rebirth of change

Chapter 2532 Convince He Baoguo

Chapter 2532 Convince He Baoguo

"The position does not change, but the opportunity is great. Don't you think that what you said is a bit contradictory?" He Baoguo asked a little suspiciously.

"There is no contradiction at all. Opportunity, of course, refers to the future, the future tense. Of course, the future tense I am talking about is not far away, and it cannot be many years later."

He Baoguo squinted and stared at Chen Kangjie for several seconds. The appearance of such eyes meant that he hadn't fully agreed with and understood Chen Kangjie's meaning.

"Why do you want me to go to Xichuan? There must be some strong reason. Otherwise, some secretary will quit and go back to become the governor. Do you know what this means? Becoming the governor, becoming a minister, and being the governor After becoming a minister and then going back to be the governor, other people will look very strange, you know? This at least means that such a person has no weight in the central government. Although it will not be completely on the bench, but it is not far away, then Under such circumstances, will my work be easy to carry out? This is the key." He Baoguo expressed his concerns.

This concern of He Baoguo is really normal, it is not easy for outsiders to understand, but people in the officialdom are sensitive.Officialdom is like sailing against the current, if you don't advance, you will retreat.

Maybe that kind of relegation will not actually happen, but after you linger for two years, others have already moved forward, and correspondingly, it is equivalent to retreating.

To be honest, Chen Kangjie really didn't think of this level.

Chen Kangjie suggested that He Baoguo choose Xichuan to work, mainly because of the secret in his heart, which is the catastrophe that will shock the world in a few years.

It is impossible to prevent earthquakes from happening. In the foreseeable future, human beings' technology and capabilities are not enough to fight against the power of nature.

However, human beings can take many corresponding measures to minimize the loss of personnel and property.

In that earthquake, 8 or [-] people died or disappeared. What a sad result.

If you stay the same, there are still more than three years before the big earthquake. If contingency measures are taken in advance, Chen Kangjie believes that even if it is inevitable, there will still be casualties and losses of people and property, but it will not be so tragic. .

As long as you are willing to work hard, it is possible to reduce the number of casualties to less than [-].

That is the ups and downs and joys and sorrows of tens of thousands of families and hundreds of thousands of people.

Before being reborn, Chen Kangjie shed a lot of tears for that earthquake, both sad and moved.In this life, his energy is completely different, so Chen Kangjie wanted to do something for those compatriots and that piece of land.

Many years ago, Chen Kangjie began to continuously fund seismological research in our country. At that time, the Great Kanto Earthquake, the research team went there to do research and investigation.

Over the years, Chen Kangjie's support for that team has increased from [-] million per year to [-] million this year.That team received much more funding from the Huatang Foundation than from the Ministry of Education and the Ministry of Science and Technology.

What kind of equipment do they want to buy, do some research and development, go to the geological fault zone to guard, and want to do international exchanges, no matter what the project is, as long as they have a report, the Huatang Foundation will not call back ticket.

Fortunately, the investment has been reported. Judging from the current international fair judgment, they say that the earthquake research level of China represented by them is already in a relatively leading position in the world. The National Geophysical Research Center established by this team alone, every year A group of seismology doctors and masters will be trained. These people will either continue to stay in scientific research institutions to do research, and some will also serve as technical backbones in the earthquake bureaus of various provinces and cities.

To deal with such a catastrophic crisis, it is obviously not enough to rely on technical means alone. What is needed here is a strong administrative system to cooperate.Even the effectiveness of the administrative system is far more important than the accumulation of technology.

Technical means are only a supporting role, while administrative coordination and mobilization capabilities are the foundation. That's why Chen Kangjie tried his best to encourage He Baoguo to go to Xichuan.

Based on the relationship between Chen Kangjie and He Baoguo, as long as He Baoguo becomes the governor of Xichuan, then half of Chen Kangjie's goal will be achieved.

If someone else was in power over there, even if Chen Kangjie tried his best, it would be difficult to get the corresponding cooperation, and even arouse some resentment.

No one wants the area under their administration to become a testing ground for disaster relief, especially in the absence of conclusive scientific evidence. to the speed of economic development.

There is no way for Chen Kangjie to jump out and say what level of earthquake will occur on a certain day in a certain year, it is impossible for him to say that.Even if he said it, would others believe it?The same is unlikely.

So the best way out is to have someone who trusts Chen Kangjie and has a close relationship with him take over the administration.If it was He Baoguo, even though he would not believe Chen Kangjie's fantasy, at least he would definitely support what Chen Kangjie was going to do.

