rebirth of change

Chapter 2500 The suspect has eyebrows

Chapter 2500 The suspect has eyebrows

"Minister Yang, Ambassador Cai, we suggest that Chen Kangjie be transported back to China for treatment. After two or three days, there is no obvious progress in the effect, and the toxins in his body have not been effectively eliminated." The expert group sent from China Professor Ping, the team leader, put forward his suggestions to Cai Qichang and Yang Maode.

Yang Maode is the leader of the medical team. He is also the deputy minister of the Ministry of Health of China. A deputy minister led the medical team to provide assistance to Chen Kangjie, which shows that the country attaches great importance to Chen Kangjie.

"Professor Ping, is the local medical standard so poor? Besides, you are an authority in the field of toxin research in China. With you and other experts participating, is there no way?" Yang Maode asked intently.

"The level of medical care in Greece is not low in Europe. Although I have been engaged in research and teaching for more than [-] years, I have never been exposed to the poison in Chen Kangjie's body before, and the time is too short, so it is difficult to treat it all at once. Find a good scientific method to resolve it.” As a medical scholar, Professor Ping did not boast, but upheld the spirit of seeking truth from facts.

What's more, Chen Kangjie is a very special celebrity, and relying on self-exaggeration cannot fundamentally solve the problem.

Professor Ping used to concentrate on medical research. He didn't have an intuitive feeling for the influence of so-called stars. In his consciousness, only very important leaders could have their medical specifications.

When the Ministry of Health issued an emergency transfer order, he was still somewhat disapproving.But when he arrived in Athens, at the Athens General Hospital, he was completely shocked.

That kind of scene only happened when the chairman and prime minister passed away, but a similar situation happened in a foreign city during the Olympic Games.Standing on the top of the hospital building, you can see people everywhere, especially at night, when countless candles are lit. Local people told Professor Ping that those people were praying for Chen Kangjie, hoping that he would recover soon.

As for the flowers that the police brought to Chen Kangjie at the entrance of the hospital every day, it was really about the car.The daily flower consumption on the Olympic side is far less than that on his side.

Among the crowd, some held up posters of Chen Kangjie, some held up slogans asking to pray, and some recited scriptures for him.No matter which way it is, everyone expects him to wake up and stand up again.

In the history of the Olympics, there was also a very strange scene, that is, at the awards ceremony, there was the national anthem, the national flag, flowers and gold medals, but no champion came on stage.

The 1500m Olympic champion Chen Kangjie won it, but he was unconscious and could not attend the awards ceremony.

Before the award ceremony, all the people present prayed for Chen Kangjie for 1 minute. The final gold medal and flowers were collected by a staff member of the Chinese delegation, because even Niu Qihua and his coaching team were not there.

Moreover, this time the award ceremony can be said to be the one with the fewest number of participants in the past 30 to [-] years. Chen Kangjie's life and death are unknown, so how can those who care about him have the mood to participate in this kind of ceremony.

Although there was this unusual scene, no one had any complaints. On the contrary, many people felt that the atmosphere was not joyful, but full of sorrow.

Of course, Chen Kangjie was not dead yet, but no one said that he would definitely live.

"In addition, although we have doctors and experts from China to assist us, we are in Athens after all, and the entire treatment plan is still based on local experts and doctors..." Professor Ping continued.

Although Chen Kangjie is from China, here in Athens, the relationship between the host and the guest still needs to be discussed.In the Athens General Hospital, of course, the medical staff here should give priority to the plan. If it is based on Professor Ping’s opinion, then who will be responsible if something goes wrong?This is a question that cannot be clarified.

"Professor Ping, we can understand what you mean, but is it okay to transport Chen Kangjie back to China? Is there a solution? In addition, is he really suitable for this kind of long-distance transfer now? This question has to be considered Come on, if there is a slight mistake in the process, the responsibility will be great." Cai Qichang asked.

"I don't dare to guarantee this, but from my experience and other people's analysis, it may not be easy to rely on Western medicine in a short period of time. If it is transported back to China, we will We can adopt a combination of Chinese and Western methods, maybe with the addition of Chinese medicine, there will be some miraculous effects. In Athens, we suggested that he should be given some tentative treatment, but they did not allow it, or the local doctors did not allow it. Traditional Chinese medicine still generally does not recognize it. As for the long-distance really needs to be carefully arranged. I think it is possible to take a chartered flight, and then make some changes in the cabin and transfer the hospital to the hospital. Some medical devices inside have been installed, and with the observation and care of our medical team, there should be no problem..." Having said that, it can be seen that Professor Ping is not fully sure.

