rebirth of change

Chapter 2545 Chen Kangjie wants to cheat

Chapter 2545 Chen Kangjie wants to cheat

He Baoguo wanted to find an expert to learn more about it. Zhou Yongfu had no way to refuse or stop this point. Only by getting a deep understanding can we take countermeasures.

Chen Kangjie knew what was going on when he learned that the Xichuan Provincial Party Committee and the Provincial Government were going to invite scientists from the National Geophysical Research Center to Tianfu to give a scientific report.

He was worried that the National Geophysical Research Center didn't pay enough attention to it, and it was just a matter of business, so he took Liu Deyi to the capital.

Director Hou of the Geophysical Research Center attached great importance to and welcomed the arrival of Chen Kangjie and Liu Deyi.

The development of their research center over the years, the training of personnel, the improvement of scientific research conditions and living conditions have all benefited from the unremitting support and sponsorship of the Huatang Foundation. Still a deserted place.

In recent years, with the opening up of the society and the development of the economy, our basic research has entered a somewhat unpopular environment, and the applied research has become much more popular, and many talented talents will choose finance, computer, economics, etc. Management and other industries.

It is difficult to earn money by doing basic research, and it is extremely boring, which is not directly proportional to the vigorous development of this society.The government’s allocation of research funds is sometimes stretched. There are too many places to spend money, especially like to invest money in places and fields where benefits can be seen quickly. Basic research obviously does not meet such standards .

In Beijing, there are many research institutes and research centers, but there are very few of them that don't worry about funding like the National Geophysical Research Center.Some research institutes even faced problems in paying salaries, and unnecessarily reorganized, merged, or even abolished.

Now the country's allocation of funds to the National Geophysical Research Center only accounts for less than 20.00% of their funding needs. Therefore, although it is still a scientific research institution belonging to the country, in fact, the one that has the greatest influence on them has become Hua Hua. church foundation.

Director Hou was a professor at the University of Geosciences before, and was transferred to the director of the National Geophysical Research Center four years ago. However, he is not the chief scientist of this research center. The chief scientist is an academician. Although Director Hou is also a geological expert, he is now More like a manager.

Director Hou's job is to actively provide logistics support services for the various teams of the research center, and raising funds has become his most important job content.

"Director Hou, how is the satellite remote sensing monitoring system project in our research center going?" Liu Deyi asked concerned after sitting down with a cup of tea.

"Thank you, Mr. Liu, for your concern. The progress is very smooth. This is due to your generous support. If you want to wait for the country to pay attention to this project before appropriating funds, I am afraid it will take more than two years to complete the procedure. Now we have contacted the Aviation Industry Corporation. A cooperation agreement has been reached over there to jointly develop this system. Once this satellite system is completed, it will greatly improve our ability to prevent disasters on the earth, and improve our ability and means of disaster prevention and mitigation. Since we have already accumulated a certain amount of technology before, So if it is soon, we will be able to launch the first remote sensing monitoring satellite at the beginning of the year at the end of the year, and within five years, the entire system will be able to build a network and operate." Director Hou introduced.

"It will take another five years to build a network?" Chen Kangjie was a little surprised.

If it takes five years to build a network, wouldn't it be impossible to keep up with the 08 earthquake?

"According to our progress, we need such time, because whether it is the development and launch of satellites or the establishment of monitoring stations, these will take time." Director Hou replied.

"Can't it be a little earlier? Two years in advance, or a year and a half in advance." Chen Kangjie's question is based on timing.

"Hehe, Mr. Chen, it's not that it can't be advanced at all, it's just that scientific research has its own rules, and our funds are also allocated according to the consumption of each stage. There is also a connection between the following departments. Question." Director Hou had dealt with Chen Kangjie several times, not only knew that he was making a movie about earthquakes, received technical assistance from them, and the National Geophysical Research Center would be the filming location, but he also knew Chen Kangjie He has extraordinary influence on the Huatang Foundation, so he speaks very politely.

Based on Liu Deyi's previous status as Chen Kangjie's assistant, he already knew Chen Kangjie's influence.

"Then, can't several departments work at the same time, and then assemble the system at the end? Big companies like Boeing in the United States operate in this way." Chen Kangjie owns an aircraft company, so the operation of foreign counterparts is very important. understand.

