rebirth of change

Chapter 2527 Chief Director of the Opening Ceremony

Chapter 2527 Chief Director of the Opening Ceremony

"Xiang Wentian, although you won the competition, you must not be complacent. You still have a lot to learn from them. Experience needs to be accumulated. I hope you can understand this." In Chen Kangjie's study Xiang Wentian sat quietly opposite Chen Kangjie.

The contest between Xiang Wentian and Wang Wei really surprised everyone present, including Chen Kangjie.

Wang Wei lost badly. He only fired two bullets, and three cuts appeared on his body.

Xiang Wentian's use of his hidden weapons is really almost superb. When he throws his knife, it is as if he has been endowed with spiritual energy. Not only is it as fast as lightning, but it can even surround Wang Wei's body like a boomerang. The body turned twice.

The "Night Demon Blade" is not only as fast as lightning, but also extremely sharp. The three cuts just mentioned were on Wang Wei's clothes. In fact, the bulletproof vest he was wearing was also cut, but it didn't go through. That's all.

What's even more rare is that the "Night Demon Blade" didn't hurt Wang Wei's skin, it just tore through his floating clothes appropriately.This kind of ability to use freely can be described as a miracle.

What made Chen Kangjie even more incredible was that Wang Wei originally shot a bullet to hit the third bull's-eye, but Xiang Wentian, an elusive guy, threw a throwing knife and hit the one that had already flown out of the gun. chambered bullets.

The moment the flying knife collided with the bullet, it not only changed the trajectory of the bullet, but also shocked everyone including Wang Wei with the sparks from the impact.

The speed of the bullet is so high. To hit such a high-speed bullet in such a short period of time, it absolutely requires a god-like capture ability, and the calculation must be more accurate than a large computer.Their collision is almost as difficult as the precise docking of two aircraft in space.

Of course, Chen Kangjie didn't believe that Xiang Wentian had any actuarial ability. The cut-off time can only be based on feeling. Even if it can be calculated, it may not be able to do it.

This feeling must be the result of thousands of times of practice.

In fact, to Xiang Wentian, it can be regarded as a miracle. He has never tried it before. He has hit butterflies, dragonflies, and even mosquitoes with flying knives, but the speed is hundreds of times faster. A thousand times the bullet, he has never tried.This time's success was mostly due to luck, if he was asked to do it again, it would be difficult for him to do it.It can only be said that at that moment, Xiang Wentian felt really good, as if a god had helped him, he instinctively threw it in that direction.

"Don't worry, Master Jie. I'm not the kind of person who likes to be competitive. As you can see, I'm passive and don't have many choices." Xiang Wentian said with a decent attitude, sitting upright.

"That's good. You will stay by my side in the future. You can rest assured that I will never treat you badly."

"I know, the uncle said that you are a good person and a person worth following. The uncle said that I should also go out and venture out. I can't stay in the mountains all my life. I was not let out before because I haven't found it for me. Someone worth following like you." Xiang Wentian replied.

Chen Kangjie really didn't expect that he would have such an image in Xi Shanchuan's eyes, leaving such a good person to himself. Thinking of this, Chen Kangjie was a little moved.

"Master, I will stay with Xiang Wentian, thank you Master for your trust and help." After Xiang Wentian left the study, Chen Kangjie called Xi Shanchuan.

"Hahaha, as long as you are satisfied, that kid doesn't look stupid on the surface, but he is actually an elf. I kept him on the mountain all the time, just because I was worried that he would not be entrusted to anyone. Like Xiang Wentian, once he follows the wrong person , that is not a small hazard." Xi Shanchuan laughed loudly.

"That's right, his kung fu is very powerful, even a little beyond my imagination. Master, Xiang Wentian is so powerful, so don't you..."

"No, you are wrong. Most of his kung fu skills were not learned from me. His master, that is, my junior brother, is very obsessed with martial arts. As far as martial arts is concerned, I am no match for my junior brother at all. Xiaojie, no matter how good martial arts are, it is also technical. A person's cultivation is the key. Think about Liu Bang, think about Li Shimin, they are not very powerful, but they are able to win over a large group of elite heroes For your own use, it will benefit from their cultivation. You have to understand this. For you, it is impossible for you to have eighteen hours a day to learn martial arts, but my junior brother can, and so can Xiang Wentian. That's not the path you want to take." Xiang Wentian was worried that Chen Kangjie would go astray, so he spared no effort to explain and teach.

"That's true. Since the uncle is so powerful, how could he die?" Chen Kangjie was puzzled by this point.

"It wasn't because of martial arts, he was a little crazy. One day, in order to verify his newly learned "light as a swallow", he fell from a cliff more than 200 meters away. I rescued him for two days but failed to catch him. Save me. So in the past five years, I have been improving Xiang Wentian's cultivation. If you saw him five years ago, you might not want to deal with him. He was very irritable at that time, but he is much gentler now. gone."

