rebirth of change

Chapter 2522 Seeing Xiang Wentian for the First Time

Chapter 2522 Seeing Xiang Wentian for the First Time

"Master, are you sure he's here today?" Chen Kangjie stood on the square of the Beijing Railway Station, watching the crowds of people coming and going around him, talking on their phones.

Not far from Chen Kangjie, Pang Hui was holding a sign with the words "Xiang Wentian" written on it, facing the passengers getting off the bus.

They came here early this morning to pick up the person, but a few hours later, they still didn't meet the person named Xiang Wentian. As a last resort, Chen Kangjie had to call Xi Shanchuan to confirm again.

"That's right, that's right, I arranged for him to come today, but he doesn't have a phone on him, so I can't contact him now." Xi Shanchuan said on the other end of the phone.

"Then what should I do? I can't wait for him at the station all the time, can you give him my contact information so that he can call me if he can't find me?" Chen Kangjie was also a little embarrassed and scratching his head.

"Oh, I really forgot. I see, you still figured it out on your own. You are very familiar with the capital, I believe you can. I'm going to practice. If you find him, let me know. That's it." Xi Shanchuan really knows how to push, and pushes all the troubles and difficulties to Chen Kangjie with a few words.

I must have a way?What can I do?Holding the phone, Chen Kangjie felt very speechless.

The capital is so big, with a population of 2000 million, and there are hundreds of thousands of people who enter and leave this city by train every day. What's more, apart from knowing that his name is Xiang Wentian, I have no other information at all, not even his appearance. Neither has a concept.Under such circumstances, trying to find him is almost like finding a needle in a haystack.

However, the master let go, leaving such a big difficulty to himself, Chen Kangjie was helpless, and it was impossible for him to really ignore it.

"Master Jie, what did your master say, is Xiang Wentian really here today?" Seeing Chen Kangjie approaching, Pang Hui asked, wiping the sweat from his forehead.

In the capital city of golden autumn, these two days are the time when the autumn tiger is raging. The weather that was already cool has suddenly become hot.

"Master said he came today." Chen Kangjie nodded depressedly.

"Then why haven't we seen him all day? We just sit on the sidelines like this. It doesn't seem like there's anything we can do. We don't even know which train he's on. All the trains from Xiqin have already arrived. Stand still, do you have to wait until night?" Pang Hui stood holding up the sign, his back hurt, and compared with the previous military training, Pang Hui felt that this was more painful than that.

"Master only said that he will come today, and we will figure out the rest." Chen Kangjie said with a helpless sigh.

"What... is there any good way? Or, Young Master Jie, you can rest in the car, and I'll just wait for him here. At worst, we'll wait until the last bus at night." Pang Hui originally thought He said it might as well forget it, but seeing that Chen Kangjie had no intention of letting go, he hastily changed his mind.

"If I don't find that kid, it's no wonder I can rest in peace. Master has almost handed him over to me. If I don't find him, he's not familiar with him in the capital. What went wrong? How can I explain it? I'll think of a way..."

Chen Kangjie looked blankly at the passengers passing by in a hurry, thinking that every young passenger might be Xiang Wentian, but in the end no one approached them to inquire.

"Brother Hui, you continue to wait here, I'll go to the broadcasting room at the station." After a while, Chen Kangjie came up with an unsolvable solution.

If Xiang Wentian really took the train to Beijing today, and he didn't know anyone in the capital, then after he got off the train, he would definitely be around the train station.As long as he is not stupid, he should know that if he goes far away, it will be difficult to find each other.

If the situation was as Chen Kangjie speculated, then it might be possible if he searched for it through the radio.

When Chen Kangjie arrived at the broadcasting room and explained his intentions, the staff in the broadcasting room were very cooperative and willing to help Chen Kangjie broadcast three missing persons information.

In such a large train station, the radio station will help passengers find people almost every day, and they are no strangers to it.

Soon, inside and outside the station, the message of looking for Xiang Wentian could be clearly heard from the radio.

Chen Kangjie thought, if Xiang Wentian really came, then he should be able to hear the radio, and if he heard the radio, he should come to him.

However, after more than ten minutes of the broadcast, Chen Kangjie did not see Xiang Wentian. He stood at the door of the broadcasting station and glanced at his watch every minute.Ten minutes later, Xiang Wentian still didn't show up.

Even this method is useless, Chen Kangjie is really disheartened.In the current situation, it is impossible to wait forever, that would be too stupid, but there is no other feasible way.

Chen Kangjie came to Pang Hui's side dejectedly, to see if he had any news.Although they had agreed before that he would call Chen Kangjie immediately if there was any news from his side, Chen Kangjie still hoped that a miracle would happen.

