rebirth of change

Chapter 2507 released at the first time

Chapter 2507 Released as soon as possible

The good news of Chen Kangjie's successful treatment couldn't be hidden at all, it was self-evident just by looking at everyone's faces and expressions.

In order to appease the supporters outside the hospital and around the world who were craning their necks waiting for the news, Bakoyannis held an impromptu press conference outside the hospital after a brief communication with Cai Qichang.

Seeing Bakoyannis coming out of the hospital gate, all kinds of flashing lights crackled, almost making Bakoyanni blindfolded.

Since the press conference was notified to participate in the press conference, it meant that the results of the treatment had come out. Of course, the reporters were all as excited as if they had been beaten with chicken blood.This is the best news at the moment, and no one wants to miss it. There are countless people all over the world waiting for their news to spread back.

Since it is a temporary press conference, there is not such a complete organization and equipment.

A platform was built on the steps, and the microphones were placed on it, and the reporters were asked to stand under the steps.However, as soon as Bakoyannis came out, the reporters still couldn't help but wanted to squeeze forward.To get news is to basically complete the task, and it is best to be able to ask questions and get answers. This is a qualified reporter.

Well, the police at the scene could barely resist the crowd of reporters.

These people are not violent, but uncrowned kings with immeasurable influence, so the police really can only resist, not drive away.

"Ladies and gentlemen, please be quiet, please be quiet, please?" Bakoyannis hadn't spoken yet. Giannis had to appease them first before releasing the news he had.

After repeating the invitation several times, the hands kept pressing down. After a few minutes, the scene calmed down.If you don't keep silent, you won't get the news you want anyway.

"Ladies and gentlemen, please stay calm and don't push any further. You have to take care of your own safety, as well as the sick Long inside. He needs to be quiet, okay?" After the audience quieted down , Bakoyannis continued to point to the hospital building behind him and said.

After looking at the majestic hospital building, the reporters finally stopped being restless.

Taking a deep breath, Bakoyannis said in a steady but joyful tone: "Everyone present is very concerned about Long's condition, so we will publicly inform you here as soon as we know the result... ...After nearly seven hours of unremitting efforts by medical experts from China, the toxins in Long's body have been basically eliminated. The current test results show that Long's body condition is normal and he is completely out of danger.. ...."

Hearing this result, many reporters couldn't help applauding, forgetting Bakoyannis' opening instructions.

Bakoyannis smiled slightly. It was impossible for her to dissuade them at this time. She could understand the mood of these people very well. This was a spontaneous and spontaneous emotional venting.Even if her speech was interrupted, she could only choose not to care.

After the applause subsided, Bakoyannis continued: "Although Long has passed the danger and his physical condition looks good, he has not yet woken up due to weakness and other reasons. The doctor said that he needs to be quiet. After resting for several hours, I will wake up with my own recovery ability...that's all I'm going to tell you."

After the news was released, Bakoyannis wanted to leave the field.A big difference between a press conference and a press conference is that most of the time the press conference does not accept questions, and it can end after the news content to be publicized is released.

Bakoyannis wanted to leave, but with such a rare opportunity, how could the reporters let her go so easily?

"?" " "+%¥##@..." The reporters immediately asked questions desperately, so that no one could understand what they were asking.

And judging from their posture, if Bakoyannis doesn't stay and say something, they may really follow Bakoyannis into the building to report.Anyway, they have already entered the gate of the hospital, and it will not be so easy to drive them out again.The government can no longer turn good things into bad things. Wouldn't the gains outweigh the losses?

"Okay, okay, if you want to ask questions, please come one by one, keep order and quiet, please everyone." Seeing that there was no way to escape, Bakoyannis could only turn around and stay, steadying the uncrowned kings.

The government and the media are a relationship of cooperation and struggle. On the one hand, the media must supervise the government; Very well grasped.If you offend the media, it will make trouble for you every day, scrutinize and report negatively, and your good political achievements will most likely be in vain.The Olympic Games have just been held, and Athens is also in need of international media.

"Ms. Bakoyannis, may I ask, what kind of technology did the experts in China use to heal the long? What is the fundamental difference between their technology and our technology?" The people became quiet, "Everyday Nicholas, the deputy editor-in-chief of Daily News, who was staying at the scene, was the first to ask questions.

