Chapter 2496

Seeing Chen Kangjie finally sprinting, the audience's emotions were mobilized and reached the peak. Some people raised their hands and shouted hysterically.

In everyone's eyes, as long as Chen Kangjie exerts his strength, he must be the number one. Past experience has proved time and time again that no matter how much others lead him, he can always surpass him at the last moment.

Therefore, seeing Chen Kangjie exerting his strength, people became extremely excited and excited, as if they were already helping him celebrate his victory in advance.

However, people did not know Chen Kangjie's pain at this time.

Ever since he took his last breath and made the last desperate fight, Chen Kangjie not only felt shortness of breath and angina, but also his throat began to feel salty. If he hadn't gritted his teeth desperately to suppress it, he would have started vomiting blood now.

The finish line was getting closer and closer, and Chen Kangjie absolutely couldn't let it go.

When there were still 50 meters away from the finish line, Chen Kangjie had surpassed Lagat and Silva, and only the explosive Guerroy was slightly ahead of him.

"Rush, rush...overtake him, overtake him..."

"Long, come on, victory belongs to you..."

"long, long..."

"Long, hero, you are an invincible hero..."

Shouts came and went, and the entire main stadium seemed to be flooded in by the tide of the sea, boiling in a mess.

Guerroy's pace was getting faster and faster. He was very aware of Chen Kangjie's strength. He didn't dare to relax even the slightest bit before the finish line, even when victory was in sight.

When there were still 20 meters away from the finish line, Guerroy turned his head slightly to look at Chen Kangjie. At this time, Chen Kangjie was slowly approaching, maintaining a neck-to-neck tie with him.

"Come on, come on, just a little, just a little..." Lin Zhidong on the sidelines nervously raised his right fist and tapped his thigh.

"There is something wrong with him. It feels like he has lost his strength. This is not his usual strength at all. It seems that he has tried his best, but he still can't surpass Queiroy." Niu Qihua, who is also always paying attention to the game, said with a calm face and worry.

"Yes, if he played normally, he would have surpassed Guerroy. I found that his current steps are not normal, and it seems to be very difficult." Tang Wei also said.

Now, although Chen Kangjie has been on par with Gueroi, even though he resisted the severe pain and physical weakness, he still can't surpass Gueroi, and what's even worse is that the one he mentioned Qi is rapidly dissipating in the body.

If that puff of energy dissipated, Chen Kangjie would have no strength to move forward, and would even become collapsed.

Seeing the victory was in sight, Guerroy's confidence increased greatly. He immediately felt that Chen Kangjie was not so invincible, and his strength was not as unreachable as the industry said.

Before the game, the goal set by Guerroy's coach was just a medal, and a gold medal was simply unthinkable.Through previous technical analysis, they concluded that 90.00% of the gold medal belongs to Chen Kangjie.Even in the preliminaries, Chen Kangjie's performance was mediocre, but they did not raise their expectations.

But now the gold medal is only one step away from him, and Guerroy is even mentally prepared to meet the glory.

In the world, people only remember who the champion is, and as for the runner-up, no one cares at all.It's unsportsmanlike, but that's the universal reality.Gold medalists can enter the annals of history, and silver and bronze medalists are completely dispensable foils.

Guerroy was almost shoulder to shoulder with Chen Kangjie, and he could feel that Chen Kangjie was not only short of breath, but also seemed to be at the end of his blow.

As a professional athlete, Guerroy knows that this kind of situation should not happen to those who can participate in the Olympics and enter the finals.

Why did Long behave like this, Queiroy didn't know, he only knew that this might be his only chance to win against Chen Kangjie.

In addition to the men's 500 and 5000 meters, Guerroy also participated in the men's 5000 meters.In the [-]-meter event, the coach hopes that what he can get is the gold medal.The same is the champion, but there will be a big difference.

The championship won by beating Chen Kangjie and the championship won by beating other people have a huge difference in meaning to anyone.

It is of course very good to win other championships, but the influence and preciousness of Qi are relatively limited.But defeating Chen Kangjie to win the gold medal will not only become the focus of the world's attention, but will even become a key node in the historical record.As long as he surpassed Chen Kangjie in this battle, he would definitely become famous all over the world.

Maybe many people hope that Chen Kangjie can win, but if Gueroi wins, people will also remember and pay attention to him.