"In the manufacturing process, of course it is possible, but in the research and development process, it is not easy, and it is not conducive to saving research and development funds." Although Director Hou is not the chief scientist of the research center, as a top domestic expert, it is impossible for him to treat himself The field of management and research is completely unknown.

"Director Hou, try to advance as early as possible. You don't have to worry about the funds. If it is not enough, we will help raise it." Liu Deyi, as Chen Kangjie's assistant, could understand what Chen Kangjie meant.

"Thank you very much, Mr. Liu, don't worry, each of our researchers is diligent and conscientious. This year we have trained more than [-] masters and doctors. Except for some of them will be sent abroad for further study, the rest will Stay and add to the various teams. Mr. Chen, aren’t you filming in Xichuan? Did you encounter any scientific problems this time and need our assistance?” As the director, Director Hou is Very sociable.

"It's okay so far. The information you have sorted out for me is sufficient. I don't need any problems for the time being. During the post-production, I need your experts to help me check it out. I'm here this time to discuss something with Director Hou. .”

"Mr. Chen, tell me, what's the matter, as long as our side can be effective, we will do our best to assist." Director Hou is quite straightforward.

"It's like this. First of all, I hope you can complete the construction of the testing center in Tianfu as soon as possible, and the construction of the Xichuan earthquake monitoring network as soon as possible. On the other hand, didn't you publish a report on the major earthquake in Xichuan before?" The disaster prediction report? This report has attracted the attention of the provincial party committee and the provincial government. They plan to invite your experts to give an academic lecture. I hope our center and Director Hou can pay more attention to it.” Chen Kangjie first half Part of it is straightforward, but the second half is more cryptic.

Director Hou looked at Chen Kangjie, and then at Liu Deyi, "Is this... more important? Our evaluation report has already paid much attention to it. How can we improve this...? We can’t tell the Xichuan Provincial Party Committee and Provincial Government what kind of earthquake will happen in a certain year, right? We can’t do this right now, and neither can the whole world.”

"Director Hou, of course you don't need to do that, but you can definitely emphasize the severity and increase the possibility appropriately. The local government attaches importance to this work, which is a great good thing for you, and it shows that you The scientific research has sufficient value. Don’t think that this will mislead the local government and let the local government make preparations for disaster prevention and mitigation. This is a good thing. Although we don’t know when it will happen, at least If these preparations are done well, there will be no mistakes. If your predictions are correct, then you will become famous all over the world, and maybe you will be awarded a Nobel Prize in Physics. I know you are in Tianfu There's an earthquake brigade over there..."

"Although we can use the data of the earthquake brigade, it does not belong to us, but to the National Earthquake Administration." Director Hou corrected Chen Kangjie's not-so-rigorous statement.

"Although this is the case, after your research and policy center is established, the earthquake brigade can be included in your field, isn't it? Well, let's get down to business. First of all, I don't have any bad intentions. You study geology. You should I am very aware of the horror and damage of earthquakes. I am making movies about earthquakes, and I am also aware of the tragedy. We cannot prevent earthquakes from happening, but we can reduce the impact of disasters. Think about it, The loss of personnel caused by the Great Kanto Earthquake in Japan is much smaller than that caused by our earthquake in the 70s. Why? At least it has something to do with their emphasis on this matter. The earthquake resistance level of buildings has been greatly improved, and people’s awareness of earthquakes Scientific understanding has greatly improved. Do the Japanese know that they will have an earthquake next year or the year after? They don't know either, but one thing they do know is that they have no way to completely avoid earthquakes. Just like in your assessment report As I said, Xichuan belongs to the geologically active zone, and the probability of earthquakes is very high. There is nothing wrong with this, right? In this case, why don’t we let the local government pay attention to this matter? Do we have to wait for the bloody lesson? Do you think about it after it happened? I don’t think this is in line with the spirit of scientists.” In order to convince Director Hou, Chen Kangjie really racked his brains.

It is not easy for a liberal arts student to convince a rational scientist.

"Then you said we should give them a conclusion?" Director Hou asked after a moment of pondering.

"There will be a major earthquake within four years, and the magnitude of the earthquake will not be lower than eight, and the location is in the mountainous area of ​​the geologically active zone." Chen Kangjie replied instinctively.

"No, it's impossible for us to say that, especially within four years. Frankly speaking, we don't dare to say that at all. We don't have reliable scientific data to support this number of years. It may be four years, or it may be 40 years. years, it may be 400 years, if we judge four years, the risk is really great, we simply cannot bear such a risk.”

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