rebirth of change

Chapter 2504 Difficult Treatment

Chapter 2504 Difficult Treatment

Hearing that a master of traditional Chinese medicine from China was going to give Chen Kangjie a comprehensive treatment, and the medicines were all prepared. Medical experts from Greece asked to observe. They wanted to know how Chinese medicine treated a patient who they could not do anything about.

However, Mr. Xi refused, let alone Greek doctors, even Chinese medical experts must avoid it.

This is not only related to the issue of technology leakage, but more importantly, during the treatment of Chen Kangjie, Mr. Xi must not be subject to any interference or influence. Interference in the middle of the process is not only harmful to Chen Kangjie, but also When performing the gong, it is very likely that it will backfire on Mr. Xi himself, causing his body to be damaged.

Furthermore, don't Westerners believe in the scientific nature of Chinese medicine? Since you don't believe it, why do you look at it? Do you want to see a joke?Even if you want to see a joke, this opportunity will not be given to you.

Before Mr. Xi officially took action, the local police kept sending people to the crowd outside the hospital to preach, asking them to keep quiet and restraint.

Although there are strict measures, the noise of the crowd outside may not be able to penetrate the sound and cause an impact, but it is necessary to be careful and prevent it.

Originally, Chen Kangjie hadn't seen any significant progress in his condition for so many days, and some excited young people showed signs of fluctuating mood.But I heard that it was China's own doctors who came to treat him. Out of concern and love for Chen Kangjie, people suppressed their restlessness, and even supervised each other among the crowd, so no one could cause trouble for Chen Kangjie.

The reporters also paid close attention to the progress and effect of the treatment, and a large number of reporters waited outside the hospital, waiting for first-hand information.

Whether it is success or failure, for reporters, it is a news selling point that can be exaggerated.

In order to prevent the possibility of failure, the local police added a lot of manpower to the scene to strengthen the protective net.

Because if it is announced that the treatment has failed, those supporters will become agitated, which is very likely to cause turmoil.This is something the government has to guard against.

The people all over the world who are waiting for the news are not only those waiting in the hospital, but also Chen Kangjie's family and friends and countless supporters scattered all over the world.Everyone is eagerly awaiting the results.

Even Chen Qigang, who has almost perfected his self-control ability after many years of experience in the officialdom, seems a little out of shape today.

Due to heavy official duties, Chen Qigang did not wait for the news at home. He also attended a meeting today and held a reception for foreign affairs. A business delegation from Florida came to Gechang, and Chen Qigang came forward to receive it.It's just that careful people may be able to notice that Chen Qigang's spirit is obviously not concentrated, and his speech is also rigidly scripted, just express his attitude.

Whether it is a colleague or a guest, it seems that they can understand his mood.Who would it be, what would happen if his son was treated thousands of miles away without knowing whether he was alive or dead?Is it really possible to achieve complete peace of mind?If it can, then it is not human, at least not a normal person.


"Boy, your life is very hard, so you can't die, but I hope you can be tougher. My old man has not rescued people for many years, don't let me be late... . " Mr. Xi surrounded a large wooden barrel, mixing potions into it, and chatting with Chen Kangjie, who couldn't speak.

When people are old, it seems that they really talk a lot. For a patient like Chen Kangjie who can't speak, Mr. Xi can actually chat with him, just like Chen Kangjie can hear and understand.

Now Chen Kangjie was sitting naked in the wooden barrel, the steaming hot potion kept misting into the air, and a strong smell of Chinese herbal medicine lingered in the air.

Xi Lao kept adding the dark black Chinese medicine that had been brewed into the wooden barrel, while pressing some parts of Chen Kangjie's body with his fingers.

After more than an hour, maybe it was the heat effect of the potion, or maybe it was Xi Lao's unique pressing technique, Chen Kangjie's recovery became flushed, and his forehead was sweating non-stop.Moreover, the beads of sweat he sweated were not crystal clear, but a little bit brown.

Two hours later, Mr. Xi, who was already a little tired, lifted Chen Kangjie out of the big wooden barrel filled with medicine with his hands without the help of outsiders. With a light push, Chen Kangjie was placed on the hospital bed by him. .

"Boy's muscles and bones are indeed different from ordinary people. No wonder you can be so good in the arena. But it's a pity that these excellent conditions have not been fully discovered. Although you have practiced martial arts, your master seems to be half-baked. Now I can only do my best and obey the destiny, the result depends on you..." Looking at Chen Kangjie lying on the hospital bed with his eyes closed, Mr. Xi actually commented on him first.

Chen Kangjie seemed to hear it, but also seemed to be in a complete vegetable state.He said that when he heard that it was Mr. Xi who said this, Chen Kangjie's eyelids actually trembled slightly, but then became indifferent and numb again, really almost like a vegetable.

