rebirth of change

Chapter 2511 Heroes Triumph

Chapter 2511 The Hero's Triumph

"There is nothing impossible. When your qi reaches a certain level, a protective layer will form around your body. After pushing the water away, this protective layer will resist you for a certain period of time. The return pressure of the water, of course, the time is very short. In addition, you also need to push the water fast enough, it is a comprehensive response." Xi Shanchuan explained.

"Master, can you do this?" Chen Kangjie asked.

"If I was 40 years younger and got your book again, I am confident that I can do it. Now...time doesn't give me this chance, but I can do half of it." Xi Shanchuan sighed He sighed with emotion.

"Half? Why half?" Chen Kangjie didn't know what half was. It seemed difficult to distinguish.

"I can clearly see that I pushed the water away, but I can't handle the backflow pressure of the water. Okay, you just recovered from a serious illness, so I will tell you this first. When I have time in the future, I will I will explain the other parts to you, and besides, I need some time to study this book more.”

"Thank you master, master, then you can study more, it's okay, I have memorized this book, I can practice without it." Chen Kangjie's photographic memory is amazing. So I still carry this book because I can continue to figure it out.

"Then I'll borrow it for a while. As a teacher, I won't occupy your things. I will return them to you after a certain period of time. This is a classic scripture worthy of collection and inheritance." It is impossible for Xi Shanchuan to refuse, not to mention that he himself brought it up ahead of time.

Although the poison in Chen Kangjie's body had been discharged, and, in order to calm people's hearts, a small film crew was asked to shoot a 3-minute video of Chen Kangjie eating, but the crowd outside the hospital did not disperse because of this.

Each of them has a wish, that is, to see Chen Kangjie with their own eyes.

In the past two days, there was no oppressive and heavy atmosphere outside the hospital, instead it looked like a big gathering of Chen Kangjie's fans.Everyone will discuss Chen Kangjie's works with each other, promote their own collections, and sometimes sing Chen Kangjie's songs together.

Faced with so many enthusiastic people, Chen Kangjie felt that if he didn't meet them, he would be a little sorry for their concern and support.

So, on the eve of returning to China, Chen Kangjie, wearing a hospital gown, appeared on the balcony on the outer wall of the hospital.

When people saw Chen Kangjie appearing on the balcony and waving to them cordially, the audience erupted, and the heartfelt cheers were deafening and resounded through the sky.People who don't know the situation thought that there was a terrible riot here.

Screams, shouts, excited cries, and excited calls were all mixed together.

Of course, TV stations will not miss this kind of picture. Local TV stations and foreign media who have not yet evacuated from Greece all recorded this exciting and unforgettable scene with their own machines and equipment.

Seeing the dense crowd extending to the distance at the intersection outside the hospital, Chen Kangjie himself felt moved and proud.

He was moved by the selfless followers of these supporters for a long time, and it is precisely because of a group of people like them that Chen Kangjie has been reluctant to leave this circle.

If you are proud, such a role is often played by the West, but today, it falls on a Chinese like him, and Chen Kangjie is completely proud of it.

Chen Kangjie just met with his supporters, he didn't make any speeches, it seems that at this time, saying anything is a bit superfluous, anyway, they can understand each other's feelings.

After he was almost in good health, it was time for Chen Kangjie to set off to return to China.In China, at home, there are many more people worthy of Chen Kangjie's gratitude and cherishment.

On the day Chen Kangjie left Athens, because he did not deliberately conduct secrecy and did not take the air route, the road from the hospital to the airport was almost full of local citizens and tourists from all over the world who sent off Chen Kangjie.

However, this time the lanes were different from the past. In the past, some people hoped to stop Chen Kangjie's car, or to have a close contact with him.

But this time, people just showed their love and enthusiasm for Chen Kangjie, without any extreme behavior.

Perhaps, those people felt sorry for Chen Kangjie and felt that he had just come out of the hospital. At this time, other actions were inappropriate and would cause harm and trouble to their idol.

On the side of the main road, countless people held posters of Chen Kangjie, waved and applauded. Of course, everyone was shouting his name excitedly.

This city hurt Chen Kangjie, but it also moved him inexplicably.

Although the local area arranged a station wagon, it was impossible for Chen Kangjie to fall asleep indifferently in the face of such lovely and enthusiastic people, and he had to express something.

Therefore, Chen Kangjie ordered people to open the windows on both sides, and the vehicle drove all the way, and he waved to passers-by to thank him.

