rebirth of change

Chapter 2530 He Baoguo will go down sooner or later

Chapter 2530 He Baoguo will go down sooner or later

After Chen Kangjie gave the project script to Director Zhang, it was up to him to form a team, including finding an assistant director for himself and various professionals. Chen Kangjie only recommended his dance coach Su Jiaming to him.

Su Jiaming's knowledge and understanding of dance, as well as mastery of skills, have reached a considerable height. Apart from holding concerts, he actually doesn't have many opportunities to use it by Chen Kangjie's side.

And the Olympic Games is just a place where he can play, and many dance elements and dancers will be used in it.However, Chen Kangjie made a recommendation and did not specify what role Su Jiaming would play or what kind of task he would undertake. He fully delegated the authority to Director Zhang. Even if Su Jiaming was someone close to Chen Kangjie, he did not want to force him pressure and influence.

When Chen Kangjie arrived in the capital, there were actually quite a few people he wanted to meet and people who wanted to meet him, but for others, Chen Kangjie had a choice, but with He Baoguo, he had no choice.In other words, Chen Kangjie could see no one in the capital, but He Baoguo and Zhao Yuexiang didn't have that confidence and privilege.

"I tell you, you have really grown up and are different. You used to live at home in Zhucheng, but now you are in the capital, so you don't have to go to the side." As soon as Chen Kangjie entered the door, he was first complained by Zhao Yuexiang.

"Godmother, look at what you said, what's the difference? They're all the same. Didn't I come to pay your respects to the old man?" Chen Kangjie said with a playful smile.

"Hi, please? Were you the empress dowager and concubine in my Qing palace?" Zhao Yuexiang pretended to continue to annoyed.

"Where is it? Why don't I be more beautiful and reasonable than those old feudalists, they can't compare at all." Chen Kangjie put his arm on Zhao Yuexiang's shoulder and flattered him.

"Don't think that I won't be angry if you praise me, but give me soft nails, which means that my criticism of you is unreasonable?"

"How dare I, dare not, absolutely dare not. I came to the capital because of work. There are many things every day. I can't entertain some entertainers and business people at the home of the Minister of Health. Then spread the word , What’s the matter? If you’re old, don’t get to know me as a young man. Come on, this is the top-quality bird’s nest from the Philippines that I brought to your godmother. It’s for beauty and beauty. I heard that you have a cough recently. It’s not bad to eat this. "After explaining, Chen Kangjie hurriedly took out the gift he wanted.

When meeting He Baoguo and Zhao Yuexiang, Chen Kangjie seldom had nothing empty-handed, and every time he had to bring something.It doesn't have to be particularly expensive, the key is the expression of your heart.

Whether He Baoguo is down there or in the capital, he hardly accepts gifts. Except for those from Chen Kangjie and He Wanrong, who don't care about the price, they usually don't accept gifts from others. People, just leave some tea leaves.Even if the tea is collected, some other things will be given back appropriately.

With He Wanrong and Chen Kangjie around, there was no need for them to do such rent-seeking or illegal things.If you want money or something, let me just mention it, if He Wanrong doesn't send it from Hong Kong, Chen Kangjie will be ready.

Sure enough, seeing the bird's nest given by Chen Kangjie, Zhao Yuexiang really felt much better.

Of course, Zhao Yuexiang couldn't be coveting Chen Kangjie's gift, the key is that she saw Chen Kangjie's filial piety, especially when Chen Kangjie said that she had a cough recently, which warmed Zhao Yuexiang's heart.

"This is not caused by the air in the capital city. In autumn, the air in the capital city will become filthy. In my opinion, if it is not rectified, the capital will soon become the most inhospitable city to live in." Zhao Yuexiang said herself Blame the coughing on Beijing's air pollution.

It's no wonder Zhao Yuexiang complained like that, Chen Kangjie himself has experienced that the smog in the capital is getting worse and worse, and there are very few good weather with blue sky and white clouds throughout the year.Even if the weather is fine, it always feels foggy over the city.

In the late autumn, when the heating starts, the amount of coal burned increases sharply. In addition, the surrounding large iron and steel factories are getting bigger and bigger, and there are more and more small iron and steel factories. The number of cars is increasing. The natural conditions of the climate and the air in the capital are even more deplorable. People wearing masks can be seen going out on the street at any time.

"Don't worry, the air in the future will improve more and more." Chen Kangjie comforted.

"Improvement? I have been shouting slogans for many years, but I have never seen where the improvement is." Zhao Yuexiang complained a lot.

"The past was the past, and the present is the present. In any case, in order to hold a satisfactory Olympic Games, air governance is imperative. The Beijing Municipal Committee and Municipal Government can't afford to lose that man, and neither can the rest of the country. Man, if during the Olympic Games, the athletes can't even see the track clearly, wouldn't that be the biggest joke ever?" In order to convince Zhao Yuexiang, Chen Kangjie made a joke in an exaggerated tone.

