Chapter 2529

Chen Kangjie reluctantly accepted the position of chief director, but his first request was to find director Zhang, who had cooperated with him during the Olympic bid, to be the executive director.

Director Zhang was originally the second choice of the Olympic Organizing Committee, that is, if Chen Kangjie refused to accept, Director Zhang would be the chief director.Naturally, no one would object to Chen Kangjie's request.

Director Zhang himself readily accepted being Chen Kangjie's assistant.

Director Zhang knew and cooperated with Chen Kangjie when he was filming the Olympic promotional film. Regardless of Chen Kangjie's achievements in other film shooting, Director Zhang not only admired Chen Kangjie's talent at that time, but also felt that the two of them There are strong similarities in style and thinking.In other words, working with Chen Kangjie is a relaxed and enjoyable thing, without many disputes.

In fact, their styles and ideas will of course be similar. A large part of what Chen Kangjie shoots is borrowed from director Zhang's previous works, but he himself does not know it.

"Director Zhang, although you are the executive director, in fact, you can regard yourself as the chief director." Chen Kangjie immediately found Director Zhang in his courtyard for an interview.

Counting, the two will have to cooperate for more than three years, and Chen Kangjie will rely heavily on Director Zhang for many things, so it is imperative to close the relationship between the two.

If you don't win over Director Zhang, if he can't figure it out halfway and quits, where can Chen Kangjie find such a good replacement.In other words, even without Chen Kangjie, Director Zhang could have handled the opening ceremony very well and would have received wide acclaim, but if it was a different person, it might not be so.

Therefore, the place where they talked was not in the office, but in Chen Kangjie's private house, and the meaning would be very different.

"No, no, I know my abilities, and I know yours. I just play a role in assisting you. All the general directions are still for you." Director Zhang said self-knowledge.

Walking into Chen Kangjie's courtyard, Director Zhang was very surprised. He knew that there was such a well-preserved ancient house in the central city of the capital, but he did not expect that this place belonged to Chen Kangjie.

Many real estate developers are interested in this place, but none of them can take it down.According to current estimates, the value of this hutong courtyard is at least several billion.

In the past, Director Zhang might have thought that Chen Kangjie was just an artist with better luck and achievements than him, but after entering this mansion today, he had to make a new evaluation of Chen Kangjie.This made him even more afraid to take the university in front of Chen Kangjie, even though Director Zhang was at least 20 years older than Chen Kangjie.

"Director Zhang, what I said is true. Just like what you said, you know yourself and me, and I also know myself and you. I'm not flattering or shirking. I really have too many things. Maybe you You should also know that I agreed to be the chief director, but I had to do so reluctantly, so the first condition I gave them was that you be the executive director. I can even say that even without me, you can still This event is perfect and exciting, I [-]% absolutely believe that you have this ability. Among all the directors in China, you are the best and the best, even, I feel that I am inferior to you in many aspects. To put it bluntly, when I took over as chief director, I just used my fame to borrow it. People will feel that, ah, such a wonderful opening ceremony is the result of the international director Long, just to boost confidence and attention .Actually, it’s the same with me or without me.” In order to win over Director Zhang, Chen Kangjie did not hesitate to make fun of himself.

"Oh, no, no, you can't say that. Your achievements and talents are not blown out by someone, but have been proved by one work after another. It is recognized by international awards including Oscars. Yes. In comparison, those of us pale in comparison. From an objective point of view, there is a distance between us and you. This is undeniable. Thanks to you, I will strictly implement your ideas and ideas. Requirements, but you must be the chief director who controls the overall situation and the general direction." Director Zhang said with emotion.

For Director Zhang, he is already satisfied to receive such praise from Chen Kangjie.

Since ancient times, there is no first in literature and no second in martial arts.But Chen Kangjie admired him very modestly, which made Director Zhang have the idea of ​​dying for his confidant.

Chen Kangjie is the first director in China to enter the international market and has been recognized and recognized by the whole world. He is also the first director to win an Oscar. not come out.This is the gap, this is the difference in strength.

Director Zhang will not underestimate others, but when facing Chen Kangjie, even though he is much younger than him, he still needs to recognize and respect him.

