Chapter 2499

The third brother Chen Yuchang did not arrive in Athens until the evening of the second day. In order to hurry, he still flew from Pearl to Hamburg, and then transferred from Hamburg to Athens.Even so, he spent more than ten hours.

Over the years, due to work and travel, Chen Yuchang has often gone abroad, but this time is the most urgent and impatient for him.

Since Chen Qigang had notified the embassy through the Ministry of Foreign Affairs in advance, after Chen Yuchang arrived at the Athens airport, the embassy's car took him directly to the Athens General Hospital.Along the way, he saw dense crowds of people. This was the first time he personally felt the appeal of his younger brother abroad. There are currently at least 5 people around Athens General Hospital, which is almost in time for the opening ceremony. The capacity of the main stadium has been increased.

As Chen Kangjie's family member, after Chen Yuchang arrived at the hospital, the hospital had to introduce Chen Kangjie's condition to him again.

The difference is that after more than ten hours, the diagnosis of Chen Kangjie's condition has finally become much clearer, and it is not as much guesswork as before.

"At present, what we can confirm is that Long was poisoned. We detected an unusual toxin from his blood. This toxin is colorless and odorless, and it will not attack immediately after entering the body, but It will be silent for a certain period of time." The director of the hospital explained to Chen Yuchang.

Chen Yuchang couldn't understand Greek, but Ambassador Cai Qichang was there, and Chen Yuchang also brought his own translator, so it was not difficult for him to understand what the doctor said.

"Why was he poisoned? He came to participate in the Olympics, how could he be poisoned? The Greek side must be responsible for this. Also, since it has been confirmed that my brother was poisoned, why didn't he detoxify him quickly? Why is he still in a coma Didn’t wake up, did you do your best?” Just now through the glass, I saw Chen Kangjie lying motionless on the hospital bed, with an oxygen mask on his face, various testing instruments on his body, and medicine infusion on his arm. Chen Yuchang was very sad and indignant.

For a long time, Chen Kangjie didn't even catch a cold. He was always so sunny and full of energy and confidence, but now his life and death were unpredictable. As an older brother, how could Chen Yuchang accept it?

"Mr. Chen, I'm sorry, we have been thinking of various ways to detoxify him, but the effect is not obvious. The existing antidote drugs are difficult to suppress this virus, but don't worry, we are working day and night. Think of all possible methods." The dean didn't mind Chen Yuchang's anger, as a doctor, he was able to understand Chen Yuchang's emotions, not to mention that this patient was so special.

"Mr. Chen, we have sent the most authoritative medical expert team from China. They will arrive in eight hours, and they will also participate in the consultation." Cai Qichang comforted Chen Yuchang.

"The key is the effect, the effect. My younger brother is still unconscious. How can I rest assured my family and me. Also, since it was poisoned, there must be a murderer. Has the murderer been found now? Which bastard is it?" If I find out that I have done this to my younger brother, I will definitely pick her skin off." Now it is difficult for Chen Yuchang to control his emotions.

"As for the murderer, the Greek government is already investigating. We believe that the truth will be revealed soon. The most urgent thing now is to treat Chen Kangjie, which is the top priority." Cai Qichang explained.

After what happened to Chen Kangjie, Cai Qichang's important work was transferred to him, including supervising the treatment, including urging the Greek government to catch the murderer and so on.

When Chen Kangjie fell, many people were mobilized.

When Ouyang Zhenhua saw Chen Kangjie vomit blood for the first time, he was shocked on the spot, but he didn't fly to Athens immediately, but took several actions quickly.

The first is to give an order to control the funds of the whole system, so as not to let anyone have ulterior motives.Before receiving new instructions, whether it is the international futures market, stock market, exchange rate market, or other investment activities, all are frozen, cannot be bought or sold, and funds cannot be transferred.

Secondly, Ouyang Zhenhua quickly called Zheng Jun. On the one hand, he sent additional personnel to Athens, not only to protect Chen Kangjie, but also to participate in the investigation of the cause of the incident.On the other hand, control the team well and don't take any drastic actions during this.

Third, Ouyang Zhenhua called George Bush.The reason why Ouyang Zhenhua wanted to find George Bush was because George Bush had the largest intelligence resource in the world, and he hoped that the CIA could provide help.

In fact, even if Ouyang Zhenhua didn't call for help, George Bush would let the US intelligence department figure out what happened.You know, Chen Kangjie is their biggest overseas partner, and his life and death are related to the next strategic move that the Skull and Bones will take.

