rebirth of change

Chapter 2533 I had a dream, do you believe it

Chapter 2533 I had a dream, do you believe it

"Deyi, how are you? Are you still used to the new job?" Still in the courtyard in the capital, Chen Kangjie and Liu Deyi had a relaxed conversation.

Liu Deyi is Chen Kangjie's assistant, logically speaking, there shouldn't be such a tone between them, since they already know each other very well.

However, now Liu Deyi is not just Chen Kangjie's assistant, he also has an additional identity---the president of Huatang Foundation.

Usually, when Chen Kangjie was not doing acting or filming, Liu Deyi’s work was less. Since Chen Kangjie had several assistants, Liu Deyi’s work became easier. In order to make his work more fulfilling, Chen Kangjie arranged for him to supervise the Huatang Fund meeting.

Previously, Chen Kangjie and Ouyang Zhenhua worked together to rectify all the foundations under them.To be honest, it was very sad to rectify Chen Kangjie once. Many people were fired, and some people were transferred to the judicial organs for handling.

Although after the rectification, the foundation became the Sunflower Foundation, the Fuxing Foundation and the Love Foundation, each with different emphases, however, the Huatang Foundation with Ouyang Zhenhua as the chairman and the Long Foundation under his name were able to Reserved separately and treated differently.

The key areas for the long fund to carry out relief and charity are abroad, and it pays little attention to the country. The domestic part is mainly the Sunflower Foundation, the Renaissance Foundation and the Love Foundation. As for the Huatang Foundation, it focuses on some major cases. Dealt with, no longer industry-specific.

Since the foundation was reorganized, the functions of the Huatang Foundation have been somewhat weakened. Ouyang Zhenhua is unlikely to put too much energy on this foundation, so Chen Kangjie simply arranged for Liu Deyi to replace Ouyang Zhenhua.

After being by Chen Kangjie's side for so long, Liu Deyi already knew a lot of information that others did not know, and after Chen Kangjie observed him carefully, he also felt that he was a useful person.

"I'm still in the learning stage for the time being, but I've already learned about it and adapted to it. The Huatang Foundation has done many important things before, but in the past two years, it seems that only the earthquake research team's funding is still in progress. , Many other projects have either stopped or been handed over to the Fuxing Foundation. The Huatang Foundation's books have also been reduced from tens of billions to several hundred million." Liu Deyi replied.

Although there are only a few hundred million on the books, Liu Deyi dare not underestimate this foundation. He is really trying to understand and learn from it.There is no other reason, just because this position was arranged by Chen Kangjie, and because the former president of the foundation was Ouyang Zhenhua.

"Huatang Foundation is the earliest foundation we established. Its available funds can be as much as you want, and as little as you want. This is floating and controllable. Moreover, the future contributions of this foundation do not require Zhang Yang, no publicity is required, the core is only two words, low-key. It is because of this characteristic that I let you go." Chen Kangjie said with a wave of his body.

"No wonder the Huatang Foundation has been quiet in the past two years, giving many people the impression that it has disappeared."

"Squat down to jump higher. Have you visited the Geophysical Research Center recently? How was it?"

"As a project supported by our foundation, of course I want to see it. Very good, that team is not impetuous at all. Maybe it's because their research is unpopular, so everyone can still sink. I saw, they A lot of achievements have been made in these years, and many equipments are quite advanced, but..."

"But what? Just say what you want. Do you still hesitate to talk to me?" Chen Kangjie asked.

"When I went there some time ago, they proposed a new plan to me, which required stronger and stronger support from us, but I didn't express my opinion right away." Liu Deyi replied cautiously.

"What plan? It's nothing more than asking you for alms, right?"

Chen Kangjie can understand that the object of funding usually proposes a plan, and it is often for the purpose of funding, otherwise there is no need to focus on it.

"They want to build a satellite remote sensing monitoring system. They think that by using satellites to detect the earth, they will get more detailed and useful information. You guessed it, it's for funding. I asked them to build this system. Are there any technical obstacles, and how much money will it cost? Their answer is that technology has made many breakthroughs, and the difficulty now is the continuity of funds. They plan to spend nearly 70 billion in five years to build the detection system and control analysis center. "

"That's fine. The most fearful thing is that they can't handle the technology. Why don't you agree?" Chen Kangjie has always strongly supported this innovative approach.

I am not afraid that they dare to think, but I am afraid that they will only draw big cakes and even dare not think ahead.

"Jie Shao, 7000 billion, not 30 million. There are only [-] million on the book, and they need [-] billion in the first phase. How can I agree?" Liu Deyi shook his head with a wry smile.

