rebirth of change

Chapter 2519 Opening a bookstore is good

Chapter 2519 Opening a bookstore is good

"Young Master Jie, why do you seem to be in better spirits? What's going on?" In Chen Kangjie's courtyard in the capital, Ouyang Zhenhua and Chen Kangjie sat under a locust tree in the garden, Ouyang Zhenhua joked with a smile.

It is impossible for Chen Kangjie to spend his important time in love with men and women, he still has serious things to do.After spending three days with Fan Xuexi and Deng Min, Chen Kangjie came to Beijing from Mingzhu.

As for Fan Xuexi's work, Chen Kangjie finally suggested that she should not go to other companies to work. If she wants to do something by herself, it is better for her and Deng Min to do something they are interested in. No matter what they decide to do, he Chen Kangjie will do his best. support.

Fan Xuexi did not object to Chen Kangjie's proposal. After a brief discussion with Deng Min, she planned to open a leisure bookstore.

After all, they have just graduated from college, have not experienced the baptism of society, and still retain a large part of the innocence and romance of the campus, otherwise they would not have thought of opening a bookstore.

It’s not that opening a bookstore doesn’t make it popular, at least from the perspective of society, it’s not a big business, and it’s even hard to develop a big and powerful industry.However, on the other hand, opening a bookstore is a profession of self-cultivation and self-cultivation. Being with books all day long makes it difficult to be impetuous.

Chen Kangjie did not comment on their idea, but Chen Kangjie expressed his willingness to spend 1000 million yuan to invest in their leisure bookstore.How to do it, to what extent, that is their business.

Chen Kangjie didn't care at all whether a bookstore was making money or losing money. He didn't care at all about the money, as long as the two beauties had something to do, let alone being accompanied by books, Chen Kangjie couldn't possibly object.

Instead, Fan Xuexi and Deng Min were a little surprised when they heard that Chen Kangjie made a move of 1000 million. They had never handled such a large amount of funds.Especially Deng Min, her family is an ordinary working family. There is no problem with being well-off, but it is still far from being a multi-millionaire.

"You just give us 1000 million?" Deng Min asked with staring eyes. Even though she knew that Chen Kangjie was rich, she was a little shocked by this figure.

"Why, do you think I can't afford the money, or do you think I shouldn't?" Chen Kangjie asked back with a smile.

"It's's 1000 million...when the time can I explain it to my family..." I don't know how to explain it, but Deng Min's words came to a conclusion stutter.

"Why do you have to explain? Even if you have to explain, it's easy. Your investment ideas are favored by investors, and investors are willing to invest." Chen Kangjie said indifferently.

"Deng Min is afraid that the family is worried that she will fail in her studies, and that she has so much money because of being taken care of by a rich boss. You don't even understand the point." Fan Xuexi said from the side.

"Your family still don't know about your relationship with me?"

"Nonsense, if you know, is it still used as an explanation? As far as our relationship is can we tell the family, and if the family knows that the boyfriend we are looking for is you, it will not cause an uproar. "When it comes to the relationship between the two of them and Chen Kangjie, Fan Xuexi himself is a bit difficult to express normally.

That's right, two girls are a boy's girlfriend at the same time, such a relationship is really strange, let alone explain it to the family.

This problem is actually a problem that has always troubled Deng Min and Fan Xuexi in reality. The relationship between them and Chen Kangjie can only be buried in the bottom of their hearts.It is inseparable from this that Fan Xuexi and Deng Min can continue to get closer and maintain a very close girlfriend relationship.Because they can only talk to each other, they can only find each other for warmth, too many words, they cannot tell and explain to other people outside.Naturally, the relationship between the two became closer, and in the end they were so close that they could live under the same roof with Chen Kangjie.

The two actually asked each other if the other was willing to leave, but neither of them was willing. Since no one let go, they had to accept the facts.

"This... is really a big problem, it's all my fault, give me some time, I will come up with a solution to this problem... you guys just really Let’s say it’s a simple investment from investors. I’m not going to pay the money directly. I’ll find an investment company to do it. They invest 2000 million, and you each take 50.00%. Then they will find another reason to take back 1000. Wan’s investment, and the rest can be yours. You don’t need to worry about this aspect of operation, they will find a way.” This problem also caused three lines to appear on Chen Kangjie’s forehead, and now he can’t face it, but to be honest Yes, it is impossible to never face it, sooner or later.

In other matters, Chen Kangjie can be brilliant, smart and wise, but when it comes to his personal emotional entanglements, sometimes Chen Kangjie can only have a big head and helplessness.

