rebirth of change

Chapter 2497 Affects the hearts of countless people

Chapter 2497 Affects the hearts of countless people

"What's the matter? What's the matter? Why did Chen Kangjie vomit blood and fall to the ground?" Fan Xuexi, who was sitting in front of the TV, jumped up from the sofa in shock after Chen Kangjie fell down.

"Ah!" Deng Min wailed, and she couldn't believe her eyes.

"What should we do? Deng Min, what should we do? Chen Kangjie vomited blood, and he fell unconscious, what should we do?" Fan Xuexi was so anxious that she grabbed Deng Min with both hands, shaking violently.

"I don't know what to do! Oh...Call, call his coach." Deng Min didn't know what to do about this sudden incident. She thought of calling Ask about the situation.

The difficulty is that Chen Kangjie is now in Athens abroad, and the measures they can take are even more limited.

"Yes, yes, yes..." Fan Xuexi quickly grabbed the phone and dialed Niu Qihua, while Deng Min on the other side was staring at the TV screen intently.

The most convenient way to inquire about on-the-spot information now is actually the TV, and the current live broadcast is not over yet.After Chen Kangjie vomited blood and fell to the ground, the focus of all the cameras was naturally on Chen Kangjie.

"No one answered. I got through and no one answered. This old cow, how could he not answer the phone? I'm so anxious." After listening for a long time without hearing a response from the other end of the phone, Fan Xuexi was so angry that she threw her phone on the sofa.

"It's impossible for him to be in the mood to answer the phone at this time. I saw him running towards the place where Chen Kangjie fell to the ground just now." Deng Min covered her face with her hands, tears were already pouring out of her eyes uncontrollably.

Just like what Deng Min said, don't say that Niu Qihua can't hear the phone at this time, the phone has been placed in the lounge, even if he can hear the ring, he won't have the mood and time to answer it.

In fact, after Chen Kangjie fell to the ground, after a short period of shock and surprise, many people were running towards the place where Chen Kangjie was lying, including referees, medical staff, coaches, officials of the organizing committee, reporters and Some other athletes.

In the stadium, Chen Kangjie at this moment affected everyone's hearts, and everyone's eyes and attention were projected on him.

On the other side, seeing that scene, Ma Fangqin was even more unacceptable, unable to bear the stimulation psychologically, just about to stand up with staring eyes, but her body fell down involuntarily, and Ma Fangqin fainted.

The mother who traveled thousands of miles worried that if she hadn't seen it with her own eyes, the stimulation to Ma Fangqin might not have been so great, but he just sat in front of the TV with full concentration.After his son spurted a big mouthful of blood, he fell to the ground and died. As a mother, Ma Fangqin's heart was more unbearable than being stabbed.

At this time, Chen Qigang became worried at both ends, one was worried about Chen Kangjie's comfort, and the other was his wife collapsed beside him, which caught him off guard.

The water in the distance can't quench the thirst in the near, and at present, Chen Qigang can't take care of the situation on Chen Kangjie's side, so he hastened to call for someone to take Ma Fangqin to the hospital first.As for the situation on Chen Kangjie's side later, we will find a way to learn more about it.

The busier you are, the more things you have to do. Before Chen Qigang could send Ma Fangqin to the hospital, his phone kept ringing one after another.There were calls from Chen Kangjie's third brother, his eldest sister and second sister, as well as calls from Chen Mei and Chen Jing.

For Chen Kangjie's game, not only Chen Qigang and Ma Fangqin would watch in front of the TV.His elder sister and elder brother are equally concerned, but because of their respective careers, they are scattered in various places and have not gathered in Gechang.

Therefore, when seeing Chen Kangjie vomiting blood and falling to the ground, the first thing everyone thought of was to call home immediately, first to report the situation, and second, to think about countermeasures.

After hearing the news that Ma Fangqin had fainted, the brothers and sisters became worried about their mother's situation again.

After a simple telephone conversation, the three Chen Yuchang flew to Athens urgently, while the others rushed to Gechang to wait and comfort their mother.

Chen Kangjie's fall really touched the nerves of countless people.

After the emergency doctors at the game site arrived at the scene, they immediately provided temporary rescue to Chen Kangjie, but their results were not good.

The point is that the doctors at the scene didn't know what happened to Chen Kangjie. They only knew that Chen Kangjie's breathing was extremely weak and he was in danger of dying at any time.

"Doctor, what's his condition? Is it serious?" Niu Qihua, who stood hunched over behind the doctor, was sweating profusely from his forehead.

"The situation is not clear. One thing that can be judged is that his condition is not directly related to the competition. His physical characteristics are very fragile now, and he is still vomiting blood. He must be sent to the hospital immediately." Niu Qihua asked in English, the doctor The answer is also in English.

