rebirth of change

Chapter 2509 One more master

Chapter 2509 Another master

In fact, the scene of Chen Kangjie spitting blood and falling to the ground at the last moment touched many people. In China, his slow motion has appeared on TV countless times. Every Chinese who saw it was moved and touched by it. In one scene, I don't know how many people couldn't help but shed tears.

His behavior and spirit are very inspiring. Of course, different people will have different interpretations. In China, at least patriotism will be added.

Just like what the news said, "It is precisely because of the infinite love for the motherland and the nation that Chen Kangjie will continue to fight tenaciously even when he knows that he will not be able to support him, and will not admit defeat or give up. It is best to embody this spirit, which will surely inspire us to keep moving forward, so as to realize the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation..."

Although Chen Kangjie woke up, he was still unable to get out of bed. After two days of supplementary nutrition, he was able to get up from the hospital bed with support.

In the hospital's various testing items, Chen Kangjie's physical signs are getting better and better. After repeated testing three times, his blood is free of invading toxins.

The first thing Chen Kangjie did after getting out of bed was to ask for a teacher, and this new master happened to be Xi Lao Xi Shanchuan who pulled him back from the gate of hell.

It was not Chen Kangjie's request to worship Xi Shanchuan as a teacher, on the contrary, it was Xi Shanchuan who mentioned it on his own initiative.

After resting for twelve hours, that is, more than twenty hours, Xi Shanchuan came to Chen Kangjie's room to visit him again.

Seeing the savior appearing, Chen Kangjie's first reaction was to get up to express his gratitude, but Xi Shanchuan stepped forward and pushed him back to lie down.

"Although you have a strong physique, it's not advisable to get up yet, so let's rest for a day or two."

"Thank you, old man, for saving my life. If it weren't for you, I'm afraid......Your old kindness, I am deeply grateful to Wu, and thank you here now, boy..." Although he couldn't get up, he should Expressions of meaning and gratitude are still required.

"Okay, okay." Mr. Xi waved his hand casually, interrupting Chen Kangjie, "My old man came to see you, not to hear your words of thanks, don't make it so clichéd, anyway, save everything Yes, thank you or not, it’s all the same thing.”

As a hermit, Xi Shanchuan is really free and unrestrained, and he doesn't enjoy this kind of patient's grateful words and vocabulary like other doctors.

In other words, Xi Shanchuan was not an ordinary person, otherwise he would not have such a unique status.

"Even so, I can't just be that white-eyed wolf. I have to express my gratitude. Originally, I wanted to give something yellow and white as a thank you, but what the old gentleman said made it hard for me to open my mouth. "Facing this kind of old gentleman, Chen Kangjie behaved politely.

"What's so hard to say, if you want to send me money, I will definitely accept it. Before that, your brother said that he would send me a large sum of money as a thank you fee. I don't care about his thank you fee, but your money , I will not refuse." Xi Shanchuan's face-changing skill is really beyond the reach of ordinary masters.

The contrast between Xi Shanchuan's front and back made Chen Kangjie dumbfounded, and he didn't know how to communicate with this old gentleman.

But the old man was willing to take money, which was not difficult for Chen Kangjie at all. He had nothing else but a lot of money.

"Do you think I'm a little unreasonable?" After glancing at Chen Kangjie, Xi Shanchuan sat down on the sofa next to Chen Kangjie's bed.

"Don't dare, dare not, how could I have that kind of..." Chen Kangjie hastily waved his hand in denial.

However, Chen Kangjie's words were once again interrupted by Xi Shanchuan: "It's normal to have some, anyway, more than one person will feel that way, one more is not too much, and one less is not much. Have you ever asked a master to learn art?"

"Yes, when I was young, I worked with a master for a while." Unable to keep up with Xi Shanchuan's jumpy way of talking, Chen Kangjie simply said what the old man asked and answered, just follow his words.

"What kind of person is he? Can you tell me?" Xi Shanchuan was very straightforward.

"He is a veteran who has been on the battlefield, his name is Tuo Zhihan." Chen Kangjie didn't hide anything, just said something.

Although Chen Kangjie didn't know why Xi Shanchuan asked about Tuo Zhihan, he had just saved him after all, and he was an elder, so Chen Kangjie didn't dare to avoid it.

"Is it as simple as he is a veteran? What did he teach you?" Xi Shanchuan asked suspiciously.

"He taught me some basics of fighting, boxing and kicking. As far as I know, what he taught was not martial arts, but some movements and skills that can be used in actual combat. After all, he was almost killed on the battlefield. , I have also killed different people in different missions... By the way, he also taught me a disguise technique."

