rebirth of change

Chapter 2512 The purpose is to show attitude

Chapter 2512 The purpose is to show attitude

The country, or the government, has never made such an action on a certain sports player or entertainment star. Usually, only soldiers who died in missions or typical figures who died in foreign emergencies can receive such a grand treatment. .

If Chen Kangjie died, then no one would be surprised to be greeted with the highest courtesy, but the problem is that he was revived, not dead.This makes it special and unique.

When Chen Kangjie and the others arrived in Gechang, it was early in the morning, when the city was just waking up, and the flights at the airport were not so concentrated yet.However, Gechang Airport has become colorful flags fluttering, bustling.

Many people who greeted Chen Kangjie this time knew him well, and surprisingly, the leader was Tan Changguo.

Tan Changguogui is one of the leaders of the country, and he came to pick up Chen Kangjie in person, which means that it is really puzzling.Generally speaking, the only people who are qualified for him to greet him are Zhao Zhibang or Wei Zhonghua.No more than the fingers of one hand.

But he just showed up.

Since they were old acquaintances, the meeting between the two seemed very cordial.

"Chief, isn't it too much for you to come to greet me in person? You have made me fearful and fearful. Why?" In front of Tan Changguo, Chen Kangjie directly asked his doubts and incomprehensions. .

"You worked hard for the country, and you made a triumphant comeback after injury. How can this be counted? You may not know that you have already been regarded as a hero by the whole people. For a hero, no amount of courtesy can be overstated." Tan Changguo He patted Chen Kangjie on the shoulder and said with a smile.

"But... I still think it's too much, boy, what can I do? You have such a big fight... In fact, I just want to go home." Facing this kind of middle There were welcome ceremonies attended by important leaders from various ministries and commissions and provincial and municipal levels. Chen Kangjie really felt uncomfortable.

The key is that Chen Kangjie has self-knowledge, he is not worthy of such a grand reception.If it was just a deputy mayor in charge of sports, then Chen Kangjie still thought it was quite normal.It would be too much for an unconventional deputy governor to come, let alone Tan Changguo who came in person.It's no wonder Chen Kangjie is calm.

It's not that Chen Kangjie thinks that Tan Changguo is unattainable. They have known each other for many years. The key is Tan Changguo's current position and level, which will make people have various associations.

"Aren't you going home now? What's more, your father is here too, so you've seen your father, so why don't you go home?" Tan Changguo joked.

Behind Tan Changguo are Lu Nengyu and Zhao Gang, but Chen Qigang is still behind them.

After hastily shaking hands with Lu Nengyu and Zhao Gang and exchanging greetings, Chen Kangjie hurried to Chen Qigang.

Tan Changguo came to the airport, so it was impossible for Lu Nengyu not to come. When Lu Nengyu came, Chen Qigang had to come no matter how embarrassed he felt.

Lao Tzu welcomes his son, which is really rare in reality.

In official affairs, Chen Kangjie was the triumphant hero who was welcomed, but in personal affairs, Chen Kangjie was Chen Qigang's son, so Chen Kangjie didn't dare to take the big one at all.

"Dad, why are you here too? How is my mother?" In front of Chen Qigang, Chen Kangjie did not shake hands with him, but bowed.

Chen Kangjie can have a formal relationship with others, but not with Chen Qigang. Human principles and ethics cannot be neglected.

Chen Qigang looked at Chen Kangjie benevolently, and then said a little excitedly: "Your mother is fine and has recovered. Knowing that you are coming back, she has already prepared meals for you."

"Wow, then I really have to have a good meal. Food from abroad is really not easy to eat, and the taste of my mouth is indescribable." No matter how delicious the food outside is, it will never replace the taste of my mother. .

Thinking of his mother making delicious meals, Chen Kangjie already twitched his index finger, wishing he could fly home immediately.

However, the situation at the scene was obviously impossible. No matter what he said, he had to deal with others before he could go back.

"Welcome, welcome, warmly welcome..." Holding flowers, Chen Kangjie walked out of the airport in the passageway surrounded by a group of students.

Being able to participate in the activity to welcome Chen Kangjie, the students not only did not complain, but were also excited and excited. The slogans they shouted came from the heart.

Each of them looked at Chen Kangjie with a strange light.

If it weren't for the request to them in advance, and there were many policemen and officials at the scene, those students could not wait to come forward and give Chen Kangjie a big hug.

From the airport to the urban area, the road was unimpeded. Not only police cars were responsible for clearing the way, but also some traffic control was carried out.

