rebirth of change

Chapter 2525 Examination Xiang Wentian

Chapter 2525

Although Xiang Wentian is full of unfamiliarity with the modern lifestyle in big cities, this does not prevent him from being a person who can really exist beside Chen Kangjie.

The next day, before Pang Hui took Xiang Wentian to learn how to drive, he jokingly said that he wanted to test Xiang Wentian's skills, and even Tan Jun and Wang Wei expressed interest in this new young boy. , They also wanted to see what Xiang Wentian was capable of.

It seems that Xiang Wentian knew that he would encounter such a link a long time ago, so he did not refuse.

As the boss, Chen Kangjie was also full of curiosity, wouldn't he want to know what Xiang Wentian was capable of?That is impossible.

The test place is in Chen Kangjie's courtyard, which is spacious, quiet, and conducive to the display of abilities.

Although at the station police station, Xiang Wentian could tear down a chair in two or three strokes, but before he actually made a move, Chen Kangjie didn't think he would be so powerful.

However, after Xiang Wentian revealed his true strength, Chen Kangjie was still shocked.

"Can you climb over this wall?" Pang Hui asked Xiang Wentian, pointing to a wall separating the courtyard.

Chen Kangjie was sitting under the locust tree in the yard, holding a cup of tea and waiting leisurely to enjoy Xiang Wentian's performance.

Xiang Wentian looked up at the wall, and replied calmly, "Yes."

That old-fashioned brick wall is not considered high, just over four meters. This height may be difficult for ordinary people, but it should not be considered a big deal for those who have practiced.

"How long does it take to turn over?" Pang Hui asked.

"How much time do you have?" Xiang Wentian didn't answer Pang Hui's question, but asked back.

Pang Hui stretched out two fingers and said proudly, "Two seconds."

In the past, when Pang Hui and the others were in the army, it was the basic skill of training. Crossing a single-plank bridge, climbing a wall, wading, etc., were all basic movements.So Pang Hui can proudly say that it can be done in two seconds.

"Then I'll give you a second." Xiang Wentian answered immediately.

In a second, not only Pang Hui was choked, but even Chen Kangjie and the others found it very difficult.A second is fleeting, but he has to climb over a wall of more than four meters, which sounds a bit like bragging.

"You one second? Hehe, Xiang Wentian, you can't talk big when you are young. If you can't do it, you will be ashamed and embarrassed. Are you really able to do it in one second?" After being choked, Pang Hui took asked with a mocking laugh.

Pang Hui naturally didn't want Xiang Wentian to be able to do it in a second, otherwise, wouldn't he appear to have lost too much?In that case, he would be the one who would lose face in embarrassment, so Pang Hui hoped that Xiang Wentian would not be ashamed and give him a chance to revise.

"If you can, I can." Xiang Wentian answered very bluntly at the age when he was young and unyielding.

Even if Xiang Wentian hadn't experienced many things in the world, he also understood that if he wanted to gain a firm foothold beside Chen Kangjie, he absolutely couldn't lose in terms of momentum.Not only can't lose momentum, but also can't lose in behavior.

"Okay, if this is the case, let's compete one game, Shao Jie, you are the referee, and the stopwatch counts. I really want to see how Xiang Wentian turned over in a second." Xiang Wentian did not lose his momentum, As a senior, Pang Hui naturally couldn't lose.

The watch worn by Chen Kangjie has the function of a stopwatch, and he is willing to be the referee.Take off the watch and do a good job of debugging first.

"Old Tan, can you pass in a second?" Wang Wei, who was standing beside Chen Kangjie, asked Tan Jun in a low voice.

"I can't do it for two seconds, but I really can't do it for one second. The time is too short. I'm afraid it will take one second for the run-up." Tan Jun shook his head.

"Then do you think that Lengtouqing is okay?" Wang Wei asked again.

"It''s hard to say, and it's not certain that he has any tricks. Never underestimate young people." Tan Jun replied after a moment of pondering.

"I also can't see through him, saying he is arrogant, but he looks silly and serious, saying he is self-confident, but I find it difficult...not small." Wang Wei said while watching Xiang Wentian .

People habitually judge others by themselves, and judge almost everything based on their own abilities and experiences.What is often considered difficult for oneself should be difficult for others.This kind of thinking restricts ourselves to a certain extent, and at the same time often causes some troubles.

"Okay, you guys get ready, get ready, signal me to start." Chen Kangjie took the adjusted stopwatch and walked to Xiang Wentian and Pang Hui.

Pang Hui did some warm-up or adaptation moves in a very formal way, while Xiang Wentian was more simple, just pulled up his trousers, as if the suit trousers would cause him trouble.

After more than a minute, Pang Hui stood about six meters away from the wall and nodded to Chen Kangjie, while Xiang Wentian kept himself about four meters away from the wall.

