rebirth of change

Chapter 2524 Xiang Wentian enters the Grand View Garden

Chapter 2524 Xiang Wentian enters the Grand View Garden

"Jie Shao, 1 yuan plus two cigarettes for everyone, isn't it too much? Even if you don't give it away, you can get that kid out by calling someone." Walking out of the station police station, Pang Hui took a peek at him. Glancing at Xiang Wentian behind him, he moved to Chen Kangjie's side and said softly.

"Forget it, things that can be solved with money are not a problem. Sometimes, the favor of a phone call is much more expensive than this. Don't think that you don't have to pay back a favor, you have to pay it back." Chen Kangjie said indifferently.

Although Chen Kangjie's special cigarettes were very expensive, after all, it was money, and he didn't care about it.

In fact, what Chen Kangjie cares more about is that he has adapted to the society for a while today, or the secular world for a while.Gift giving and bribery, before, Chen Kangjie would disdain to do such things, but for Xiang Wentian, Chen Kangjie not only did it, but also did it in a humble manner.

Pang Hui said that he called someone to find Xiang Wentian, so what's the difference? Isn't it just using connections, using privileges, and not following the rules?In contrast, giving gifts may be less harmful than taking relationships and using power.

But what can be done, should Xiang Wentian be detained?He came to the capital for the first time, and he was such a stunned young man. If he entered the detention center as soon as he got off the car, it might be a blow to his character, which would not be conducive to his adaptation and understanding of this society.

What's more, this guy is so powerful, if something big happens, it will be even more unmanageable, and the social impact will be even worse.

The lesser of two evils, Chen Kangjie might as well give him something to get him out.Anyway, what Xiang Wentian committed was not a big deal.

"That's true, Master Jie, this guy looks stupid, do you really plan to use him by your side?" Pang Hui didn't want their positions to be replaced, so he was a little bit ostracized and put on eye drops for Xiang Wentian mean.

It would be best if Chen Kangjie could send Xiang Wentian back directly, then everyone would be safe.

"He was introduced by my master. Besides, you can't just look at people from one side. Maybe he just stayed in the mountains for a long time. With a little guidance, he should be able to adapt." It is impossible for Chen Kangjie to rely on a trivial matter. Xiang Wentian was rushed back arbitrarily, which was not fair to Xiang Wentian.

Xiang Wentian, who was walking not far behind the two, could clearly hear the conversation between Chen Kangjie and Pang Hui, but he didn't say anything, he just knew everything in his mind.

In fact, Chen Kangjie's favor with Xiang Wentian started from this conversation with Pang Hui.

Throughout the ages, the ruler chooses the minister, and the minister also chooses the ruler.As the saying goes, good birds choose trees to live in.

After returning to the courtyard, Chen Kangjie first arranged for Xiang Wentian to put down his luggage, take a shower, and then take him out to eat and buy clothes.

When taking a bath, Xiang Wentian didn't even know how to use the water heater, and the water that came out scalded him all at once.

He didn't know that running water required a combination of cold and heat, and he had never used such a thing in the mountains before.So the water he releases is either very hot, or completely ice water.In the end, Xiang Wentian completed the task of taking a bath with ice water.Fortunately, it is not difficult for martial arts practitioners like them to take a bath in cold water. When they were on the mountain, they rarely used hot water.

However, when he heard him screaming from being scalded by boiling water, Chen Kangjie still smiled speechlessly.

In order not to make similar jokes again, after he took a shower, Chen Kangjie taught him how to use all the electrical appliances.Not to mention, Xiang Wen's world is a bit rough, but he is really quick to learn things. No matter what, he can learn it as soon as he teaches it. He has a very strong comprehension ability. He is really a good talent to make.

Walking into the large shopping malls in the capital, Xiang Wentian was full of curiosity about everything, especially the escalator. He had observed it for a long time. Maybe he couldn't figure out why the ladder moved.

When he stepped on it for the first time, Xiang Wentian was still trembling with fear, as if he was worried that a monster would swallow him up.After getting used to a few steps, this kid actually jumped up on the elevator like a child.

For Xiang Wentian's performance as a country bumpkin, Chen Kangjie did not discriminate or look down on him consciously, but felt that such a person was actually quite interesting.

In the shopping mall, Chen Kangjie chose more than a dozen sets of clothes for him, including suits, casual wear, sportswear and so on.

It is impossible for Chen Kangjie to buy things from street stalls that cost tens of dollars. However, when the salespersons of those brand stores saw Xiang Wentian's babbling, they always looked down upon him.But when they heard that it was said to be wrapped up, and that was also wrapped up, each of them smiled condescendingly and felt very lucky.

Not to mention, Xiang Wentian changed out of his old things, suit, shirt, and leather shoes, his whole person looked completely different, and the young man suddenly became much more energetic and handsome.

No wonder we have always said that "a man depends on his clothes and a horse depends on his saddle", which is a very reasonable refinement.

