rebirth of change

Chapter 2498 Prepare for the Worst

Chapter 2498 Prepare for the Worst

After Chen Kangjie was sent to Athens General Hospital, he immediately entered the intensive care unit for first aid. Before the ambulance arrived, a team composed of several medical experts from the hospital was already on emergency standby.

Regarding Chen Kangjie's condition, neither the city of Athens nor the Greek government dared to be sloppy. Even without the phone call from Zhao Zhibang, they would definitely do their best.

After Chen Kangjie entered the intensive care unit, the entire hospital was under special martial law. Not only the local military and police personnel were dispatched, but also all of Chen Kangjie's bodyguards arrived. Except for the medical staff, investigators, and members of the Chinese delegation, everyone else to be shut out.

They did this not to make a fuss, but very necessary.

Raising the security level is, on the one hand, beneficial to Chen Kangjie's treatment and the investigation of what happened. On the other hand, it is also to prevent other possible accidents from happening and to learn from the lessons learned from the Los Angeles riots.

Just after Chen Kangjie was sent to Athens General Hospital, a large number of media reporters and fans who cared about Chen Kangjie gathered outside the hospital, and both streets were blocked.This made the Greek authorities not only send more police and gendarmes to the scene to maintain order, but also sent helicopters to patrol and investigate the surrounding area of ​​the hospital.

"Dear viewers, friends, we rushed to the Athens General Hospital as soon as possible, and now because Long is in there for emergency treatment, the entire hospital is under martial law, and we can't get in. Now about three to four thousand people have gathered at the entrance of the hospital, And the number of people is still increasing rapidly. We have received news that many people from all over the world are gathering here. Everyone is very concerned about the situation of Long. We will interview the officials of the organizing committee and the city government in a while. Trying to learn some useful information, I hope to bring more news to the audience during the connection for a while... This is a report from kbs reporter Jin Yongzhi from Athens."

"...Dear viewers, due to traffic control, our trip to Athens General Hospital has been affected. Through the lens, we can see that more and more people are coming here... Miss, are you here because of the long?" After a few steps, the female reporter of German TV station stopped a white girl.

"I don't know what happened to Long. The moment I saw him vomit blood, I was stunned. I want to come here to wait for him. I want to know that he is in good health as soon as possible... "The girl said in a crying voice, and after she finished speaking, she waved her hand casually without waiting for the reporter to ask any more questions, and hurried forward.

"Sir, are you going to Athens General Hospital? Are you here for Long?" The female reporter from German TV station then stopped a young white man with a backpack.

"You're asking a stupid nonsense question. Could it be that you're here because of something else?" As a result, the white guy choked back a few words, left the reporter and left on his own.

"It can be seen that these should be Long's fans. Because they are concerned about Long's safety, everyone is in a bad mood. Let's not disturb them for the time being...Wow, there are a few military vehicles driving Come over, they should have come to reinforce and maintain order... We will follow up the scene of Long in the hospital for you at any time, ARD reporter Anne Marie reported back from Athens."

"This police officer, please let me in. I am a reporter from the Chinese National Television and an accompanying reporter of the Chinese delegation. I need to go in to understand Long's situation. I represent not only myself, but also hundreds of millions of our citizens. ” A young CCTV reporter named Deng Lingling stood in front of several heavily armed policemen and asked to enter the hospital for interviews.

"I'm sorry, ma'am, the order we have received is that no one can enter, including reporters. I can understand your feelings. We are as concerned about his situation as you are, but it may not be helpful for you to go in now. What are you busy with?" Although the policeman's refusal was tactful, his stand was firm.

"But..." Deng Lingling was still a little unwilling.

"Ms. Reporter, please don't embarrass us. We won't let anyone in without further orders. You'd better go to the Olympic Organizing Committee and hope they can give you a preferential treatment." Maybe it was because Deng Lingling is Chen Kangjie's compatriot, that's why the police are so polite to him, because the reporter from Spanish TVE also came to this place just now, but they were ruthlessly rejected.

The police asked Deng Lingling to go to the Olympic Organizing Committee. In fact, the news hall set up by the Olympic Organizing Committee has been completely blocked by some reporters who stayed. Every staff member of the Olympic Organizing Committee was almost blocked by reporters. ask questions.However, who knows the details of this sudden situation, not to mention them, even the doctor who is currently diagnosing Chen Kangjie is not quite sure what caused his vomiting blood.

