rebirth of change

Chapter 2544 Becomes a Battlefield of Struggle

Chapter 2544 Becomes a Battlefield of Struggle

Although He Baoguo is the governor of the province, to respond to such a big event, he can't just say it. At the very least, he needs the strong support of one person, and that person is the current provincial party committee. Secretary Zhou Yongfu.

He Baoguo was new here, if he didn't get Zhou Yongfu's support, he wouldn't be able to do what he wanted to do.

He Baoguo is not afraid to blindly follow Chen Kangjie's thoughts and opinions on this kind of safety that concerns the overall situation, but he can't pretend he didn't see such a report issued by the National Geophysical Research Center. of sexual and scientific value.

If he ignored it, if it happened, not to mention what Chen Kangjie would think of him, he would become the sinner of the whole province and even the people of the whole country in terms of conscience, and self-blame and shame would make him restless for the rest of his life.

So, He Baoguo took the research report given by Chen Kangjie to Zhou Yongfu's office to report and discuss with him.If the first and second leaders reach a consensus on this matter, then it will be easier to persuade other comrades in the party.

However, when Zhou Yongfu saw such a piece of information that He Baoguo presented, he sneered a little.

"Comrade Baoguo, you have only come to Xichuan, and you may not have a deep understanding of our Xichuan. Although there are many mountainous areas in Xichuan, and geological disasters do occur from time to time, but... the earthquake is still very strong. Earthquakes, in the history we know, haven't happened much..."

"Secretary Zhou, it's the report of the National Center for Geophysical Research..." He Baoguo didn't completely trust Chen Kangjie, but he didn't quite agree with Zhou Yongfu's reckless veto.

"Comrade Baoguo, the report of the National Geophysical Research Center is just a guess. Scientists all over the world have a problem, that is, they like to exaggerate. It seems that if they don't do this, they can't show their ability and importance. They themselves It’s just for researching this. I don’t think it’s surprising that there are such reports. If they say that our country will not have major earthquakes in the future, it will be surprising. Doesn’t that mean denying their importance? There won’t be any. Why does the government allocate so much money to them every year for a big earthquake?" Zhou Yongfu said casually, throwing a cigarette to He Baoguo.

Zhou Yongfu will not study the content of the report in detail at all. He only needs one thing, which is not to let that happen now. He only needs the whole province to develop stably for another year or two.

He will retire in a year, and what happens next has nothing to do with him.But now, if people's hearts are fluctuating and society is tense, they can't get rid of him. He is still the secretary of the provincial party committee and the leader of the provincial team.

Of course, there is another point, Zhou Yongfu regards this as a power struggle between him and He Baoguo.

If it was brought up by other people, Zhou Yongfu might not be so indifferent, but it was He Baoguo who raised it, and his reaction would be completely different.

Now that He Baoguo has just arrived, he has not yet established his own team, nor has he grasped much power.But if Zhou Yongfu also believes and supports this research report, another situation will arise.

To prevent such tragedies from happening, and to minimize disaster losses, a series of actions must be taken, such as personnel training, infrastructure construction, science popularization, material hoarding, immigration relocation, etc., which will involve Various aspects and fields.

Most of these tasks are the responsibility of the provincial government, and this matter was brought up by He Baoguo, so it will naturally be carried out systematically by him.As long as he takes the lead to implement this matter, it means that he will have a lot of power in his hands. In a short time, Zhou Yongfu is not willing to see this situation appear.

As a leader, no one wants their rights and authority to be challenged.

Zhou Yongfu knew He Baoguo well. He Baoguo was not a rookie who had just reached the provincial and ministerial level. He was already an old bird, and his qualifications were not much worse than him.If He Baoguo has solid power now, even if he, Zhou Yongfu, has a year to go before leaving his post, I am afraid that he has to enter the state of resignation ahead of time.

The officialdom is very, very realistic. In Xichuan, almost everyone in the officialdom knows that Zhou Yongfu’s age is about to reach the limit, and they all know that He Baoguo’s future road will be longer than Zhou Yongfu’s. Under such circumstances, the people below will continue to be firm. support Zhou Yongfu, or consider turning a corner to curry favor with He Baoguo?

The answer is not difficult to come up with. One sun is about to set and another sun is about to rise. Although the ebb and flow of that situation is subtle, it has become more and more clear.

He Baoguo had just arrived, and Zhou Yongfu could still rely on his prestige to suppress him. Even if the people below had some thoughts, they still didn't dare to reveal them to the public.

But once He Baoguo is in power, there will be a reversal. At the very least, it will be logical and natural to report to He Baoguo, and being summoned by He Baoguo is justified.

