rebirth of change

Chapter 2547 Contest to the Center

Chapter 2547 contest to the center

He Baoguo had no way to object to Zhou Yongfu's views or attitudes. If he followed the procedures of the National Earthquake Administration, it would indeed be helpful for the driver's operation and to obtain a certain amount of financial support from the central government.

If you really want to make preventive preparations, you will definitely need a lot of money. After the tax reform, the financial resources of the local governments are far inferior to those of the central government, so obtaining support from the central government has become an indispensable link.

However, after this academic report meeting, the Xichuan Provincial Party Committee and Provincial Government did not reach a unified conclusion.This reflects from one aspect that although He Baoguo is new here, few people are willing to offend him.

If everyone agreed with Zhou Yongfu's opinion, then He Baoguo would be alone, but that situation did not happen.

Everyone's calculations are accurate. It is true that Zhou Yongfu is the Secretary of the Provincial Party Committee, but he is the Secretary of the Provincial Party Committee who has entered the countdown. No one else here is clear about this.

And He Baoguo is now the governor of the province, and it is basically a certainty that he will take over as the secretary of the provincial party committee in a year's time. It is obviously unwise to jump out and offend him at this time.

No one wants to offend Zhou Yongfu, he is still the squad leader, but no one wants to offend He Baoguo, he is the future squad leader.Therefore, everyone can only pretend to be confused, neither side will agree, and no one will be offended.

Some people would say that Zhou Yongfu could think of a way to take He Baoguo off or squeeze him away.In fact, this is basically impossible. For such an important personnel arrangement, it is impossible for the central government to replace He Baoguo in a short period of time. Even if there are some considerations to replace him, Zhou Yongfu should be replaced.

Knowing that the route went back to the National Seismological Bureau, Chen Kangjie was really a little downcast.

To follow that path means protracted time.

Does the National Earthquake Administration dare to make forward-looking decisions boldly?Absolutely impossible. From their point of view, the most likely thing they dare to do is to report to the central government and wait for the central government's decision.Before the central government makes a decision, the National Earthquake Administration will not move at all, they just need to follow the steps.

Sure enough, when the National Geophysical Research Center submitted their research report to the National Earthquake Administration, it disappeared without a word.

There are too many important government affairs that the central government has to deal with. To be honest, this kind of uncertain forecast may be sent to the deputy prime minister in charge. I don’t know how long it will last. It may be one year, two years, three years or five years. .

The National Earthquake Administration itself is a cold government office, which to a certain extent determines that their influence is not great.In the absence of an earthquake, there may not be a single piece of news about this unit appearing in important media throughout the year.

Others can wait, others can procrastinate, but Chen Kangjie can't, he can't wait, the biggest difference between him and others is that he has personally experienced that historical moment, and he clearly knows the real existence of that earthquake.

So Chen Kangjie decided that for those people who still don't know anything about this piece of land, he will go to Beijing to dredge it himself.

This matter does not have to be elevated to the level of national strategy, at least, it should be given enough attention by Xichuan Province.Otherwise, it will be wasted, and when the tragedy really happens, it will be too late.

"Xiaojie, you want to go to the central government to make a statement?" In He Baoguo's house, after hearing what Chen Kangjie was doing, He Baoguo's expression became a little serious.

It is impossible for Chen Kangjie to pass by Tianfu before entering Beijing without saying hello to He Baoguo first.

He Baoguo is partial to Chen Kangjie to a certain extent, but he is the second-in-command no matter what, there is no instruction from the central government, and there is no unified opinion in the provinces below, so for He Baoguo, he can only wait, or wait for changes. .

This was originally a matter of Xichuan Province, but Chen Kangjie came here to run it, which made He Baoguo feel that it was a bit out of date.

"Yes, this matter cannot be dragged on. We must do something, otherwise, we are irresponsible to tens of millions of people. The safety of people's lives and property is above all else." Chen Kangjie said solemnly.

"But the problem is that there are still many uncertainties, and the central government has no explanation." This is exactly what makes He Baoguo feel embarrassed.

"That's why I have to go to the central government to make a statement. Now everyone seems to be gambling, but in fact we can't do this at all. Maybe the probability of it happening is only 50.00%, or 5.00%, even 90.00%. However, we must It is regarded as [-]%, because even if it is [-]%, as long as it happens, the [-]% nine that many people think is meaningless. In fact, no matter how we bet, we will lose, because what we bet on is not It is a question of how much money is invested, but thousands of lives." Chen Kangjie said impassionedly.

Speaking of these, Chen Kangjie felt somewhat vented towards He Baoguo.

