rebirth of change

Chapter 2514 Dealing With Three Women

Chapter 2514 Dealing With Three Women

"Do you know? I was almost scared to death at that time. If I didn't have a little bit of mental support, I would have collapsed to the ground." Lying in Chen Kangjie's arms, Lin Ling said while stroking Chen Kangjie's strong chest.

After Chen Kangjie left home, he went to Mingzhu to find Lin Ling, but considering that Fan Xuexi and the others were also in Mingzhu, Chen Kangjie and Lin Ling did not play in the urban area, but went to the ancient town of Xitang in the neighboring province.

Now the two live in a resort hotel on the edge of the ancient town.

For Lin Ling, it doesn't matter where she goes to play, as long as she is with Chen Kangjie, she is very satisfied.

"Silly girl, you have to believe that no one can take me away so easily, especially those clowns." Chen Kangjie brushed back the hair that covered Lin Ling's cheeks, and said very manly.

"But you vomited blood at the time, so don't be careless. This time, you are really in danger. If it weren't for the help of capable people, you would almost not be able to wake up. You have to be careful when you go out in the future. I can bear it." I can't help but strike again." Lin Ling said softly with a frown.

"I know, I know, I've made you worry, and you've learned a lot from it. Don't worry, things like this won't happen again. Or, let's do it again? I remember you promised, what do you think when I finish the game? That’s how it is, hahaha.” Chen Kangjie turned over and pressed Lin Ling under him.

"No, oops, you've just recovered, and your body hasn't fully recovered..." Lin Ling was shy and embarrassed, and hurriedly supported Chen Kangjie with her hands.

"I've recovered, now is the time for you to check and accept, hey, little beauty, resistance is futile, you should obey the uncle!" After Chen Kangjie finished his teasing words, he buried his head in the kiss.

How could Lin Ling's weakness be able to resist Chen Kangjie's tiger-wolf body.In the process of refusal and welcome, the two once again created a charming picture.

There are not as many tourists in Xitang today as there will be ten years later. The two of them are walking among the ancient bridges and alleys, or boating on the quiet river.

Almost all the water towns in the south of the Yangtze River are similar with minor differences, such as the rustic streets and alleys in the south of the Yangtze River, the gentle and quiet rivers, the well-shaped stone bridges, and the quiet local residents.

As long as the commercial development is not excessive, Chen Kangjie still likes such a place. It is a good choice for an urbanite to relax if he takes a walk, takes a look, and feels the history and culture.Of course, it doesn't make much sense if it's overdeveloped, full of bars, loud and noisy, and people doing anything to tourists to make money.

In addition to Xitang, Chen Kangjie and the others also went to two ancient towns not far from Nanxun and Wuzhen. At this time, these places may have less modern repairs, but they are more authentic, with a stronger flavor of history and culture. .

Four days later, Chen Kangjie left Lin Ling's side, and there were two beauties waiting for him to comfort him.

Perhaps because of their young age, when Fan Xuexi and Deng Min saw Chen Kangjie, their behavior was quite different from Lin Ling's. They first pinched and bit Chen Kangjie severely, and then hugged him and cried bitterly.

Especially Fan Xuexi, this girl's nails were already long, and she was ruthless in her attacks, causing Chen Kangjie's arms to be covered with scars.

However, Chen Kangjie has no complaints about their venting. He loves them deeply and takes responsibility for them.It was because of their deep love for Chen Kangjie that they behaved so uncontrollably when they saw him.

After all, there is a feeling of survival between them. If Chen Kangjie really left because of this, then Fan Xuexi and Deng Min will have scars that cannot be removed for the rest of their lives. Even if they marry other people and have children in the future, Chen Kangjie The shadow of will always be lingering in their hearts.

Ordinary people usually give generous gifts to win favor with this kind of girl's appeasement, but for Chen Kangjie, there is no need at all, and it is impossible for the two girls to need Chen Kangjie's gift most now.

After venting with pear blossoms and rain, Chen Kangjie took a very domineering move, which was to push the two of them down at the same time.

If normal, they must object and resist.

Although Fan Xuexi and Deng Min knew each other that their relationship with Chen Kangjie was no longer pure, they must have had close contact.But it's one thing to know, but it's another thing to let the two of them serve a husband together. Both Deng Min and Fan Xuexi will feel embarrassed.

However, this time, I don't know if there was the kind of pain that I almost lost Chen Kangjie, the two beauties did not object, and chose to cooperate and welcome Chen Kangjie's domineering.This was something Chen Kangjie hadn't expected before.

When others are recovering from a serious illness, they will definitely attach great importance to the recovery and recuperation of the body, but Chen Kangjie has been more tired than usual these days.There are several battles every day, and the opponents don't beg for mercy, but stubbornly carry out arduous resistance.