There should be some publicity for the realization. Along the way, Chen Kangjie could see many people standing on the side of the road waiting and greeting him, some waving national flags, and some holding Chen Kangjie's posters.This is still in the morning, the number of people is not so large, the students are still attending classes normally, if it is in the afternoon, it may cause a big congestion problem.And the whole process was recorded and filmed by the TV station.

The convoy did not send Chen Kangjie home directly, but went to the Provincial Government Guest House, where there was a welcoming reception.

It was a welcome meeting, but in fact, these leaders spoke separately, praising Chen Kangjie's behavior and spirit from different angles, and at the same time called on young people all over the country to follow Chen Kangjie as a role model, not only persevering, brave and fearless, but also Also patriotic.

Yes, it is patriotism, which is what they really focus on. Moreover, compared with those sacrificed heroes, Chen Kangjie, that is, this commonality, is regarded as a manifestation of patriotism.

Normally, Chen Kangjie didn't think he was that good, at least he wasn't that noble and great, but after a series of processing and descriptions by the leaders, Chen Kangjie was almost no longer a human being, but a god.

The representatives of colleges and universities who came to participate in the meeting, while listening to the leaders' propaganda and flattery, looked at Chen Kangjie with more and more admiration and confusion.

On the contrary, Chen Kangjie's own speech was relatively simple.

"...Actually, I don't think I'm so great. I just did what a character should do. On the field, I have to fight for victory at all a Citizens of this country, as a member of the nation, of course I have to love this country, even though our country has various shortcomings, but it is like our mother...Loving this country and this nation is actually not There is no need to say that you have to do great things. Soldiers are diligent in training and go to school when they need it. Teachers teach good lessons and pass on correct values ​​and worldviews to students. Businessmen operate with integrity and pay more taxes to promote industrial development. Civil servants are honest and honest. Serving the public, etc. These are the basic expressions of patriotism..."

After the meeting with the public itinerary was over, Chen Kangjie, accompanied by Lu Nengyu and Chen Qigang, had a private meeting with Tan Changguo and Zhao Gang sent by the central government.

Tan Changguo is busy with official duties and will not have extra time to stay in Gannan. He will return to Beijing later today.

"Don't you want to know why you are being treated with a high standard? Now I can tell you." In the closed space of the small conference room, Tan Changguo stood up and said in a deep voice while looking at the emerald green scenery outside the window.

"It seems that there is really another purpose. I always thought it would not be that simple. It would cost too much to play this trick for a young man like me." Chen Kangjie laughed at himself.

"Is it too much? Not much. In the final analysis, everything is for you." Tan Changguo turned around and stared at Chen Kangjie.

"Boss, how do you say that?"

"Because you were poisoned and murdered this time." Tan Changguo glanced at Chen Qigang and said loudly, "Do you know who is going to murder you?"

"How could I know, I don't know, it's just... what does this have to do with today?" Chen Kangjie scratched his head and said.

"Of course it has something to do with it, and it has a lot to do with it. At present, the general direction can be locked. The person who wants to poison and murder you has nothing to do with the Japanese side. Although he has not been caught yet, there are various signs that it is this big Direction. You have to know that it is hard to guard against burglars. If you can’t make a plan, do you know that others will not make a living? That’s why we have to solemnly express our attitude to the outside world, that is, you are our country and our country. People who the government attaches great importance to, please don't try to trick you, otherwise we won't let it go." Tan Changguo said solemnly.

After hearing Tan Changguo's words, both Lu Nengyu and Chen Qigang were moved by it, especially Chen Qigang, who really didn't know that such political connotations would be involved.

"The direction of Japan? How could it be them? Poisoning me, what good will it do them?" Hearing such news as soon as he came back, it was impossible for Chen Kangjie to say that he was not surprised.

"This needs further analysis. All in all, today's scene is mainly for outsiders to watch. Otherwise, why would I come all the way from the capital to meet you by the hanging ladder at the airport? This at least shows that you are no less important to our country than me, and it is not just a matter of etiquette, but a matter of identity." Tan Changguo did not reveal too much, he only needed to let Chen Kangjie know the inside story.

Chen Kangjie didn't intend to continue asking, as long as he knew the direction, he would find other people to understand and inquire about it later.

When he was in the hospital, Ouyang Zhenhua had already reported his arrangement to Chen Kangjie, and Chen Kangjie didn't believe that there would be no gains after putting so much effort into it.

After meeting with Tan Changguo, Chen Kangjie was sent home, and Chen Qigang and the others still had work matters to discuss.Tan Changguo came from the capital, it is impossible not to listen to the local work report, it is impossible not to have some instructions.

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