rebirth of change

Chapter 2534 The First Domestic Disaster Movie

Chapter 2534 The First Domestic Disaster Movie

Believe it or not, Liu Deyi had absolutely no other choice than to carry out Chen Kangjie's instructions.

If you believe in it, you have to do things well. If you don't believe it, you have to do things well. There is no right to make decisions here.What he can decide or choose is what measures and means to take to achieve that result.

Regarding the catastrophe of that earthquake, Chen Kangjie could certainly do more than this. If it was just this, the effect would be greatly reduced.

Publicity is very important for our country to do things, and publicity is one of the good means to achieve the goal.It is impossible for Chen Kangjie not to know this.

Therefore, in order to minimize the catastrophic consequences of that earthquake, Chen Kangjie planned to start shooting a brand new movie for the second time.

Chen Kangjie's first brand new movie is "Dragon Heart". Because of Chen Kangjie's personal appearance and a series of real fighting actions and special effects, the movie has achieved unprecedented success in the world. It quickly became popular all over the world and achieved historic box office in every major market in the world.Leaving aside the Greater China region alone, the number of movie viewers overseas has exceeded 20 million. Such a figure is very terrifying. It is foreseeable that in the next ten or even twenty years, it will be difficult to have a Chinese director or director. Actors can reach such breadth.

The movie that Chen Kangjie is going to direct this time is called "Salvation".This name should have been the name of the previous "Dragon Heart", but it was put on the new movie by Chen Kangjie.

The movie script is still written by Chen Kangjie himself. He wrote that a firefighter named Qiufeng and a group of friends traveled to a scenic spot in Xichuan, but they encountered a terrible earthquake on the way. There was a dispute on the mountain, and they separated. Qiufeng was down the mountain with a girl, and several other people were still on the mountain.

When the big earthquake came, Qiu Feng was also afraid and frightened, but he did not flee and abandon his companions because of this, but returned to the devastated mountain to find and rescue the trapped companions.

During this process, they also faced many difficulties and dangers, such as landslides caused by aftershocks, sudden surges of rivers, collapse of bridges, complete cut-off of roads, etc., and a village they walked through was completely washed away. Qiufeng not only prevented someone from doing evil, but also saved two children from the ruins.

This is a catastrophic story, a story of heroism, and a story of humanity.

Chen Kangjie is a director of commercial films, he will consider and shoot from the perspective of commercial films, there will still be many big scenes and shocking special effects.

Even so, of course, Chen Kangjie must highlight a lot of basic knowledge of earthquake prevention in the film, and he must highlight the strength and spirit that we Chinese have gathered in the face of such a catastrophe.

Many of us have heard of earthquakes, but most of them have not experienced them, and they don't know and understand the horror of earthquakes, and Chen Kangjie just wants to highlight this point.

Another point that Chen Kangjie also wants to highlight in the movie is that our houses will collapse in a large area during the earthquake, which has a lot to do with our building's anti-seismic standards, and some geological disaster areas where people cannot live. But there are still a lot of people living in it, which will bring irreparable loss of personnel when the earth's crust is angry.This is equivalent to Chen Kangjie publicly issuing a warning.

In order to have a good publicity effect, the role of Qiufeng was naturally played by Chen Kangjie himself.

Although most of the entire filming and production team are from Hollywood, those actors are almost all outstanding domestic performers.After all, the story takes place either abroad or in our country.

This is the first real disaster film in our country. In order to make it more educational and authentic, Chen Kangjie not only read a lot of geophysics knowledge, but also went to the National Geophysics Research Center he sponsored. Ask an expert.

In the movie, this institution will also appear, and even some of their researchers will perform in their true colors.

For Chen Kangjie to shoot such a type of film, those scientific researchers of course support it, which is tantamount to highlighting the role of their profession and helping them promote it.What's more, when Chen Kangjie went to this institution, he was accompanied by Liu Deyi.

Those scientists didn't care about why Liu Deyi became the chairman of the Huatang Foundation, nor did they care about his relationship with Chen Kangjie.Entertainment gossip is not within the scope of their attention, but they are more concerned about the current earth and what kind of changes have taken place.

As soon as the news that Chen Kangjie was going to shoot such a movie came out, it caused an uproar in the country.

Foreign countries are familiar with films of this kind, but in China, this is the first time. Although it is a hypothetical topic, it will of course cause a lot of discussion.