"You can promise them that there is no problem with money. You can go to President Ouyang when the time comes, and he will solve it for you. In the future, you must learn to evaluate independently. If it is forward-looking and feasible, then no matter how big it is You can agree to any project, and you don’t have to think about the source of the money at all. What you need to think about is how to use the money well.” Chen Kangjie has always spared no effort to support domestic construction.

He has earned so much money, if it is not spent on national construction at home, then no matter how much it is, it will be just a number, and it will be meaningless at all.

"President Ouyang will give me seven billion?" Liu Deyi asked in surprise.

"Don't say [-] billion, he will give you [-] billion." Chen Kangjie's words are very domineering, "However, among them, you'd better downplay their role and existence."

"It's what you said to be low-key."

Liu Deyi thought that he knew enough about Chen Kangjie, but what Chen Kangjie said made Liu Deyi secretly feel that he still knew too little.

700 billion will also be given. What a big deal this is, it is unimaginable.He thought before that the Huatang Foundation, after losing weight, would at most manipulate billions of dollars in funds.

"Damn, oh, by the way, I'll give you a task, to run the competition well." Chen Kangjie said seriously.

"Jie Shao, what mission is it?"

"Two points, the first point, I hope the Institute of Geophysics can issue a scientific judgment report that Xichuan is very likely to have a major earthquake in three years..."

"Jie Shao, I...I heard it right, did I ask them to issue such a forecast report? Wouldn't this be a bit too... subjective? In the absence of a large amount of data to demonstrate It's unscientific to make such a report." Liu Deyi almost wanted to say "too funny", but after thinking that this was said by Chen Kangjie, he quickly changed his words to "too subjective".

"I also know that it is a bit against the spirit of science, but I just need such a report. As for how to compile and infer it rigorously, it is up to them to be responsible, and you must submit such a report within two months. Give me an analysis report that can withstand scrutiny, can it be done?"

The report that Chen Kangjie wanted was used to persuade government departments and leaders who needed to cooperate with him, including He Baoguo.

If there is no scientific data analysis, it will be very difficult for Chen Kangjie to convince the future Xichuan Provincial Party Committee and Provincial Government with just a three-inch tongue.Once the difficulty is too great, even if they finally agree, they will not be too active and serious, and will be very passive.

Chen Kangjie's request is so rude and domineering, there is no other way, and the same sentence, Chen Kangjie himself can't jump out and say that there will be a terrible earthquake in Xichuan at that time, he is not a seismologist, nor is he a scientist, even if he is brave If you say it out loud, your convincing power will not be very strong. Chen Kangjie is inherently weak in explaining this issue.

If Chen Kangjie analyzed economic and social issues, then that would be fine. Many people would believe him, because in this regard, he had professional studies and specific practices, and the power of persuasion would be completely different.

"I...I can do it." Liu Deyi replied in the affirmative, but Chen Kangjie felt that he had no confidence at all.

How difficult is it to ask a group of researchers who advocate truth and science to write an evaluation report that they cannot judge?Scientific researchers, the first thing they need is the spirit of seeking truth from facts.

And Chen Kangjie's request just violated the objective spirit of seeking truth from facts, so it's no wonder that Liu Deyi has the confidence.

"Remember, you said, you can do it. If you can't do it by then, you may have to go back to Feiyang Entertainment." In order to force Liu Deyi to nowhere, Chen Kangjie threatened s method.

"Okay, okay, I'm sure, I can." Sure enough, Liu Deyi's tone suddenly became much firmer.

"The second thing is that you have to make relevant preparations as if the earthquake would really exist. Whether it is materials, equipment, or some training work, it must be carried out in advance. It is best to have their team in Xichuan Set up a special research station to collect data and provide technical theoretical support." Chen Kangjie then put forward the second request.

"Mr. you know that there will be an earthquake over there? Otherwise...wouldn't it be a bit blind to make those preparations?" Chen Kangjie said It was beyond Liu Deyi's comprehension.

Liu Deyi really didn't understand why Chen Kangjie did that, and it wasn't for playing games, so why did he make it so big.It seemed that Chen Kangjie was very serious, and he really regarded it as a big event. The only explanation was that he knew that there would be an earthquake there.

But how did he know?It's so strange, he has never been in Xichuan, and he is not an expert in related fields, it is a bit unbelievable.

"If I say that I had a dream, would you believe it?" Chen Kangjie knew he would face such a question in order to prevent earthquake disasters as much as possible, and he didn't have a good explanation, so he could only make up nonsense like this.

"A dream?" Liu Deyi was really a little confused.

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