Xiang Wentian was still very uncomfortable wearing a suit and leather shoes on the first day, but Chen Kangjie forced him to wear them.

I don't know why, Xiang Wentian instinctively felt that he should listen to what Chen Kangjie said. This may be related to Xi Shanchuan's repeated exhortations and explanations, and another aspect may not have nothing to do with Chen Kangjie's personality charm.

In order to let Xiang Wentian adapt to the environment as soon as possible, Chen Kangjie did not take him to eat down-to-earth Chinese food, but found a good western restaurant near the embassy area.

In the western restaurant, Xiang Wentian felt more like entering the Grand View Garden than in the big shopping mall.

"Why do those people look so strange, with blue eyes?"

"Why doesn't that girl come down to eat and play non-stop on that piano?"

"Why are there no chopsticks here?"

"Why do you put a very white towel on your chin?"

"Why is someone still lighting candles on the table when they can clearly see it?"

"Why isn't there rice here? Why aren't there even steamed buns?"

"Obviously the bill has already been paid, why do you still have to pay the waiter?"

Faced with so many whys, Chen Kangjie felt amused, so he could only explain them to him one by one.If you don't explain it clearly to him, I'm afraid that question will always exist.

"This kind of Western food is not satisfying at all, and it is not as good as a few big pancakes."

"I know that too, but you have to get used to it, it's okay, three points is not enough, you can still call, follow me, you can eat whatever you want, and you will never be hungry." Looking at another steak, Xiang Wentian slammed twice Just wipe it out, Chen Kangjie can only lament his appetite.

Chen Kangjie's appetite is pretty good, but he only ordered a steak, a light meal and a salad, but Xiang Wentian has already eliminated three steaks, two light meals, and a plate of prawns .His tone seemed to feel that it was not enough, so Chen Kangjie simply ordered him a sandwich, a soup and a pasta.

"Hurp", Xiang Wentian asked Chen Kangjie after hiccupping, "Do I have to eat these with you every day from now on?"

"Of course not, I can't stand it even if you can bear it. Usually we mainly eat hot pot, stir-fried vegetables, etc., but you are with me, this kind of Western food is something you have to adapt to, so I will take you by yourself. Difficult and easy." Chen Kangjie replied with a smile.

"That's about the same. If it doesn't work, you can also cook noodles and pancakes. You should eat less of these things. It's really not good. The taste is average, and you're still hungry." Xiang Wentian shook his head and said.

Seeing that Xiang Wentian could eat so much, the waiters in the restaurant were all stunned. Many diners also went to Chen Kangjie and the others to watch and discuss.In fact, they have almost never seen a person who can gobble up so much in a western restaurant.Usually in western restaurants, what everyone pays attention to is an elegant and exquisite atmosphere. Such a gluttonous food is a bit incompatible with the atmosphere here.

But Chen Kangjie didn't ask or stop Xiang Wentian.

A basic premise of eating is to fill the stomach, and that is more important than any etiquette.If you starve yourself for the so-called dispensable face, it is not worth it.

After Xiang Wentian ate the small portion of spaghetti and the sandwich, and drank a bowl of soup, he hugged his stomach and shouted that he was full.

"Brother Hui, teach Xiang Wentian how to drive tomorrow." On the way home, Chen Kangjie instructed Pang Hui.

"Ah, driving, can he do it? I'm afraid I won't be able to teach him well." Pang Hui was not very willing, thinking of teaching a foolish young man like Xiang Wentian to learn to drive, Pang Hui felt dizzy. big.

"Don't underestimate people. If you know how to teach, I can learn it. As long as I can learn, it doesn't matter who will be better in the future." Before Chen Kangjie could speak, Xiang Wentian was the first to be unconvinced.

"Hehe, good job, I like your attitude." Chen Kangjie smiled at Xiang Wentian, "Brother Hui, you heard me, it's not certain who will be the best in the future. But, you can't just because of this It’s something to hide.”

"Jie Shao, I don't dare to hide my secrets. If he drives for himself, then I will definitely keep a hand, but he should drive for you. How can I lose the big for a small thing. Besides, he said that it may not be true. Is it not necessarily true? He said so, I want to teach well, and then we will see who is better, and we can find a place to compete for the time being." Pang Hui said while driving.

Pang Hui still knows the general situation, and knows which is more important.To a certain extent, this is also one of the reasons why they are always trusted and brought by Chen Kangjie's side.

No matter who comes first and who comes later, since we are together, we are a team, we are brothers, we can joke with each other, but unity is the most important thing that cannot be discarded.

If the people around him are fighting and fighting, let alone spending energy, it will actually be very bad for his interests.

"Okay, I'll give you half a month. If you're better, I'll help him get a driver's license. By the way, by the way, you can take him to familiarize himself with guns and what skills he should master. Then you can remind him he."

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