rebirth of change

Chapter 2539 Zheng Wencan is miserable

Chapter 2539 Zheng Wencan is miserable

Chen Kangjie who heard the voice stopped and turned around.

"He... is Zheng Wencan?" Chen Kangjie frowned and asked that person.

"Yes, yes, hero, we have no grievances with you. If you want to find Zheng Wencan, he is. You don't need to implicate innocent good people." In order to protect themselves, these people don't care what kind of person Zheng Wencan is. relation.

"This sounds reasonable..." With Chen Kangjie's affirmation, the other party smiled obsequiously, but Chen Kangjie changed the subject, "But, with you like this, how can you look like a good person? Get out of here Sit down, I don't have time to talk to you now."

The people who can appear here to have fun are not good birds at all. Those dirty things that Zheng Wencan did, those who look like customers, are actually accomplices and the driving force, if they don't have that kind of dirty mind And behavior, Zheng Wencan has no market at all.

The man wanted to please him, but in the end he turned into making fun of himself. He shrank his neck and quickly sat down on the sofa, not daring to move around.

I have been talking here for a long time, and that Zheng Wencan is still curled up on the ground and won't get up to meet him, so Chen Kangjie doesn't give him a good greeting.

Walking slowly to Zheng Wencan, suddenly, Chen Kangjie kicked him in the stomach, and Zheng Wencan slid down the ground for about three meters.

"Ah yo..." Zheng Wencan's stomach was overwhelmed, he had already drank some wine, but Chen Kangjie's kick made him feel that the stuff in his stomach was about to come out of his throat.

"Ah yo? You scum can hurt too?" Chen Kangjie asked without empathy.

For this kind of person, Chen Kangjie is not willing to have a good talk with him at all, and there is no need for that.

"It hurts... it hurts... this gentleman, a hero, we... don't seem to have any festivals, did you find the wrong person?" Zheng Wencan got up clutching his stomach Kneeling on the ground.

His ear, which had just been bandaged, was bleeding again from Chen Kangjie's two slaps just now, but he might have been distracted by the pain in his stomach, so he didn't wipe it, and let the blood flow down his cheeks.

"I won't talk so much nonsense with you for the time being. You only have one chance to answer my question. It's up to you if you catch me. Where is my sister? How is she?" This is the purpose of Chen Kangjie coming all the way here. Get straight to the point.

"Your sister... who is your sister? I even..."

Before Zheng Wencan finished speaking, Chen Kangjie casually grabbed a red wine bottle on the seat next to him and threw it at Zheng Wencan.

With a "bang", the red wine bottle hit Zheng Wencan's forehead impartially.

"Wow!" The red wine bottle broke, and half of the red wine inside was splashed out, causing Zheng Wencan to spread all over the province.

The red wine bottle broke as soon as it collided with his head, which shows how much strength Chen Kangjie exerted.

Originally, this hard blow was enough for Zheng Wencan to faint, but a big gash happened to be hit on his forehead, and the wine was also splashed on the wound, so he didn't faint after being stimulated by this.However, the person fell back to the ground in an instant.

Think about it, Zheng Wencan also had a little grievance. He didn't know Chen Kangjie after the disguise, and Chen Kangjie didn't say who his sister was, so it was natural for him to ask questions like that.

But he was unlucky because he met Chen Kangjie who didn't play cards according to common sense.

The angry and upset Chen Kangjie really wanted to deal with this scum, he didn't care whether it was reasonable or unreasonable, perhaps the more unreasonable, the more excuses he could have to deal with him.

"Where is my sister?" Chen Kangjie picked up another wine bottle, threw it into the air leisurely, spun around a few times and landed before catching it.

Zheng Wencan looked at Chen Kangjie now as if a child had seen a devil, with fear in his eyes.He now feels pain all over his body, and his life is threatened at any time.

"Boss, I... I don't know who your sister is? Please let me go... let me go..." Zheng Wencan supported the ground and shrank back, while bringing Crying and begging.

Zheng Wencan looked red all over at this time, and he didn't know if it was red wine or blood. Anyway, he looked like he crawled out of a red dye vat, and he was in a mess.

"Brother Tan, you and Viagra go to the two rooms upstairs to have a look. If you see something you shouldn't see, kill without mercy." Chen Kangjie ordered Tan Jun and Wang Wei behind him.

As soon as Chen Kangjie said that there is no mercy, all those present shrank their necks, their backs felt cold, and they did not dare to breathe.

What kind of person is this, who actually yelled out the words "Killing Unforgiven" in such a domineering way? Isn't this something that only appears in period films?

Although Chen Kangjie didn't clarify what he shouldn't see, he believed that Tan Jun should understand.

If my sister was really defiled here, then Chen Kangjie would really kill here, and Zheng Wencan would probably die first.As for the consequences of killing someone, the hot-blooded Chen Kangjie didn't think about it at all. No matter how rational a person is, there are times when sensibility dominates.