However, if they do their own investigation, whether the conclusion will be told to Ouyang Zhenhua is another matter.

Of course, Ouyang Zhenhua did not pin all his hopes on George Bush. In addition to calling George Bush, he also called Ivan from Russia.

In the field of international intelligence, apart from the United States, Russia is the most powerful, especially in Europe. During the Cold War, Russia accumulated a lot of intelligence resources.

Ivan did not refuse Ouyang Zhenhua's request.In addition to being a partner of George Bush, Chen Kangjie is also an important partner of Ivan. Not only has he directly provided him with a lot of funds to stabilize the regime, but he also has many major investment projects in Russia.

In terms of subjective initiative, Iwan also wanted to know what happened to Chen Kangjie.

All of a sudden, the world's major intelligence and governance units were actively mobilized for one purpose, which was to find out the cause of Chen Kangjie's accident.

Domestically, He Baoguo is now the Minister of Health, and of course he will not discount Chen Kangjie's need for a medical team.

"Old Chen, what's going on with Fangqin?"

"I'm awake now. I'm fine physically, but I'm in a bad mood. I keep asking me about Xiaojie's situation. I... I don't know what to tell him." Chen Qigang replied in a low voice.

"Old Chen, don't put too much pressure on me. I believe that boy is lucky. I have dispatched eight most authoritative experts from Peking University School of Medicine, Union Hospital and 301 Hospital to Athens. If he is in Athens If he doesn't get a good treatment, we can bring him back to China." He Baoguo comforted him.

He Baoguo and Chen Qigang can be regarded as relatives, friends and partners who advance and retreat together. It is impossible for He Baoguo not to care about such a thing.

"I'm sorry to trouble you, I'm really worried about him now, I heard that he hasn't recovered yet." Chen Qigang said dejectedly.

If something happened to Chen Kangjie, it would be a huge blow to the whole family, and it would also have a big impact on Chen Qigang.

"What did you say? He is your son. Don't forget, he is also my son. I have asked some experts. As long as he survives the most critical period of the virus outbreak, he is very likely to survive. We have to Believe him." He Baoguo's comforting words were obvious.

There is no definite scientific basis for saying that after the critical period of the attack, the possibility of surviving is very high. Of course, some doctors will agree with this statement.

Regardless of whether it was useful or not, He Baoguo could only comfort his old buddy in this way at this time.

"In addition to the medical team, did the central government send other people to Athens?" Chen Qigang asked after pondering for a while, changing the subject.

"It should have been. Since it is known that he was poisoned, it was caused by human factors. Today's meeting was held, and the head of the Ministry of Security also attended, so they should have arranged for people to find the cause and the murderer." Since they were not clearly informed, He Baoguo can only rely on guesswork.

However, He Baoguo's guess was not without logic. Chen Kangjie was poisoned, and the top leaders of the security and intelligence department were required to attend the meeting, which of course meant that they had to participate in this matter, otherwise, what would they do with them.

Although China is not as overbearing as the United States and Russia in the field of international intelligence, it is not without relevant arrangements and means.To a certain extent, Chen Kangjie's poisoning has been raised to the height of national security, and his symbolism is too strong.

At present, it is not certain that the poisoning of Chen Kangjie was a personal grievance, so it is very likely that the poisoner had other considerations.

After learning that Chen Kangjie was poisoned, the Greek authorities immediately held a press conference to announce it to the world.

Whether it is the Athens city government or the Greek government, since Chen Kangjie entered the hospital, he has been under tremendous pressure. Besides, during the Olympic Games, Athens has gathered thousands of journalists from all over the world. If they do not make some explanations, the media will have All kinds of speculation.Moreover, the wind direction of speculation will gradually be unfavorable to Greece. What's more, the tens of thousands of people gathered outside the hospital to pray for Chen Kangjie also need an explanation. They can still exercise restraint now because they don't want to disturb Chen Kangjie's treatment and rest. This kind of restraint does not necessarily last indefinitely.

When it was learned that Chen Kangjie was injured by poisoning, there was an uproar all over the world, so almost all the media around the world reported this as headlines or cover news.

Now the whole world knows that Chen Kangjie's blood spilled on the field has nothing to do with the events he participated in, but was framed by others.

The media and people all over the world have almost all strongly condemned the rats who harmed Chen Kangjie with one voice. Moreover, Chen Kangjie's "lobster" organizations in many countries have set up their own investigation teams. Find out those clowns and impose the strongest punishment.

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