rebirth of change

Chapter 2543 Recommended Research Report

Chapter 2543 recommended research report

Chen Kangjie didn't deal with Lai Weizhe on the spot, not because he was timid, let alone because he felt pity, but because he needed a different strategy for dealing with Lai Weizhe, not just beating him up.

If you want to eradicate them, you have to uproot them, preferably with their protective umbrella. Without the support of the protective umbrella, they will not become so arrogant and filthy.

The driving force for the development of our society is the government, but correspondingly, it is also the government that hinders us.The interior transformation is more important than anything else.

Zhang Wenbi was taken away for investigation, and Lai Weizhe was naturally not immune. He was neither a party member nor a cadre, so he could not be dealt with by the Commission for Discipline Inspection, so after only one day, Lai Weizhe was picked up by the Municipal Public Security Bureau.

The Public Security Bureau received very detailed reports, including Lai Weizhe's illegal and discipline-breaking activities in the past few years, among which Zheng Wencan was indispensable.

Zheng Wencan in the hospital, whose injuries are still not fully recovered, was also taken away by the police for investigation.

Originally, one of Zhang Wenbi's leaders planned to take some action to get Zhang Wenbi out. However, at a meeting, the main leader of Mingzhu City mentioned this matter, and his tone was very severe. Therefore, those who wanted to say hello may have some Those who were implicated in it all disappeared, as if they didn't know about it, and they could be as clear as they could be.

The Fifth Sister has gone to the United States, and Chen Kangjie has returned to his busy track.

At the end of 04, Chen Kangjie participated in two activities of the provincial counselor's office, one was to participate in a seminar on the development strategy positioning in the province, and the other was to investigate the gap between rich and poor in various places.

Chen Kangjie has benefited from these two activities. Participating in the seminar allowed Chen Kangjie to learn to look at problems from a macro perspective. How to position the province's development strategy involves various factors, and among so many complicated factors, but The main line must be found and strengthened.

Although the participants in the seminar are all experts and scholars, even if they are talking about some theoretical and metaphysical things, when various possibilities collide, they can often produce some insightful things.

Investigating the gap between the rich and the poor in the region taught Chen Kangjie to start accumulating from the micro level.The gap between the rich and the poor involves everyone's situation, and it will also reflect our real social situation in subtle ways. Only when we understand the society can we have the sublimation of theoretical policies, otherwise, any policy will become a building built on the beach , when the waves come, everything may cease to exist.

Of course, Chen Kangjie's focus is still on the preparation and shooting of the movie "Salvation".

The script was suppressed to a certain extent, but it was approved in the end without changing a single word.

It wasn't that Chen Kangjie's script was so good that it couldn't be changed, but because of his status and influence, no one dared to touch a word on his script. All they could do was to sign "agree" on it.

Relatively speaking, the selection of actors made Chen Kangjie even more troublesome.

Whoever Director Chen wants to invite to participate in this movie, no one in the domestic entertainment industry will refuse, even if some people don't have enough time, they will find time.Some first- and second-tier famous actors don't even mind playing supporting roles in this film.But for Chen Kang, the difficulty lies in finding the most suitable actor.

In order to get this opportunity to participate in the performance, some young actresses even took the initiative to approach her to make friends, and even wanted to give Chen Kangjie the unspoken rules.

In the past, financiers or directors used roles as bait in order to infringe actors, forcing young actors to submit obediently. Now, in order to get roles, some people take the initiative to sell sex to Chen Kangjie.

Perhaps people are not only thinking about this, everyone knows that no matter who in the circle has an affair with Chen Kangjie, it will definitely become popular, and Chen Kangjie's name is the best and most suitable signboard to operate.

For Chen Kangjie, that kind of people were the first batch of people he would send.Not to mention his looks and acting skills, that kind of person has already made Chen Kangjie despise him, how can they cooperate happily.

After 2015, the crew of "Rescue" led by Chen Kangjie officially entered Laichuan County, Xichuan Province.

At the same time that Chen Kangjie entered Laichuan County to shoot a movie, the political arena of Xichuan Province also underwent a major change. He Baoguo, the former Minister of Health, became the Governor of Xichuan Province.

As long as He Baoguo is willing to let go of his dignity, no one can compete with him for this position. He has served as the governor of Qianzhou before, and then served as the minister. His qualifications and ability are unmatched among all the competitors. When it comes to personnel cases, those who want to fight for this position can't give any reason to object.

He Baoguo is familiar with being the governor of the province, but he is still unfamiliar with Xichuan, a large province with a population of over [-] million.