As soon as Tan Jun and Wang Wei went out, he threw the red wine bottle in Chen Kangjie's hand again.

In order to prevent Zheng Wencan from dying all at once, Chen Kangjie aimed at his raised right knee this time.

There was another "bang", and the red wine shattered, but it was an empty bottle, so there was no splash of liquid.

Zheng Wencan immediately saved his leg, screaming pitifully, and now his forehead was not only bleeding, but also dripping with cold sweat.

Zheng Wencan now feels that he has encountered a bad star today. First, his ear was bitten, and now he is in unspeakable pain from head to toe. His leg seems to be broken at this moment. The kind of deep pain makes him bear it all. I can't bear it.

The kneecap is indeed very hard, but when it is hit by something that is also very hard, the kind of strong collision pain is also extraordinary.

"Ah! Ouch...Damn..." Zheng Wencan was just about to roll on the floor.

"I warned you that you only have one chance, but unfortunately you don't cherish it." As he spoke, Chen Kangjie picked up another wine bottle.

Seeing this scene, the people sitting behind Zheng Wencan were afraid of being affected by the fish pond, and also worried that Chen Kangjie would give him a blow when he saw that he was not pleasing to the eye. Regardless of men or women, they all dodged to both sides in horror.

The focus of the audience should be left to Zheng Wencan, they dare not plunder the beauty of others at all.

Seeing that Chen Kangjie took a bigger bottle, Zheng Wencan was so scared that he peed.

"Brother, uncle, please, please...I'm an asshole, I'm not human, I really don't know your sister..." Zheng Wencan with a pale face couldn't care less about the filth under his butt , bowed and kowtowed to Chen Kangjie, but at this point, Zheng Wencan realized who the other party's sister was a little bit, so he paused for a while, and planned to make a tentative test.

But Chen Kangjie didn't understand Zheng Wencan's meaning, seeing him so "stubborn", the wine bottle was thrown out again.

This time the wine bottle didn't break, it just hit Zheng Wencan's left shoulder, almost dislocating his shoulder.

This time, Zheng Wencan really couldn't get up, and fell to the ground, life would be worse than death.Earaches, forehead pains, stomach pains, knee pains, and shoulder pains were not fatal, but they were unbearable for him.

After receiving such a series of blows, it stands to reason that Zheng Wencan's brain should be short-circuited and malfunctioning.

However, the fact is the opposite. Instead of being confused, he became sober.

He finally remembered who the sister Chen Kangjie wanted to ask was.

Not long ago, Chen Mei warned him that her younger brother would definitely not let him go. A sister and a younger brother are just right for each other, don't they?

Moreover, Zheng Wencan proposed a compensation of 500 million, and others seemed to have heard the astronomical figure, but Chen Mei said that if you want money, you can give it tomorrow.If Chen Mei can get 500 million in one day, it means that she is extraordinary.

The young man in front of him didn't look particularly imposing, but he was full of domineering.

A young man who can lead several bodyguards is definitely not an ordinary person in China.Only this kind of person can make Chen Mei say that kind of confident words.

It's just that Zheng Wencan can't figure it out. If Chen Mei's family has so much influence and energy, why would he go to his own company to apply for the job?Why didn't anyone come out to help say hello?This was the part that Zheng Wencan couldn't figure out no matter how clear his mind was.

"Is your sister Chen Mei? She's one hurt her..." Chen Kangjie stood beside Zheng Wencan, Zheng Wencan was lying on the ground looking up at Chen Kangjie, his face Distorted, pursed mouth and said in fear.

Although Chen Kangjie no longer held the bottle in his hand, don't forget that just now Chen Kangjie said that he would trample him to death, and Zheng Wencan was really afraid that Chen Kangjie would lift his foot and step on him.

Judging from the strength with which he threw the bottle just now and the force with which he kicked himself, if he really stepped down from a high position, he would not be able to escape with broken ribs, and if he was unlucky, he would die.

"Young Master Jie, we found it. Ms. Chen is under house arrest in the upstairs room... she didn't suffer any excessive harm, but there was a kid doing some indecent actions to her. We took that kid It’s abolished.” At this moment, Wang Wei ran in from the outside to report.

Hearing that her sister hadn't been hurt too much, Chen Kangjie could finally let go, at least the bottom line was kept.

After Wang Wei finished his report, Tan Jun and Chen Mei walked in.

Chen Mei was wearing Tan Jun's coat and her hair was messy.

"Sister, are you okay? You...your face, someone hit you?" Chen Kangjie only saw the red and swollen marks on Chen Mei's face when he got closer.

Chen Mei didn't answer Chen Kangjie, because she had already seen Zheng Wencan lying on the ground over there.

Chen Mei rushed in front of Zheng Wencan, raised her foot like crazy and kicked him violently.

"You bastard...I'll kick you to bastard..." While kicking, Chen Mei scolded.

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