In order to protect Chen Kangjie's safety and prevent his formation from being affected, the Greek authorities sent a large number of security personnel to escort and guard on both sides of the road.

It is no exaggeration to say that even if the head of state of a big country visits this city, the treatment he will receive will not be higher than that of Chen Kangjie.

The Greek government was really terrified, and it took Chen Kangjie to get better with great difficulty, and they wanted to send him out of the country.At this time, if something goes wrong, the matter will be really big and difficult to deal with.

As long as Chen Kangjie can leave safely, no matter what they do, it seems that they can do nothing too much.

At the airport, Chen Kangjie met the mayor of Athens, Bakoyannis. The mayor and one of their deputy prime ministers actually came to the airport to see Chen Kangjie off in person.

Such behavior can be understood as their importance to Chen Kangjie, and it can also be understood as an important crisis management.

As long as outsiders see Chen Kangjie happily chatting and hugging them goodbye through the TV screen, people will basically reduce the blame for Chen Kangjie's victimization in the Olympic Games a lot.

At least, on the surface, Chen Kangjie has forgiven them to a certain extent, so how can his supporters still sing against their idol?

"Long, I apologize to you once again. I hope our city has not left a bad impression on you. We feel the same for what happened to you. I'm sorry. I hope you can recover quickly." holding Chen Kangjie hand, Bakoyannis said.

"It doesn't matter. I know that you don't want to see this scene. Although your work has loopholes and flaws, you didn't do it on purpose. As long as you can find the murderer as soon as possible and give him proper punishment." Chen Kangjie can He didn't mind what happened, but he cared very much about handling it.

After recovering from the illness, Chen Kangjie's top priority was to find that guy and make her look good.

Before doing it himself, Chen Kangjie couldn't relax the pressure on the local area.This at least shows his attitude.

"Long, we are already doing our best to track down the murderer. As soon as there is news, we will let you know as soon as possible. You are the person involved, and you have the right to know." The deputy prime minister said.

The Ministry of the Interior and the Security Service happen to be run by him, so Bakoyannis did not say this.

"Then I would like to thank you two. Although some unpleasantness happened, I still thank you for your help and hospitality."

Returning from Athens this time, Chen Kangjie did not take his own private jet, but chartered a 747 airliner.

There were a lot of entourages, and the medical team from China had to return together, so Chen Kangjie's private jet simply couldn't fit.But one thing needs to be explained, the cost of the charter flight is also borne by the Athens Municipal Government.

Except for this kind of thing, if they can't think of some blood, it's impossible. Fortunately, Bakoyannis can still be a man, and they have already done good things before others need to mention it.This also made Chen Kangjie a little speechless.

The charter flight flew directly to Gechang, not the capital city or Pearl. This was the first time that Gechang had a charter flight with Athens.

certainly.At the beginning, the chartered flight was to fly to the capital, saying that it was to hold a welcome ceremony for Chen Kangjie and commend him.But Chen Kangjie didn't care about that, he just wanted to go home now.

Chen Kangjie already knew about Ma Fangqin's fainting after his accident.If I don't go home first after being discharged from the hospital, I really can't justify it.

No matter how many awards and honors there are, Chen Kangjie doesn't care much compared to the affection and intimacy of his family.Now he just wants to reach the harbor of that home as soon as possible, and he just wants to see his mother and family as soon as possible.

Before leaving Athens, Chen Kangjie had already contacted Lin Ling, and he asked Lin Ling to go back to China first, and go to her after he returned home.

The moment Lin Ling knew that Chen Kangjie had successfully detoxified, she covered herself in the quilt and burst into tears.In her heart, as long as Chen Kangjie can get well, she is willing to pay any price.

Although Chen Kangjie didn't go to the capital to attend the welcome ceremony and commendation, but when their chartered plane arrived in Gechang, they realized that a grand welcome ceremony was still prepared in Gechang.

The Chinese regard Chen Kangjie as a hero who has come back triumphantly. At the airport, not only a red carpet was laid for Chen Kangjie, but also students specially sent flowers.Moreover, beside the hanging ladder of the plane, there was a crowd of welcoming people.

At first, Chen Kangjie thought that his father had created such a welcome ceremony, but after a second, Chen Kangjie rejected this idea.

Chen Qigang would never do such a thing, and he would not even allow Gannan Province to dare to do such a thing.It was later proved that the event was prepared by the relevant central departments.

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