After the experience of the three of them living together in the same room and facing each other naked, the relationship between them seems to have taken a step up, especially between Fan Xuexi and the other names. It's refreshing.

Chen Kangjie took the two of them out for dinner, holding one in each hand, a sense of pride arose spontaneously, facing the envy and jealousy of other single dogs, Chen Kangjie also took it calmly.

"Is there a feeling of enjoying the blessings of all people and being happy?" Sitting in the restaurant, Fan Xuexi fiddled with a lobster, looked at Chen Kangjie with a smile and said.

"Of course, this is the most glorious pinnacle of my life, and all my other achievements can't be compared with it." Chen Kangjie raised his neck and said triumphantly with a sense of satisfaction.

"Then if you are asked to exchange all other achievements, will you also exchange? Are you willing to give up everything for us?" Deng Min asked on the other side.

"Change, why not change, I am a person who loves country more than beauty, country can be eternal, but the heart of beauty is gone if you lose it." Chen Kangjie, who appeared in infinite happiness, dared to agree to anything.

"Don't all men love the country? For example, the ancient emperors, if they had a country, they were afraid that they would not have any women." Fan Xuexi said.

"The emperor can get a woman, but he may not be able to win other people's hearts. In ancient times, there were many chaste women who were unwilling to accept the emperor's favor. This is completely different, and you can't be that kind of secular women." Chen Kangjie His eloquence has always been good, let alone in front of the woman he likes, he can say anything.

"You're poor, so it's true." Fan Xuexi said coquettishly.

Although he knew that Chen Kangjie couldn't really do that, his words still made Fan Xuexi and Deng Min feel warm in their hearts.

Objectively speaking, it is impossible for them to really let Chen Kangjie give up everything else about him.If Chen Kangjie became an ordinary person, then his charm and attractiveness might not be able to capture their hearts as he does now.

Furthermore, even if they made a request, Chen Kangjie did it, which was actually a very cruel injury to Chen Kangjie.When you love someone, the purpose is not to hurt him in order to perfect yourself, that would be too selfish.

"We don't want you to give up what you like. That can't be our original intention. However, we hope that you will not be so busy in the future and spend more time with us." Deng Min looked at Chen Kangjie happily and said with satisfaction .

"Okay, I promise, I will try my best to give up some other jobs and spend more time with you. By the way, you have already graduated. What kind of work do you want to do? Do you have any goals?" People work up.

If you want them not to put all their minds and emotions on their relationship, the best way is to work and have a certain career pursuit, which will divert and distract their attention to a certain extent.

At this stage, it is very difficult for Chen Kangjie to retreat completely and stay by their side.

"We have already submitted some resumes, and got some replies asking for interviews, but how can we be so thoughtful during this period of time, you are the one who is worried about it, and the work has been left aside." Fan Xuexi said.

Fan Xuexi and Deng Min could be regarded as graduates from prestigious schools, and with their personalities, they never thought of asking Chen Kangjie for help in finding a job.Of course, they didn't know that Chen Kangjie had such a huge business empire.

Fan Xuexi and Deng Min are not the same as those who want to cling to the rich and powerful. The source of their relationship with Chen Kangjie has nothing to do with wealth.Even though they knew that Chen Kangjie was rich, they never thought about relying on Chen Kangjie for support.That is not in line with their pursuit of intellectual women in the new era.

"Oh, what kind of companies are they investing in?" Chen Kangjie asked with interest.

"There are some big companies, some foreign ones stationed in the country, and some domestic group giants that have emerged. Think about it, with our intelligence and ability, it is impossible to find some small companies." Fan Xuexi tossed her hair, Said confidently.

"Hey, Xuexi, didn't a company inform you to go for an interview tomorrow? Would you like to go, or, you can ask Chen Kangjie to accompany you." Deng Min said suddenly.

"He accompanied me to the interview? This..." Fan Xuexi seemed embarrassed after being surprised.

"What, is it that if I go, it will slow you down? Or do you think it would be impolite for me to go to such a big company with my current image? Do you have no confidence in yourself or in me?" Fan Xuexi's strange expression stimulated When he arrived at Chen Kangjie, his dissatisfaction was aroused.

"Of course it's impossible to doubt your ability, it's seems weird for a big man like you to accompany me to the interview."

"Tch, what did I think? What's the matter? It's normal to accompany my daughter-in-law to the interview. It just so happens that I'm going to check on you and go to a den of thieves full of perverts. Then I But I really lost my wife and lost my army, I will definitely not do this loss-making business." Chen Kangjie slapped his chest, and said in a proud and petty manner.

However, Chen Kangjie's words made the two beauties laugh tremblingly.

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