rebirth of change

Chapter 2513 Blocking 5th Sister's Star Road

Chapter 2513 Blocking Fifth Sister's Star Road

Chen Kangjie stayed at home for a week, on the one hand to recuperate his body, and more importantly, to spend time with his family.

During this period of time, several sisters and brothers also put aside their own affairs and returned home, so this week is a rare time for family reunion in recent years.

As the children grow up one by one and have their own careers, even if they can get together, the time will not be very long, at most a day or two.

Even if it is Chinese New Year, it is impossible to spend it all in Gechang. The eldest sister also has to take the children back to her mother-in-law’s house, the second sister is the same, the third brother also has to visit his parents-in-law, and Chen Kangjie himself spends a lot of time studying outside and traveling around the world. , the same is difficult at home.

The fourth sister and the fifth sister have already graduated, and the fourth sister is employed by a research institute in the capital. The fifth sister is not working yet and is traveling around. Travel thousands of miles.

In fact, she wanted to follow the path of Chen Kangjie, and she approached Chen Kangjie several times, but Chen Kangjie declined with various excuses. Chen Kangjie did not want her sister to follow the path of showbiz.

"Lao Wen, Lao Wen, put down the book, don't read it, help me." Chen Kangjie was lying on the bed, holding a copy of "Qian Zhongshu Anthology", and the fifth sister Chen Mei pushed it away without knocking The door rushed in.

Seeing her like this, Chen Kangjie knew what her purpose was.

"Old sister, I told you everything, you are not suitable to take that path, why are you not enlightened?"

"Why am I not suitable? I don't look as bad as those celebrities, so why should they allow me? You are my younger brother, why don't you help me?" Chen Mei was still smug in front of Chen Kangjie. turned around.

Chen Kangjie threw the book aside: "Are you good at singing? Or are you good at dancing? Or do you have acting skills and professional training? None of these, why do you need to go to that dead end. Stars seem to be It looks glamorous, but in fact the pain in it cannot be felt by outsiders."

"Then just let me feel it. I'm not very good at singing, but I never thought about being a singer. I can act. I've signed up for an acting training school for half a year. They all said I'm not bad, I have the potential to be a star. Besides, you haven't received those trainings, so don't you do the same well?" Fifth Sister still insisted on going this way.

"I... At the beginning, I didn't ask any of you for help. If you want to enter the circle, you should do the same. This is incomparable, you know, that kind of commercial training school, who goes to him Who would say that they have no potential, really, how would they do business in that case?" Chen Kangjie was really speechless.

"Don't you help me with such a small favor? For others, this may be a difficult task, but for you, it is just a matter of one sentence. Your Feiyang Entertainment Company makes so many movies and Participate in a TV series, what's wrong with giving me a role? You don't even want to raise your hand, are you still my brother?" As she spoke, Chen Mei picked up a pillow and threw it at Chen Kangjie in dissatisfaction.

"Although I can influence it, I have to do business, so I can't be selfish." Chen Kangjie tilted his head to avoid dodging, and reached out to grab the pillow, "Okay, okay, okay, okay I'm afraid of you, otherwise, the eldest sister, the second sister and the third brother all have commercials to shoot, you first ask them to give you a commercial role, if your commercial is shot well, I will recommend your commercial for you , This is the head office, right? Even if I want to recommend you, I must have something in hand, right?" Chen Kangjie couldn't afford to provoke him, so he simply found a firewall for himself first.

Chen Kangjie knew that it was impossible for the three of them to find her in their commercials. It was business, not child's play. For example, the second sister's product commercials had always featured He Wanrong as the heroine, and never changed anyone else.

"Okay, that's what you said. If you don't fulfill your promise by then, I'll tell the outside world that I'm your sister. I don't believe that those performing arts companies won't give me this face." Chen Mei pointed at Chen Kangjie and took out a threat reason.

People in the family usually cannot play the banner of Chen Kangjie or Chen Qigang outside.On the one hand, it is to avoid bad influence, and on the other hand, it is also for their safety.

If Chen Mei publicly says that she is Chen Kangjie's sister, then there will definitely be many people willing to give her a chance, even if she can't act, but her identity is an immeasurable gimmick that will attract the attention and interest of countless people .

What's more, giving her a chance is tantamount to giving Chen Kangjie face, and Chen Kangjie's appeal in the entertainment industry is unmatched. As long as he can be invited to participate in a certain event, he can attract attention and make a lot of money.

In a word, it is difficult to cooperate directly with Chen Kangjie, but it is also a good choice to have a cooperative relationship with his family.