Guerroy's confidence is getting stronger and stronger, while on the other hand, Chen Kangjie is getting more and more worried and it is getting harder and harder to persevere.

Chen Kangjie's worries were not limited to the result of the game, he had already begun to worry about his body.

A very strong sense of bad feeling had already arisen in Chen Kangjie's heart. His body was definitely in an unpredictable situation, otherwise there would not be such a series of strong discomfort.

Now Chen Kangjie could barely hear the sound from the outside world, and as for the end point, he could only vaguely see it.The only thing that made him feel quite clear was that Guerroy next to him was still slightly ahead of himself.

It is definitely not in line with his character to let Chen Kangjie give up the victory he is about to achieve.

Even if he can only support for a second now, he will use all his potential to the extreme in this last second.This is the temperament of never giving up and never giving up in him.

"Ah..." In the end, there were only about ten meters left, Chen Kangjie gritted his teeth, and then shouted loudly.

This is Chen Kangjie's last struggle and the last burst of strength. No matter what the ending is, he will fight like a man.

This loud shout shook the sky. Its effect is not only to squeeze out a weak ray of force from each cell during the muscle contraction process, but also has a sudden effect, that is, to squeeze Kui Roy was taken aback.

Originally, Guerroy was concentrating on the final sprint, but suddenly he seemed to hear the roar of a lion.

How could there be a lion in a sports arena?This is impossible.However, at the moment when Chen Kangjie's voice was trembling, Que Roy really felt in the hallucination of a moment that there was a male lion running beside him, and it had already opened its bloody mouth, as if it could swallow him up at any time.

This kind of international competition must not tolerate distraction. Once distracted or even panic occurs, the body will respond accordingly.

Guerroy's surprise caused him to lose 0.1 second advantage, that is, his physical reaction caused him a 0.1 second loss.

In ordinary people's games, 0.1 second is nothing at all, but in the Olympic arena, not to mention 0.01 second, even [-] second is very critical.

Chen Kangjie yelled, and tried his best to struggle for the last time, but he didn't increase his speed.It is true that his body is already empty, and the power squeezed out from every cell can only stop him from dissipating the last bit of power in his body.

However, the 0.1 second that Gueroi was delayed by himself was added to Chen Kangjie's body, which objectively caused Chen Kangjie to catch up. If 0.1 second is converted into a distance, it is almost one meter, which is equivalent to Chen Kangjie catching up to one meter.

Seeing Chen Kangjie catching up and overtaking him by half his body, Querroy was of course not reconciled, and naturally he also hoped that he could overtake him and come back.

However, it was too short after all, and the nervousness in my heart also prevented all parts of Guerroy's body from adjusting to a normal state immediately.

"3...2...1...." Chen Kangjie and Guerroy crossed the finish line almost evenly.

In the camera, sharp-eyed people will be keenly aware that Chen Kangjie's forehead hit the line first. In other words, he overcame all difficulties, kept his honor, and successfully defended his title.


However, before people had time to feel happy and applaud for Chen Kangjie, people all over the world immediately saw a scene that they will never forget.

The moment Chen Kangjie crossed the finish line, he finally couldn't hold on any longer, opened his mouth, and spat out a big mouthful of blood with a "poof...".

The blood mist sprayed out by Chen Kangjie even hit the face of Kui Roy next to him.

Before everyone figured out what happened, Chen Kangjie instinctively took two more steps under inertia, his legs bent, and he fell down, and his body was still rolling on the track It took a few moments to stop.

This scene was not only seen by tens of thousands of people at the scene, but also hundreds of millions of people around the world saw it through the live broadcast.

Everyone was stunned, and a strong sense of anxiety and sadness spread throughout the stadium in an instant.

A second later, there were wailings of panic and sorrow at the scene.And those reporters kept shooting and recording.

For reporters, the biggest news of this Olympic Games is undoubtedly Chen Kangjie's blood spilled on the field.

"my god......."


"what happened?"

There were all kinds of voices, and Lin Ling, who was on the scene and planned to go outside with Chen Kangjie after the game, covered her mouth and cried uncontrollably. He couldn't believe it Everything that happened in front of my eyes.

Lin Ling's mind only paused for a moment, she turned around and ran out, she was going to go downstairs, she wanted to go to Chen Kangjie's side, and see what happened to her lover.

But now Chen Kangjie was already lying motionless on the track, not knowing whether he was dead or alive.

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