"Congratulations to Governor He, congratulations to Governor He." Between filming, Chen Kangjie took the time to go to Tianfu, the provincial capital of Xichuan, to pay a visit to He Baoguo, who had just taken office.

"He Xizhi has it? Didn't you advise me? After a circle, I'm still the governor."

After the beginning of spring, the weather in Tianfu has begun to heat up.He Baoguo was wearing a long-sleeved shirt, and Chen Kangjie was dressed as a young man in short shorts. The two were drinking tea and chatting in the courtyard of the villa assigned to He Baoguo.

Although He Baoguo chose to come to Xichuan to serve as governor after Chen Kangjie's instigation and instigation, but he maintained a normal heart, neither sad nor surprised.

It is human nature to take such a detour in the officialdom. Except for the kind of successors who are focused on training, it is very difficult and not easy for the rest of the people to step up from the beginning to the end.

"It's because I planned it, so I want to congratulate you. Congratulations to you are also congratulations to myself. Hehe, godfather, coming here means that you have a vast space to play. If you put this in Europe , the territory under your rule can be regarded as the largest country, with a population of 8000 million, no country in Europe has so many people."

"Hehe, you are quite good at finding comfort for me. Unfortunately, we don't have rule, but service and management. I provide services to the people of the whole province. I can't say rule them. At most, the central government authorizes me to manage, and This management can only be good.” At the level of senior cadres like He Baoguo, it is normal to say such things, which is called political correctness.

What actually happened is another matter, but in terms of expression and attitude, you must have such a correct understanding, which can also be said to be at a theoretical level.

"Okay, let's treat it as service and management. If you want to look good, there is one thing that suits you right now. If you do it well, it will be of great merit." A thick report was placed in front of He Baoguo.

"Assessment report on major earthquake disaster in Xichuan..." He Baoguo only looked at the cover title of the report, and his expression became serious, "I just took office, why did you give me such a report, where did it come from? "

"This is from the National Geophysical Research Center. They have done a lot of research on Xichuan's topography and geological plates, and they speculate that either it will not happen, or if it does happen, it will be a strong force over level eight. Earthquake, if it really happens, then the mountains and rivers will be shattered, and the lives of the people will be ruined." Chen Kangjie said solemnly on the research report with his hand heavily.

There is no doubt that this report came out under the guidance of Chen Kangjie, and it was also what he needed.

However, the content inside is not nonsense, at least [-]% to [-]% are predicted according to professional standards.

If the National Geophysical Research Center wants to issue such a report, it is impossible to be completely pale in terms of persuasion, and it will be a joke.Although it was led by Chen Kangjie, after they actually compiled a large amount of information and data, they did have similar views.

The difference is that they didn't say how much the possible magnitude of the earthquake would be. "Level [-]" was added by Chen Kangjie privately.

Others have never experienced it, so they are not so sure. After all, so far, no country or team in the world can accurately predict earthquakes. In this direction, scientists all over the world still have a long way to go.

However, Chen Kangjie had experienced that tragic moment, and he knew that the magnitude of the earthquake had really reached [-]. Therefore, from the perspective of being strict with the enemy, Chen Kangjie would rather make it more serious.It is only when it is serious that the precautionary measures taken will be more stringent.

"Above magnitude [-]? As far as I know, there is no scientist in the world who can accurately predict earthquakes. This report should be just a guess. Is it reliable?" This report is not a good thing for He Baoguo, and no one wants it. Such a major earthquake disaster occurred in the place under his jurisdiction.

"Godfather, your logic and thinking are unacceptable. According to you, we can't walk in front of the world? We have to wait for Westerners to do it before we can do it? If this kind of thinking logic holds true, then how can we do it? Isn’t catching up with the West always chasing the tail of the West? Don’t we even have this bit of national self-confidence?”

"Look, look, I don't mean that, aren't you putting a hat on me? This is not a trivial matter, of course I have to take it seriously and confirm it, otherwise, every year the Chinese Academy of Sciences, the Academy of Engineering, and the Academy of Social Sciences To issue a large number of research reports, can't we adopt each of them?"

"I know that you don't focus on the superior, you don't focus on the virtual, you want to be realistic. I suggest you, you can invite scientists and researchers from the National Geophysical Research Center to give reports and explanations. I think this kind of major disaster, I would rather believe it It's unbelievable, because we can't afford that price. Do you know why I made a movie about earthquakes? Just because I read the report and believed in its science and truth After the founding of the People's Republic of China, we only had one strong earthquake, and after so many years, we have almost forgotten it, which is very dangerous and terrible."

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