From this perspective, to a certain extent, it reflects that our degree of openness is not enough. People's ideas, especially those of officials, still need to be reformed.

Many people in the media are full of expectations for such a movie that tells a domestic story. However, under the current system, Chen Kangjie's script must also be submitted for review. Only after passing the review can he start shooting.

This is the first time that Chen Kangjie's movie script has been submitted for review in China. As soon as his script was submitted, some people started to have a headache.

It stands to reason that Chen Kangjie's filming in China is a good thing, and it should be strongly supported and encouraged, but in his script, there are many negative things involved, such as the collapse of schools and government buildings , because the quality is not up to standard, such as the fragility of the roads, which also reflects the existence of bean curd projects to a certain extent.

Some situations are well known to the world, but it is not impossible to make them public. This is our current management dilemma. We feel that exposing shortcomings is not conducive to society and not conducive to the country.

Therefore, those people in the radio and television system did not dare to approve Chen Kangjie's script, but they did not dare to change it either.

If it was someone else's script, it would have been beaten back and rewritten, but who is Chen Kangjie?He is the proud son of the country, a world idol, a powerful second-generation official, and the most influential young man in the country. Can such a person's script be easily changed?He pursued it, and no one could bear it.

But if they approve everything according to the order, if the superiors blame them, they will also be overwhelmed.

This is the side of the approval unit, and the other side is that there are really many actors who want to participate in this movie.

In the past, many of the films made by Chen Kangjie were foreigners, and there were not many opportunities to use Chinese faces. The focus of "Dragon Heart" was only Chen Long, and "Jurassic Park" only used the singer Qizai.

And now in "Salvation", almost all the actors used in it are Chinese faces. Even if the protagonist is Chen Kangjie himself, at least dozens of other actors with lines must be used.This is a golden opportunity.

Everyone knows Chen Kangjie's influence and importance in the world's film industry. Even if they haven't read the script, they still know that this movie will be a hit. As long as there are characters in it, it is equivalent to showing his face to the world, Maybe there is still a chance to hit the Oscars for Best Supporting Actor and Best Supporting Actress.

In order to get such an opportunity, many people openly shouted to Chen Kangjie in the media, as long as they are given the opportunity, they can get zero pay.And some people found Chen Kangjie's side through some connections, hoping that he could take care of them.

From this detail, we can see the uniqueness of Chen Kangjie.

Those unspoken rules, pressure from investors, etc., are of no use to Chen Kangjie. Everyone can only try to win his favor by cursing and begging.

As for Chen Kangjie, of course he has certain rules for choosing actors. He only needs the most suitable one, as long as you are really suitable for the role, even if there is no action, Chen Kangjie will find it, but if it is not suitable, no amount of action will be in vain.Even Fan Wenxuan couldn't control Chen Kangjie's thoughts, let alone other people.

However, there was one person who created a problem for Chen Kangjie, and that person was naturally Chen Kangjie's sister Chen Mei.

"You need so many people, why can't you give me a chance? If you have one more person, you will die. If the second girl can't do it, then the third girl can't do it. If it doesn't work, then the fourth girl can do it. Isn't that okay?" Knowing that Chen Kangjie was going to make a new movie in China, Chen Mei called Chen Kangjie immediately.

Chen Kangjie had originally opposed his sister's going this way, of course he would not agree.

"You have to keep your word, remember our agreement? They asked you to shoot an advertisement, tell me, who is there?" Chen Kangjie once had an agreement with Fifth Sister, and now he brings up that agreement block.

" must have played tricks, they all avoided me, and the second sister scolded me for sure, so I don't need me at all. I don't care now, you have to give me a role, otherwise, I'll go to Zhucheng to stick to you." Thinking of her bumping into walls everywhere, Chen Mei was furious, especially when she asked her second sister to open her mouth, she was scolded and scolded, which made her very depressed.

So Chen Mei planned to filter out the agreed link, and directly asked Chen Kangjie for the role.

"It's useless for you to cling to me. To be a man, you have to be principled. If you do it, I agree unconditionally. If you can't do it, then there's nothing. Sister, why do you embarrass me? I'm making a commercial film, not a family film. Ah, think about it, if the media knows that you are my sister, and you have never acted in TV dramas, movies or even commercials before, will my image still matter? Do you still want the market and audience perception of the film? Then I will be scolded to death." Chen Kangjie resolutely refused to let go, playing both hard and soft ways.

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