Even Chen Qigang was not suitable for He Baoguo to go there.For the discussion of many topics, Chen Kangjie and He Baoguo were more casual and unrestrained, on the contrary, Chen Qigang and Chen Qigang were a little more restrained.

"Godfather, of course there are strong reasons. Xichuan is a large province in the west, and it is also a province with a large population in the whole country. It has a long history and great potential for economic development. If you go, there is no limit to the room for development. Secondly, Beihe is too close to the capital. , it can be said that under the eyes of the capital, every move is clearly seen by the central government. It is a province most susceptible to the influence of the capital. It is difficult for you to manage and promote local development according to your wishes. The most obvious point In recent years, the air pollution in Beijing has been very serious. You think there will be scapegoats there. There is no doubt that the first place is Bac Ha. The Olympic Games will start in nearly four years. In order to leave a good experience for the world, the central government will definitely To rectify this problem, there is no doubt that Beihe Province will bear the brunt. Many local industries and development models will be impacted. Without Ni Kuang and Wu Chengnian in the capital having the right to speak, the secretary seems to be a good card, but in fact, he is just a weak point. When all the media are paying attention to Beihe's cooperation in decontamination, who can see it? With your achievements, everyone only sees that the local area is a province with backward industries and serious pollution, that’s all. I just met with Secretary Ni Kuang and Mayor Wu Chengsen, and their wishes are very strong.” Chen Kangjie really deserves to be Zhi Duoxing, under He Baoguo's questioning, he was able to immediately give two very convincing reasons.

He Baoguo, who was leaning on the chair, frowned, it could be seen that he listened to Chen Kangjie's words, especially the last one, which really moved him.

He didn't say anything in his mouth, but in his heart, he was already re-evaluating his previous wishes.

He Baoguo's demeanor showed Chen Kangjie's eyes, of course, in order to let He Baoguo make up his mind as soon as possible, Chen Kangjie added another factor of promotion.

"There is also a third point. From the perspective of age, the secretary of Xichuan will only be one year later than the governor. In other words, if you go to the governor for a transition year, you will basically take over the class of the provincial party secretary. , with your qualifications, it is impossible for the higher-ups to parachute a secretary to your head. Chief Zhao Zhibang would not be willing to see that kind of situation first. The one-year transition of the governor, for you to succeed the secretary, control the whole province The overall situation is very helpful. On the contrary, if you go to Beihe, even if you are the secretary, a large part of your energy will be wasted in fighting with the governor. The governor must hope that he will take over. How could he be happy? You parachuted onto his head? It’s no wonder he will cooperate with your work. That’s why I suggest you to eat that orange that looks sweet but is actually very sour. The astringent persimmons are covered with sweetness."

After Chen Kangjie finished the reason for the third jump, He Baoguo couldn't sit still, got up from the chair, lit a cigarette in his hand, and paced back and forth in the study.

The contradictions and struggles in his heart have reached a zero point, and the direction he chose will soon be revealed.

Since Chen Kangjie wants to do earthquake prevention in Xichuan, it is impossible not to study the local personnel. On this point, his current understanding of Xichuan may be better than He Baoguo.At least He Baoguo didn't notice that the secretary over there went down only about a year after the governor.

"Godfather, let's go to Xichuan. You have worked in Berkshire before, so you should have a good understanding of the local area. Moreover, Xichuan and Qianzhou are neighboring provinces, so there is a mirror between each other." He Baoguo took two puffs. Smoke, Chen Kangjie rolled his eyes, and gave another reason for the increase.

"Okay, I'll listen to you. If I have a chance, I'll talk to the leader." He Baoguo stopped, looked down at Chen Kangjie condescendingly, and finally gave the affirmative answer Chen Kangjie wanted.

Since we are going to Xichuan, of course we have to make preparations in advance, we can't wait until everything is confirmed, it will be too late.

Chen Kangjie's reasons for persuading He Baoguo really moved him one by one, advancing layer by layer until He Baoguo's psychological defense was broken.

He Baoguo is an old man in the officialdom, but sometimes the authorities will be confused by the onlookers, especially when it concerns his own future, the scope of thinking may be narrowed by a certain degree of subjective influence.

"Godfather, congratulations, you have made a wise decision. I believe that one day, you will be proud and proud of your decision." Chen Kangjie was overjoyed, as if he was going to take up that position.

Later facts proved that He Baoguo's decision was indeed correct, especially after he kept the impact of the earthquake at a very low level, he achieved the biggest leap in his life.

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