rebirth of change

Chapter 2531 Suggest He Baoguo to go to Xichuan

Chapter 2531 Suggest He Baoguo to go to Xichuan

"Who wants to be promoted to the secretary of the provincial party committee?" Just at this moment, He Baoguo walked in.

"Minister He, are you off work? It's quite early today." Chen Kangjie stood up with a smile and joked, "Of course we're talking about you. Besides you, who else has that qualification?"

"You boy, you can say such things. Fortunately, you are at home. If you are outside..." He Baoguo took off his coat and handed it to his secretary Kong Jia, then pointed at Chen Kangjie.

As for what would happen if he said it outside, He Baoguo didn't make it clear either, which meant that he couldn't say such things outside anyway.

How could Chen Kangjie not know this kind of sensitivity? He is not the kind of big mouth that doesn't hold anything back. Perhaps because of his understanding, He Baoguo didn't complete what he said later.

"Hehe, brother Kong, how are you?" Chen Kangjie smiled, and then greeted Kong Jia.

Kong Jia was the secretary that He Baoguo reassigned after he arrived at the Ministry of Health. He used to be a deputy director-level cadre of the policy center below, but he unexpectedly fell in love with He Baoguo and transferred him to be his secretary.

Serving as He Baoguo's secretary is definitely more glamorous and more promising than that deputy director.Not to mention anything else, not long after he arrived at He Baoguo's side, his rank climbed up to the hurdle of the first rank.There is no doubt that if he leaves He Baoguo in the future, no matter whether he is in the ministry or down to the local level, he will at least be at the deputy department level with real power.

Chen Kangjie didn't have much direct contact with Kong Jia, but they did have several phone calls.Sometimes Chen Kangjie called He Baoguo. He Baoguo was in a meeting and it was inconvenient to answer the phone, so Kong Jia would answer the call.

"Hello, hello, I really didn't expect to meet you at Minister He's house. It was a bit of a surprise." Kong Jia's tone was indeed a little excited.

From the moment he entered the door and saw Chen Kangjie present, Kong Jia's eyes widened.As for the current Kong Jia, he can easily meet other big leaders, but relatively few opportunities to meet Chen Kangjie.

Especially when Chen Kangjie mentioned the secretary of the provincial party committee just now, Kong Jia naturally heard it too.This kind of news is nothing to ordinary people, but it will have a great impact on Kong Jia.

The reason is that if He Baoguo returns to the local area, he can bring his secretary or not.If he didn't bring it, then Kong Jia would have to stay in the department. Although he would get a good position arrangement, his future would be relatively bleak.However, if He Baoguo could bring him down, the meaning would be completely different.

A secretary of the provincial party committee secretary has a limitless future. To be conservative, the possibility of eventually climbing to the deputy provincial and ministerial level is very high, especially with a powerful cadre like He Baoguo.

Ever since, Kong Jia was not only excited, but also respectful and fawning on Chen Kangjie, the reason was that Chen Kangjie was a person who could talk in front of He Baoguo.

After a few more conversations, Kong Jia said goodbye and went home.Although both Zhao Yuexiang and Chen Kangjie offered to keep him, Kong Jia knew that he couldn't be so ungrateful.

Normally, he might be willing to stay and get along with the leader and his family. For a secretary, this is definitely a good opportunity to seize. This kind of getting along is very helpful.

But with Chen Kangjie around, it would be inconvenient for Kong Jia to stay. It was rare for them to meet again, so it might be an eyesore for him to stay.Regardless of whether Chen Kangjie or Zhao Yuexiang kept him, it was probably just a polite way of saying nothing. He Baoguo did not open his mouth to express anything. Then how can we talk about a better future.

"Godfather, your secretary is good, quite sensible." After Kong Jia went out, he was praised by Chen Kangjie behind him.

This sentence of praise seems ordinary and very casual. In fact, this sentence has a great influence on him in the future.

"You mean he didn't stay to flirt with you, so it's better to get your autograph?"

"Am I such a shallow person? If you spoke, he would stay, but unfortunately you didn't speak."

When Chen Kangjie arrived, Zhao Yuexiang personally cooked a table of delicious food for him. Chen Kangjie ate so much that he almost gave himself up.

"Oh, it's been so long, I can finally have a good meal today." Touching his round belly, Chen Kangjie said with satisfaction.

"You just recovered from a serious illness, so you shouldn't eat so much, be careful your body can't take it." He Baoguo said after taking a look at Chen Kangjie.

"I can't help it, who knows that the godmother's cooking skills are so good, besides, my body has already recovered, it's great."

"As long as you say, if you like to eat, then you can stay for a few more days, and I will make it for you every day. Anyway, your time is quite free, unlike your godfather, they are disciplined and restrained." Zhao Yuexiang tidied up The bowl and chopsticks said happily.

As a chef, what he wants to see most is that his work is liked. If it is eaten clean, it is more real than any other praise.

