rebirth of change

Chapter 2540 There is still only one chance

Chapter 2540 There is still only one chance

"Okay, okay, old sister, kick him again and he will die." Seeing that his sister kicked harder and harder, and kicked more and more crazy, Chen Kangjie hurried forward to pull him away.

"I just want to kick him to death, kick this bastard to death, if he doesn't die, I just hate it." Chen Mei said, panting, shaking her hair.

"Of course it's not a pity for him to die, but you will be implicated. If you want him to die, then just say it and I'll help you." Chen Kangjie reached out to block Chen Mei, and then took out the bag from his body. Bing's "Fish Intestine Sword" dangled in his hand.

Zheng Wencan was really kicked by Chen Mei. Before Chen Mei came in, he had already been treated like a ghost by Chen Kangjie, and then she kicked him more than a dozen times in high-heeled shoes. Well, Zheng Wencan can't stand it either.The bleeding from the mouth and nose is not to mention, maybe the ribs are really broken.

Now the best choice for Zheng Wencan is to pretend to be dead, and only if he appears to be dead will he save himself some physical pain.

But when he heard that Chen Kangjie had killed him, he opened his eyes slightly and saw the gleaming dagger in Chen Kangjie's hand. Zheng Wencan was terrified to death.

Don't look at this guy who usually yells and drinks, as if he is not afraid of anything, because he has never met a ruthless character. In fact, people like him are the most afraid of death.

"Eldest Miss...Big Brother...Grandpa...forgive me, forgive dog's life, I will never... ...I dare not, I a good person, cleanse my heart...reform." Zheng Wencan, who was so weak that he had no strength at all, vomited blood while begging for mercy.

Zheng Wencan's clients were all trembling and silent, not daring to make a single sound, for fear of offending Chen Kangjie, he would vent his anger on himself, even those girls who were forced to do what they had to do wrong , the same, trembling.

But the three disheveled girls who faced Zheng Wencan with Chen Mei just now looked at Chen Mei differently.

Before, they didn't believe that Chen Mei would fight to the end, and they didn't believe that she would pay 500 million in compensation, but now, they realized how ridiculous their thinking was.With such a brother, what else can't be done?

"Dog life? You are really a dog. When you persecuted us, why didn't you think of this ending? It's not a pity for a guy like you to die ten times." Chen Mei pointed at Zheng Wencan and couldn't get rid of her anger.

"Sister, what do you think, how do you let him die? Throw him out of the window and fall to his death, or should I slit his throat right now?" Chen Kangjie asked solemnly.

"No, no...don't kill me, please...have mercy, don't kill me...I know I'm not human...I'm sorry. .....I'm willing to pay for..." Chen Kangjie's words were too cold-blooded and scary, no matter how bad Zheng Wencan's body was injured, he would try his best to beg for mercy and let him go.

Zheng Wencan has no power to resist now, if he is really going to be killed, he is just the fish on the chopping board, he can chop it however he wants.

When life is hanging by a thread, people can still inspire great potential.

"Compensation? How do you pay for it, you bastard? What do you pay for? Do you think your aunt will take care of your stinky money?" At the mention of losing money, Chen Mei got angry again. When Chen Kangjie was not paying attention, she kicked him hard. At the root of Zheng Wencan's thigh.

"You don't have to pay for the money..." After Chen Kangjie pulled his sister away and said something, he stretched out his hand and ticked off the bosses, "Come here."

Seeing that Chen Kangjie let him pass, none of those bosses dared to move. Who knows, would Chen Kangjie give him a few slaps when it passed.

"What? You don't want to move? Do you want me to come over?" Chen Kangjie said with a serious face.

The bosses were scared by Chen Kangjie's words and hurried forward.

Chen Kangjie approached Zheng Wencan just now, and Zheng Wencan became such a sad look because of this.If Chen Kangjie took the initiative to come and approach him, would he follow in his footsteps?

"Boss, good man, what happened to us? Before your sister, we just ate and drank, and didn't do anything else." A burly middle-aged man stood bowed in front of Chen Kangjie and said. .

"Don't leave yourself so clean, it's hard for you to be a good person, otherwise why would you show up here. But I will give you a chance, these girls, each of you will pay 200 million yuan... ..."

"200 million is too little, we need 500 million, just now that bastard Zheng Wencan asked us to make up for him 500 million, even if I agreed." Chen Mei interjected.

"Okay, then 500 million, is there any problem?" Chen Kangjie nodded in agreement.

Whether it is 200 million or 500 million, it is a number to Chen Kangjie, and he will not pay attention to it, let alone, no matter how much it is, he will not decide it.