Chen Kangjie told Xi Shanchuan about Xiang Wentian being taken to the police station at the train station.

"If it was five years ago, those policemen would have spent a month in the hospital. I can rest assured that he is by your side. You can teach him well. If it weren't for you, I might have left him on the mountain. Yes Are the pools and marble slabs ready for your practice?" Thinking about Chen Kangjie's practice, Xi Shanchuan asked.

"It's ready, but I haven't had time to use it yet." Chen Kangjie has no fixed place to live. Although he asked people to improve his residence in Zhucheng according to what Xi Shanchuan said, he has not had time to try it out. He will wait until he returns to Zhucheng. Use it to see how it works.

"You don't have to be envious of Xiang Wentian, he may not be your opponent when you master the "Li Ding Wu Jing". He pays attention to external skills, but you will be stronger at the core." Xi Shanchuan said.

"Really? I wanted to fight him for two moves today, but I was afraid that I wouldn't be able to beat him, so I held back." Hearing that Xiang Wentian might not be his opponent in the future, Chen Kangjie was a little excited.

"Hehehe, you, you really have a youthful heart. A superior person should not have this kind of thinking. Remember, if you want to go far, you should use more people who are better than you in the future, instead of reusing those who are worse than you. People who are not as good as you. Being a commander, being a general, and being a soldier are completely different." Xi Shanchuan said with a smile.

"Master, I understand, I understand, it's just a whim. If you are alone there, take care of yourself. If you are bored, come to my apprentice. I need to absorb knowledge and nutrition from your old man." It is impossible for Chen Kangjie to be unclear about this truth.

Just because Chen Kangjie should know well, Xi Shanchuan's education will come with a smile.

Chen Kangjie came to the capital not only to pick up Xiang Wentian, if it was just for Xiang Wentian, they could choose to meet in Zhucheng.

Chen Kangjie's visit to Beijing this time was mainly due to the invitation of the Olympic Organizing Committee, which planned to hire Chen Kangjie as the chief director of the Olympic opening ceremony.

In order to please Chen Kangjie, the capital not only dispatched the mayor, but also dispatched the secretary of the municipal party committee.

Now the secretary of the municipal party committee in Beijing is no longer surnamed Wen. Secretary Wen has now gone to the Organization Department and became Minister of Wen, officially entering the central government.

When Chen Kangjie came to the municipal party committee compound by car, Mayor Wu Chengnian and Secretary Ni Kuang and several high-level officials from the Olympic Organizing Committee unexpectedly greeted him in front of the main building. Chen Kangjie's importance.

After a group of people exchanged greetings, they entered the meeting room to chat.

"Comrade Chen Kangjie, you must be the chief director. In the Olympic Games, although the athletes are the protagonists, the opening ceremony is the part that attracts the most attention and attention. We sincerely hope that you can present a wonderful scene to the whole world. And the memorable performance at the opening ceremony.” After a cutscene, Mayor Wu Chengnian said straight to the point.

"Mayor Wu, logically speaking, if you open your mouth, I shouldn't be ungrateful, but you should also know my difficulties."

"Where is there any praise? You are the most well-known and international director in China. You not only understand the West, but also have a deep understanding and understanding of Chinese culture. We really don't know who else to ask besides you. Do this. We are discussing now, or you can say that we are asking you.” Ni Kuang, Secretary of the Municipal Party Committee, said.

Wu Chengnian, Ni Kuang, and Chen Kangjie were dealing with them for the first time.Both of them are the result of a new round of personnel adjustments after the change of term, which involves struggle and balance.

Wu Chengnian belonged to Zhao Zhibang, but Ni Kuang belonged to Chairman Lai of the National People's Congress.

Of course, it doesn't matter who they belong to, and it doesn't matter whether they won the Olympics or not.Anyway, this matter has become a top priority for the whole country. No matter what their purpose or reason is, they can only handle this matter well, otherwise, they will not be able to give an explanation to the people of the whole country.

It was precisely because of this that Chen Kangjie became their common choice.

If the opening ceremony of an Olympic Games is successful, it is half successful. If the opening ceremony fails, that Olympic Games is almost equal to failure, not just half.

It can be said that the opening ceremony is an indicator, which has a very strong and extraordinary significance.

If it's a general event, you don't need to find Chen Kangjie, but this is an important opportunity and milestone to show the history and development achievements of China to the world. Don't say whether others can do this well, just they don't look for it. Chen Kangjie will attract all kinds of criticism.

First-rate talents are not used, but second-rate talents are used. It is no wonder that they are not scolded to death. With so many fans of Chen Kangjie alone, it will be an invisible pressure.

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