rebirth of change

Chapter 2541 I'm Just Here to Smash

Chapter 2541 I'm here to smash the scene

The louder Lai Weizhe yelled, the harder his younger brother would work. Naturally, everyone hoped to show their bravery in front of the boss, so that they could get more benefits and reuse from the boss in the future.

It's just that the braver they are, the worse their injuries will be.

Tan Jun and the others are not the kind of people who will become weak when the opponent is brave. Of course, they are also strong when they are strong.In terms of the strength of the counterattack, it will naturally increase accordingly.

"Xiang Wentian, have you ever steered pigs and sheep?" Chen Kangjie looked at Zheng Wencan on the ground and asked Xiang Wentian.

"No, no, Young Master Jie, why did you think of asking this?"

"If not, I'll give you a chance to test it out with someone. Sister, let's go. I'll leave this place to him." Chen Kangjie swept Chen Mei around, and took him outside.

"Jie Shao, I..."

"I know you have a knife, so you can use your own knife, and I will take mine away." Chen Kangjie said without looking back.

Of course, Xiang Wentian's embarrassment was not about the tools, but because he didn't know how to start.

Looking at Chen Kangjie's back, and then at Zheng Wencan who was lying on the ground stunned, Xiang Wentian, who was always quick in action, was embarrassed.He often heard about gelding animals, but he had never experienced them. As for people, he also knew that only eunuchs in the ancient court would be treated like that.

Now Chen Kangjie didn't understand him at all, and didn't listen to his explanations and complaints, and slipped away by himself when he handed over a problem to him.

Not to execute?That's impossible, Chen Kangjie's instruction is equivalent to an order, if it is not carried out, it is absolutely unreasonable, Xiang Wentian is a person who wants to follow Chen Kangjie's lead, how can he go back and disobey Chen Kangjie's ideas and intentions.

But he didn't know how to start the execution, so Xiang Wentian scratched his head.

"Brother, let me go, let me go, as long as you let me go, I will give you whatever you want, 1000 million... 1000 million is not enough, 2000 million..." When Xiang Wentian scratched his head to think of a way, Zheng Wencan begged him.

This is his last chance, if he can't get Xiang Wentian's sympathy and release, then he will bid farewell to the identity of a real man in the future.

A well-behaved man suddenly had his balls cut, the consequences... are simply unimaginable.

"Don't interrupt me, I'm thinking about how to do it." Xiang Wentian stared at Zheng Wencan's abdomen and gestured.

It was better if Xiang Wentian didn't make gestures, Zheng Wencan was scared to pee again with his gestures, he felt that his lower body was already trembling pitifully at this moment.

"Brother, uncle, if it's not enough, I can add more, as long as you let me go...I'm willing to give you my...all my wealth, the house...the car ...I'll give you all too...let me go, please..." Zheng Wencan's appearance and business were as miserable as they could be.

Even if Zheng Wencan was killed, he would never have imagined that he would face such a day.It was originally a normal thing in his opinion, but in the end, he would pay such a heavy price.If he had expected this in advance, then he would not engage in this business no matter what, and he would obediently do it in the government. Even if he was left behind, he wouldn't mind.

However, where in this world would there be regret medicine?

This confirms the saying in Jianghu, if you come out to mess around, you will have to pay back sooner or later.It's not that they don't report, it's just that the time has not come.

"Shut up, don't disturb me, do you fucking think we are robbers? Are we here to steal your money?" Xiang Wentian yelled twice, and these two yells shocked everyone present. Yelled very speechless.

If it was really a robber, it would be easy to handle.In the eyes of the rich, they always believe in a creed, that is, things that can be settled with money are not problems at all.

Zheng Wencan's heart was sad and empty, and when he met such a person, he really lamented that he couldn't help himself every day.

"Please, just...just go on for a while...I know I deserve death...but..." Others were crying He has the heart, and now Zheng Wencan really feels that he has the heart of death.

The sad thing is that he couldn't die if he wanted to.

"Don't be silly, my boss didn't tell me to kill you, so I can't kill you. He just told me to kill you." Xiang Wentian Yumu said cutely.

Facing such a dead-headed person like him, other people have nothing to do, so he just admits to death and says nothing is superfluous.

Those bosses were watching Xiang Wentian's conversation with Zheng Wencan, but no one dared to help Zheng Wencan intercede.To be honest, usually those people might not think highly of Zheng Wencan, but now, they still feel sympathetic.

It's not good for me to be a fish for a knife.

Now everyone can only pretend that they don't know Zheng Wencan, and they are worried that they will get into trouble for themselves.