"Hehehe, okay, then let's not talk about those empty words. Anyway, this matter is for the country and the nation. Let us join hands to do this matter well and live up to the sustenance of the people of the whole country. I am conceiving If you are interested in a work, we can cooperate with you. I have always felt that you are one of the few mainland directors who can go international." Director Zhang has already expressed his attitude like that, and Chen Kangjie is happy and not No more hypocrisy.

Proposing to cooperate with Director Zhang in a commercial film was Chen Kangjie's temporary idea and it was not in the original plan.

He did his best for himself, or he took the credit for him, so Chen Kangjie planned to give him a push, which could be regarded as compensation to him to a certain extent.

"Are you looking for me to cooperate with a commercial film?" Director Zhang asked in surprise.

"Yes, are you interested?" Chen Kangjie nodded with a smile.

"Of course I'm interested. I really want to learn how Hollywood blockbusters are made. Then I'll be your assistant director and learn from you." Director Zhang lowered his figure very low. The vicissitudes of life in the northwest dust revealed a strong sense of excitement.

So far, none of the films shot by Chen Kangjie has been unsuccessful, and each of them is a classic, not only sweeping the box office around the world, but also sweeping countless international awards.

Being able to cooperate with Chen Kangjie on a commercial film will not only gain fame and fortune, but more importantly, he will be able to learn his secrets of success, such as the choice of script themes, the introduction of selling points, the production of pictures and special effects, the outline of the completeness of the story, etc. .Another point that is more important is the understanding and grasp of market acceptance.

Many domestic films are actually good, but they just cannot enter the international market. This is due to the lack of understanding and grasp of market preferences or audience thinking.

"No, you are not the assistant director for me, but you are the director yourself. When the time comes, I will arrange for Feiyang Entertainment to come and discuss with you. The script is "2012" written by me. I will help you Form a Hollywood team to help you raise more than one billion shooting funds and build global distribution channels. You will be the director, and I will help you as the producer. However, all this will have to wait until the Olympics are over, otherwise you will not have time. .”

The strength of Chen Kangjie's support really made Director Zhang feel unbelievable.

The script, funds, team, distribution, etc. are all ready. This is to push him to the position of a world-class director.

Director Zhang was so excited that he was a little speechless.

Director Zhang would not think that Chen Kangjie was trying to correct him. With Chen Kangjie's current status and his recognized character, he would not make such a joke.Moreover, he fully has that strength, which is the key.

How lucky, Director Zhang himself thinks.I am very lucky to know Chen Kangjie. As long as this film is made, Director Zhang will suddenly distance himself from other domestic directors.This point, he can now predict a few years in advance.

"Thank you, thank you. I will definitely remember your kindness of knowing you." Director Zhang was so moved that he could hardly repay him.

I just paid a little bit, but what I got in return was gold and silver.

"It is difficult for me alone to support our film industry. More people need to stand out. I may say this a bit loudly, but I really think so. Come on, this is my draft Okay, let’s take a look at the planning script for this opening performance, and if you have any ideas, you can tell me directly, your opinion is very important." With that said, Chen Kangjie handed a handbag to Director Zhang.

The bag had been kept by Chen Kangjie's side all along. Director Zhang saw it as soon as he came in. He never thought that Chen Kangjie had just accepted the task and even prepared the script.

After opening the handbag, Director Zhang took out a large script with more than [-] pages. Director Zhang casually opened the catalog and looked at it, and found that Chen Kangjie had already completed the concept of the opening ceremony. He was even more surprised when he opened the front. , because Chen Kangjie’s material clearly lists how to start, how many people, how many props, how many machines and equipment are needed, and also describes the actions and processes in detail, as well as the ideas and cultural connotations to be expressed and conveyed.

"Long, I really admire you immeasurably. With this book, anyone can be the chief director. Oh, no, anyone can be the executive director. You have already planned everything Your brain...I really can't imagine how you can think so completely all at once. It seems that a successful genius must have his extraordinary features..."

Chen Kangjie knew that he would be the chief director of the opening ceremony, so he prepared these things in advance.

Chen Kangjie watched the opening ceremony no less than five times, and it is certainly not difficult to write these things.But Chen Kangjie didn't copy it completely, he really added some ideas of his own.For example, in the chapter highlighting modernity, Chen Kangjie abandoned the human body to build bird's nests and electric trains, and he also changed the main color from yellow to blue.

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