rebirth of change

Chapter 2523 Bribing for Xiang Wentian

Chapter 2523 Bribing for Xiang Wentian

"Look, is he the Xiang Wentian you are waiting for? This guy is too... this chair was dismantled like this by him. If not, we will inform other people Come on, if it is, then you guys have to do something." Officer Zhang pointed to the squatting Xiang Wentian and asked.

Officer Zhang didn't complete some words, but the meaning was understandable.

Originally, Chen Kangjie doubted whether this Xiang Wentian was the person he was waiting for, but after hearing Officer Zhang say that a chair was dismantled into this fragmented appearance after being knocked down twice by him, Chen Kangjie was already sure that it was him.

Otherwise, it would be impossible for such a coincidence to happen. When Xi Shanchuan recommended Xiang Wentian again, he told Chen Kangjie that he was a master of action.And the wooden chairs used in the police station are definitely not the kind of rotten things. It would take a while for ordinary people to hit them with a hammer to achieve this effect.

Moreover, such a fragmented chair also confirmed why the police did his ideological work.

This guy is a thorn. According to his body, I am afraid that ten policemen will not be enough for him without using guns.How about not doing his ideological work? Could it turn this small police station upside down?

He was just carrying contraband, and he wasn't some heinous criminal, and he couldn't reach the level of using a gun.No, the police are also asking for help from Chen Kangjie and the others, hoping that they can help settle this trivial matter.

"Yes, yes, yes, Police Officer Zhang, he is the Xiang Wentian we are waiting for. Don't worry, we will compensate the public property he destroyed, and we will cooperate with other parts. There is absolutely no problem with these." Chen Kangjie He nodded hurriedly and said.

"Why do you have to pay? They hit me with a chair before I fought back, and I didn't hit any of them." Hearing that Chen Kangjie wanted to pay, Xiang Wentian actually objected.

"Officer Zhang, are you going to attack him with a chair?" Chen Kangjie frowned, regardless of whether he should pay or not.

Just now I thought that the police in the capital city are much more civilized than the local ones, but it seems that is not always the case.

And this can be regarded as a handle, if it can be grasped, Chen Kangjie will certainly use the opportunity to grasp it.

"Why attack him? Just to scare him. Who told him to be smelly and hard like a stone in a latrine? He didn't cooperate with anything except telling us that his name was Xiang Wentian. Just a little bit of anger." Officer Zhang didn't feel so ashamed, in his opinion, this was quite normal.

"You said he was carrying contraband, so what kind of contraband did he bring? Drugs? Guns? *? Or something else?" Chen Kangjie asked.

"Knife, when he went through the security check, the equipment photographed him with a controlled knife, but he refused to admit it, and he would not let us take it in, but it was clearly visible on the machine, and he had more than one knife on him. A knife." The police officer Qin said.

"Xian Wentian, do you have a knife with you?" Chen Kangjie turned around and asked Xiang Wentian.

The National Public Security Punishment Regulations stipulate that when taking public transportation, the control of knives cannot be slack.In fact, it’s not just about taking transportation, even walking on the street, you can’t carry controlled knives. The police have the right to search and deal with them.From this point of view, the police did not do anything wrong, but Xiang Wentian's refusal to cooperate was wrong.

"I didn't bring a knife, I was wronged, there is no such thing." Xiang Wentian said stubbornly.

"Hey, you boy, you are still stubborn in the face of the facts, and dare to say that we have wronged you. Do you really think that we are vegetarians? Let me tell you, even if you know kung fu, it is impossible to fight against the government. ” As soon as Xiang Wentian’s words came out, Police Officer Zhang was not happy, what is this, did he treat them as bandits?

"Officer Zhang, officer Zhang, calm down, calm down, in this way, give me a few minutes, I will do his ideological work, understand the real situation, what do you think? A little accommodation, just a few minutes People's police, I also know that you are responsible, not that you want to embarrass any ordinary people." Chen Kangjie was worried that things would become stagnant and out of control, so he quickly softened his tone and pleaded.

Officer Zhang pondered for a while, nodded, and promised to give Chen Kangjie 5 minutes.

Chen Kangjie gave Pang Hui a look, Pang Hui understood, and exited the room together with Officer Zhang and the others, leaving Chen Kangjie and Xiang Wentian inside alone.

"Are you from Xiqin? Did my master introduce you?" Although Chen Kangjie was basically sure that this guy was the one he was waiting for, it was better to make sure first. It's just a joke.

"Who is your master?" Xiang Wentian asked back.

"Xi Shanchuan, don't you know him?"

"Oh, then I am. Uncle Shi introduced me to you. Is your name Chen Kangjie?" Xiang Wentian stood up from the ground where he was squatting.

"Uncle? My master is your uncle?"

