rebirth of change

Chapter 2515 Interview with Fan Xuexi

Chapter 2515 Interview with Fan Xuexi

"How about my makeup? Will it look too tender?" Fan Xuexi, who was walking on the tree-lined sidewalk, wearing a white shirt, a black bag skirt, and a small blue satchel in her hand, stroked the hair on her forehead. Xiufa asked Chen Kangjie anxiously.

"Tch, you can be amazing with or without makeup. Didn't you notice that many people were looking at you just now? Are you not satisfied?"

"Hmph, my sister wants to pursue perfection and excellence." Fan Xuexi said proudly with her nose straightened.

"Yes, yes, yes, actually...Even if you don't go to work, it's no problem for me to support you..." Looking at Fan Xuexi who began to reveal the charm of a mature woman, Chen Kangjie was a little worried about her went to work.

"Of course I know you're fine, but I don't intend to eat soft food, and I don't want others to think that I like you because of your fame and money." Said, Fan Xuexi mischievously grabbed Chen Kangjie's arm, "But, don't worry about it. Even if I go to work, you will support me. Don't think you can run away."

"In my whole life, I can't even fight. I respect your preferences and choices. If one day you want to change your environment, you tell me, and I will arrange for you to find an easy job. I can still do it." Made it."

"Of course, who are you? You are famous...long." Worried about being heard by passers-by, Fan Xuexi paused deliberately, looked around, and lowered his business, "If I want to leave It doesn’t matter, I can also find my father, he can arrange for me to enter Free Semiconductor, but I don’t want to.”

Fan Wentai is the third person in Free Semiconductor Company. Although this kind of private high-tech company does not care about relationships like state-owned enterprises, it is really not a problem for Fan Wentai to arrange for Fan Xuexi. At least Fan Xuexi's education is enough. From the beginning of life, no one will gossip.

"That's true... well, I respect your idea, let's go, your appointment time is coming." Chen Kangjie shrugged and agreed.

In fact, Chen Kangjie and the others had already arrived near their company. Chen Kangjie accompanied Fan Xuexi to the interview, and it was impossible to squeeze the bus or walk. They got off the bus and walked in after arriving nearby by car.

This is a large-scale Internet service company whose main business is to help enterprises and various institutions carry out Internet construction and publicity on the Internet.

To put it simply, it is to help companies build websites and then promote them. This is an industry born when Internet applications in China are not particularly popular.For some small and medium-sized enterprises, some people may not know the function of website construction.

And it was the business manager of such a company that Fan Xuexi went to interview.

This company is located on the [-]th floor of a commercial office building. Chen Kangjie accompanied Fan Xuexi to the door of this company by taking the elevator, but Fan Xuexi seemed a little hesitant.

"What's wrong? Are you scared? If you're nervous, why don't we go back?" Knowing that it was such a company, Chen Kangjie felt that Fan Xuexi didn't have to do it.

It sounds like it is also a high-tech enterprise, but in fact, it does not have much technical content. The key to such an enterprise lies in marketing.

"Why am I afraid? I'm not afraid. I just want to calm down my emotional excitement. It's inevitable to be a little excited when entering the workplace for the first time." Fan Xuexi, who wants to be strong, is of course unwilling to admit cowardice in front of Chen Kangjie. said stubbornly.

"Really? Are you really excited?" Chen Kangjie leaned against the wall and asked seriously.

"Of course." After speaking, Fan Xuexi raised her head, twisted her waist, swaggered open the glass door, and walked towards the entrance of this company named Qili.

Chen Kangjie shook his head with a smile, and quickly followed.

After a brief communication with the front desk, Chen Kangjie and Fan Xuexi were arranged to wait in the lounge, and they would come for an interview after their manager finished the meeting.

About 10 minutes later, a male manager in his early 30s, in a suit and leather shoes, led a man and a woman into the lounge.

After the male manager glanced at Fan Xuexi, he was completely attracted, and looking at her resume was like looking at flowers on horseback.As for Chen Kangjie who was sitting next to Fan Xuexi, the male manager's eyes became strange, and he felt that Chen Kangjie should not be here.

"Sir, if you don't want to apply for our company, please go out and avoid it for a while." The male manager leaned in his chair and said to Chen Kangjie with great momentum before the exam interview.

"I'll listen to it. There shouldn't be any problems. Does your interview involve commercial secrets?" Since Chen Kangjie came with Fan Xuexi, he won't leave easily. In addition, this guy looked at Fan Xuexi with a bewitched look. Yes, Chen Kangjie couldn't rest assured.

"How do you know that no commercial secrets will be involved? We are interviewing for work, and you are an irrelevant person. It is inappropriate to sit here." It feels like Chen Kangjie is very annoying, and the male manager just wants to send Chen Kangjie away.

