rebirth of change

Chapter 2490 Strange crossing the line

Chapter 2490 Strange crossing the line

"Hurry up, it's a little bit." Niu Qihua on the sidelines jumped up nervously and shouted.

In fact, it is useless for others to shout at this time, not to mention whether Chen Kangjie can hear him, even if he can hear him, he is already in a hurry, so what can other people do?

Chen Kangjie didn't dare to relax, and Green was also trying his best. Seeing that victory was in sight, he also had to make one last fight.

Seeing that there was only ten meters away in the end, Chen Kangjie wanted to breathe a sigh of relief and rush over the last ten meters, just like a driver stepping on the accelerator at the last critical moment.

However, Chen Kangjie felt that his body seemed to be a little weak, and he couldn't raise his energy.In the past, Chen Kangjie used to lift up and sprint, it was like stimulating the energy bar in his body.But now because of interference and impatience, I can't use my strength.

On the other hand, Green was fighting more and more courageously. He knew very well that this might be his only chance to defeat Chen Kangjie. If he missed it, he would never have such a once-in-a-lifetime chance in this life.Therefore, Green's confidence doubled, and the more he fought, the more courageous he became.

Five meters, four meters... The finish line is already one step away. Chen Kangjie tried his best, but he didn't take advantage of Green's side. They were still on a parallel straight line. Not a single point was lost, and no one won a single cent.

If things go on like this, the only thing left to do is to wait until the line is crossed to see how the precision timing instruments will calculate and measure.

But Chen Kangjie was not reconciled, he could not let the balance of victory depend on physical machines.If it hadn't been for the interference just now, Chen Kangjie at this time would have no problem passing Green by at least two meters.

In the stands, countless people were worried. In front of the TV, countless people were too nervous to breathe. Some people even raised their hands.

"Honey, come on, come on, it's the last moment." Lin Ling hugged her pretty face with both hands, standing on the stand trembling.

"Son, you can do it, you can do it..." Chen Qigang, who is usually busy with work, took time out to sit in front of the TV and watch Chen Kangjie's game this day.

Chen Qigang used to only like watching basketball in sports competitions, but since Chen Kangjie entered the Olympic Games to disrupt the situation, he has also become interested in track and field.Even so, he seldom watched track and field competitions, but he would not miss Chen Kangjie's participation.Even if he can't watch the live broadcast due to important work, he will definitely watch the video playback afterwards.

It's just that when I watched the video, I already knew the result through the news media, so the degree of excitement and tension was almost gone.

"Shut up, of course my son can do it." Ma Fangqin on the other side became angry and dissatisfied with Chen Qigang's words because of nervousness.

No matter what the reason was, they all cared and loved Chen Kangjie, and they all hoped that Chen Kangjie could win.

Although Chen Kangjie said that winning is not the only goal, but at this moment in the game, winning is really the only goal.The higher, faster and stronger pursuit of the Olympic Games is reflected in this moment.

At this moment, Fan Xuexi and Deng Min were also embracing on the sofa in an apartment in Mingzhu, watching Chen Kangjie's game.

"Did he have someone else outside? He's broken his desire. Why do I feel that he has become weak today, as if he just got out of bed." Fan Xuexi stared at the TV screen worriedly and said jealously.

"No way? Maybe it's because he only participated in two games. In such an important event, where did he cheat, and we didn't follow?" Deng Min said suspiciously.

"It's because we didn't follow that he may have cheated. In terms of frequent competitions, can he compare with the one in the Sydney Olympics this time? In that many competitions, he was brave from the beginning to the end. Look at that black man, he almost goes hand in hand with him." Fan Xuexi said.

"I don't quite believe that Chen Kangjie won't be so ignorant." Deng Min shook his head and said.

"Don't you believe that he has other women besides the two of us? Don't you forget, who is your lover? He can charm thousands of girls all over the world, and It's at the age of youth, just think about it."

"..." Deng Min was silent, no matter what she thought of Chen Kangjie, what Fan Xuexi said above, she had to admit that it was true and undeniable.

"Then what can we do? Did you dump him?" After a while, Deng Min replied leisurely.

"..." This time it was Fan Xuexi's turn to be silent.

Yes, so what can I do?Really dump him, leave him, give him to someone else?

Fan Xuexi knew very well that if they didn't want it, countless people would thank them, and countless girls would line up and swarm to grab it.