Maybe someone just now planned to discount Chen Kangjie's promise to compensate those girls with 500 million yuan, but now seeing Zheng Wencan, everyone shrank their necks and clamped their legs tightly, afraid of their own eggs The egg will follow.The thought of discounting was directly suppressed in the stomach and turned into a fart.

There is absolutely no one who would be willing to be Zheng Wencan's second, and some people have even secretly made up their minds that after this incident, they must not come out to fool around again, lest they meet someone's brother who is such a great person someday.

"It doesn't matter, you can do whatever you want, as long as people don't die, the result will be about the same." Xiang Wentian squatted down.

Zheng Wencan still wanted to speak, but Xiang Wentian slashed his hand and knocked him unconscious, and then he saw a small knife with a cold light appearing in Xiang Wentian's hand at some point.

With a few swipes, Zheng Wencan's crotch was cut in a big piece, and then Xiang Wentian made a chopping movement.

"Ah..." Zheng Wencan, who had already fainted, uttered the most miserable scream.

"What is it called? The operation has been completed." After speaking, Xiang Wentian raised his hand again, and Xiang Wentian passed out again.

"You... come here." Xiang Wentian pointed to Boss Liu and said.

"Me? Good man, me over...what...what are you doing?" Boss Liu asked tremblingly.

He was worried that Xiang Wentian would be handed over to him, so he didn't dare to move at all.

"Yeah, it's you, you tmd come here quickly... Hold him down and bandage him, don't let him die, if he dies, you will be the next are still in a daze What are you doing? Quickly, I have to go after my boss." There was no blood stain left on Xiang Wentian's knife, but he still wiped it with Xiang Wentian's clothes twice before putting the knife away.

"Oh, okay, okay, I promise not to let him die, I promise..." Hearing that he was not going to deal with him, the boss Liu came over to help after he woke up.

Pressing the wound at that position, nausea is of course disgusting, but the situation is stronger than others, and he has to listen. In comparison, it is much better than Zheng Wencan.

If you are not obedient, annoy the other party, and do the same to yourself, then you will die too unjustly.

Leaving the room full of incredulous surprises, Xiang Wentian stood up and walked out following Chen Kangjie's path.

When Xiang Wentian came out, he saw the two opposing sides in the lobby on the first floor of the nightclub.

With this kind of opportunity to fight, Chen Kangjie couldn't bear it.So, as soon as he and his sister Chen Mei came out, they put their sister aside and joined the battle group.

With Chen Kangjie's joining, the advantage of the opponent's numbers disappeared completely. His force value was quite high, and the previous poisoning didn't seem to have any effect on him.

At the same time, in order to protect Chen Kangjie from any damage, Tan Jun and the three of them became more aggressive.

After a while, Lai Weizhe and his group who rushed up to the second floor were driven to the lobby on the first floor.

Seeing four people, he beat his 30 to [-] people helplessly, especially when his own side had weapons and the other side did not, Lai Weizhe was still very surprised.

Only at this time did he feel that it was a mistake not to ask friends in the officialdom to call the police to help.

In fact, it is a confrontation, it is better to say that Chen Kangjie and the others are waiting for Xiang Wentian, if it is not for him, Chen Kangjie and the others will fight to get out, it will not be difficult at all.

Beside Lai Weizhe, there were only six people left beside Ma Zai who could still stand up, and the others all scrambled all over the ground, all screaming "Aiyo".

"Several distinguished guests, we don't know what offended you in our nightclub? How did we offend you in such a big fight?" Lai Weizhe lost his momentum, but he still wanted to save face. Ask for an explanation, and delay the time by the way.

Just now I wanted you to die, but now I have become a VIP, which is really a bit nonsensical.

"I just don't like you, I'm here to make trouble, how about it?" Lai Weizhe planned to tell Chen Kangjie the truth, but when Chen Kangjie opened his mouth, he choked him speechless.

That's right, people have said it all, but it's not pleasing to the eye, so what else is there to say?

It stands to reason that the words have reached such a point that there is no turning back, there is only one way left to choose, what else can I do besides fighting?

But the problem was that they had just fought, and although the other side had suffered some injuries, it was even worse on their own side. Twenty or so couldn't get up, and the nightclub was beaten into a mess.Of course, the opponent also snatched some weapons later, but everyone could tell that even if he was still unarmed, Lai Weizhe would not be able to take advantage of it.

You can't fight when there are many people, but can you be stronger when there are few people?

Not to mention that Lai Weizhe didn't dare to hit him now, even his six younger brothers who barely stood up were also afraid. They were afraid of being beaten, and if they dared to do anything, it was just making themselves feel uncomfortable.After Chen Kangjie finished speaking, not only did they not dare to push forward, but they also weakly retreated.

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