rebirth of change

Chapter 2510 Like the Arabian Nights

Chapter 2510 Like the Arabian Nights

"Why, you don't want to? Do you think I'm taking advantage of you by accepting you as an apprentice?" Seeing Chen Kangjie's hesitation, Xi Shanchuan's face darkened.

"No, no, old man, I didn't mean that, it's just... I have a master, if I want to take you as my teacher again, do I have to ask my master for permission first, or... ...Although my master doesn't have any sects, it always feels like a betrayal." Chen Kangjie expressed his concerns.

Judging from the fact that Xi Shanchuan saved him, Chen Kangjie would not feel that he would take advantage of him.Although Xi Shanchuan showed a strong interest in "Li Ding Wu Jing" earlier, he is an old man in his 80s after all, do he still expect to snatch his scriptures and win some martial arts ranking?It doesn't look like it.

Regarding the accuracy of his ability to see people, Chen Kangjie is generally very confident.

Although it is not ancient times now, the practice of arbitrarily changing the court is also not supported and appreciated by others. Chao Qin Mu Chu is always a derogatory term.There is a word "letter" involved in this, and apprenticeship is not like going to school to study, it has a strong sense of specificity.

"When your master accepted you back then, did he say that you were not allowed to worship other people?" Xi Shanchuan nodded and asked.

An old man like Xi Shanchuan attaches great importance to the way of life, so Chen Kangjie's concerns not only did not make Xi Shanchuan displeased and angry, but affirmed him a little bit.

To put it bluntly, if Chen Kangjie worshiped under his Xi Shanchuan today, and found someone else tomorrow, no one would be happy. He was a teacher for a day and a father for the rest of his life. That's why there is such a title as Master. There is no Lao Tzu I would like my son to find his godfather outside all day without his consent.

"That was never asked."

"Then it's over. If he didn't ask, it means he doesn't care. Of course, if you are afraid that he has ideas, then you can call him and let him know. Just ask him what he thinks." Shanchuan really wanted to take Chen Kangjie in, and even helped him find a way.

"That's right, look at my brain, I've become inflexible after being ill."

Chen Kangjie couldn't get up, but there was no problem making a phone call while lying down.

So Chen Kangjie called Tuo Zhihan in front of Xi Shanchuan.

Tuo Zhihan heard that an expert who brought Chen Kangjie back to life wanted to accept Chen Kangjie as his apprentice, of course he would not object, not only did he not object, but he also supported it.And also asked Chen Kangjie to respect the new master, to ask for advice with an open mind, and not to disappoint the teacher.

After getting Tuo Zhihan's approval, Chen Kangjie no longer had any doubts.

The next day, seeing Chen Kangjie recovering quickly from the hospital bed, Xi Shanchuan nodded to express his satisfaction with this new disciple.

A good master, no matter how capable he is, still hopes to have good students. Those students who are really dull are a kind of pain for the teacher.Chen Kangjie's ability to recover so quickly shows that his physique is really excellent. Xi Shanchuan naturally likes this kind of student.

What's more, Chen Kangjie also respects his teachers and respects his filial piety. He is intelligent and intelligent, so he can be regarded as perfect.

Standing off the bed, Chen Kangjie first knelt down and kowtowed to Xi Shanchuan three times.It can be regarded as a kind of etiquette when meeting Master on the first day.

When we Chinese apprentices, the etiquette is often more cumbersome and more particular.

However, it is relatively simple for Chen Kangjie to take Xi Shanchuan as his teacher.

On the one hand, Chen Kangjie had just woken up, so he shouldn't make too many movements, and secondly, he was in a foreign country, so it was hard to find incense paper candles.The third thing is that the master Xi Shanchuan is very free and easy, and he doesn't like those red tapes very much.

Therefore, Chen Kangjie kowtowed three heads and toasted a cup of tea in his apprenticeship, and it was completed in this way.

"Xiaojie, starting from today, you are my closed disciple of Xi Shanchuan. In my life, I have accepted more than a dozen apprentices. The oldest of them is already 70 years old. I didn't want to accept any more apprentices. In the past ten years, I have never taken any apprentices, and you will be the last one." Sitting down face to face with Chen Kangjie, Xi Shanchuan said solemnly.

"Thank you, Master, for your great love. Master, do the other brothers also follow you to study medicine?"

"No, your master, I'm not a doctor in the strict sense, because I don't sit in the classroom, and I don't go to the clinic. You have to know that our traditional martial arts are often linked to Chinese medicine, such as meridians, acupuncture points, and nourishing qi. , including massage and bone setting, etc. Of course, a good Chinese medicine doctor may not be able to use martial arts, but a good martial artist must know some medical skills. Moreover, the deeper the martial arts practice, the higher the medical skills, and even sometimes, it is not necessary to use Drugs can cure people's diseases only by skills and internal strength. Those senior brothers of yours can do everything, and I will tell you about their situation slowly later." Xi Shanchuan taught.

