rebirth of change

Chapter 2546 Academic Report Meeting

Chapter 2546 Academic Report Meeting

Chen Kangjie frowned. If the time could not be limited, if the urgency could not be increased, then the cooperation from the government would inevitably decrease.

"Mr. Chen, I don't know why you are so urgent. Do you really have a premonition that there will be a major earthquake there in four years? This kind of prediction is almost impossible in the scientific community. Many scientists in the United States also predict There will be a major earthquake on the line from Los Angeles to San Francisco, but after so many years, it has not happened, this is a worldwide problem, why don't you talk to the relevant units and leaders of the National Earthquake Administration?" Seeing Chen Kangjie frowning, Hou The director turned around.

Regardless of whether they could cooperate or not, Director Hou didn't want to freeze his relationship with Chen Kangjie and the others, which would be detrimental to him and the National Geophysical Research Center.

Chen Kangjie shook his head depressingly. It was difficult for them to cooperate with academic researchers, not to mention the group of people from the National Earthquake Administration, they were even more impossible.If it was possible there, why would Chen Kangjie bother to talk so hard here?

"Although I have a premonition that this thing is empty and empty, I really have such a premonition, Director Hou, do you think this is good, just use a length of time that can be advanced, attacked, retreated, and defended. Within a few years, how can you Like?" Chen Kangjie still wanted to make a breakthrough here.

The National Geophysical Research Center is the most authoritative earthquake research unit in China. Their role may not be as formal as that of the National Earthquake Administration, but their weight is not low.

This unit is mainly funded by Chen Kangjie, so communication is obviously easier than other departments.

"Within a few years?" Director Hou asked suspiciously.

"Yes, anyway, I didn't say how many years. Three years or five years is fine, ten years or eight years is fine, or even ten or twenty years is acceptable. Anyway, it is an approximate number, and you can explain it in any way you want."

Director Hou still hesitated: "We... don't we seem a little opportunistic? It seems to be suspected of cheating."

"Director Hou, this is just flexibility. Scientific research needs to be rigorous, but being a human being requires flexibility. It is very important that we do this not to harm anyone, nor to make profits for us. After all, we still do it for the sake of Countless ordinary people pay attention to the prevention of earthquakes for the sake of our country, instead of paying a terrible price before returning to pay attention. Just like SARS two years ago, we have not established effective prevention and control The system and open mechanism made us pay such a high price. If we had prepared and prevented it three years earlier, would it be so difficult to deal with it? I think the situation is definitely much better. What are you doing geophysical research for? Is it just to have a salary to support the family? Or is it for personal academic status? I don’t think so, you are not so narrow-minded, you must have a purpose, that is, your scientific research is beneficial to the country and mankind, let us Deepen our understanding of the earth, so that we can effectively prevent the disasters brought by the earth and effectively use the resources of the earth. But don't forget, your research results need to be promoted by the government and the industry, otherwise it will only be pale It’s meaningless.” Chen Kangjie gave full play to his eloquence, and he wanted to convince Director Hou.

"Okay, I'll do as you say." The half-haired director Hou was a little excited by Chen Kangjie's words, and when he got excited, he agreed to Chen Kangjie casually.

Chen Kangjie grabbed Director Hou's hand and kept shaking it excitedly, "Director Hou, thank you, one day you will find out what a meritorious thing you have done, thank you."

As long as Director Hou agrees, how they communicate and integrate internally, how to prepare relevant data and materials, that is their business. Chen Kangjie is a layman, and it is impossible to go further to play guiding chess.

After Director Hou assigned this task, Chen Kangjie's so-called premonition attracted the attention of Academician Yang Zhihong, the chief scientist of the National Geophysical Research Center. Academician Yang Zhihong was one of the researchers who went to Japan to do investigation and research during the Great Kanto Earthquake.For scientific research, academician Yang Zhihong not only traveled all over the country, but also went to South America, Europe, the United States and other places prone to earthquake disasters for field investigations.

Four years ago, Academician Yang Hongyuan was elected as an academician of the Academy of Sciences as an authoritative geophysical scientist in China. He proposed the remote sensing satellite monitoring system, and he led the team to carry out technical research.

After academician Yang Hongyuan noticed it, he took Xichuan's geological data and monitoring data over the past few decades separately for collation and research.

Not to mention, he really found something valuable. Through the establishment and analysis of the data model, he really felt that the geological belt of Xichuan was becoming more and more active, and it was very likely that a major earthquake disaster would occur.

