rebirth of change

Chapter 2505 Everyone's waiting

Chapter 2505 Everyone's waiting

"Young Master Chen, can that old man save Young Master Jie?" Niu Qihua and Chen Yuchang stood together in a corner of the corridor outside the ward, and Niu Qihua asked Chen Yuchang in a low voice.

Niu Qihua didn't know how to address Chen Kangjie's elder brother, but he also had the habit of addressing Chen Kangjie as Younger Brother, so he just used it.

"Young Master Chen, just call me by my name. You are my younger brother's teacher, so you can call me Xiao Chen." Chen Yuchang did not have the habit of being called Young Master. Besides, he also treated the people around Chen Kangjie as well. relative respect.

"Okay, then I'll call you Mr. Chen." Niu Qihua nodded, but still didn't address him as "Xiao Chen".

In terms of age and seniority, there is nothing wrong with calling him Xiao Chen.However, considering Chen Yuchang's status, he is not only the governor's son, Chen Kangjie's brother, but also the chairman of Rising Sun Company, so it is a relatively good choice to simply call his position.

Chen Yuchang just nodded his head slightly, as a tacit consent.At this time, what he cares most about is the safety of his younger brother, that is more important than anything else, let him do whatever else.

As for Niu Qihua's question, Chen Yuchang did not answer.Because he wanted to know that answer more than anyone else, how could he answer Niu Qihua for something he wasn't sure about.

Seeing that Chen Yuchang remained silent, Niu Qihua could only shut up and keep quiet.

It was not just the two of them who were waiting outside the ward at this time, but also Cai Qichang, Bakoyannis and a group of medical experts.Chen Kangjie's personal bodyguards, including Xiong Ziqiang, were also in this area.

Everyone wants to know the results of the treatment like ants on a hot pot.

Since Chen Kangjie's incident, Xiong Ziqiang and the others have never left. What's more, Mr. Xi has explained before he went in that no one can go in before he comes out. Of course, they must guard the door of the ward.

For Chen Kangjie's accident, each of Xiong Ziqiang and the others blamed themselves. They all felt that it was because they had not fulfilled their duties that Chen Kangjie was murdered.This is the first time in more than ten years, and it is also the most dangerous and worst.

If Chen Kangjie couldn't survive, the most difficult thing to face would be the group of people who were closest to Chen Kangjie and received relatively more care from Chen Kangjie.It is estimated that they will not live with peace of mind in this life, and can only live in pain and regret.

However, objectively speaking, this matter has nothing to do with them directly. In the Olympic Village, they have relatively limited space to play. Who would have expected that the Olympic Village would not be safe, and they would still adopt the method of starting from the cafeteria.It stands to reason that the food safety in the Olympic Village should be the strictest standard. The people and things here have been checked at various levels before they come in. Generally speaking, you can rest assured.

However, the problem happened precisely in the seemingly safest and most assured link.

These days, none of Xiong Ziqiang and the others could sleep soundly. As soon as they closed their eyes, it was the scene of Chen Kangjie vomiting blood. That scene was deeply etched in their minds.The words between each other are also much less than usual.

The only communication they had was that if something happened to Chen Kangjie, I wonder if they would devote their entire lives to dig out the murderer no matter whether it was chasing him to the ends of the earth, and give him a hundred times cruel counterattack.Regardless of whether others do it or not, they are determined to do it.

"Captain, my heart is beating so hard." Pang Hui moved his body up and down, and said nervously to Xiong Ziqiang.

Xiong Ziqiang and Pang Hui were in charge of the gates of the wards, while Dong Mingshu and Tan Jun guarded the exits for emergencies.As for Samidov and the others, they were not in the hospital.

Samidov Are they idle?Of course it was impossible, Chen Kangjie was lying in the hospital, how could they still be idle.The reason why they are not in the hospital is that they have important things to do-track down the murderer.

Samidov and the others used to work for the KGB, and they were stationed in Europe. Although they have been away for more than ten years, they have not lost [-]% of their business, so they have been running outside these days, hoping Find some clues to prepare for the subsequent revenge.

In fact, whether Chen Kangjie can get better or not, revenge is all about it.If Chen Kangjie is not cured, then of course they will take revenge.

If Chen Kangjie is lucky and recovers, according to his character of not being a gentleman, can he bear this anger?Just allow others to murder him by any means?Impossible, Chen Kangjie will definitely retaliate against that kind of person whose heart can be punished.

No matter which one it is, it needs early intelligence support.

This approach is correct. No matter how many people from the outside world participate in the investigation and search for any purpose, some information should still be in your own hands.It is better to ask for others than to ask for yourself. This is the most invariable principle throughout the ages.

"Shut up, we should be more calm at this time. Those who are waiting here are not nervous." Said calmly, but the last sentence is tantamount to betraying Xiong Ziqiang himself, at least he is also quite nervous.