"Yes, but since my master passed away, I have followed my uncle for the past five years. He told me that I don't need to stay in the mountains, and I should come out to help you conquer the world."

"Hehe, I'm not King Wen of Zhou. I doubt what kind of world I want to fight. Your uncle thinks that you are already so old. It's not a big deal to stay in the mountains all the time. You need to have in-depth contact with the society. .” Chen Kangjie laughed at himself.

"Then I don't know, that's what my uncle told me anyway. I was an orphan since I was a child. After I was taken in by my master, I studied with my master for more than ten years, and stayed with my uncle for five years."

"Well, no matter what it is, I will take care of you when you come anyway. By the way, they said that you carry a knife with you. Do you really have a knife?" Now it's not that detailed. It's time to pass this level first.

"I don't have a knife, no, but... I must have this on my body." As he said that, Xiang Wentian popped a sharp knife out of his sleeve with an incredible movement and pinched it in his hand.

It looks like a dagger, but it is smaller than ordinary daggers, a bit like the folding fruit knives we usually use that can be hung on the keychain.

There is a faint blue light in the dagger blade, you don't need to try it to know that it must be extremely sharp.Moreover, there is a certain curvature on the body of the dagger, which is quite different from the fruit knife we ​​use, and there are some patterns on the side.The part of the handle is very small and can only hold two fingers together.

In general consciousness, this should be regarded as a hidden weapon, or he is more like a hidden weapon, because it is difficult for him to attack and fight in his hand.

Looking at the small and exquisite sharp blade, Chen Kangjie couldn't laugh or cry: "God Xiang Wen, what is this if it's not a knife? Don't you think it's a knife?"

"Of course it's not a knife. A knife is bigger than this. It can only be regarded as a blade, at most a dagger. How can it be a knife?" Xiang Wentian said straightforwardly.

Chen Kangjie is really a little speechless, what kind of logic is this, because he is not a knife when he is young?That nail clipper... No, even though the nail clipper has the word "knife" on it, it's really not a knife.

Oops, this definition is a bit unclear, Chen Kangjie was annoyed, why bother with this stuff, it doesn't make any sense.

Looking at it now, Xiang Wentian is the kind of stunned young man who has been cut off from society for a long time. It is obviously unrealistic to change him right away because of his single-mindedness.It takes time, it takes integration.

"Forget it, forget it, if you say it's not a knife, it's not a knife, so why don't you let them take it in?"

"I'm just afraid that they will take away my "Night Demon Blade". This is something my master left me, and other people must not touch it. If it wasn't for what my uncle told me before I came, I must be cautious." Be careful, don't be reckless, especially for those who wear uniforms, otherwise, I will fight out. I have seen that all of them together are not my opponent." Xiang Wentian tilted his head and said.

"Night Demon Blade? I didn't expect this gadget to have such a scary-sounding name. Are you really that powerful? All of them combined can't beat you?"

"Of course, Uncle Master said that you are also good. If you don't believe me, we can compete sometime." Speaking of his own skills, Xiang Wentian was very confident.Chen Kangjie was so confident that he was a little curious, and wanted to have a few tricks with him.

"The part of the competition, let's talk about it later. Now I have to get you out first. What your uncle said is right. If you take them all down, then they will send hundreds of thousands of people. You can deal with it." Hundreds of people? How many thousands of people can you deal with? Especially when they have hundreds of guns pointed at you." In order not to let this stunned young man cause trouble for himself, Chen Kangjie could only warn him with exaggerated words.

"A few guns are fine, a few hundred guns will make me a hornet's nest, a dozen or dozens of people can handle it, but a few hundred guns will not work for me." Xiang Wentian said cutely.

Hehe, he is really a living treasure. Although he was a little taken aback, this kind of person is simple and easy to commit suicide.In contrast, dealing with such an upright person is quite good.

"How many sharp blades like you do you have? They say there are more than one."

"Here, here, and here, there are eight handles." Xiang Wentian pointed to his sleeves, calves, waist and other places and replied.

"It seems that the police really didn't say anything wrong and wronged you... All right, stop talking, I know how to do it, it's not a knife, all right! I'll help you get out of this place first. "

When Officer Zhang and the others came back again, Chen Kangjie confessed and apologized on behalf of Xiang Wentian. He was not only willing to compensate for the damage to public property, but also handed over the so-called contraband.

It's just that what Chen Kangjie handed in was not Xiang Wentian's Dark Night Demon Blade, but the fruit knife that Pang Hui untied from the keychain.

"Officer Zhang, I'm causing you trouble. Look at him, he's honest and he doesn't look like a bad guy. He's a bit stupid and a bit dazed. Don't get to know him. This is 1 yuan. It's compensation for damage to public property, so let him go, okay?"

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