Chapter 2526 Sword and Gun Showdown

"You are better than me, I lost." Tan Jun is not the kind of person who can't afford to lose. After rubbing his chest that was hit, he stood in front of Xiang Wentian and said frankly.

"No, you let me go. In fact, you have more experience than me. If you didn't limit your movements to pushing hands, then I would most likely lose." Xiang Wentian was quite proud of him. When the competition was over, he After winning, Xiang Wentian became humble.

A child can be taught, Chen Kangjie, who saw everything in his eyes, secretly said in his heart.

Regardless of whether Xiang Wentian's modesty is sincere or polite, his behavior can easily win the favor of others.

A person will leave room when he advances, and he will be calm when retreating.

"Although I have more experience than you, after a while, no matter how you compare, I will not be your opponent. Objectively speaking, you are better than me."

On the one hand, what Tan Jun said meant that he did not use experience to bully Xiang Wentian, a "newcomer", but at the same time, he did not deny that Xiang Wentian's potential was greater than his, and his hidden strength was deeper than his.

"Stop flattering each other, you two are not outsiders, why are you so polite? We can learn from each other and improve each other. Xiang Wentian, don't you have the "Night Demon Blade" that your master passed on to you? You don't show it?" Chen Kangjie, as the co-boss, stood up and said.

No matter who is more powerful, Chen Kangjie is satisfied.After all, all of them are doing things for him, Chen Kangjie, for him, whichever is higher and which is lower has the same meaning to Chen Kangjie.

Thinking of how Xiang Wentian spared no effort to protect that set of exquisite and small knives that day, Chen Kangjie really wanted to know how to play with that set of "Night Demon Blade".

"If you want to see it, of course I won't hold back." Facing Chen Kangjie's new proposal, Xiang Wentian faced it directly. He had no inferiority complex or pride, just showing an attitude.

"Then how can I see your performance?" Chen Kangjie asked.

"My set of "Night Demon Blade" is actually only suitable for actual combat, not very suitable for performance, so I don't know how to play it." Xiang Wentian said.

"Only suitable for actual combat?" Chen Kangjie's curiosity grew stronger.

"Yes, indeed."

"But it's impossible for us to actually fight you." Chen Kangjie wondered.

"Xiang Wentian, what are you talking about? Isn't other people's weapons used in actual combat? If you say this, it means that you can't show it for everyone to see. How can others see your strength? We don't Maybe someone will conduct actual combat drills with you, because the actual combat state is either you die or I die, it is impossible, saying it is tantamount to not saying it." Pang Hui squeezed further.

After the comparison with himself, he didn't have a good word. After the comparison with Tan Jun, he sold face to Tan Jun, saying that Tan Jun let him.How could Pang Hui not like this kind of contrast?Pang Hui had a taste, so he naturally looked for an opportunity to apply eye drops to deal a blow to Xiang Wentian's arrogance to a certain extent.

Pang Hui also thought that Xiang Wentian was actually not confident enough to use a knife as a hidden weapon for himself, so he took aggressive methods against him.

It would be better for Xiang Wentian to continue to avoid, or to say that he made an embarrassment himself.No matter what the situation is, Pang Hui has won a small round.

"Then... what do you want?" Xiang Wentian was a little speechless when he was choked by Pang Hui.

"It's not my thought, it's you. It's on your body. If you have the ability, you should be able to retract it freely. No one here will fight you in a life-and-death battle. That's impossible. "Pang Hui raised his head and said.

"Okay...then you all come out alone, and I will use my night magic blade to deal with your guns." Forced to do nothing, Xiang Wentian could only bite the bullet and say.

"Forget it, forget it, there's no need for it, it's just a discussion. Why do you want to use a knife or a gun? No matter who you hurt, it's extremely bad. You are all my brothers, people I rely on , I don’t want to see anyone get hurt because of this. It’s still the same sentence, brothers fight against others outside the wall, and unity is our spirit.” Of course, Chen Kangjie doesn’t want the people closest to him to reach the point of using knives and guns.

Chen Kangjie didn't know how Xiang Wentian used the knife, but he had seen the marksmanship of Tan Jun and the others more than once.

Moreover, the speed of the bullet is hard to guard against. If shooting causes some unnecessary consequences, it will lose the meaning of comparison and competition.

Chen Kangjie believed that there would definitely be opportunities for Xiang Wentian to perform in actual combat in the future.No, don't fight for a right and wrong right now. Besides, the previous two competitions have already confirmed Xiang Wentian's ability and strength from the side to a certain extent.

"I'm not afraid, don't worry, I won't get hurt, and I won't hurt anyone else." Now it was Xiang Wentian's turn not to give up.

Xiang Wentian can actually say that he will not hurt others, which can reflect his control ability, but he said that he will not be injured, which is tantamount to underestimating and comparing the opponent's ability.