Pang Hui pursed his lips, but he didn't dare to say anything, and quietly stood up straight and guarded the door.

"Ambassador Cai, is your old doctor really that good? Is he sure?" On the other side, Bakoyannis was also communicating with Cai Qichang.

"Mayor Bakoyannis, that old gentleman is the most skilled medical person in our country. In the country, he hardly sees patients anymore. Please move him because our Chairman Zhao came forward. If he can't do it, then I'm afraid..." What I'm afraid, Cai Qichang didn't say it completely, but the meaning is already very clear.

"I am very worried about those people outside now. They are all young people who are full of vigor. If, I mean, if long fails to be treated in our hospital, what will the city face? It is really impossible. Estimated." Bakoyannis said worriedly.

Bakoyannis also hopes that Chen Kangjie can recover, but as the city's parent officer, she has to make other considerations.

"Your government should have made some vague preparations, right?" Cai Qichang asked.

Bakoyannis nodded: "Of course preparations must be made, but...thinking about Los Angeles back then, the U.S. Coast Guard was dispatched, and it still caused incalculable losses. On the surface, we What we are facing is only tens of thousands of people outside. In fact, what we are facing may be tens of thousands or even millions of people. No matter how good the contingency measures are, they will appear powerless under such a population base. Moreover, this time The nature cannot be compared with the Los Angeles incident at all. People may become crazy many times. At present, they are still restrained and stable because the long is still being treated. The situation is out of control.”

Bakoyannis was genuinely worried.If the unwanted result really occurs, the city that has just hosted the Olympic Games is very likely to be destroyed by many angry people.Thinking about that scene, Bakoyannis felt chills down his back.

Don't forget, as a party to the Schengen Treaty, nationals of most other European countries can enter and exit Greece at will.In other words, the local government will not only face the local residents, but at least they will face the anger of young people all over Europe.

Chen Kangjie's popularity in Europe may be slightly lower than in the United States, but there are still tens of millions of fans.And the people who like him and support him may be over [-] million.Anyone who faces this situation is a headache.

If Chen Kangjie was suitable for long-distance transfer, Bakoyannis and the others might have supported Chen Kangjie's transfer to China from the bottom of their hearts. If others are not here for treatment, they will bear relatively less pressure.

"Yeah, I don't want that to happen either. The only thing we hope for now is to hope that Mr. Xi can rejuvenate and heal Long. Although this kind of result is what we all hope to see, what should be prepared is To prepare, I hope the security of the airspace is no problem, the evacuation plan still needs to be implemented." Cai Qichang said.

"Don't worry about this. Two helicopters have been arranged on the roof of the hospital. If necessary, more helicopters can be sent to respond. In any case, we must guarantee your safety." Bakoyannis said.

In China, although Ma Fangqin has returned home from the hospital to recuperate, her mental state is still very poor. She does not think about food and tea every day, and sometimes it is rare to eat a bowl of rice in a day.

As a mother, her child is far away in a foreign country and does not know whether he is alive or dead. At this time, even a god can hardly restore his spirit. As for medicine, don't even think about it.

The most effective measure for Ma Fangqin now is that he can hear Chen Kangjie's voice, or see that Chen Kangjie is recovering, which is more useful than any panacea.

Every day, Chen Yuchang would make at least two phone calls to comfort her, and the words she said were similar to "the condition has stabilized and is getting better".Even if Chen Yuchang didn't call home, Ma Fangqin would still ask him, so it's better to report every morning and evening.

Today, Ma Fangqin also knew that a national master went to a foreign country to treat his son.

Waking up early in the morning, Ma Fangqin sat by the phone, not going anywhere. After a long time, her expression became a little dull.It made Chen Yuqiong and the others afraid to go anywhere, except for Chen Qigang's official duties, which he couldn't get away from, they all stayed at home.On the one hand, they hoped to know about Chen Kangjie's treatment as soon as possible, and on the other hand, they were also worried that Ma Fangqin might make any mistakes.

Just in case, there are two medical staff from the provincial hospital living in the house. If there is any temporary situation, they can provide first aid and treatment.

At the same time, there are countless people waiting in front of TV news all over the world.

Some people even lighted candles, took out scriptures and read silently, and prayed to Chen Kangjie in this way, hoping that he would have a safe life.

In the United States, in China, in Europe, in Australia, in Japan, in South Asia, in Russia, and even in Africa, countless people are eagerly waiting for the results of Chen Kangjie's treatment.Some students chose to play truant on this day. Their behavior may not be desirable and should not be supported. However, some teachers expressed their understanding.

At this time, it is better to block than to avoid. It is better to use some guiding means to stop it with force, which may be more beneficial to young people.

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