In order to make the firewall he found stronger, as soon as Chen Mei left, Chen Kangjie hurried to find the eldest sister, second sister and third brother.

"Anyway, I beg you, please don't use your commercials on Chrysanthemum's head. If you use her, my big trouble will really start." Chen Kangjie begged the three elders in the family .

"Lao Wen, in fact, if Chrysanthemum likes it and it doesn't matter to you, you might as well give him a chance. You know, you told her that, and he still doesn't want to stalk us. Ah." The third brother spread his hands and said.

"Which side are you on? Do you still want me to give you advice and make your company go to the next level?" Chen Kangjie rolled his eyes at Chen Yuchang, "Don't I know it's easy? Well, it’s okay if I give him money to make a few movies. I can make her famous in minutes. It’s not a big deal. The most important thing is, what will happen to her after she becomes popular? Have you ever thought about it? The showbiz is not clean , that is a well-known thing, even if I have a way to prevent her from being polluted, but there are many people who are popular. At that time, the content that others cannot dig from me can be dug from her, don’t forget Well, Dad is the governor now, and you are businessmen. She can do any job, but she can't be a star, understand? People in our family need to keep a low profile, not show off under the spotlight every day. She does it to me For example, this is completely different, few people in the world dare to speak out about me, but others dare not speak out about her? Can she have such a great appeal and influence?"

"Third brother, Xiaojie is still thoughtful and reasonable. Our family is short of everything now, except right and wrong, but that is something we don't want at all." The eldest sister echoed Chen Kangjie's meaning.

The eldest sister is engaged in the retail industry. Although there are advertisements, she rarely looks for celebrities. Most of the time, it is just some product picture advertisements. Even if she wants to add characters, it is basically the internal employees of the company. You will find someone from the outside at a high price.

"I also support Lao Wen's idea. It's best for her not to come to me. If she does, I'll scold her first. After all, she's already in college. How can she not understand such a truth?" Two My sister has always been strong, she is not afraid of stalking at all.

It's fine if Chen Mei doesn't look for Second Sister, if she does look for her, she will most likely be humiliated by training.

Only the third brother Chen Yuchang put on a bitter face.

As an older brother, he dotes on his younger sister just as much, and Rising Sun's electronic products are often advertised by celebrities.If Chen Mei really asked him to give up a position no matter what, it would be really difficult for him.

"I... that's fine, don't you all look at me, I can bear it, I can't afford it, can't I hide it? I will go back to the company after tomorrow, and then I will travel everywhere. I won't see her, so it's okay." The second sister's strategy was to fight hard, but the third brother's strategy was to avoid and run away.

After taking care of his brothers and sisters, Chen Kangjie greeted Fan Wenxuan again as instructions.

Chen Kangjie was worried that the fifth sister would come straight to the dragon's door after the three bosses hit a wall.

If Chen Mei went directly to Fan Wenxuan and lied that Chen Kangjie also supported and agreed, then Fan Wenxuan would never and would not dare not help.You know, speaking of Feiyang Entertainment, it still belongs to Chen Kangjie, and Fan Wenxuan is just an executor on the stage.

"Jie Shao, she probably won't look for me, right? If she really wants to enter the industry, I can arrange it easily."

"Of course I know it won't take much effort. Just do as I say. If she is with you, you will do everything possible to push me away. If not, just do some tests and let her quit. I am in the entertainment industry." It is enough to make people talk, if she is coming in, in the future, I may have to deal with the aftermath for her most of the time."

"Then, should I also pay attention to other domestic performing arts companies, in case he doesn't find me, but finds other companies."

"Yes, yes, yes, you must pay more attention. If he wants to take the road of stardom, he must be blocked by me. No matter what the price is, he must not be allowed to get involved." Regarding Fan Wenxuan's inference, Chen Kangjie Very much agree and appreciate.

Although various arrangements were made and every effort was made to prevent it, it was obviously impossible for a young man who wanted to do a certain thing to truly form a solid wall.In the end, Chen Mei, who was still turned into anger from embarrassment, found a gap, which caused a lot of disputes for Chen Kangjie.

A week later, Chen Kangjie had completely recovered to his pre-Olympic physical condition, and it was impossible for him to stay at home with me all the time.

However, Chen Kangjie did not return to school immediately or devote himself to his work, but went to appease his close lover.

Having too many girlfriends is what a man dreams of, but it is also something that is difficult to deal with and resist.

Chen Kangjie actually went to see Lin Ling, and then went to see Fan Xuexi and Deng Min.

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