At present, what can be known is that the only information that can be obtained is that Chen Kangjie is still in a coma and is not out of danger.

"Doctors, how is Long's condition? What disease does he have?" In the small meeting room next to Chen Kangjie's ward, the mayor of Athens, Bakoyannis, called for several professional doctors who had diagnosed Chen Kangjie just now. Ask about the situation.

As the mayor and the director of the Olympic Organizing Committee, Bakoyannis needs to know the situation of Chen Kangjie immediately, and only by knowing the real situation can she find a way to deal with the pressure from the outside world.

In the election held in October 2002, Bakoyannis was elected mayor of Athens with more than 60.00% of the votes. Moreover, she was the first female mayor of Athens in 3000 years, and also the only Olympic Games Host city's female mayor.Some people think she has a strong hand, while some people think he is approachable and a civilian mayor.No matter what style trait she is, she is under a lot of pressure at the moment.

The shock wave brought by Chen Kangjie's entry into the hospital will not be weaker than a small violent terrorist conflict. Moreover, it may trigger other unpredictable situations. For example, tens of thousands of people gathered outside the hospital It is almost impossible to evacuate them, but how to keep them rational and calm is a big problem. If one is not good, those young people will become the main body of the riots. This is something that must be prevented. of.

Not only Bakoyannis was listening to the situation in this small meeting room, but also the Chinese ambassador to the local area Cai Qichang, Chen Kangjie's head coach Niu Qihua, and the vice president of the International Olympic Committee and so on.

"Madam Mayor, gentlemen, at present we don't know what kind of disease Long has. It looks normal..." The middle-aged doctor who thought he was wearing glasses and a white coat thought for a while and replied.

"How is this possible? If everything is normal, why would he vomit blood and become unconscious? This is illogical." Cai Qichang became anxious as soon as he heard that everything was normal.

Cai Qichang was instructed by domestic high-level officials to learn first-hand information and report to the country.If everything was normal, how would he report it? If everything was normal, how would he explain his hematemesis and coma.

"Mr. Ambassador, I haven't finished my words. Long's body organs are indeed intact, but his breathing is very weak, his blood pressure is very low, and judging from the viscosity of his blood, our preliminary judgment is that he should be a middle-aged man." I'm poisoned, but what happened, we won't be sure until the test results come out." The doctor didn't become irritable because of Cai Qichang's rudeness.

A doctor is a profession that requires high self-control and stability. A good doctor must not be emotionally unstable, because the diagnosis and treatment of patients is a very serious and careful job.

"Is Long in danger now? I mean, will his life..." Bakoyannis' words were not complete, but the meaning was very clear.

"This...we can't guarantee it [-]%. Judging from his reaction, if it were replaced by someone else, he might be dead now. Although we keep giving him blood transfusions, he still has blood. Intermittent hematemesis appeared, just to be on the safe side, we need to do a more detailed examination of his liver and kidneys. Long can still persist, and this should have something to do with his physical constitution." The doctor said directly without hesitation.

"In any case, no matter what method is used, the long must be revived. The only priority of the hospital now is the treatment of the long. If you are a little nervous, you must notify me immediately. I need to know immediately. .” Bakoyannis’ last words were not only addressed to doctors and experts, but also to the director of the hospital present.

"Mr. Ambassador, look, do you want to inform Long's family... At this time, it may be better to have his family by his side." Immediately afterwards, Bakoyannis said to Cai Qichang.

Bakoyannis was taking precautions. The doctor did not dare to guarantee that Chen Kangjie's condition would be safe. In other words, he had to prepare for the worst.If Chen Kangjie's situation deteriorated, it would be better to have family members around than to have no family members.This is true both at home and abroad.

"I will ask the country for instructions. Here I make a suggestion. I hope that our country's medical experts can participate. Our head of state instructed me that if necessary, our country will send a medical team to Athens."

Cai Qichang's suggestion is not entirely disbelief in the medical level of local experts, but that if domestic medical experts participate, it is tantamount to getting double insurance, and it will be easier for him to grasp Chen Kangjie's condition, rather than the current situation. , We will have to wait until the local doctors are called together to learn something.

"Well... I don't object to the participation of Chinese medical experts, but I also hope that you can believe in our medical level and our seriousness. Long not only belongs to China, but also belongs to us." Bako Giannis nodded after pondering for a moment.

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