Chen Kangjie raised his left hand towards the two people facing each other, and after a pause of two seconds, Chen Kangjie's left hand came down like lightning, "Start."

Before Chen Kangjie's words fell to the ground, Pang Hui and Xiang Wentian mobilized almost simultaneously and took their own steps.

Almost, but Chen Kangjie observed keenly that Xiang Wentian had a slight advantage over Pang Hui when he started.He countered by saying that it was Xiang Wentian who moved first and Pang Hui later.From this perspective, Xiang Wentian's reaction was faster than Pang Hui's.

After Xiang Wentian ran three steps, he stood up and jumped. His left foot kicked off the fence, his right hand stretched upwards, and he grabbed the top of the fence. His left hand supported the wall again, and he turned sideways Jumped over the top of the wall.In the middle of the journey, he didn't stop at the top of the wall, and the whole movement was done in one go, without muddle along.

After Xiang Wentian passed by, Chen Kangjie immediately pressed the button of the stopwatch.He didn't look at the time, and he would compare the two times only after Pang Hui turned over.

Pang Hui ran two more steps than Xiang Wentian, and he also kicked on the wall first, using the reaction force to improve the cross talk.

Pang Hui also grabbed the top of the wall as soon as he reached out, but he couldn't let his body fly sideways like Xiang Wentian did.He climbed up first, and then he turned over and jumped down to the top of the fence for a while.

Chen Kangjie picked up the stopwatch and looked at it. He himself was surprised. It took Xiang Wentian 2.9 seconds. It seemed that he didn't finish the one second he said.But compared to Pang Hui, Xiang Wentian's results can be regarded as beautiful.Because Pang Hui also timed out, and [-] seconds, almost one second overtime.

Since it is artificially timed, there will be a certain error, and Xiang Wentian can barely finish it in one second.And no matter how much error Pang Hui makes, it will definitely exceed 2.5 seconds.

It seems that such a competition looks very simple, but Xiang Wentian can use it in such a short time, which shows a problem. His arm strength, waist strength and leg strength are all better than Pang Hui.Otherwise, he wouldn't be able to complete the leap with such a beautiful movement in such a short period of time.

Of course, Pang Hui is more than ten years older than Xiang Wentian, but even more than ten years ago, Pang Hui could not have completed it in such a short period of time. Good performance at all times.

"I lost." The two walked over from the wall, Pang Hui said with his head down.

"You can still maintain this kind of physical fitness and performance, which is already very good. It doesn't matter if you win or lose, just have fun." Chen Kangjie comforted.

"Xiang Wentian, with Master Jie, it's not enough just to have superior escape skills, you also need to have the ability to fight. How about you?" Tan Jun, who also knew the results of the competition, said.

"Fighting skills? What fighting skills? Fighting?" Xiang Wentian asked.

"Well... this, you can also say that." The battle turned into a fight, and Tan Jun could only be speechless.

"Then I won't lose to you." Xiang Wentian's tone was low, but he seemed very confident.

"Tan Jun, why don't you play two tricks with him?" Pang Hui urged.

Pang Hui himself had just lost for a while, so of course he couldn't stand up again, so he hoped that Tan Jun could make it.

Tan Jun has been with him for many years, and Pang Hui knows how much he has.Moreover, they can basically be regarded as the same group of people. If Tan Jun wins, it can barely be regarded as the victory of Pang Hui and his group.

"Okay, then I'll do two tricks with Brother Xiang, brother Xiang, how about it?" Tan Jun took off his coat while talking.

"I'm happy to accompany you." Xiang Wentian took a step back and said with a gesture of raising his hand.

"That's fine." Tan Jun also stretched out a hand and made a similar gesture.

As soon as their hands touched each other, they started fighting.

The movements of the two are not fancy, if you attack, I will block, and if I attack, you will block. Anyway, every time the two hands collide, it is a contest of resistance and strength.

Ordinary people can't see the shadows of the two's hands at all. In fact, the movements of the two are very fast, and they can only see the four hands dangling "bang bang bang" and bumping into each other in a mess.However, Chen Kangjie carefully observed that although Tan Jun was able to predict and intercept Xiang Wentian's every attack, he seemed to be on the defensive from the very beginning, about seven times out of ten. Xiang Wentian was attacking, while Tan Jun was blocking.

In addition, each of their collisions may take less than 0.01 second, but from the feeling, Chen Kangjie found that Tan Jun's arm trembled more easily than Xiang Wentian's.Such subtleties are really not easy to be discovered. No matter how good Chen Kangjie's eyesight is, he can only rely on his feelings.

It seemed that Xiang Wentian's every punch and palm was more powerful than Tan Jun's.

The "push hands" between the two didn't last long, maybe a few minutes, because Tan Jun received a real punch in the chest, and the two separated.

That is, this punch clearly stated that Tan Jun lost the contest between the two.

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