I'm afraid that by then, He Baoguo's office will be full of guests, while his side will be deserted.

Therefore, no matter which angle it is, Zhou Yongfu must find a way to block this matter.

"Secretary Zhou, science has a certain degree of rigor. I believe that the National Geophysical Research Center dare not make fun of such things casually. Even if they have some exaggerated elements, as our government, we should not take it lightly. Now, we are a province with a large population. It is not a bad thing to take some preventive measures. Otherwise, if it happens, it will affect not a few dozens of people, but hundreds of millions of people. We simply cannot bear that responsibility. They have their scientific judgment, and we also have our political responsibility." He Baoguo said earnestly.

He Baoguo grasped Zhou Yongfu's consideration just by rolling his eyes.

If Zhou Yongfu hadn't looked so frivolous, He Baoguo would have been fine, and the possibility of delaying this matter would have become extremely high.

But since he knew that Zhou Yongfu regarded it as an arena for power struggle, He Baoguo would naturally do the opposite.

He Baoguo came to be governor to do the actual work, not just for display.Zhou Yongfu wanted to suppress him, He Baoguo naturally resisted.

Even if it wasn't for the so-called righteousness of the people, and for Dan Dan to get back his own rights and secure the throne of governor, He Baoguo would have to fight hard.

If outsiders know that He Baoguo retreated after being beaten by Zhou Yongfu, then whoever will seek refuge with him will follow him.No matter in officialdom or in society, people only like and follow the strong, on the contrary, they look down on and cast aside the weak.

"Because we have political responsibilities, we must first make a political judgment. Can this geophysical research center confirm that a strong earthquake must occur here? Can they predict the time clearly? They have confirmed the exact location and intensity of the epicenter I believe there are none of these, even if we talk about probability, how much is their probability? Comrade Baoguo, you have to know, once this news is released, how can we attract investment? Who would be willing to spend a lot of money? Funds are placed in a place where huge disasters are lurking? How can ordinary people engage in production with peace of mind, I am afraid that if they have some money, they will find a way to escape and hide as far away as possible. This is human nature, don’t think it will not happen. It stands to reason that you are the governor, and economic development is your authority and responsibility, but I, the squad leader, should also take overall responsibility for the social stability and long-term stability of the province." Zhou Yongfu seemed a little tougher, and all kinds of big Reasons are all brought out.

Facing Zhou Yongfu's series of arguments, He Baoguo was really a little hard to argue with.At least what he said is the real situation, which is the trend that will happen in common sense.

Especially for large-scale investment projects, investors will indeed regard earthquakes as an extremely important consideration indicator. Safety is a prerequisite for all investors. If not, then He Baoguo's official career may have come to an end here.

But is this the end of the matter?Just let Zhou Yongfu make the final decision?He Baoguo was still a little unwilling.

At this time, He Baoguo thought of Chen Kangjie again, and thought of the scene where Chen Kangjie suggested him to come to Xichuan a few months ago in the capital.

Perhaps that kid had anticipated this situation at that time, otherwise, he wouldn't have been asked to come to Xichuan blindly.

In the past ten or twenty years, the road that Chen Kangjie has traveled is hard to predict and judge with ordinary mind.As if he seemed to have some special ability, he had a very precise grasp of various situations, otherwise, He Baoguo and Chen Qigang would not have reached the high positions they are today.

He didn't admit it with his mouth, but He Baoguo knew in his heart that they had received a lot of help from Chen Kangjie in their official career, but in turn, they didn't help him much.

Whether to continue to trust Chen Kangjie now has become a very difficult choice for He Baoguo.

If he believed Chen Kangjie's judgment, then he had to actively fight for it, but he had to bear the price for the consequences of fighting for it.

If you don't trust Chen Kangjie, or don't trust the researchers at the National Geophysical Research Center, you must stop now.

Anyway, He Baoguo has not fallen out with Zhou Yongfu yet, and the relationship between the two can still be maintained.Now that I am shrinking back, the big deal is to just follow the steps and wait for about a year. At that time, Zhou Yongfu will leave and I will take over, so I can do what I want to do according to my own ideas.

"Secretary Zhou, do you think this is good? We are not making decisions arbitrarily. We first invite the team from the National Geophysical Research Center to give us an explanation report, so that we can have an intuitive understanding of the actual situation. What do you think when we make a rational decision?” In the end, He Baoguo neither advanced nor retreated, but made a relatively conservative and safe decision.

If the scientists can convince him then he will fight, if not, then follow Zhou Yongfu's wishes.

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