Tomb Raider: Family Eternal, Start with Swallowed Stars

Tomb Raider: Family Eternal, Start with Swallowed Stars


186 Chapters Ongoing Status

Chu Huang was reborn in the world of Daozong, and obtained the family’s eternal system. At the beginning, he obtained the method of swallowing the stars.


Chu Huang was reborn in the world of Daozong, and obtained the family’s eternal system. At the beginning, he obtained the method of swallowing the stars.

As your family level increases, you will receive system rewards.

Grave robbing can earn you points, which can be used to purchase items in the system mall.

As the patriarch, he built an eternal family, and the whole family entered the era of cultivation.

Use warriors and spiritualists to rob tombs and sweep away all strange tombs.

The nine gates are dissatisfied, suppress the nine gates!

The Wang family coveted it and destroyed it.

Even if it is hiding in the dark, if it dares to stand in the way of the family’s eternal destiny, it will be crushed to death like an ant.

In the future, when the system is upgraded and the gates to the heavens are opened, the Chu family will step across all the heavens and worlds and become the only supreme and eternal family.


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