Chen Kangjie's "within a few years" was originally just a technical inducement, but Academician Yang Hongyuan really thought so.

Therefore, when he led the team to accept the invitation of the Xichuan Provincial Party Committee and the Provincial Government to give a report in Tianfu, his tone became a lot more affirmative.

Of course, academician Yang Hongyuan is not sure how and when the earthquake will occur. He only came to the conclusion that the possibility is very high after analysis and research.

The main leaders of the Xichuan Provincial Party Committee and Provincial Government attended this academic report, but the form was kept secret, and no media interviews or reports were allowed.

The consideration of the Provincial Party Committee and the Provincial Government is not to cause panic. Before a decisive conclusion is reached, the circle and influence must be controlled.

"...The above are our research results. Of course, in order to further obtain more detailed data, if the provincial party committee and the provincial government cooperate, we can establish a more rigorous and scientific monitoring network in the province. For example, some testing equipment Bury it regularly to a depth of [-] meters, and through data collection for a period of time, you may be able to get a more accurate judgment." In the report, academician Yang Hongyuan said.

"Academician Yang, I listened carefully to your scientific report just now, why do I feel that you are still quite ambiguous, it seems that a big earthquake is about to happen here, it seems unlikely, this... huh, such a conclusion, we I’m a little clueless.” Sitting in the middle of the oval conference room, Zhou Yongfu, Secretary of the Provincial Party Committee, looked around at the colleagues of the Provincial Party Committee and Provincial Government and said with a smile.

Zhou Yongfu's purpose is very clear, it is to hope that everyone will work together to veto this "ridiculous" conclusion.

As long as the scientists are not 100% sure, then the administrative power has a lot of room for manipulation. Whether it is finally adopted or not depends on how the provincial leaders here decide.

"Secretary Zhou, earthquake science is a worldwide problem. So far, we humans have no way to go deep into the ground thousands of meters or even deeper for exploration, sampling and detection. This is very special in the world's scientific community. The study of the atmosphere There can be satellites, hot air balloons, radar stations, and even take a plane to the sky to observe, take pictures, and collect data. Our data sources are relatively weak. Because of this, so far, no one in the world can accurately predict Some kind of earthquake is going to happen in a certain place. There is no way to do it at present, but this does not mean that our research is unscientific. Although the accuracy is still lacking, the trend and direction can still be grasped to a certain extent , we know that the Indian Ocean plate is moving northward at a speed of ten centimeters every year, the Eurasian plate is being squeezed, Mount Everest is growing taller every year, and due to the influence of gravity, the east side of the plateau along the Longmen Mountain is gradually sinking , and faced with the stubborn resistance of the Xichuan Basin, it will inevitably lead to the long-term accumulation of tectonic stress energy. This accumulation of energy cannot last forever, and it will be released when it reaches a zero point, and when it is released, it will cause violent Earthquake." Academician Yang did not understand Zhou Yongfu's purpose, but thought that he was doubting his academic ability.

"Academician Yang, you just said that we are under more and more pressure here, but this situation did not happen recently. Why do you think that there will be a major earthquake in our place within a few years?" He Baoguo asked the question from the perspective of He is different from Zhou Yongfu, and his face is serious, which reflects that his tendency on this issue is different from Zhou Yongfu.

Zhou Yongfu made a gesture, and He Baoguo also used a subtle way to emphasize his attitude.

No one here is not human, they naturally know how to observe.It is impossible for He Baoguo to let everyone be led away after Zhou Yongfu said a word. At the same time, he also wanted to test his influence among his colleagues.

"Governor He, our earthquake brigade in Tianfu will report a certain amount of monitoring data every year. Another important reason is the geological structure of our side... the geological structure of our side It has a fragile side, and its force is relatively limited. Because of this, it is very likely that a shallow earthquake will occur, and the destructive power of a shallow earthquake will be greater than that of a deep earthquake... "Academician Yang replied.

Academician Yang also came prepared, so the relevant preparations are quite sufficient.

"Academician Yang, I want to know, have you reported to the National Seismological Bureau, and what does the National Seismological Bureau think of it?" Zhou Yongfu asked grasping a key point.

"This...should not have been reported to the State Earthquake Administration." Academician Yang couldn't have lied about such an issue.

"If this is the case, I think you should report it, and then the National Earthquake Administration will organize relevant experts to conduct a consultation to draw a more reliable conclusion. Without the professional guidance of the National Earthquake Administration, it would be difficult for us to know. What should be done." Zhou Yongfu planned to push this question away with a few words.

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