rebirth of change

Chapter 2521 Build your own intelligence system

Chapter 2521 Build your own intelligence system

Although it is already known that this person is Mo Jiancong, who is a Japanese descendant of Baodao, there is no definite answer to where he is hiding now, and further verification and investigation are needed.

"This Mo Jiancong should have a dual identity, so he is very likely to be in Baodao or Japan. Of course, the possibility of him hiding in a certain corner of Europe is not ruled out. Once your incident happens, he should also Knowing that he will become the kind of street mouse, the whole world is looking for him, so his best strategy is to hide, not show his face, and not communicate with the outside world. In this regard, if the United States is willing to contribute, then maybe we will get More." Ouyang Zhenhua said regretfully.

"That's normal. Whether it's Japan or Baodao, both are the dogs of the United States. At this time, it's normal to have some protection for them. I don't think it's strange. As the boss, there is no reason not to take care of the younger brother." " Chen Kangjie said calmly.

Does Chen Kangjie have no complaints or complaints about George Bush?This is of course impossible, no matter how rational a person is, he will have an emotional side.Anyway, they are also strategic partners, and their lives are threatened.

However, Chen Kangjie could also see clearly that if he was in George Bush's position and position, his approach might be the same.

In fact, the cia does know more, and its intelligence capabilities to dominate the world are not entirely based on false fame and bragging.

If Chen Kangjie died because of this, they might pick some content related to terror at a certain point in time, or at least use it to exchange interests with China.But now Chen Kangjie is healed. Now that Chen Kangjie is healed, George Bush and the others don't want to be bad guys.

In any case, Baodao and Japan are his pawns, and they are his chains to contain China's rise and go global.Now that Chen Kangjie is healed, there is no need for them to make extra troubles.One thing more is worse than one thing less. As for how to explain it to Chen Kangjie, that's not a problem, just say "I haven't got any valuable information for the time being, and need to search further".

With such a sentence, Chen Kangjie can't do anything. In this regard, others have no obligation to him.

"Then what should we do? Let the government step in?" Ouyang Zhenhua asked.

No matter how you say it, Ouyang Zhenhua is still a businessman in the strict sense, and his thinking seems a bit simple in comparison.

"Inter-government information exchange is not easy. The government may come forward. It may not be as fast and easy as I can go to George Bush directly. Now that we know so much, then we will find it ourselves." Chen Kangjie shook his head and said.

"But we are weak alone, this efficiency and time..."

"No problem. I'm not in such a hurry now. I'm looking slowly. I don't believe that he will escape to the sky. The number of people is small, so we can add people. If the strength is weak, we can increase our strength." After speaking to Ouyang Zhenhua , Chen Kangjie looked at Xiong Ziqiang and Samidov, "Brother Qiang, Samidov, I have something for you."

"I know, I'm responsible for finding that Mo Jiancong, right? We will definitely find him." Xiong Ziqiang said firmly.

"Jie Shao, it's fine for me and Alyosha to go find it. There is no one around you. As long as you can trust, no matter where the bastard hides, we will dig him out." Samidov suggested.

"Yes, this is indeed a problem, I still don't want to go." Xiong Ziqiang patted his head and said.

"Don't worry, my safety is not a problem. When you go, there are Tan Jun and Wang Wei, and Pang Hui is still there. Besides, after that incident, I will be more careful. Other than that , My master also introduced me to someone, he will be in place in two days, so you can rest assured."

"Introduction, your master wants to introduce someone to you? Is it the expert who saved you?" Ouyang Zhenhua asked.

"Well, it's him."

"Why did he introduce protect your safety?" Xiong Ziqiang asked further.

"That's what it means."

On the eve of his return from Athens, Xi Shanchuan did suggest or recommend a candidate to Chen Kangjie. He was not very old, but he was very skilled.Although Chen Kangjie had never met that person, Chen Kangjie could still trust Xi Shanchuan's introduction.

After hearing Chen Kangjie's affirmative answer, Xiong Ziqiang became a little depressed: "That's right, we have an inescapable responsibility for such a big incident this time..."

"Brother Qiang, where are you going? Could it be that I don't trust you when I cross rivers and tear down bridges? Do you think I'm that kind of person? Frankly speaking, no matter whether my master has introduced someone to help me, you all have to leave Your departure is not because I don't trust you anymore, or to punish you in a disguised form, no, on the contrary, I have more important things for you to do. Besides, you also have sister-in-law and Xiaohua now, you Why don't you take time to accompany them, Brother Qiang, don't forget, you are not young, you are in your forties." The understanding Chen Kangjie immediately noticed and guessed Xiong Ziqiang's thoughts, and in order not to increase their uneasiness He had to explain the necessary psychological burden.

