Chapter 2491

Even for people who are close, it is difficult to see who is winning and who is losing with the naked eye.The speed was really too fast, and a group of people crossed the line one after another. At this time, the result could only rely on precision machinery.

However, this process is very interrupted, because the timer is originally recorded in real time, and the slow-motion review of the game process will be carried out immediately.

"Long, how are you? It doesn't matter, right?" Just when Chen Kangjie felt his ass was burning, a mixed voice of English and Portuguese sounded in his ears.

Chen Kangjie is not very good at Portuguese, but he has already dabbled in it, and there is no major problem in simple communication.

Chen Kangjie looked up, and Obikevilu stretched out his hand of friendship to him, intending to pull Chen Kangjie up from the ground.

"Thank you, it's okay." Chen Kangjie smiled slightly and stretched out his right hand.

Under the guidance of Obikvelu, Chen Kangjie got up from the ground.

Because of such a normal action, Obikvilu not only made him have a great reputation in his country, but also won the favor and closeness of countless people in Europe.

Many people would think that Obikevilu's kindness towards Chen Kangjie is actually tantamount to being friendly to them. Even for the kind of people who can insult themselves but not insult Chen Kangjie, Obikviru will make people like.After all, when Chen Kangjie fell to the ground, it made people feel distressed, and he was the first person to reach out, so the meaning was naturally different.

"It's beyond my imagination. I really didn't expect you to cross the finish line in such a way that I've never seen before. It's incredible." Obikvilu patted Chen Kangjie on the shoulder and said with emotion.

"I don't want to either. I was forced to do it as a last resort. Isn't this against the rules? Ha ha."

"As far as I know... it should be possible. Anyway, as far as I know, there is no such setting in the rules." Obikvilu shrugged.

"That's good. If it is not allowed, my fall will be in vain."

Chen Kangjie asked this question, making him look like a professional athlete.Correspondingly, Obikviru did not notice Chen Kangjie's language problems. It stands to reason that a person who has participated in many Olympic competitions and won the championship should be very, very familiar with the rules, but he asked Obikveru Such a simple question.

"Long, what's wrong with you today? It's not like your previous strength and style. I feel that you were very good in the first half, but you were a little weak in the second half. What's wrong?" Obikviru was concerned. asked.

Although Obick Veru started with Chen Kangjie, but in such a fierce race, everyone only pays attention to themselves, and there is no extra thought to pay attention to other people. Therefore, Obik Veru who is behind Chen Kangjie Nothing was observed either.

At this moment, the entire main stadium was boiling, and this boiling was the kind of anger mixed with surprise.

Chen Kangjie and Obikviru noticed that people were looking up at the big screen in the stadium, and they also looked up in doubt.

Seeing this, Chen Kangjie finally understood why he felt a knock on his back when he was halfway through, which caused him to be severely disturbed.

In the slow motion playback, it turned out that it could be clearly seen that at that moment, Chen Kangjie was punched by Gatlin's raised arm.

What was even more unacceptable was that the punch seemed intentional.Because it is impossible for a professional athlete's swing arm to be that wide or high, and even though the tracks of the two are next to each other, it is still not to the extent that they will collide with each other, and there is a distance between them.

Intuitively speaking, there is only one explanation, that is, Gatling intentionally disturbed Chen Kangjie, so he punched his younger generation.

Of course, Chen Kangjie was affected by this punch, and Gatlin was also affected. Therefore, when he finally crossed the line, Gatlin, who wanted to win the championship, did not even enter the top three. No.5 status.

Seeing such an image, the audience will of course be angry, of course they will be angry. No matter who he is targeting, this action is not allowed, let alone when it is imposed on Chen Kangjie, how can people accept it.

Therefore, all kinds of angry and dissatisfied language gushed out.

Fortunately, the results of the competition also appeared on the big screen accordingly, so the audience will feel happy.Because Chen Kangjie beat Green's 9.79 seconds with a time of 9.80 seconds.

In slow motion, it can be clearly seen that in order to make it easier for his body to cross the line, Chen Kangjie pushed his head forward and stretched his feet forward in the air, because in the competition, the results of the competition are based on the head and the body. The chest line shall prevail.Therefore, when Chen Kangjie bowed his head, he hit the line just 0.01 seconds ahead of Green.

Of course, it was precisely because of this that Chen Kangjie's landing became embarrassing and ugly.