Knowing that Chen Kangjie is a long from the very beginning, they should know that being with Chen Kangjie is different from talking about a normal love with other people. They have to bear the pressure of many other girls without pressure.

In the eyes of many people, it would be such a happy thing to be Chen Kangjie's girlfriend, and many people would even pay any price for it.However, only when it really happens, will you find that the real situation is very different from the previous imagination.

Of course, having a boyfriend like Chen Kangjie is indeed something to be proud of. He is not without a romantic side at all, and he is not the kind of person who likes to play with girls. He has his character and persist in.

It can be said that even after such a long time, even if she knew that being with Chen Kangjie would not be easy, she still couldn't make Fan Xuexi give up.Chen Kangjie has his own unique charm, every time he is alone with him, he will feel that he really only loves himself.

Regarding the future love life, it can be said that neither Fan Xuexi, Deng Min nor Chen Kangjie has a very clear plan and goal, that is to say, they have not yet figured out how to face this relationship that cannot be let go.

Closer to home, let's go back to the exciting and exciting game.

Seeing that the whole journey was coming to an end, when he was about to cross the line at the end, only two meters away from the finish line, Chen Kangjie gritted his teeth and made a bold move.

If you want to be undefeated, conventional methods seem to be useless. The key is that there is no time and distance for Chen Kangjie to adjust. If there is still 500 meters in the game, even if it is 200 meters, Chen Kangjie does not need to take risks. The adaptation of the body is reversed.

However, there is no such time and opportunity anymore, and the final journey will come in a blink of an eye.There are not many ways and measures left for him.

His move has never been played by anyone, including himself.Whether it is successful or not, I don't know, and the reality does not allow Chen Kangjie to make relevant evaluations.

At this critical moment, as long as thoughts flash through your mind, you must make decisive decisions and take substantive actions.

Therefore, the audience at the scene and the audience in front of the TV will immediately see a strange scene.

That is to say, for the final crossing line, Chen Kangjie did not run over, but flew over.

The reason why I say this is because after Chen Kangjie had that adventurous idea flashed through his mind, the last two and a half parts, or three steps, were reduced to one step by Chen Kangjie.

How can one step pass?The real situation is that Chen Kangjie used his own long jump technique. In his last step, the force of his foot was very heavy. After the bounce of that step, Chen Kangjie made a movement of retracting his foot, so that his whole body moved towards the finish line. Fly outside.

Seeing Chen Kangjie flying up, Green, who was swinging desperately, was obviously taken aback for a moment.

Damn, can you still play like this?This is running, not long jump, okay? Do you think you can run faster than me by flying?

In fact, the speed of flying is really not completely faster than the speed of running. Just like it takes a few seconds for a person to jump from a 9-story building, it is still in a state of free fall.And the parallel self-flying cannot be compared with it yet.In the trapeze battle, you can finish the line in just over [-] seconds.

It can be said directly that if an ordinary person runs and flies out, the speed will basically not be as fast as Green's sprint.

However, Green forgot one thing. Chen Kangjie is not an ordinary person. His jump happened at full speed. The last kick he kicked on the ground was obviously aggravated intentionally. Therefore, the role of rebound The speed at which the force shot him out was also very fast.

Ever since, people have seen an extremely peculiar duel method, one is to cross the line by flying, and the other is to cross the line by taking two extra steps.

No matter which way it is, it will end within one tenth of a second.

" god...what's going god...." at the moment of crossing the line, whether it's live or In front of the TV audience, different people exclaimed in different ways.

All in all, none of them expected that Chen Kangjie would cross the line in this way, including Chen Kangjie's coach Niu Qihua and the others.

I have never trained this way of sprinting and crossing the line during normal training, how could I think of it.When Tang Wei usually trained Chen Kangjie in the long jump, although he was involved, it was a long jump competition, and he landed in a bunker, not on a hard floor.

This way, let alone the effect, the proportion and degree of the injury, I don't know how many times higher than the triple jump, ten times, twenty times, fifty times, it is possible.

For the long-distance viewers, what they saw was that Chen Kangjie and Green crossed the line together, and Chen Kangjie's movements even looked a little awkward, because after he landed, he felt like he fell to the ground, after his buttocks and legs landed on the ground , sliding out of the zone for a distance before stopping.

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