Whether you will be injured depends not only on your reaction and dodging speed, but also on the opponent's ability. If the opponent is stronger than you, then saying that you will not be injured is a kind of contempt and blow.

"Jie Shao, or I'll do it, Xiang Wentian is confident that he won't hurt others, and I'm also confident that I can do the same." Wang Wei said.

In the previous two games, Pang Hui and Tan Jun played respectively, and they both lost. Wang Wei, who didn't like fighting for power, was eager to fight.

When it comes to marksmanship, Wang Wei is also very confident in himself. Among Chen Kangjie's bodyguards, Wang Wei's marksmanship can be regarded as one of the best, so he dared to say such a thing.

"Wang Wei, Xiang Wentian is still young, you..."

"Young Master Jie, I'm as old as you, and I'm not young at all." Chen Kangjie originally wanted to excuse Xiang Wentian, but in the end, this kid didn't appreciate it at all, and even used Chen Kangjie's age to endorse him.

Xiang Wentian and Chen Kangjie were born in the same year. Chen Kangjie is only two months older than Xiang Wentian. Both are 24 years old this year.

The age of 24 is indeed not young, but compared to Tan Jun and the others, he is indeed a little brother.

"You...are you really that confident? Bullets don't have eyes, and they will kill people if they hit them." Chen Kangjie said depressed after being stunned.

"Young Master Jie, other people's bullets don't have eyes, but mine does. Don't worry about that, I will never hit him." Xiang Wentian yelled at him, but Chen Kangjie didn't expect the second half of his sentence Wang Wei was offended again.

Chen Kangjie and his bodyguards do not have that very clear and insurmountable concept of class.They can be said to work for Chen Kangjie, and Chen Kangjie is their boss, or they can be said to be brothers to each other, going through wind and rain together.It is also common to joke with Chen Kangjie in normal times.

"Okay, let me, Zhu Bajie, look in the mirror. You are all amazing, so let me do this. Okay, come on, let's mess with each other. Let me see which one of you is the one who sells spears and shields at the same time." Thank you, Chen Kangjie simply didn't bother to be that bad guy.

"Wang Wei, since you can't hurt him, what's the point of your comparison? At the very least, how do you judge whether you win or lose? Tan Jun lost just now, and he got punched anyway. Could it be that you have already fought before you even had a fight?" Reconciled?" Pang Hui didn't want to see the two of them so peaceful, if it was too peaceful, how would he get back his face?

Of course, Pang Hui didn't really want to see Wang Wei shoot Xiang Wentian to death, he didn't even want to see how much Xiang Wentian was injured. He wasn't that vicious towards his own people.However, a small lesson is at least for Xiang Wentian.If you don't teach him a lesson, wouldn't it mean that the three seniors were "annihilated"?That's really embarrassing too.

Anyway, Master Jie was no longer involved in peace affairs, so Pang Hui felt that it was okay to provoke him a bit.

"Then what do you want? You can't shoot him in the head." Facing Pang Hui's radical demands, Wang Wei didn't know what to do.

"Then let me give you a rule." Tan Jun said.

"What rules?" Wang Wei and Xiang Wentian asked in unison.

"I draw three circles on the wall. If Wang Wei's bullet hits three circles first, Wang Wei wins. In addition, Xiang Wentian, if your knife can cut through Wang Wei's clothes or pants first, even if you win, you will win." The prerequisite is that your knife can't make him bleed, Wang Wei, your gun can't hit Xiang Wentian. What do you think?" Tan Jun said his solution.

Tan Jun's method was unanimously accepted, and Chen Kangjie also felt that this is the best way, which not only protects each other, but also distinguishes the superior from the inferior.

In order to be more fair and just, Chen Kangjie suggested that the distance between the two should be at least ten meters.To be on the safe side, put on bulletproof vests on each other, and an irreversible accident occurs on the side.

After pulling away from each other and taking their positions, Chen Kangjie, Tan Jun and Pang Hui hid far away and shouted.If they get close, it is very likely that they will be affected by the fish pond.

Although the time of the sword and gun competition may not necessarily be shorter than that of overcoming the wall, it will definitely not be as timeless as Xiang Wentian and Tan Jun's pushing hands.

After Chen Kangjie yelled to start, Wang Wei raised his hand and was about to fire at the three "bullseyes" that Tan Jun had drawn.At a distance of over ten meters, Wang Wei wanted to hit the bull's-eye, which was Pediatrics. The embarrassing thing was that he had to avoid Xiang Wentian, not to hurt him, and it was best to be able to catch him by surprise.

As for Xiang Wentian, besides protecting the three "bulls-eyes" behind him, he also had to launch an attack. He must leave a hole in Wang Wei's body.

The final result was that Wang Wei only fired two shots, and only one shot hit the bullseye, and his clothes were left behind by Xiang Wentian's incomparably sharp "Night Demon Blade" after two shots. There are three openings in one horizontal and two vertical.

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