rebirth of change

Chapter 2520 Analysis of a Name

Chapter 2520 Analysis of a name

"About this issue, can you call Samidov and the others, they have been investigating this before."

"Well, that's how it should be." Chen Kangjie waved in the direction of the moon gate behind him, and soon Dong Mingshu ran over from there.

"Go, call Brother Qiang and Samidov."

Soon, Xiong Ziqiang and Samidov came together, and Chen Kangjie greeted them to sit between him and Ouyang Zhenhua.

"Samidov, have you investigated the person who murdered me before, do you have any further news?" Before Ouyang Zhenhua answered, Chen Kangjie first asked Samidov.

Chen Kangjie knew that Ouyang Zhenhua's news was the result of comprehensive consultation and analysis by the intelligence agencies of China, the United States and Russia. In terms of intelligence acquisition capabilities, the government's energy would definitely be much stronger than a few people's private fights.But considering this, Chen Kangjie also wanted to listen to Samidov and the others first, so as to see from one side how much their intelligence capabilities could be maintained.

After he was poisoned, combined with his previous experience with Skull and Bones, Chen Kangjie came up with an idea, that is, he wanted to build a personal intelligence system. The troop on board is also extremely useful.

So far, the information that Chen Kangjie and the others rely on mainly comes from Chen Kangjie's memory, as well as commercial and government disclosures.However, there are not so many memories left by history for Chen Kangjie, and some of them seem to have deviated.Therefore, Chen Kangjie should have an intelligence source system, no matter from a commercial or security point of view.

Don't forget that Chen Kangjie owns a huge business empire. To maintain the operation and progress of this business empire, reasonable, timely and accurate sources of information are bound to become necessary.

Knowing yourself and knowing your enemy wins every battle. For thousands of years, the importance of information has not diminished, but has continued to rise. Otherwise, we would not be called an information society today, a society with a big explosion of information.

It is a huge workload to extract the useful parts from the complicated and huge amount of information.

"Jie Shao, President Ouyang, after our days and nights, we found that the person who poisoned Jie Shao was from the Chinese country, or should be put this way, this person should have been from the Chinese country. Later, it was bought and used by a Japanese organization." Samidov said cautiously.

"Is there any evidence?"

"Of course there is. First of all, he is from China because he is fluent in Mandarin. We have lived in China and Hong Kong for many years. We know that if we want to learn this language well, we will definitely not be a foreigner two or three times." Years or three to five years. We have seen some video surveillance, and he can chat smoothly and naturally with many people in the Chinese delegation. In addition, his cooking skills, if he is not in a Chinese restaurant Or he has a long experience in restaurants, so it is impossible for him to have that kind of Chinese food. We have seen many foreigners cook Chinese food overseas, including Hong Kong. Their techniques and thinking are slightly different from those of a local chef. In order to completely change, it must take a long time to adjust. In addition, this person’s passport is written as Qiu Lu, and we also got a handwritten signature from him... Let me introduce you.” Samidov He took out a small piece of photocopied document paper from his purse and handed it to Chen Kangjie.

In the second half of the medical examination report, there was indeed a signature in the bottom corner, and the signed name happened to be Qiu Lu.

"This signature is a very beautiful cursive script. To be honest, if I practice for two more years, I'm afraid it will be difficult for me to write such beautiful characters. From these signs, this person must be Chinese, or once a Chinese. Chinese." When Chen Kangjie looked at those two words again, Samidov continued.

"Jie Shao, I also agree with Samidov's opinion. I have read these materials. This Qiu Lu has no problem communicating with people in our country. I really can't see that he is not a citizen of our country. " Xiong Ziqiang echoed.

"Qiu Lu, Qiu Lu, Qiu Lu..." Chen Kangjie stared at the piece of paper and said the name three times.

Chen Kangjie has a certain attainment in calligraphy. Although there are only two handwritten characters on that piece of paper, which is very simple, but from the perspective of calligraphy skills, Chen Kangjie can indeed see that these two characters are really not like a foreigner can write. from.These two characters are written very elegantly by Qiu Jin, the first character is connected in one stroke, and the second character is written in two strokes.Among foreigners who are learning Chinese, it is extremely rare to find such a person.

If it weren't for the writing habit developed from childhood, it would be difficult to achieve such an effect.

Judging from the above-mentioned situation of Samidov Jieshao, they were indeed observant and made reasonable inferences from some small details, which showed that their basic abilities were still there.

"Then why did you say that this word should be bought by a certain organization in Japan?" Chen Kangjie put down the piece of paper, looked at Samidov and asked.