"Godmother, I'm afraid it will be difficult for me to stay for a few more days. Don't think I'm usually quite free, but I'm not always. There are too many things to do. If I want to be really free, I'm afraid I have to wait until I retire."

"How old are you, let's just talk about retirement. I haven't even mentioned retirement at this age. Come, go upstairs with me and drink tea. Drinking tea can help you digest." He Baoguo stood up and said.

"What about drinking tea? You must be dragging him to talk about your stupid things. I cut up a plate of fruit and brought it up." Although Zhao Yuexiang was dissatisfied, He Baoguo called Chen Kangjie away as soon as he finished eating. The study room, but the logistics support work is still sufficient.

Zhao Yuexiang understands that it's useless to stop her, that's how men are.

He Baoguo, who was domineering outside, didn't have a word of rebuttal when facing Zhao Yuexiang, he could only obediently picked up the plate of fruit and went upstairs, Chen Kangjie wanted to laugh but didn't dare to laugh.

"You boy, don't always enjoy the blessings. I'll serve the fruit, and you can make the tea." Entering the study, He Baoguo put the fruit plate on the coffee table, and assigned tasks to Chen Kangjie.

Being laughed at by a junior, He Baoguo was helpless.

"Don't worry, even if you don't order me, I will be responsible for making tea. At home, my dad is just like you, haha." Chen Kangjie said with a smile.

Washing the tea, brewing the tea, pouring the tea, after Chen Kangjie went through a series of steps, he brewed two cups of yellow-orange tea soup, put one cup in front of He Baoguo, and kept the other cup for himself.

"Godfather, after all, you have been in the Ministry of Health for two years. Shouldn't it be time for you to change your job?" Chen Kangjie asked after taking a sip of tea.

"It's not something I can move if I want to." He Baoguo said deeply after taking a sip of the tea soup, leaning back on the chair.

It can be seen that He Baoguo is not very satisfied with continuing to work in the Ministry of Health.

At the beginning, he was transferred from the province to Beijing and stationed in the Ministry of Health in order to deal with the SARS storm.Now the storm in the field of that health crisis has died down, and he has begun to roll out a set of preventive measures across the country.The most obvious example is that all provinces, cities and counties across the country are required to establish disease prevention and control centers, and to be equipped with laboratories and epidemic monitoring systems. Both the central and local governments must also arrange relevant funding guarantees.

However, the minister of the Ministry of Health is a technical job after all. He Baoguo's administrative and management skills are useful in the crisis management stage, but after that stage, his room for exertion is limited.

Since he was not born with a medical major, He Baoguo would start to struggle a bit just to attend the International Health Conference. He had already begun to have difficulty hearing and understanding a lot of content.

Therefore, relatively speaking, He Baoguo may prefer or be more suitable for local overall planning work.

In the Ministry of Health, He Baoguo can be considered to have made achievements. In terms of rewards for meritorious service, it is time to arrange a suitable place for him. Normally, this kind of technical work should still be entrusted to relevant professionals.

"You have helped the central government through the crisis. No matter what the purpose is, I think your position should also be changed." Chen Kangjie said.

"When I reported to Comrade Tan Changguo before, he revealed a little bit of information. It seemed that the central government was considering sending me to another place, but...a suitable position hadn't been vacated yet."

As Chen Kangjie said, when He Baoguo went to the local area, he had only two choices, either the governor or the secretary of the provincial party committee. He still lacked qualifications as the party secretary of the municipality directly under the Central Government, so this option was ruled out.

However, the number of provincial-level administrative units in the country is only in their early thirties. Except for the capital city, Mingzhu, and some provinces in the northwest with a small population, there are really not many choices for He Baoguo.Eastern Guangdong Province will also be removed. The governor is a local, and the secretary is a member of the Politburo. It seems that he has nothing to do with him.

One radish and one pit, He Baoguo wants to go down, only if a suitable place is vacated, he can't force others to be squeezed out, that would be very offending.

"The right location? It should be the right place, isn't there anyone below the age limit?" Chen Kangjie asked.

"Recently there are only two places, one is the governor of Xichuan Province, the governor of Kang is difficult to go up in age, I heard that he will go to the National Committee of the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference, and the other is the secretary of Beihe Province, he will not be until next year Only the bottom will move." He Baoguo never regarded Chen Kangjie as that kind of child who didn't know much about the world, so he introduced him more believably.

What's more, when He Baoguo said this, he also wanted to hear Chen Kangjie's opinion.

"Godfather, I guess, you should be planning to wait for the vacancy of secretary of Beihe Province, right?"

He Baoguo's thoughts seemed to be guessed by Chen Kangjie, his eyes brightened obviously and looked at Chen Kangjie, his whole spirit was also shaken.

"Hehe, it's easy to understand. You were the governor when you were in Qianzhou, and you served as a minister for two years. Of course, you hope to go down and become the secretary directly. This is human nature. However, according to me, I think you I should go to Xichuan to serve as the governor, although it seems that the position will not change, but the opportunity will be great." Chen Kangjie smiled and said his suggestion.

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