"Hehe, haha..." Zhao Yuexiang was amused, "If you can't even see the track, what's the difference? What are the audience looking at?"

"That's right, godmother, have you met my sister's boyfriend? What do you think?" Sitting on the sofa, Chen Kangjie changed the topic to He Wanrong's smell.

As soon as He Wanrong was mentioned, Zhao Yuexiang immediately changed into a different person, and her attention and curiosity were completely diverted to that area.

"That girl, I only brought her back and met once, and she had a meal once. When I asked her usually, she said that she hadn't finalized it yet. You said, she was joking. Girls, they are so old, how could they Don't worry, just get married when you are sure, if you are not sure, just change one." Zhao Yuexiang only has one daughter, and He Wanrong's marriage is of course the most important thing for her.

"Hehe, if she can bring it back for you two elders to approve, why is it not confirmed? Will she bring an irrelevant person to see you? It's impossible, but she is not ready to enter the stage of marriage. You Think about it, is this the case?" Chen Kangjie said with a smile.

Chen Kangjie knew He Wanrong very well. He Wanrong was not the kind of person who was flirtatious with feelings. Before meeting Shangguan Yu, He Wanrong's emotional part was almost blank, and she had never brought a boy to her house.She was able to bring Shangguan Yu here, which already showed that her heart belonged to her.

"Oh...thinking about it, it's really like this, so what is he waiting for? I agree with her, so hurry up and order. She is not in a hurry, but we old people are really in a hurry." Zhao Yuexiang rubbed herself said the head.

"I guess, she may be waiting to completely fade out from the entertainment industry. You should know that she is less and less public. She needs to transform, but this transformation will take time for her. She is not that kind of starlet , is a queen-level superstar, if she doesn't fade out from the entertainment circle, even if she gets married, she will be harassed a lot. It is not so easy for a celebrity to return to a normal person, I have a deep understanding of this." In fact, what Chen Kangjie said was not entirely Chen Kangjie's guess, but the thoughts revealed by He Wanrong.

He Wanrong's clothing brand and beauty center have gradually entered the right track. Although the company's headquarters is in Hong Kong, Zhao Yuexiang has been traveling to the mainland more and more recently. Lots of activities.

"Returning to the queen, just now you said that I am the queen mother, no matter what kind of queen she is, she is my queen, and ah, she had better get married as soon as possible, and leave a queen for herself." Zhao Yuexiang dismissed, "She just missed You are far behind, if you want to study, you can study, if you want to go home, you can go home, if you want to go abroad, you can go abroad, and you are much more free.”

"Godmother, everyone is different. Hey, it's been a long time since godfather hasn't come back from get off work. Is he busy in the capital or during the construction of the city?" Chen Kangjie has been here for a long time, but he hasn't seen He Baoguo yet. .

"For a person like him who concentrates on his work, he is busy everywhere, and there will always be endless work. Of course, relatively speaking, I still hope that he stays in the place. In the capital, there are always leaders who ask for meetings. , otherwise it will report to work, and the autonomy will be greatly reduced."

It is difficult to be an official in Beijing, which is a unified understanding in the officialdom.Although He Baogui is already a minister, but in the capital, there are a lot of people with higher rank and more power than him. There are hundreds of people at the Guangzheng state level, deputy state level, and retired old leaders. .Those people, no one can offend easily, they have to go if they are called.

But it is different in the province. It is a party of princes with a lot of autonomy. They can carry out work as they want. Even meetings can be said to be as much as possible or as little as possible.Not so much the fetters of the shackles.

The same is true for Zhao Yuexiang herself. There are too many officials and wives in the capital, whose status is no lower than him. There are hundreds of them, plus the air in the capital, of course it is not as comfortable as living below.

"Godmother, I guess, it's impossible for my godfather to stay in the capital all the time. Maybe he will be sent to a different place in a short time. Now it depends on what kind of position and what kind of place it is." Chen Kangjie Said guessing.

"Xiaojie, do you have any news? Has a big leader disclosed it to you?" Although he hates He Baoguo's busy work, it doesn't mean that Zhao Yuexiang doesn't care about He Baoguo's career path.

If He Baoguo was assigned to be a cold shoulder, would he be able to bear it if he thought Zhao Yuexiang would like it?The answer is no.I don't like him being busy, it's emotional, I hope he goes further and further, it's rational, there is no contradiction or conflict between the two.

Zhao Yuexiang knew that Chen Kangjie and Zhao Zhibang were very close friends, and they had been friends for more than ten or twenty years, so she had that kind of thought.

"Godmother, you think highly of me too much. How could I easily know about such a major personnel issue in advance. That's just my analysis. Although it's just a guess, I think the possibility is very high. I can do it until the beginning of next year." , the godfather should return to the place. Either continue to be the governor or be promoted to the secretary of the provincial party committee."

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