After the dispute in Pengcheng, Shi Xiaofen left that city. Under Xiong Ziqiang's arrangement, she brought Xiaohua to Zhucheng and lived with Xiong Ziqiang's mother.

Anyway, what Chen Kangjie gave Xiong Ziqiang was a villa, and two people could live in it, and Shi Xiaofen could also help Xiong Ziqiang take care of his mother.

At first, seeing the woman Xiong Ziqiang brought back with a child, Xiong Ziqiang's mother had objections.Anyway, his son has never been married, and his family is considered well-off now, with no worries about food and drink, so there is no need to find a woman who takes care of the child.

However, after two days together, Xiong Ziqiang's mother changed her mind.

Shi Xiaofen is not only beautiful, but also a good cook and a virtuous person.Coupled with the kind calls of the clever and lovely Xiao Hua, who is one grandma on the left and the other grandma on the right, Xiong Ziqiang now also thinks this is very good.However, the old man still hoped that Xiong Ziqiang and Shi Xiaofen could have a man and a half woman again, in that case, she would have nothing to say.

Chen Kangjie now wants to give Xiong Ziqiang more space and time to accomplish the goal his old mother hopes for.

"They're fine, and they don't need me to accompany them. They're all fine. On the contrary, Master Jie said just now that we have more important things to do. Find that Mo Jiancong...Samidov and the others should That's all right."

"Brother Qiang, even though you are much older than me, you may not be as good as me when compared to understanding women. Women and children actually need constant company, which is the basis of relationship. Otherwise, it will take a long time to produce Once you become unfamiliar, all kinds of conflicts will come one after another. Whether it is a marriage or a family, it needs careful care and management, and it cannot be sloppy." Chen Kangjie started Xiong Ziqiang's ideological work.

"It's true. I've been there, and I have experience. That's right." Ouyang Zhenhua, who already has a wife and child, echoed Chen Kangjie's words.

Chen Kangjie and Ouyang Zhenhua sang together, making Xiong Ziqiang a little speechless.

"Samidov and the others are the same. After running around with me for so many years, they also need to give more care to the family." After taking a look at Samidov, Chen Kangjie added.

"We are fine. When you are in China, we can spend time with our family in Hong Kong, so we feel that you are very kind to us and are very grateful." Samidov responded.

"Even so, it needs to be adjusted. Including other people, I support them to pursue a complete life. It is unfair to follow me and not be the whole life of all of you. Well, don't even think about it. There are so many, I say this, it does not mean that you have to take a long vacation, you still have to work, let you find that Mo Jiancong, it is only the first one I asked for, in fact, the more important thing is that I need You have established an intelligence system and looking for Mo Jiancong is just an appetizer for your practice."

"Jie Shao, build an intelligence system? Can we build this?" After hearing Chen Kangjie's request, Xiong Ziqiang and Samidov were not surprised, but Ouyang Zhenhua was shocked.

"What's wrong, whoever stipulates that private persons can't have information sources. This is very necessary. We have such a large business scope now. If we don't have our own information source system, we will be controlled by others. At least, you don't Do you feel that our investment benefits are getting less and less?" Chen Kangjie said domineeringly.

"The proportion of our benefits is reduced, but the amount is not a lot. This is mainly because we cannot invest a huge amount of money every time for operations. It is easy to hand it over to others, investing 100 million to earn 100 million and investing [-] billion. Earning [-] billion is a different approach and concept." Ouyang Zhenhua said hastily.

"Of course I understand, Brother Ouyang, I'm using an analogy, and I don't mean to criticize you at all. Anyway, we have a set of sources of information, which is definitely beneficial to us, whether it is economically, security, or even the future. In terms of development, information will become crucial. If you think about it, who doesn’t pay attention to this big country in the world, or any big organization in the world? So we must do it, and we must not wait until the critical moment. I'm cramming for the time being, so I plan to leave this matter to Brother Qiang and Samidov." To do something, you must first reach an internal consensus, and Chen Kangjie will explain to them earnestly.

"Jie Shao, but I don't have relevant intelligence experience." Xiong Ziqiang said.

"You don't, but Samidov and Alyosha do. You can learn by doing. Moreover, in this system, you are more responsible for the direction, and Samidov is responsible for technology and implementation. To put it simply , one of you is the chairman and the other is the CEO. The reason for this arrangement is not that I think there is any problem with Samidov, but that you will know better than him what we need and what the country needs. Maybe Samidov He understands me, but he doesn't simply understand the thoughts and thinking behind us, do you understand what I mean?"

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