rebirth of change

Chapter 2508 This kindness will never be forgotten

Chapter 2508 This kindness will never be forgotten

With Bakoyannis gone, the reporters could only quickly turn around and send messages to their respective media outlets, telling their readers, viewers and listeners the good news as soon as possible.

The first group to know that Chen Kangjie had been rescued was of course the supporters and fans waiting outside the hospital.

Such a good news made them excited for a moment, some shouted, some embraced and cried, some danced.All in all, they used their own ways to celebrate Chen Kangjie's passing the danger. For them, perhaps Chen Kangjie was more important than themselves, otherwise they wouldn't have stood by for so many days, braving the pressure of life inconvenience. here.

Emotions were contagious as the news passed, and it didn't take long for the city of Athens to become a sea of ​​celebration and joy.After the cloud that shrouded people's hearts dissipated, greeting each other became a lot more joyful.

Except during major festivals and the Olympic Games, the city of Athens does not set off fireworks. However, in order to congratulate Chen Kangjie for overcoming the difficulties, on this day, while people were celebrating, many people also set off fireworks. Young people sang and danced to their heart's content. Vent their depression and sadness for so many days.

When the news of Chen Kangjie's recovery came back to China, everyone in the land of China was happy for him and cheered for him everywhere.Throughout the day, it seems that wherever you go, you can hear the sound of firecrackers one after another like New Year's Eve. This is ordinary people expressing their feelings to a young man like Chen Kangjie in a simple way.

Whether it is in the Olympic arena or in other aspects, Chen Kangjie is regarded by the Chinese as a different kind of hero.Today, when many celebrities find ways to emigrate as soon as they become popular, Chen Kangjie insists on his dedication to this country. Not only does he not immigrate, but he also does not choose a well-known foreign university for his university. He always has Chinese elements in his body when he attends public events. .

Many people may not understand, nor understand Chen Kangjie's character, but there is one thing they do not need to think much to know, Chen Kangjie is a patriot.

Which joyous atmosphere can be felt in many cities around the world on this day, starting from Athens, Paris, London, Frankfurt, Barcelona, ​​Prague, Brisbane, Karachi, Los Angeles, Tokyo, Seoul, New York, Hong Kong, Mingzhu, and even Qatar in the Middle East, even if you are not a local, you will feel that the atmosphere is a little different.Especially among young people, what is the topic of their chat today?Undoubtedly, it was Chen Kangjie who saved the day.

On this day, whoever doesn't talk about long in front of his partner or best friend to express his feelings will be despised and disgusted.

As for the news, the news about Chen Kangjie appeared in the top positions and pages of the world's major, medium and small news media for a while.It can be said that it has basically reached an overwhelming level. The Olympic Games in the past few days, except for the opening ceremony, will not have this kind of publicity treatment.

In addition to the news reporting the facts, some media also added their own comments, and in the comments of the news media, the mystery of Chinese medicine is more or less mentioned.

Traditional Chinese medicine is well-known in China, but in the world, especially in Europe and the United States, very few people know it.

Invisibly, in the media reports, it has made the most powerful free advertisement for Chinese medicine in the world.In the next ten years or so, it is not only easier for Chinese medicine to go out, but every year, international students from all over the world come to China to study Chinese medicine.

There is no harm if there is no comparison. After all, Chen Kangjie made breakthroughs after handing over to Chinese medicine to take over the situation where Western medicine was at a loss or made little progress. To a certain extent, many people would think that Chinese medicine is better than Western medicine, otherwise it would not have happened This intuitive comparison situation.

In fact, although Chinese medicine and Western medicine are both medical disciplines, they follow different paths. It is difficult to say which is better than the other. However, Chinese medicine emphasizes nature, mutual restraint of circulation, simplicity and the unity of nature and man.

Of course, at present, many Chinese medicine treatment methods do not have a scientific data explanation. Unlike Western medicine, it is based on experimental data. However, we cannot deny the effectiveness and scientific nature of Chinese medicine.

Just like the West talks about democracy all day long, drivers lose everything without democracy, and people without democracy become garbage.However, what is presented in the world is not exactly what they preach and tell.Some countries did not follow the development path they guided, but developed well, and some followed their settings, and it turned out to be nonsense in the end.

In any case, Chen Kangjie's treatment this time made him the best publicity spokesperson for Chinese medicine.If others have doubts and doubts, someone will bring up this example of Chen Kangjie.

In China's "News Network", it is very rare that the headline news is not a national leader, not some kind of policy propaganda, but the news that Chen Kangjie's initial success in treatment is actually the news.From this news, it can be seen how much he is valued in China.

