm-up, all the finalists squatted down to get used to the starting blocks and find the best posture.

An interesting point is that Chen Kangjie was arranged in the middle four lanes, while Gatlin and Green were arranged on both sides of him, ranking third and fifth lanes respectively.

"Long, do you feel more confident and feel that victory is within your grasp?" Gatlin asked Chen Kangjie with a sideways glance as he squatted down to adapt to the starting block.

"Don't you hope that I can try my best to compete with you? Now you have the opportunity. I thought you would not make it to the final." Chen Kangjie did not answer Gatlin's words directly, but changed a way of fighting back.

"You... don't be too happy too early, the greater the hope, the greater the disappointment, don't you understand this truth?" Gatlin gritted his teeth and said in a low voice.

"I really don't understand, but you can understand, which is a good thing. By the way, don't be so impetuous before the game, it will affect your normal performance. As a professional athlete, is this Don’t you understand the truth?” Chen Kangjie’s words sounded well-intentioned, but in fact they were very hurtful, which was tantamount to mocking Gatlin’s lack of professionalism and conspicuousness.

After finishing speaking, Chen Kangjie stopped talking to Gatlin. At this time, the camera came to take a close-up shot, and Chen Kangjie showed a charming smile at the camera.

The cameraman didn't really notice his smile, but the thousands of girls in front of the TV were already full of joy.In a year, they don't have many chances to see Chen Kangjie, but every Olympic Games, they can appreciate him in all directions.

"Everyone on their places..." Following the referee's order, Chen Kangjie and the others became fully focused and focused.

The three referees did a check behind them and stepped back after not finding any violations.

At this moment, the track and field field, which should have been full of people, was so quiet that it didn't look like a grand international event was being held. People held their breaths and waited for the critical moment to come.The only thing that made people feel that this was a big gathering attended by tens of thousands of people was that countless camera flashes were like stars in the sky, shining in the direction of Chen Kangjie non-stop.


With a gunshot, all the athletes, like sharp arrows from their bows, galloped towards the line 100 meters ahead.

As all the athletes stepped off the run-ups and took the first step, the entire main stadium became boiling again, and the atmosphere was much more enthusiastic than when Chen Kangjie entered the field.

"long, long, long..."

At this moment, no matter which country they come from, no matter what language they speak, what everyone shouts is unified on this simple name.

And everyone seemed to become hysterical. It seemed that the louder they shouted, the more motivated Chen Kangjie was and the faster he ran.

Chen Kangjie grasped the starting timing quite well. It can be said that his body started at the same time as the gunshot.

From the start, Chen Kangjie was in the leading position, and Gatlin and Green were almost half a body behind him.

From such an opening, it can be basically judged that it is almost impossible for others to surpass Chen Kangjie, because his explosive power is beyond imagination.

In the past games, some people took the lead at the beginning, but they couldn't make it to the end. It was because the explosive power was not sustainable enough, and they were given the lead.

However, Chen Kangjie's explosive power and endurance are recognized. In all competitions, he has never been surpassed by others. On the contrary, he often overtakes others by a large margin.

So in such a situation, all that remains is to see what kind of results he will create.

At this moment, Chen Kangjie seemed to be totally deaf to the shouts and applause from the outside world, and his whole heart was rushing towards the finish line.From the corner of his eye, Chen Kangjie didn't see a competitor who could surpass him, but he didn't relax. This kind of fierce competition cannot tolerate any suddenness, and those who can reach the finals are not just for nothing.

Words can be spoken easily, but Chen Kangjie cannot underestimate the enemy.

In just over four seconds, Chen Kangjie had already passed halfway. Everyone felt that he was in sight of victory, even Chen Kangjie thought so.

However, at this moment, Chen Kangjie suddenly felt something hit his back.Although this blow didn't make Chen Kangjie feel much pain, but in the tense game, Chen Kangjie was still affected by the sudden blow, his movements were stagnant, and his steps became chaotic.

In such a high-level competition, any slight impact may lead to irreversible consequences.

Just when Chen Kangjie felt that he was in confusion, Green on the right caught up and maintained a level with Chen Kangjie.

Chen Kangjie no longer has the time and thought to find out why his back is in such a state. The only thing he can do now is to quickly adjust himself and not let Green overtake him.

If Chen Kangjie felt relatively relaxed in the first half, then he felt strenuous in the second half.

The most important thing is that the time of the [-]-meter battle is extremely short, and the winner or loser can be decided within ten seconds.

However, it is not so difficult to adjust the chaos that occurs in the middle of the game within 30 seconds without slowing down.Therefore, although Chen Kangjie didn't stop, he felt strenuous, just like a martial arts practitioner who had a split breath. He obviously had a lot of strength in his body, but he couldn't use it, or the strength he used was discounted.

Persevere, persevere, no matter what, you must persevere, and you can't be completely overtaken by others. This is the only belief in Chen Kangjie's heart.

The audience felt as anxious as Chen Kangjie when Chen Kangjie was overtaken by Green. Most of them had already stood up and clasped their hands tightly. The shouts that were still elated just now dropped by more than half.

The end is getting closer, getting closer.And Chen Kangjie hadn't thrown Green away, the two of them were on the same line in terms of their personalities, and they were evenly matched.

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