"500 million..." The boss was a little embarrassed.

According to the current market, 500 million can support dozens of girls, or one child for decades.Even if these people are rich, they will feel distressed.

"What? Too little? Then how much do you want to add? Or is it the same as Zheng Wencan?" Chen Kangjie stared, and the boss trembled in fright.

"No, no, no, just do as you say, just do as you say, and deal with it immediately tomorrow, 500 million is a lot." Chen Kangjie's fierce look made the other party readily agree.

A hero doesn't suffer from immediate disadvantages, no matter what happens, let's pass the immediate hurdle first.None of them wanted to become Zheng Wencan's miserable appearance.Money spent can be earned again, if they become like Zheng Wencan, they will never be willing.

"I don't care if you delay tactics or are forced to do it, and I don't mind if you dodge and break your promise, but I want to warn, or that sentence, there is only one chance, and I can find here to deal with this mess, which means Then I can deal with you, if you can’t fulfill the promise at this time, it won’t be solved by money if I come to your door, so, don’t make mistakes by fluke.” In order not to be tricked, Chen Kangjie first said To put it bluntly up front.

Whether Chen Kangjie has time to settle accounts with them is another matter. However, if vaccinations are required, if Chen Kangjie dares to play him, Chen Kangjie will also make him pay the due price.

"Don't dare, dare not, we will make it happen, and absolutely have no other messy ideas." The boss said again affirmatively after wiping the cold sweat from his forehead.

Maybe he really had the mentality that Chen Kangjie guessed, but Chen Kangjie's stern admonition with a few words shattered the other party's little luck, and it was gone.

At this moment, Chen Kangjie heard noisy fighting outside.

Chen Kangjie gestured to Tan Jun and Wang Wei, and they immediately turned around and left.

Chen Kangjie guessed that it should be Pang Hui and others who started it, so Tan Jun and Wang Wei went to understand the situation on the one hand, and to lend a helping hand on the other.

Hearing the fierce fighting outside, those people who had looked like slaves in front of Chen Kangjie just now became a little proud and happy now.

They guessed that it must be Lai Weizhe, the owner of the nightclub, who brought someone to rescue them.

In fact, Lai Weizhe did bring someone here, but his main purpose was not to save anyone.

This nightclub is Lai Weizhe's property, and now that his nightclub has been smashed, it's impossible for him not to react at all after being notified. If he doesn't get the venue back, what will he do in the future, and how will he do business?

People who run nightclubs are naturally not good men and women. Do good men and women open nightclubs, which is a marginal business?Absolutely impossible.

Lai Weizhe usually claims to be a legitimate businessman, but anyone who knows him knows that this guy is a pious bastard. He made his fortune by buying and selling in the market in his early years.In other words, Lai Weizhe started his career as a gangster, but only after his business got bigger did he try to change his image.

However, no matter how you change it, the restless factor in your bones still exists.When he heard the news for the first time, Lai Weizhe didn't think about calling the police and solving the problem through legal means, but called the brothers who could call, and used the way of the Tao to get back his face.

Anyway, the person who called Lai Weizhe said that there were only a few people, but he didn't say how powerful these people were.

Since there were only a few people, Lai Weizhe felt that if he brought the second No. 30 brother here, wouldn't the other party obediently crawl on the ground and catch him without a fight?

Unexpectedly, just after entering the door, a single Pang Hui almost overwhelmed them.

Pang Hui took a few hits, but he also knocked down five opponents.

In order not to let himself be caught in a tight siege, and to avoid the example of beating the old master to death with random punches, he retreated inside while hitting the side, and he wanted to fight Chen Kangjie and the others.

After retreating to the second floor, Tan Jun and Wang Wei picked up Pang Hui.

With the addition of two generals, Tan Jun and Wang Wei, the situation was brought under control at once.

Although the stairs of the nightclub are wide, it is impossible for two or thirty people to fully unfold it. Lai Weizhe and the others can only put in a very limited amount of power at one time.And although they carried weapons such as iron rods and steel pipes, in fact, the space did not allow them to use them.In other words, their weapon advantages simply cannot be brought into play.

The fierce fighting made all the guests and the waiters inside hide away, not daring to approach, let alone help.No one wants to suffer from unwarranted disasters.

Standing at the back, seeing so many of his brothers, yet being blocked by three of them, Lai Weizhe felt ashamed and angry.

As for the damage caused during the fight, Lai Weizhe didn't care.As long as the face is recovered, what is the loss of some items?

"Didn't you guys eat? Hit me, beat me to death, I'll count as me if I'm beaten to death." Lai Weizhe shouted loudly.

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