For ordinary natural persons, it is not easy to transfer assets in, but it is not difficult to transfer their own assets to others.Any of the investment companies under Chen Kangjie can handle this problem properly.If you can't even solve such a small problem, then those investment managers can say goodbye.

"We don't need that much. We can count it as a part-time job for you. The two of us share 1000 million, and the other person is 500 million. It's really too much." Fan Xuexi hesitated and said.

"Yes, it is indeed too much. A bookstore costs less than 1000 million yuan. For the two of us, a salary of 5000 yuan each is enough for us to live on." Deng Min echoed.

"It's only 500 million, is that much? It's not much at all. To be honest, I owe you a lot. Of course, when I say this, I don't mean to make up or compensate through this. That's not what I mean. In my opinion, ten more A hundred times is not enough to make up for what you have paid for me. Anyway, you are my women. If you want to do something, I should support you. Besides, my money is not your money Why? Why do you need to distinguish between these. In addition, this city is very expensive. If you want to open a high-end bookstore in a good location, you don’t have to invest a lot. By the way, I bought you a house , you don’t need to live here in the future.” Fan Xuexi and Deng Min’s apartment is rented, and the location is not very good, as Chen Kangjie’s women, how can he let them be so shabby?

When they were in school, they lived in a dormitory, and Chen Kangjie also lived in a dormitory most of the time, so there is nothing to say.After graduating and entering the society, it is impossible for Chen Kangjie not to take care of them in these aspects.

The two thought that the house that Chen Kangjie bought for them might be similar to the apartment they lived in now, but when they actually went to see it, they were astonished, even more surprised than Chen Kangjie invested 1000 million to open a bookstore for them.

Because what Chen Kangjie bought was not a set, but a villa with several hundred square meters.The two of them estimated that the price should be more than 2000 million, but after they moved in, they found out that it was not the case at all. Including the garden and swimming pool, it was actually more than 1 million.

And in order to take good care of the two of them, Chen Kangjie also arranged for two special edition Ascendas sedans to be delivered to the gate.

In the eyes of many people, Tengfei sedan is still not popular, at least it can't compare with bmw, Audi, let alone Ferrari, Lamborghini and other big brands.Can Chen Kangjie afford those cars?of course not.Chen Kangjie actually wanted to give them a low-key luxury.

Although the two cars presented by Chen Kangjie were Tengfei, they used a lot of Koenigsegg technology, and a lot of safety was done. In terms of appearance, these two cars are also a bit like Volvo. Not very trendy, but not ugly either.

It can be said that the two cars presented by Chen Kangjie are not comparable to ordinary BMWs and Audis. The fact that they are bulletproof alone has discouraged many cars.It's just not visible from the outside.

For their bookstore, Chen Kangjie really worried a lot. Although he only stayed with them in Mingzhu for a few days, Chen Kangjie even arranged for them to find the location afterwards.Otherwise, it would be difficult for two fledgling girls to find a good position.

In order to reassure them, the rent that Chen Kangjie asked people to give was a friendly price, which was quite low.In other words, the place was actually bought by Chen Kangjie, but they had to put a little pressure on them, so they charged a symbolic part of the rent.


"You don't want to bully me anymore. How can I be more energetic? Isn't that what I look like." Chen Kangjie laughed at himself.

"I'm telling the truth. By the way, Young Master Jie, how could you let the two proprietresses open a bookstore? Just build two buildings and collect rent for them? You can't make much money by opening a bookstore, and... ..”

"Do you think I need them to make money?" Chen Kangjie interrupted Ouyang Zhenhua, "And what to do, that's what they choose, I just help them complete it. Don't say I don't expect them to make money, even if they open one every day I don’t care about the store. Besides, it’s good to open a bookstore, at least the heart is quiet, at least not so impetuous, quiet and elegant, what’s wrong with it.”

"Okay, I'm wrong, I shouldn't think about this issue with the thinking of a businessman. Jie Shao, you are 24 this year, shouldn't you get married? You put the two of them together like this, but If they are not dealt with separately, then how will you face the issue of marriage in the future?" Ouyang Zhenhua waved his hand and surrendered.

"Oh, it's just a headache for me. Do you think it's easy to separate them? It's not that simple. They were in the same class as me when I was in junior high school. Those methods are useless. Forget it, forget it, don't want to That's all, anyway, I won't get married for the time being. I'm only 24 years old, and it won't be too late in a few years. Tell me, what kind of character is it that wants to murder me? I care more now that."

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