Fortunately, although he was a little embarrassed and ugly, at least he got a positive return. This result was confirmed, which means that he has won the gold medal.

"Long, congratulations, you've defended the championship, it's really amazing." Seeing Chen Kangjie's results, Obikvilu immediately congratulated him.

"Congratulations to you too, you have also won a medal." Chen Kangjie kindly stretched out his right fist and touched Obikvelu's chest.

It turned out that Obikvilu's score was 9.82 seconds, and he ranked third with a gap of 0.02 seconds behind Green. He won No.3 and won the precious bronze medal in the trapeze battle.

In the 100-meter trapeze competition, not to mention winning a medal, in fact, as long as you can enter the final stage, no matter who it is, it is already a very good achievement.

"Yeah, I'm also happy. I thought it would be good if I could be in the top five..." Obikvilu showed an embarrassed and modest smile.

"Long, congratulations, you have defended the championship." At this time, Green, who had won the runner-up, came to his side and extended his hand to Chen Kangjie.

"Thank you." Chen Kangjie stretched out his hand, but there were only two faint words inside.

Although Green's current behavior is well-intentioned, it is impossible for Chen Kangjie to be enthusiastic about him.

Green and Gatlin are teammates, they are together, and Gatlin tried to influence Chen Kangjie, causing him to fail, so it is worth paying attention to whether the action was Gatling's own personal behavior or planned with Green up.

Therefore, Chen Kangjie remained polite and a gentleman, but that didn't mean he didn't have grudges in his heart.

Yes, on the field of competition, various situations will appear. In order to win, whether it is intentional or unintentional, there will be some accidents every year.However, those behaviors are despicable and infuriating.

If it wasn't for Chen Kangjie to take the risk at the last moment, maybe the current champion would not be him, but this Green.No matter how good Chen Kangjie is, he still can't pretend it didn't happen.

"Long, I'm really sorry for the accident during the game. It has nothing to do with me at all. I promise, I only found out after watching the replay." Green felt Chen Kangjie's indifference, and he also knew why Chen Kangjie was against Obi. Keveru was enthusiastic and indifferent to him, so he hurriedly explained in order to separate the relationship.

"Really? You really don't know? This looks like a good coordination." Chen Kangjie glanced at Green sharply.

"I swear, it's true." Green raised his right hand and raised the three fingers in the middle, vowing.

At this time, the camera was also pushed to their side, and the audience couldn't hear what they were saying, but the meaning of the picture was understandable.

Green seemed to be deliberately taking this opportunity as a kind of excuse to prove to the world that the matter had nothing to do with him. He knew very well that after the results came out, Chen Kangjie would immediately be the focus of all media reporters.

Green is very aware of Chen Kangjie's influence and status in the sports world and young people all over the world today.If he doesn't pick himself out, even if he wins the silver medal, he will be targeted by many people, which will affect his reputation and money.It's the same when he returns to the United States. Maybe it will be even worse if he doesn't pick it up clearly.

Green himself still has further prospects and careers, and he doesn't want to destroy himself because of a small incident.

"Hehe, don't be so serious. It's normal for a little accident to happen during a fierce game. As long as it's not intentional, then you can say anything. I believe it has nothing to do with you." Chen Kangjie stared at Green for two seconds, then smiled said.

Chen Kangjie has already confirmed that this matter has nothing to do with Green, but, judging from Green's demeanor and reaction, even if there is, he should not be the mastermind.

That being the case, there is no need to hold on to him, not to mention, there are several more cameras around at this time, Green will use the image to spread, how can Chen Kangjie not use it.

When many people saw Chen Kangjie's smile, they respected and admired Chen Kangjie's heart and demeanor even more.It doesn't matter what he said, as long as he can laugh it is enough.

On the other side, Gatlin held his head in his hands, a little afraid to face the world.

Gatlin also knew that his action had already ruined him, not to mention whether the Olympic Committee would punish him, even those fans of Chen Kangjie would ruin his reputation in the future.

"Long, Chen Kangjie...can I interview you? Please give me a chance to interview you." A female reporter shouted towards Chen Kangjie and the others from the sidelines.

The female reporter spoke Mandarin, so it was easy for Chen Kangjie to tell that he was from China. As expected, he was a CCTV reporter.

Journalists are not allowed to conduct interviews in the arena. This is a rule of the Olympic Committee. At most, photographers are allowed to enter the arena to take pictures, but that is also done without affecting the competition.

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