At such a juncture, no one would say anything to death, that is unscientific and irrational.For a transfer of thousands of kilometers, even with a green light all the way, there is no way to make all the conditions follow the way you expected. For example, there is no way to completely predict and avoid the air flow in the air, and the air flow will make the plane turbulent.

"We have no way to make a decision now. We need to report to the country and seek the opinions of the family members. Only when both parties agree can it be done. Professor Ping, in this way, you should prepare a written document for me immediately, whether it is To transfer or not to transfer, we all have to have convincing arguments, Ambassador Cai, what do you think?" After finishing his opinion, Yang Maode asked Cai Qichang.

Before setting off, He Baoguo repeatedly exhorted and exhorted him that everything should be beneficial to Chen Kangjie's recovery as the highest principle, as long as it is beneficial to this principle, everything else is easy to talk about.

Although He Baoguo has only been to the Ministry of Health for more than a year, but that person's skills are really extraordinary, and he has already rectified the Ministry of Health in such a short period of time.Most of the decisions made by Yang Maode and his team members dare not go against He Baoguo's will.In order to rectify the Ministry of Health, He Baoguo got rid of three people, and one of them is now in prison.

What's more, He Baoguo's job in the Ministry of Health happened to be at the time when SARS was raging, and he went there with the "Shangfang Sword". When the others realized that the momentum was not right, they quickly moved closer to He Baoguo's side and united around him.

After receiving the news in China, they began to study it.

In addition to listening to expert opinions and studying the feasibility, it is also necessary to seek the approval of Chen Qigang.

In addition, there are still two levels of issues to be resolved. On the one hand, of course, it is to communicate with the Greek side, and they need their assistance.In addition, Chen Kangjie was transferred to China for further treatment. This is tantamount to denying the local medical level in Greece to the world. If their medical level is good enough, why can’t they save Chen Kangjie and need to transfer him back from Europe?

As a person who attracts worldwide attention, as long as Chen Kangjie goes back to China, it will deal a huge blow to the reputation of Greece. People cannot be protected here, and they cannot be cured if something happens. outside criticism and pressure.

In addition, Chen Kangjie returned to China before he recovered, which will cause many associations and speculations.Probably the biggest guess is whether Chen Kangjie is dying, because he is dying, so he returned to China to prepare for the funeral.

If such speculation and associations are hyped and accepted by his fans, then Athens will definitely be in chaos.Although the Olympic Games have just come to an end, there are still many tourists and reporters staying here, and the shock waves will be immeasurable.

On the other hand, it is necessary to determine the national player responsible for Chen Kangjie's TCM treatment in China.

Since Chen Kangjie is poisoned, not other diseases, not all national players can cope with it.

Another aspect is to actively coordinate with all parties. It is best to find the murderer as soon as possible and get the poison formula, which will be more conducive to prescribing the right medicine.

Speaking of arresting the murderer, there are already some clues. After investigating all of Chen Kangjie's whereabouts and everyone who came into contact with him, the police have locked down a suspect, but the suspect has left Greece and is missing.

Who was the suspect? It was a staff member of the Chinese restaurant. One day when Chen Kangjie went to eat, he recommended Chen Kangjie a siu mai.

Because of Chen Kangjie's poisoning, direct injection and food introduction are the most likely. If it is airborne, then Chen Kangjie should not be the only one who has similar symptoms.

The direct injection was ruled out on the first day, because no relevant marks could be found after searching his whole body, and it was not so difficult to directly tamper with his body.Then the possibility of food additive poisoning becomes greater.

The reason why the police suspected that person was because during the investigation stage, they found that there was a problem with that person's identity document. In other words, his identity was most likely forged.And the more important point is that since Chen Kangjie was poisoned, that person disappeared, as if the world had evaporated.

Therefore, without excluding other possibilities, the police have listed that person as the first suspect, and are now trying their best to find him.

In order to find the murderer, some athletes were disturbed because they all had contact with Chen Kangjie, and even Chen Kangjie had intimate interactions with some athletes when he was eating.

Although being the subject of the investigation will have some influence, everyone is quite cooperative and has no complaints. They also want to find the murderer as soon as possible and eliminate their suspicion.

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