Chen Kangjie, who was lying in the hospital, woke up seven hours later, as Mr. Xi said.

Seeing Chen Kangjie wake up, Xiong Ziqiang and Chen Yuchang, who were guarding the hospital bed, were overjoyed.

"Wake up, wake up, Master Jie, you're awake."

"Brother, you've finally woken up, we're all dying of anxiety." Chen Yuchang said while wiping the uncontrollable tears from the corners of his eyes.

"Third brother, why are you here?"

"Can I not come? You were dying two days ago, ah, bah, bah, bah, look at me, talking nonsense, you know, when you go to the hospital, my mother fainted, and the whole family can't wait to come here "Although Chen Kangjie has woken up, Chen Yuchang still feels taboo about some words.

"Mom fainted? Then she..."

"Don't worry, you've been discharged from the hospital. Well, if you hear the news that you've been cured, you'll recover faster. You've just woken up. Don't think about that. You still have your sister at home, so don't worry about it. You now Are you hungry, let me ask the chef to get you something to eat? What do you want to eat?"

Chen Kangjie shook his head slightly: "I'm not hungry right now...just get me a bowl of porridge later."

"Okay, I'll make arrangements now, and make you a bowl of seafood and ginseng porridge to supplement yourself. By the way, I have to tell my parents the good news of your waking up, so that they can feel completely at ease." Chen Kangjie said no Hungry, but Chen Yuchang still has to prepare for him in advance.Moreover, it was his bounden duty to inform Chen Kangjie about the situation as soon as possible.

"Brother Qiang, where is the old gentleman from China who treated me?" Chen Kangjie looked at Xiong Ziqiang and asked as soon as Chen Yuchang left.

Chen Kangjie's body is still a little weak, but his voice is weak now, and there is still no problem with his basic expression.

"Hey, Young Master Jie, how do you know that the person who treated you was an old gentleman, and that he came from China. Did you see it?" Xiong Ziqiang was surprised.

It is true that Chen Kangjie has been in a coma for many days, and he just woke up now. It is hard to understand how he knows this information, and he is still abroad, not in China.

"I'm in a could I see it, but I vaguely heard him talking to me. He not only gave me acupuncture, but also gave me massage. Where did that old gentleman go?" Chen Kangjie Said.

"Oh, no wonder, that old Xi is now resting in a room on the side. You don't know, after treating you, Mr. Xi fainted directly in the room, and I only saw it when I came in. He ordered twelve Time can't disturb his rest, I arranged for Pang Hui and Dong Mingshu to watch over there so that he won't be disturbed." Xiong Ziqiang complained.

"Oh, his kindness is deeply imprinted, and I will never forget it for the rest of my life." Hearing that the old man fainted from exhaustion, Chen Kangjie said sincerely.

"Yeah, at that time, many doctors showed you that there was nothing to do. It was Mr. Xi who came from China. He said he was 50.00% sure. At that time, all of us were scared and frustrated. Thank God, Mr. Xi made a comeback. , finally expel the poison from your body."

"Am I poisoned?" Chen Kangjie frowned and asked.

"You don't know? Young Master Jie, you were poisoned by an unknown person in the Olympic Village. The doctor said that it was your physique. If you were someone else, you would have died a long time ago. Your poisoning has messed up many places. , there are still tens of thousands of people guarding outside the hospital. But they have changed from praying for you to congratulating you." Xiong Ziqiang and the others knew that Chen Kangjie was poisoned, so they habitually thought that Chen Kangjie knew too. Logic is of course flawed.

"I just remember that after I passed the finish line, I vomited blood and fell to the ground. I didn't even know I was poisoned." Chen Kangjie's pupils shrank, especially when the word "poisoning" was mentioned.

This shows that Chen Kangjie really put this method on his mind. Although he didn't say a single word of viciousness, the look in his eyes is enough.

"Jie Shao, although you fell to the ground, do you know that you still defended the championship, you were ahead of your opponent by [-] seconds, won the gold medal, and maintained the myth of eternal victory in the Olympic Games, but you were hospitalized The award ceremony was attended by the staff of the delegation." Sensing the change in Chen Kangjie's eyes, he was worried that he would think in that direction and be stimulated, so he hurriedly told him the good news and led him in another direction.

Chen Kangjie also knew Xiong Ziqiang's intentions. At this time, he was still lying on the hospital bed. He couldn't do anything anyway, so he didn't express his opinion, which was regarded as obeying his intention.

"Gold medal or not, I couldn't care about it at that time. Anyway, I tried my best to be worthy of myself and the country." Chen Kangjie sighed and said with emotion.

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