Speaking of which, what the male manager said was not wrong. Normally, during an interview, it is impossible to allow irrelevant personnel to sit next to him.

However, if this guy is that kind of normal person, it's not impossible for Chen Kangjie to wait at the door, but Chen Kangjie just doesn't think he is normal.

"This is my girlfriend. I really want to know what kind of company he works for." Chen Kangjie couldn't sit still.

"Is he your boyfriend?" The male manager asked Fan Xuexi full of disdain for Chen Kangjie.

In fact, Chen Kangjie's current image looks like a dick, while Fan Xuexi looks like a goddess, and the two don't get along at all.

"Yes, he is my boyfriend. I hope he can sit next to him. If not, then forget it. I can go to another company." Naturally, Fan Xuexi wanted to stand by Chen Kangjie's side.

"Okay... that's okay... just listen to it if you want to hear it. Before the interview, we will introduce our company to you so that you can have an intuitive understanding. Let me introduce you, miss." The male manager, who didn't want Fan Xuexi to leave, retreated and asked a boy next to him to introduce the company.

According to Xiaomeng's introduction, the company seems to be really big, with more than 3000 branches across the country and more than 100 employees.Here is the headquarters of Mingzhu, with more than 20.00 people.Its annual turnover exceeds one billion, and it is currently an emerging sunrise industry.The company's performance is still growing at a rate of [-]% every year. Hearing what he said, it is quite promising.

Of course, this future depends on who it is compared to. If it is someone else, or before Chen Kangjie is reborn, he is attractive, but at this moment, Chen Kangjie sounds very ordinary.

"Just now you also heard Assistant Meng's introduction. Our company is a big company with strict requirements for talents and fierce competition within the company. If you want to make a difference in our company, I'm afraid you won't have many in the future. It's time to fall in love, are you mentally prepared for this?" The male manager waited for Assistant Meng to finish speaking, and asked Fan Xuexi about the topic.

"I don't think career and love must run counter to each other. I believe I can handle the relationship between the two well." Fan Xuexi glanced at Chen Kangjie and replied neatly.

"Ahem...have you had relevant practical experience before?" The male manager felt choked.


"...It doesn't matter, we like inexperienced ones. We can carry out targeted training only if we don't have experience. I believe that under the training of our company, you will definitely become an elite in the industry." Although the male manager I was choked again, but this guy's reaction was quite fast.

Regarding the manager's abnormal performance today, the two employees next to him looked sideways. Usually, the manager doesn't view this problem in this way.It's a good thing to have no experience now, which is strange.

After their interview started, Chen Kangjie didn't say a word, but all the performances were completely taken by him.

"How is your foreign language ability? In our line of work, you often have to deal with executives of foreign companies. Is your foreign language okay?"

"As a communication, my foreign language is quite manageable."

Judging from Fan Xuexi's answer, it seems that she has also become disappointed in this company, and her attitude has become negative.

"That's good, how much salary do you want?" Seemingly in order to test Fan Xuexi's English ability, the male manager began to ask questions in English.

"I don't care about the salary, as long as I can live." Relatively speaking, Fan Xuexi's English ability seems to be more fluent than the male manager.

After the male manager talked to Fan Xuexi in English, he was paying attention to Chen Kangjie's reaction. He really wanted to see if Chen Kangjie could understand.

This kind of pediatric language is of course no problem for Chen Kangjie.But Chen Kangjie still sat there dumbfounded, not taking it seriously at all.

"How can I just live? In the big city of Mingzhu, income is the guarantee of quality of life. In our company, those with a high income can get [-] to [-] a month, and those with a low income can get [-] to [-]. According to education and position, We can give you six thousand as your basic salary, but after you come in, I can help you, I will take you to meet clients, with my help, you can casually pay more than fifteen thousand without any problem." The male manager The words were inductive. It seemed that he really did not hesitate to act inappropriately in order to draw Fan Xuexi in.

"Really? Are you really willing to help me?" Fan Xuexi looked happy.

Can [-] make Fan Xuexi happy and excited?Of course it was impossible, let alone Chen Kangjie, even his father, Fan Wentai, could give her [-] pocket money a month.Then it's obvious, this girl is faking it.

"Of course, of course, I'm willing to help you with anything... To put it bluntly, your boyfriend really doesn't deserve you. Does he have a job in Mingzhu? Does he have a monthly income of [-]?" Seeing Fan Xuexi laughing The male manager was elated, and the interview began to deviate from the normal track.

"He didn't have a job right away, so where did he get his salary?" What Fan Xuexi said was true, but it was a little mischievous.

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