"Because he went to Japan last year and the year before the year before. It is not surprising that he goes to Japan once a year. However, we also found a problem, that is, this person did not go to Japan these two times. It’s from Paris. This point, no matter how you look at it, feels a bit abnormal. In addition, we also found that when he opened a restaurant in Paris, he had contact with people from the Japanese embassy and the Japanese Chamber of Commerce. It is someone who has never been in contact with the Chinese embassy. Therefore, we judge that this person is very likely to have become a Japanese citizen. But he was recruited into the catering team of the Olympic Games, and his passport is still a A fake one. Without the support of a strong organization, he could not have duped so many people with a fake passport."

"No, there is another possibility for this person, that is, he is not Japanese, and of course, he is not from mainland China." Chen Kangjie raised his hand and said.

"Not Japanese? Not from China? This..." Chen Kangjie's conclusion made Samidov a little puzzled, and even Xiong Ziqiang was very puzzled.

"Jie Shao, what is the basis for your judgment?" Ouyang Zhenhua asked.

Chen Kangjie smiled slightly, picked up the piece of paper that Samidov gave him again, and shook it lightly in the air.

They still don't understand Chen Kangjie's actions.

"Don't you understand? Just because of this name, Qiu Lu, Qiu Lu...haha..." Chen Kangjie chuckled softly.

"Is there anything special about this name?" Xiong Ziqiang asked.

"The word Qiu is pronounced Qiu in the surname, but what if it is not used in the surname?"

"Read choua." Xiong Ziqiang replied instinctively.

"Yes, the name seems to indicate where this guy is from. He hates the mainland. Where in the world do people call us the mainland? There is only one place." Chen Kangjie put the piece of paper down in front of him again. .

"Treasure Island, only Treasure Island in the whole world is called the mainland, Hong Kong and Macao are both called the mainland. But, Jie Shao, is this explanation a little far-fetched? For example, there are people in China who call them Qiu Zhonghua, Qiu Jianguo, and Qiu Yuanchao. , can their names also be interpreted in this way? Obviously not." Ouyang Zhenhua is from Hong Kong, and he is very clear about the title of China.

"It would certainly seem far-fetched to make such an explanation and guess just because of this, but there is another piece of evidence." Chen Kangjie said confidently.

"What evidence?" Samidov asked eagerly.

His evidence was overturned by Chen Kangjie, of course Samidov wanted to know why.

"Brother Ouyang, you should understand that we use simplified characters, but those in Hong Kong and Hong Kong use traditional characters. It's no problem to write the word "Qiu" in both simplified and traditional characters, but the word "Lu" is basically not used by mainlanders. He can write "Lu", but around me, this character is rarely written in traditional characters, he is not like Wan, some people are used to writing "Wan", this is really different." Chen Kangjie said.

Xiong Ziqiang picked up the piece of paper and looked at it again and again: "Jie Shao, it is written in simplified Chinese, not the traditional Lu."

"He may have written simplified Lu on purpose, but a person's writing habits are extremely difficult to change. If I don't know calligraphy, maybe he can get away with it. His cursive script, in fact, cannot escape the shadow of traditional characters. , especially the lower part of the right side of the character Lu, if he writes it in traditional characters, his character will be more beautiful. He writes traditional characters all the year round, but if he suddenly wants to write simplified characters, it will be blunt." Chen Kangjie further explained.

Chen Kangjie didn't explain it or didn't think it. Once he explained it like this, Xiong Ziqiang and Ouyang Zhenhua really felt that the Lu character was really a little unnatural.

Chen Kangjie's judgment has no scientific basis, but in terms of feeling, he thinks so.Just now he silently recited the two words "Qiu Lu", just trying to figure it out, and he even wrote those two words silently twice in his heart.I wrote it twice in my heart, and I felt that the person was actually proficient in traditional Chinese writing.

"Jie Shao, I really don't want to admire you. With such a name, you can get so much information. I don't know how to praise you at all." Ouyang Zhenhua showed admiration eyes said.

"Brother Ouyang, is it possible that my judgment is correct?"

"It should be said that it is basically correct. The news I got here is also judged in this way. The United States did not give any more useful information, but Ivan told us that the person should be a Japanese descendant from Baodao. , the name Qiu Lu is a pseudonym, that person's real name should be Mo Jiancong, this person once opened a restaurant in China, and later opened a Chinese restaurant in Europe, maybe because he opened a restaurant in China, he was regarded as a Chinese restaurant People are recruiting..."

"That's not wrong, that's also our country of China." Chen Kangjie took the words and said.

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