From Chen Kangjie's point of view, if He Baoguo insisted on reasoning, the situation would actually be better.He Baoguo is at least the governor of the province, and he has a great say in the province. In the central government, he can also talk to some leaders.But he was a little negative and didn't make any further moves, which forced Chen Kangjie to jump to the front of the stage by himself.

Facing Chen Kangjie's words, He Baoguo remained silent. He had his own difficulties, but his difficulties could not be brought in front of Chen Kangjie.That's not what a responsible cadre should do, especially when facing Chen Kangjie.

"Godfather, I suggest you treat this matter as a top priority. Although the governor's duty is to develop the economy, but at present, I think this matter is more important than economic development. Maybe you did something wrong and it will make you a little ashamed , It’s a big loss of face, but you have to think about it, what if you do it right? If you do it right, the political achievements you will bring will probably be more dazzling than the 1000 billion to 2000 billion gdp you created. Your benevolent government will make The people of the whole province will always remember you, and the people of the whole country will look at you with admiration." Seeing He Baoguo's silence, Chen Kangjie paused for a while, and remonstrated affectionately.

If Chen Kangjie didn't know that the earthquake would really happen, Chen Kangjie wouldn't be able to say such a thing, because it has a bit of a teaching flavor, which is obviously not in line with Chen Kangjie's identity, let alone his relationship with He Baoguo.

"I see, I will seek a feasible strategic path, but...after you enter Beijing, I suggest that you do not go to the bureaucrats of the State Earthquake Administration. Since you want to make a statement, you should directly face Comrade Zhao Zhibang, If Comrade Zhao Zhibang supports your attitude and viewpoint, then the specific operation can be modified. After you leave, I will call Comrade Tan Changguo and Vice Premier Wang to give a special report." He Baoguo said deeply.

Of course, He Baoguo was not comfortable being spoken in a pedagogical tone by a junior, but he would not take Chen Kangjie's words lightly.

Obviously, Chen Kangjie was determined to do such a thing. Not only did he make a movie, but he also directly stood up and asked him to find the central government to clear it up. It can be seen that this matter made him very concerned and worried.

In the past 20 or [-] years, this is the first time that He Baoguo has seen Chen Kangjie take a matter so seriously. It seems that even if others do not support him, he still has the momentum and plan to turn the tide.

He Baoguo didn't understand why Chen Kangjie was so persistent, but he seemed to have made up his mind, whether it was for business or personal reasons, it was hard for him not to help Chen Kangjie.

Just like what Chen Kangjie said, what if he made the right bet, let alone whether he gets promoted or not, at least he is worthy of his position and his status as a party member.

After Chen Kangjie left, He Baoguo actually called the two leaders to report.

Sure enough, the central government did not discuss this matter at all, and they never even heard of such a thing.However, after listening to He Baoguo's report, the two leaders expressed that they would look into it and help those who could.

In fact, this matter was suppressed so thoroughly that there were human factors in it.

This human factor is caused by Vice Premier Li Daokui who is in charge of the Earthquake Administration.

In fact, Li Daokui had already received feedback from the Seismological Bureau long in advance. However, the report reported by the Seismological Bureau was equivalent to being thrown into the trash can by him.

Why did Lee Do-kui do this?This, of course, started with He Baoguo being appointed governor of Xichuan Province.

At that time, Li Daokui had a candidate he liked, and he made a positive recommendation.

Li Daokui had already done a lot of communication work, but who knew that He Baoguo would come out halfway to compete for such a position that was a bit tasteless to him.

In Li Daokui's view, if He Baoguo wants to fight, he should fight for the secretary of the provincial party committee. Why put aside the more important thing and choose the second best? This is simply a slap in the face of him.

In the end, He Baoguo had complete qualifications and a good reputation, and successfully won this position. The person recommended by Li Daokui could only continue to endure in the original unit and wait for the next opportunity to appear.

If it was just because of such a matter, Li Daokui might not be particularly obstructive, it was his job after all, and he didn't know He Baoguo's attitude on this matter.

However, Zhou Yongfu found Li Daokui. After Zhou Yongfu's embellished words, Li Daokui threw the information sent by the Earthquake Bureau and did not know where to go.

Li Daokui would not explicitly suppress He Baoguo, but it was also impossible for him to carry a sedan chair to present his political achievements.

Even if this matter is to be done, he cannot leave it to He Baoguo.

Li Daokui is not worried about whether it is appropriate for him to do this. This is his field of responsibility, and he has a lot of power to speak. Besides, Zhou Yongfu endorsed him. The Secretary of the Provincial Party Committee of Xichuan thinks it is not important and urgent Well, why should he actively promote it? The truth makes perfect sense.

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