"That's all? Nothing else?" Xi Shanchuan still had a suspicious tone.

"Hmm... yes, that's all, there's nothing else." Chen Kangjie thought for a while, and confirmed with certainty.

"It shouldn't be, you only worshiped this kind of master, or did you only learn from this master? Is there no one else?" Just now, Xi Shanchuan suspected Chen Kangjie, but now his demeanor and tone seem to connect him. I doubt it myself.

"Indeed, there is no more. Apart from this, I have no other master."

"That's really a bit strange. What your master taught you is all external things, whether it's tactical moves or disguise, these are all external, but how do you have internal strength? How can you control the internal force that I transmit to you? This really makes me incomprehensible." Xi Shanchuan frowned, shaking his head while saying.

"Oh, so that's what you're talking about, old man. Although I've only had one master, I've also learned other things. I have a book on martial arts called "Li Ding Wu Jing" in my hand. It mainly It’s about breathing and breathing and how to absorb and absorb power, is the part you’re curious about related to what I’ve learned?” Chen Kangjie asked in confusion.

""Li Ding Wu Jing"? Why do you have this book? Isn't it said that you can't find it?" Judging from Xi Shanchuan's surprised expression, he seems to know the existence and magical use of this book.

"It was given to me by an old senior." At this time, Chen Kangjie did not say that it was given to him by the old chief.

"Have you brought it with you? Can you show me?" Xi Shanchuan stood up excitedly.

Chen Kangjie spread out his hands briefly, and said with a wry smile: "Old man, look at me like this, can I be someone with a scripture on my body? I competed that day in short clothes and shorts, how could I bring a book to participate in the competition?" ah!"

"I was impatient, I was impatient." Xi Shanchuan apologized.

"Mr. Xi, you seem to be very interested in this book."

Xi Shanchuan smiled self-deprecatingly: "I'm just curious. At my age, don't you expect anything else?" Although "Li Ding Wu Jing" is a book of martial arts, it is actually a This health preservation book and medical skills have different learning angles, and the benefits will be different. No wonder when I gave you a diagnosis and treatment that day, I felt that you had learned this content, but it seemed that you didn’t learn it properly. It seems that these are all yours. The result of usual self-study."

"I didn't study well? No way, I followed the strict rules written in the book. How could it be?"

"Hehe, young man, do you feel that your internal strength is sometimes strong and sometimes weak? Or, is it like when you run, you need to boost your energy every time you need it?" Xi Shanchuan asked with a smile.

"You know all this." This time it was Chen Kangjie's turn to be surprised.

This is indeed the case in Chen Kangjie's body. He doesn't feel that there is endless energy in his body all the time.For example, there will be a difference in his performance between daily training and competition.

"If you really learn the right level, you won't have that kind of intermittent, but you can have it at any time as you like. Moreover, if you have learned the right level, you won't be lying on the hospital bed today. You should be able to detect it after the poisoning and use your own internal force to force out the poison, but you don’t have it, which means you’re only half-baked. If you can learn by yourself, you should know that our Chinese characters, especially ancient Chinese characters, have rich meanings, and the same A single sentence can have two or even multiple meanings, such as the sentence "Are you still coming? ", it can be as simple as asking if you will come, or it can be that you want you to come, or it can be that you don't come, it depends on which of the four words you focus on. The first meaning, the focus is Put it on the word "do", the second meaning focuses on "coming", and the third meaning focuses on "return". Therefore, although you have scriptures and you can learn them, you have not learned them. All." Xi Shanchuan said in a teaching tone.

Xi Shanchuan's words really made Chen Kangjie feel enlightened while being surprised.

In the past, Chen Kangjie had the feeling more than once that the formulas in "Li Ding Wu Jing" sometimes made people feel contradictory, such as asking him to speed up his breathing while slowing down, which made Chen Kangjie confused.Now, he's kind of getting the hang of it.

"The old gentleman's words really made the boy Mao Sai suddenly realize, thank you, thank you."

"Although your comprehension should be very good, there are some things that need to be pointed out by someone. It is the result of long-term accumulation and cultivation in life. If you are willing, I am willing to accept you as a disciple. Not only will I teach you how to find the correct path to practice , and also taught you how to use it to keep in good health and even treat people’s diseases.” Xi Shanchuan didn’t play around with that trick, and directly proposed to accept Chen Kangjie.

Chen Kangjie was at a loss for Xi Shanchuan's proposal. He didn't expect a master to appear like this, and he wasn't mentally prepared for it.

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