It turns out that there aren't as many wonders in this world as we thought.

Xiang Wentian did not appear on Pang Hui's side.

When the two of them didn't know what to do, two policemen came to Chen Kangjie and the others from the station police station.

"Are you waiting for a man named Xiang Wentian?" a policeman asked.

When the police asked this question, Chen Kangjie was overjoyed.

"Comrade police, did you help us find Xiang Wentian?"

"We didn't help you find someone, but we arrested a man there, and he claimed to be Xiang Wentian." The policeman replied.

"Arrested? Did he break any law?" Chen Kangjie was suddenly in a bad mood and surprised.

Don't be a troublemaker, this kid, it's not a good sign to break the law and cause trouble just after setting foot on the ground of the capital.If the crime he committed was not serious, Chen Kangjie might be able to find a way to help him, but if the crime he committed was serious, Chen Kangjie would have no choice but to help.

Chen Kangjie has connections, influence, and methods. However, it is impossible for him to blatantly cover up crimes. This is his bottom line.In our society, the reason why ordinary people are becoming more and more dissatisfied is because there are too many powerful and influential people who have no bottom line at all, which makes fairness and morality degenerate.

As a progressive youth recognized in the country, it is impossible for Chen Kangjie to add fuel to this decline.

"He, carrying contraband, not only refused to cooperate with our work, but also attacked the police. We have been doing his ideological work for two hours, but he is still stubborn. Moreover, he only told us that his name is Xiang Wentian, and other He didn’t spit out the news at all, and he didn’t have an ID card, which caused us a lot of headaches. Just now I heard you broadcast the search for people, no, let’s take a look and see if you know each other. If so, persuade him Cooperate with us," another policeman said.

The police in the capital really want to be more civilized. If it was in the cities below, where would the police spend their energy on doing ideological work? They would have taken tough measures long ago.

"Contraband? What contraband did he bring?" Chen Kangjie felt relieved when he heard that he was only carrying contraband.

At the same time, Chen Kangjie also became curious about what contraband this Xiang Wentian brought and was detained by the police.

This matter also solved Chen Kangjie's doubts about why they waited for several hours without Xiang Wentian.He was taken into the police station, so naturally he couldn't come to meet with Chen Kangjie and the others.

"You should go with us first to see if that person is the one you are waiting for. It's hard to say here." The first policeman said.

"Okay, no problem, may I ask the police officer's name?" Hearing that he was only carrying contraband, Chen Kangjie wanted to make friends with the two police comrades.

The police on the spot have the right to deal with this kind of contraband. Whether to put it down lightly or severely punish it in a business-like manner is basically a matter of one thought.If you have a good attitude and are willing to cooperate, it is very likely that big things will turn into small things.

"My surname is Zhang, and this one's surname is Qin."

"Oh, hello Officer Zhang, hello Officer Qin, smoke, please smoke..." This was the first time Chen Kangjie was so stupid, he not only said hello, but also hastily took out his cigarette to offer a respect.

The two policemen originally wanted to wave their hands to refuse, but seeing that the cigarettes Chen Kangjie brought out were very special and had never been seen before, the two of them accepted them willingly.

"Well, this cigarette is pretty good. It's easy to smoke. I haven't seen it before..." Officer Qin was an old smoker. After he lit his cigarette and took a sip, he was hooked on Chen Kangjie's special cigarette.

"Hehe, if you like, I'll give each of the two police officers a pack of cigarettes in the parking lot. The cigarettes are specially made, and even the deputy national level can't smoke them." In order to lure the two police officers, Chen Kangjie showed The side of the petty bourgeoisie.

As soon as they heard the cigarettes that the deputy national level could not smoke, the two police officers yearned for it. They both wanted to snuff out the cigarettes in their hands and keep them, so that they could show off to their friends.

Although the two police officers live at the foot of the emperor, the distance between them and the deputy state is the same. Although people in the capital like to brag about politics and officialdom, in fact, most of them are Some gossips from hearsay, people who have actually had contact with high-level officials are just the tip of the iceberg.

But when he thought that Chen Kangjie would give them one each, the thought of snuffing out the cigarette butts in his hand was extinguished by himself.Don't make it too unsophisticated and petty.

With such a link, when Chen Kangjie and Pang Hui walked into the station police station with the two police officers, they were already familiar with each other like old friends, talking and laughing.

In the innermost room of the station police station, Chen Kangjie met the young man named Xiang Wentian.

At this time, Xiang Wentian was wearing a gray jacket, a pair of cloth shoes on his feet, a canvas bag on his shoulders, and a simple crew cut.

Xiang Wentian was squatting in the corner of the room. In front of him, there were some broken logs. From the appearance, it looked like a chair had been disassembled.

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