Although the official language of Greece is Greek, English is the most common foreign language in the area, especially among intellectuals.So it is not surprising that the doctor can speak English.

While answering Niu Qihua's words, the doctor gave Chen Kangjie oxygen, and they had to carry Chen Kangjie to the ambulance to the hospital in the shortest possible time.

"Old Niu, what should we do? Jie Shao has never experienced such a situation." Lin Zhidong, who was standing next to Niu Qihua, was also sweating profusely.

Although Chen Kangjie won No.1 in the competition just now, who still has the mood to care about the competition and the gold medal?

Lin Ling left the stands, hoping to go to Ailang's side to see what was going on with him.However, at this time, it was impossible for her to be by Chen Kangjie's side.

Just after Chen Kangjie vomited blood to the end, the security of the entire main stadium was raised to the highest level.

Although it seems that Chen Kangjie's accident has nothing to do with terrorist attacks, he is the most charismatic and well-known athlete after all. What's more, it is impossible to judge what happened to Chen Kangjie now. To be on the safe side, the organizer can only The security level is raised.

The performance of raising the security level is that not only Lin Ling cannot enter the competition venue, but also irrelevant reporters are completely isolated and cannot get close to Chen Kangjie.A large number of police forces began to mobilize from the surrounding area.

The Athens authorities cannot completely rule out the possibility that Chen Kangjie was framed or attacked. Moreover, they also need to prevent the surprise and concern of tens of thousands of spectators from causing riots and stampedes.

At present, there are only three kinds of people who are allowed to approach Chen Kangjie, the doctor, his coach, the organizer's officials, and even the referee, who were completely separated after 2 minutes.

Fortunately, Chen Kangjie participated in the last match on the track and field today, otherwise, his accident would very likely cause the match to be interrupted.

Soon, under the protection of the security personnel and surrounded by a large group of people, Chen Kangjie was sent to the ambulance as quickly as possible and transported to the ? Athens General Hospital for treatment.

athensgeneral?hospital g This hospital is the largest general hospital in the area, serving 150 million people.During the Olympic Games, this hospital also provides medical services for the Olympic Games.

On the way from the stadium to the Athens General Hospital, the entire road was traffic controlled.

Local officials immediately reported Chen Kangjie's death and vomiting of blood to the mayor's office.During the Olympic Games, the Mayor of Athens is of course most concerned about the competition situation.

When he learned that it was Chen Kangjie who had the unexpected accident, the mayor didn't dare to be careless, and hastily issued a series of orders.

In addition to traffic control to ensure that Chen Kangjie can reach the hospital as quickly as possible, the hospital was also required to make some preparations. No matter what, Chen Kangjie must be rescued. They simply could not afford Chen Kangjie to have an accident in the local area.Moreover, the intelligence unit and the police were also mobilized immediately. Medical treatment is the responsibility of doctors, but it is the job of the local intelligence and treatment unit to find out why Chen Kangjie had such an accident.

No need to think about it, reporters and people all over the world will definitely follow up on this matter, so for the government, the best way is of course to grasp the situation first.

If media reporters ask questions, and the local government’s answer is that they don’t know anything, then they will have to bear countless pressure and slobber.

Since the Olympic games are broadcast live, and hundreds of media gathered here, almost at the same time, the reporters immediately sent back this shocking news to their own media, and the sports commentators on the scene were panicked After being at a loss, the comments immediately turned to Chen Kangjie's safety.

Fortunately, the police were vigilant and arranged in advance, otherwise, the tens of thousands of spectators in the main stadium would have plunged the Olympic Village into chaos immediately.

The audience was shocked and unbelievable at the beginning, followed by some emotionally dangerous behaviors. Some people hurriedly left the stage immediately, and some wanted to chase Chen Kangjie, hoping to get information about his condition as soon as possible.

If it is orderly, then it is nothing, the key is that Chen Kangjie was carried on the stretcher, and the audience rushed up.The chaos of tens of thousands of people made the danger imminent.If it were not for the urgent mobilization of more staff and security forces, it would be almost inevitable that there would be a stampede and an impact on the police security line.

After Chen Qigang sent Ma Fangqin to the hospital, he immediately called Zhao Zhibang.Chen Kangjie is not only his son, he is also the wealth of the country.

However, Zhao Zhibang was faster than him. Just before Chen Qigang called him, Zhao Zhibang had already called the Prime Minister of Greece immediately.

"The situation is still unclear. I have already called their prime minister, and I have also instructed the foreign affairs department. They will follow up as soon as possible. Don't worry, I care about Xiaojie's affairs as much as you do. "

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