"I'm sorry, Mr. Nicholas, as you know, I'm not a medical scientist, so I don't know what kind of technology they use. What I can confirm is that they use Chinese medicine, not what we generally use and recognize in the West. Western medicine, technically, I have no way to make an objective comparison.” Bakoyannis had an exclusive interview with Nicholas during the election campaign, so they knew each other, and because of their acquaintance, Nicholas took the lead .

"Ms. Bakoyannis, since Long hasn't woken up yet, how can he be sure that he has been cured? Isn't this a bit contradictory? Don't you worry about rushing to release the news and cause an oolong? Such an eager expression of merit, yes Isn't it a little bit later." A reporter from a private Italian TV station raised his hands and asked.

"Mister, as I said just now, although Long has not yet awakened, his physical signs have returned to a stable level, and the toxins in his body have basically been taken out. To be on the safe side, the relevant blood tests are also carried out It's going on simultaneously. I don't know what kind of mentality you have when you ask this question. Do you really hope that Long's treatment will fail, or do you hope that the doctor's judgment will be wrong? If so, it would be a pity." Although Bakoyannis Is a female mayor, but she is not a weak woman.Since this guy's question is so impolite, she also has to give a certain amount of retaliation.

Otherwise, other reporters will follow suit, and won't the good road go astray?

As soon as Bakoyannis' words came out, the reporter immediately suffered countless blank stares. This was only among the reporters. If someone outside heard it, the reporter would probably be beaten to death as soon as he walked out of the hospital gate.

"Ms. Mayor, will Long return to China in the next stage? Will the Athens City Government compensate him partly?" the female reporter from Sky TV asked the Italian reporter after she had given up.

"This...we need to communicate and coordinate with the long side and the Chinese government. As for how to deal with it in the future, there is no conclusion yet. When we have a conclusion, we will tell everyone as soon as possible. Please rest assured , it should be our responsibility, and we will not shirk it." This question caught Bakoyannis a little by surprise.

"Madam Mayor, will Long's incident have an impact on your re-election? Has the team made a relevant assessment?" a reporter from the local Rhode Island newspaper "Democracy" asked.

"I'm sorry, I haven't considered re-election yet. The top priority is to restore Long's health, catch the murderer as soon as possible, and bring him to justice." After two years as mayor, Bakoyannis has already It is a bit handy in the face of complex situations.

Regarding the issue of elections, it is often impossible to express your position directly, because no matter how you express it, it is very likely to be a mistake.

Isn't Bakoyannis worried about reelection?Of course it is impossible, but how to deal with the crisis and operate it is still in the making.

"Girl Bakoyannis, we are naturally excited and happy that Long's body has recovered, but you said just now that the murderer will be brought to justice as soon as possible. How is the current arrest going? I am very concerned, and I believe countless People are also concerned." The Washington Post reporter asked.

"This issue has been completely taken over by the Ministry of the Interior. The Ministry of the Interior will release relevant information when the time is right. It is not convenient for me to say more here. But one thing is the same, that is, everyone from top to bottom is concerned about that Bad guys are despised and disgusted, we will definitely combine the forces of all countries in the world and work together to find that scoundrel." Bakoyannis said evasively.

"Mayor, we want to shoot Long. Is it possible? Our audience and I are very concerned about his health. I hope to give you some comfort through the pictures." A reporter from an American TV station saw Bakoyan Ness was about to retreat again, hurried to his chance, and was the last to make a claim.

"Madam, your request is not something our Athens city government can unilaterally make a decision on. You should know that the treatment of Long is now under the sole responsibility of the Chinese expert group. Whether it can be filmed or not, they are required to make an assessment. I will respond to your opinion. What's more, what Long needs now is an absolutely quiet rest, which is very conducive to his recovery. As for whether he is willing to have close contact with everyone after Long wakes up, that depends on Long himself waking up Finally, make a decision based on his physical condition, mental condition and his wishes. Well, thank you everyone today, thank you..."

This time Bakoyannis stopped procrastinating, turned around and left as soon as the voice fell, and she no longer cared about the reporter who still wanted to ask questions.Even if it is given another hour, the reporter will still have endless questions, which is almost enough.

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