"Oh, I see, Master." It was really the first time Chen Kangjie heard someone say similar words to him.

And Xi Shanchuan's words, when you think about it carefully, make sense, just like doctors who know how to administer poison, they just see what he does or doesn't do.Otherwise, it will be difficult to know how to detoxify.

"Although I take you as an apprentice, I don't have many times when I can teach you by my side. On the one hand, you have many things to do, and on the other hand, I don't like noisy cities..."

"Master, then I can find you a place with beautiful mountains and rivers, build you a courtyard, or even open up such a place for you in a big city, it's not impossible." Chen Kangjie said hastily.

"Forget it, the air in the city is so filthy now that it's like taking drugs every day. As for other courtyards, don't bother. I know you are rich. I actually have a house in the capital, but usually I prefer to live in a house." The hut in Zhongnan Mountain is fresh and natural." Xi Shanchuan waved his hand.

"Then if I need to ask you for advice, shall I go to Zhongnan Mountain to find you?" Chen Kangjie asked.

"You are stupid. I live in seclusion, but it doesn't mean I want to be a savage. Don't you have a phone now? If you want to find me, just call me. Of course, if you have time, you can stay with me every year. Stay in Nanshan for a while." Xi Shanchuan scolded with a humorous smile.

"Okay, I will try my best to go there."

"I read the "Li Ding Wu Jing" that you asked someone to bring to me last night. It is indeed a good book. However, I want to tell you where you made the mistake in the first practice."

"Master, please tell me, I will definitely remember it." As soon as he heard that he had made a mistake in the practice, Chen Kangjie immediately paid attention, and his back straightened up when he was leaning on the sofa.

"First of all, this book requires you to practice hard. What is hot practice? That is to say, you can't meditate at the beginning, otherwise your progress and effect will be greatly reduced. It means that you need to exercise first, let the Qi in your body move, and then sink down, that is, calm down and practice along the formula. After you reply a little bit, I will teach you a set of fitness boxing. This set of boxing can be used for fitness , You can actually fight after practicing, before you practice "Li Ding Wu Jing", it is best to hit the boxing I taught you first, and then sit down to practice after the whole body is aura, this is the first point."

Chen Kangjie, who was sitting next to him, didn't dare to be careless, and firmly remembered every word Xi Shanchuan said.

"Well, Master, I remember, you continue."

"The second point is that the place where you sit is either extremely hard or extremely soft. This is also something to be particular about."

"Extremely hard and extremely soft? Master, can't it be on the sofa, bed, or chair?" Chen Kangjie asked suspiciously.

"On the sofa and on the bed, the first one is not enough. On the chair, it is barely, but it is not the best. "Li Ding Wu Jing" trains your Qi and your strength. The strength is hard and the breath is soft, and you are going to the extreme. The route, therefore, actually has requirements for the environment." Xi Shanchuan explained.

"Master, what is the best softness and hardness?" Chen Kangjie humbly asked for advice.

"Let me tell you hard first. The best hard is a stone bench, or a stone. Of course, it can't be the kind of limestone that is easy to break. You can choose granite. When one day, you can palm your ass If the granite below is crushed, then your strength will be about the same. The stone represents the ground, which means that you can absorb the essence of the underground."

"Wow, is it really possible to crush granite?" Chen Kangjie asked in surprise.

"Are you doubting being a teacher or doubting yourself?"

"No, no, I absolutely dare not doubt Master. I just... didn't expect to be so powerful."

Xi Shanchuan gave Chen Kangjie a blank look, and continued, "Then let me tell you what softness is. What do you think is the softest thing?"

Xi Shanchuan said to tell, but he was trying to imitate Chen Kangjie.

"Soft... Cotton? It doesn't seem to count, sponge? It doesn't seem to work... Air, Master, the softest thing we can see now should be air, right?" Chen Kangjie racked his brains. Brains come to mind.

"Yes, yes, but can you fly? Are you practicing sitting in the air?" Although Xi Shanchuan admitted that Chen Kangjie was right, he did not praise him for it.

Chen Kangjie scratched his head in embarrassment.

"Think again." Xi Shanchuan didn't tell Chen Kangjie the answer because of this.

"..." Chen Kangjie pondered for a while, but he didn't dare to say with 100% certainty: "Apart from air, water is the only thing that can be used."

"Yes, it's water. You can soak it in the water to practice, but your feet must not touch the ground, they must float. People can't fly in the air, but they can float in the water. If you are hard and soft, your practice effect will be better." Get twice the result with half the effort."

"Then what does it take to practice in water to be considered successful?" If you insist on crushing granite, then Ruan Chen Kangjie really doesn't know how to measure it. You can't crush water molecules.

"Simple, if you can push away the water in front of you, it's considered a success."

"Push away the water in front of you? This..." Chen Kangjie almost wanted to call it a fairy tale. This is not a cartoon. How can people push away the water?

Pulling a knife cuts off the water and makes it flow more, and fetching water from a bamboo basket is empty. These all show that the water cannot be separated or controlled.

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