"Can you hear me? Can you? If you can, move your eyelids again..." Although Mr. Xi is old, his observation skills are still very sharp.

After a while, seeing no movement from Chen Kangjie, Mr. Xi could only shake his head slightly: "That's right, if you could hear me, they should be able to save you, don't worry, I'll give you an injection now, just now Active your blood vessels and muscles, combined with the high temperature to force out part of your toxins, now is the real start, the follow-up will depend on your kid's good luck and ability."

After speaking, Old Xi took off his coat, leaving only a light sweater on his body.

After opening the needle bag and arranging the densely packed hundreds of silver needles, Mr. Xi started to work.

"Baihui acupoint, Houding acupoint, Fengfu acupoint..." Every time a needle is inserted, Mr. Xi silently recites the name of the degree in his mouth.

Unlike other doctors who slowly drill in when giving patients acupuncture, Xi Lao's acupuncture is fast and capable. After seeing the position of the acupuncture point, a needle will be inserted without hesitation, and the depth is deeper than others. To be slightly deeper.

That’s not to mention, every time the needle is inserted, Mr. Xi still needs to hold the needle with his thumb, as if he is continuing to push the silver needle into Chen Kangjie’s body, or it seems that he is only transporting it into his body through the medium of the silver needle. something.I only saw that the small silver needle would vibrate with a relatively strong frequency when Mr. Xi held it down.

At the same time, after each injection, Chen Kangjie's body would also produce a subtle convulsion.It's like being stimulated by some kind of intense stimulation.

And this kind of stimulation is definitely not due to the penetration of silver needles into the skin. Anyone who has experienced acupuncture knows that as long as a skilled acupuncturist can insert the needles, the needles can be inserted to such a degree that they are hardly noticed.

And Chen Kangjie, who was already in a state of coma, should have no feeling about the needle insertion.He reacted, which should have something to do with Mr. Xi's thumb pressing.

Now Mr. Xi's eyes are slightly closed, and he is almost a different person from the chat room with Chen Kangjie just now. His expression is serious, and his arms and face are sweating slightly. Wisps of white mist.

It seems that Mr. Xi is also working very hard, and it is not as easy as it seems on the surface.

In fact, every needle given by Mr. Xi is not only opening up the acupuncture points, he is actually instilling his inner strength into each of Chen Kangjie's acupuncture points.And every ray of internal force poured in will gather in Chen Kangjie's body to form a powerful force.

Mr. Xi just hoped that this powerful force would force Chen Kangjie to persecute him.Force those toxins to overflow along the pinhole.

Mr. Xi said that he was only 50.00% sure, but the patient he was facing was Chen Kangjie. If it was someone else, he might say that there was only a 5.00% possibility.

Why do you say that, because the internal force poured into by Mr. Xi is actually alive, it needs to be reconciled and controlled, and it is impossible for ordinary people to have such an ability.Even ordinary people who have practiced martial arts are unlikely to have this ability.

And Chen Kangjie has a certain foundation, his foundation is not from Tuo Zhihan, but from the practice of "Li Ding Wu Jing".This point, when Mr. Xi felt Chen Kangjie's pulse in advance, he had a vague feeling.

In the arena, Chen Kangjie would vomit blood. In addition to the poisoning factor, it was because his body could no longer raise any Qi, and the internal Qi in his body had been exhausted.

It's like our car needs to be refueled, and the car's engine can adapt and use this oil. Add the right oil, and the car can start and drive away.Or if diesel is added to a gasoline car, it will either fail to start, or it will have no strength to start, and it will damage the vehicle and shake and emit black smoke.

So objectively speaking, Mr. Xi is always playing an auxiliary role. He hopes that after he injects a burst of energy into Chen Kangjie's body through internal force, Chen Kangjie will control it himself, so as to use this energy to detoxify Chen Kangjie's body. Forced out.

In other words, if Chen Kangjie was not going to participate in the competition that day, but was just resting, then he could use his internal force to force out some of the toxins, instead of exercising vigorously, causing the toxins to spread everywhere in the body, sticking to the blood vessels and part of the internal organs.

For Mr. Xi, he could only ensure that the internal force he instilled into Chen Kangjie's body was basically sufficient. As for whether it would have the desired effect, it depended on Chen Kangjie's control ability and fortune.After all, Chen Kangjie was not taught by him, and Mr. Xi didn't know what level Chen Kangjie's cultivation had reached. During this process, he just felt that Chen Kangjie hadn't reached the level of deep inner strength that could be controlled at will.

After Mr. Xi inserted densely packed silver needles into Chen Kangjie's body, he himself was so tired that he could hardly sit still, and he was a little shaky.

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